Foods from your past- What you know now...



  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    Mammoth muffins!
  • roxannemezzapesamulder
    Applebee's Oriental Chicken Salad. Over 1000 calories for a salad :noway: I still cannot believe it :sad:
  • MaggieGiamalvo
    MaggieGiamalvo Posts: 397 Member
    I used to have a golden syrup sandwich (or two, on buttered thick white bread of course!) as a snack.

    The calories...the sugar...the HORROR hahahah

    Haha that's so english! Sounds so good. I once remember eating an entire LOAF of sugar and butter on toast with my brother when we were teenagers.

    OMG! I had forgotten about my childhood "bedtime snack"... white bread, butter, sugar... sometimes a light sprinkle of cinnamon, too. I gave that up yeeeeears ago, though... pre-weight issues days.
  • Kixshots
    Kixshots Posts: 74 Member
    Pizza for sure
    especially Dominoes, I used to get through a large dominoes pizza + maybe a side too (granted I would feel a bit sick after) never realised I was probably eating 3000-4000 calories lol
  • PNewmanTx
    PNewmanTx Posts: 16 Member
    Yep, pizza is probably my biggest downfall. I used to eat a lot of cookies, chips, etc. and thought I'd miss them, but after reading the nutritional content, I'd rather not have to pay for it with extra time on the treadmill. Now, if I want something sweet after dinner, I'll measure out some Greek yogurt and add fresh blueberries to it. Not *quite* as satisfying as Blue Bell ice cream, but I'll happily take the trade off.
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    Those tiny solid Cadbury's easter eggs. It's reaching that time of year again and wow; those things are a shocker. I used to eat a whole bag of those damn things! Nowadays my maximum is 3.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    I definitely used to use pasta as a comfort food, not chips or pizza etc, always pasta, healthy you might think? Not how I measured it.
    Easily half a bag at a time, around 250g I'm guessing, never used to weigh it. Easily well over 1500 calories in pasta alone without the sauce and cheese etc.
    Since going gluten free through choice, I now use gluten free pasta, and not ever more than 60g at a time with plenty of veg, just one of the mistakes I used to make!

    THIS!! The amount of Pasta I ate before must have been a days worth in a sitting!
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Redbull. Long before joining MFP, when I was on my feet 8-12 hours a day running a restaurant, it wasn't uncommon to have at least a 20oz can daily. Actually, nearly all of us drank the stuff. Every day, someone different would bring a supply, and we kept a stash of the small cans in the walk-in, just in case. It was ridiculous how much of it we drank.

    Oh, and alcohol. I was a fish back then- four ketel & club (in pint glasses) was my regular, nevermind the shots. :drinker:
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    Calzones or Stromboli. I'm not sure why I didn't realize that they are basically a WHOLE pizza folded in half or rolled up...probably with even more cheese!! I would down the whole thing at 2000-3000 calories!! The first time I logged that after eating, I wanted to throw up!

    I still give in to the fast food french fries, but not nearly as often! They are my weakness!!! :)
  • junnipr
    junnipr Posts: 18 Member
    ohh!! Chocolate Fudge!!! or any chocolates!!! smh!! so hard to say no sometimes hehe!! but im hanging in there!!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Chocolate... 3 rows of a big chocolate bar or 4-5 truffles/fancy chocolates was a normal serving for me. And cheese... yeah, half a baguette and half a pound of cheese as a snack seems about right. A whole package of Pepperidge Farm cookies (I still love them... never buy them). 2 ice cream bars/drumsticks (Haagen Dazs etc). A serving of ice cream was 2+ cups.

    But yeah restaurant food was the worst. Once a week, 3000 calorie meal.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    It's been a long time since true junk food was a thing, but Cheese..... now Cheese that is an easy downfall form me Grommit

    I've been known to sit down after a (big) meal with the remainder of the wine and polish off oh say half a pound of triple creme cheese with half a baguette, or an equivalent amount of stilton and a half bottle of port. ... so say 2600 calories after the meal. in the case of the stilton and port and the meal probably was in the 1600 -2000 range depending on how much wine. Didn't do this daily but regularly enough that when my cholesterol levels would come back normal it drove my doctor nuts.
    there was a period where my weekly cheese bill would have run between $80-120 depending on if we were entertaining or not. My weekly food bill (before pets and cleaning products) is less than that most weeks now. Same 2 people eating but different financial circumstances and both out to lose weight


    IMGP3022.jpg by Eddie Smith, on Flickr
    Cheese is not bad, its the bread and wine you eat with it.

    No it's also the portions, nothing wrong with bread or wine either (I don't drink at the moment but I still eat bread and cheese - just not half a pound of stilton and a whole baguette in a sitting. in fact i'm pretty selective on bread because it chews up a lot of my daily calories and cheese i stick mostly to lower fat ones like feta with the high fat ones in small portions
    doing the calculation for some of the meals i ate under the auspices of having a couple of people over for dinner was an eye opener (a 3 course meal plus cheese wine and cocktails could easily top 4500-5000 calories or more - and we did that regularly Fun while it lasted (and possible when i was in a less sedentary job) paying for it now
  • mrsgoochy
    mrsgoochy Posts: 61 Member
    Sand and wax?
    Would that be a birthday cake eaten at the beach?

  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    EGGNOG! I used to consume it regularly during season but holy cow, it is disgusting now that I know the has an ungodly amount of calories. I maybe had it once this last season, mostly something so unhealthy doesn't even seem as yummy to me anymore when I know the truth of it's nutrition!

    The happy ending: I learned how to make homemade coffee creamer and eggnog is one of the flavors I have mastered recently! Its so good, and has less sugar, carbs, calories, and is used in such a tiny amount that it beats regular eggnog any day! Plus it has NO PRESERVATIVES like the store bough eggnog and eggnog creamer both :love:
  • Charisma_Black
    Charisma_Black Posts: 87 Member
    KFC was my biggest thing. Like I mean 3 times a week. It was ridiculous. Having something like that as a treat but reasonable portions I guess is ok.

    Bread - I used to have loads of rounds of bread with dinner. Was a hard habit to get out of because I felt full whenever I ate all that bread (obviously!) but I think it was my mindset. Now I rarely eat bread. I don't leave bread in. Although recently I treated myself to making a wee burger so left in wholemeal bread bap. Really enjoyed it too! :)

    Chocolate - When I wanted some I want the massive bars not a tiny bar. Now I rarely eat chocolate. I leave in dark cocoa chocolate and would have two tiny squares to take the craving away plus much better health benefit wise.
  • kpchefai
    kpchefai Posts: 54 Member
    oh my gosh pretty much everything here. I definitely had a skewed vision of portion sizes-especially with pasta and ice cream. Now I am weighing everything and I still am shocked by how small my new servings are. BUT the best part is I am not hungry eating those servings. : )

    The things I stay away from now are enormous servings of pizza, milkshakes, snack packs of cookies/crackers and frozen yogurt with the toppings bar. Don't miss them at all and I feel they would make me sick if I were to eat as much as I used to.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    I regret nada...I'd be a skinny wimp if I hadn't eaten as much when I was younger.

    There's no way I could make myself eat as much as I needed to grow when I was in HS playing football if I'd approached my diet with a "keep it clean" mentality. All that work then has been money in the bank as I'm older, as regaining my prior strength has taken like 4-6 months both times after long layoffs.
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    KFC was my biggest thing. Like I mean 3 times a week. It was ridiculous. Having something like that as a treat but reasonable portions I guess is ok.

    Bread - I used to have loads of rounds of bread with dinner. Was a hard habit to get out of because I felt full whenever I ate all that bread (obviously!) but I think it was my mindset. Now I rarely eat bread. I don't leave bread in. Although recently I treated myself to making a wee burger so left in wholemeal bread bap. Really enjoyed it too! :)

    Chocolate - When I wanted some I want the massive bars not a tiny bar. Now I rarely eat chocolate. I leave in dark cocoa chocolate and would have two tiny squares to take the craving away plus much better health benefit wise.

    I absolutely am I a fan of the Sara Lee bread brand. 90 calories for two slices or 80 calories for a hamburger bun....I can so deal with that, have you thought about trying it? It's very high in fiber too which is good for lowering the carb content (it's like 14 carbs for TWO win in my opinion)
  • ellen3720
    ellen3720 Posts: 1 Member
    One word: Sheetz

    Once I realized I was eating ~500 calories in ranch dressing alone...
  • Jenjenthejetplane1
    Jenjenthejetplane1 Posts: 130 Member
    So this was my normal day before I really got concerned and dedicated to lose weight and get healthy.

    Breakfast would be fast food something like Bojangles.
    Cheddar Biscuit- 346 cals
    Hash Rounds- 230 cals
    Pepsi- 230 cals
    TOTAL: 806 cals just for breakfast!!!!

    Lunch would be fast again since I only had a hour break from work.
    Taco Bell usually :/
    Steak Quesadilla- 520 cals
    Soft Taco- 190 cals
    Large Baja Blast-410
    Total- a shocking 1120 cals

    Dinner was whatever I decided to cook for me and my husband, usually something not to healthy either.

    So total all that up and its 1926 cals just for breakfast and lunch! that's not including the chips or candy I munched on at my desk.

    No wonder I gained so much weight so quickly. I was going through a hard time and turned to ALL the wrong foods I gained probably 15 lbs in about 3 weeks.....

    NEVER AGAIN!!!!! I allow myself one cheat meal a week and I try to not get to crazy with it.