Wrongly labeled foods!



  • Julesoola
    Julesoola Posts: 51 Member
    Researchers can conveniently forget that correlation =/= causation when there's grant money on the line. Even still, most of the journal articles that people cite (and if you're citing any non-peer reviewed website, just stop) on asperatme, etc generally end in "well...we can't really conclude one way or another. More research needed!" AKA "Give us more funding to keep looking".

    The problem is that most people won't read the entire article, don't understand methods behind the experiments, don't really know how to read these articles, don't understand powered statistics or how easily stats can be manipulated or selectively omitted.
  • Boosier3
    Boosier3 Posts: 57 Member
    So this is kind of the same, but different. I scanned the barcode right off a bottle of Blue Diamond Natural Almonds - Dark Chocolate last night, and it showed up on my MFP as some kind of flavored cashews with twice as many calories. How does this happen?!?! :) Wasn't even the right nut!! Haha.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    So this is kind of the same, but different. I scanned the barcode right off a bottle of Blue Diamond Natural Almonds - Dark Chocolate last night, and it showed up on my MFP as some kind of flavored cashews with twice as many calories. How does this happen?!?! :) Wasn't even the right nut!! Haha.
    That's because barcodes aren't the same around the world. Different products can share the same UPC code, and in some cases the same product can have different UPC codes.
  • Boosier3
    Boosier3 Posts: 57 Member
    Good to know! Glad I caught it. So based on that information, can the nutritional information also be skewed at all?
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    The OP is convincing enough that I just might buy a food scale! I am realizing that even eating whole fruits and veggies I'm probably not logging them correctly by just saying "1 banana" or "10 strawberries"

    I have been losing weight without weighing my food, but I know my calorie logging isn't 100% accurate.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Anyone know if those powder tubs of juice mix from Wal-Mart are accurate? IIRC it's 5 cals per cup. The orange juice is great!
  • Paolinat
    Paolinat Posts: 81 Member
    Clearly you have no science background and you are also too lazy too google any of your assumptions.
    Resting pH of stomach pH is 4-5.
    Yes, I meant enamel, but autocorrect preferred animal.
    Chemically, Phosphorous and Phosphoric acid are very different and are not the same.
    Correct, Phosphorous is a component of phosphoric acid. However, Phosphoric acid is linked to chronic kidney disease and lower bone density.
    I appreciate you hold science in high regard, however, I think you need to educate yourself a bit more before giving false information.
    I definitely agree. As for the diet soda, I doubt there's actually much in it since it's nearly all chemicals that your body can't process. But I have noticed since I cut out my diet coke, I don't eat nearly as much. I've read before that it has an effect on your brain not feeling full.
    Wha? Diet sodas are 96% water. Pretty sure your body knows how to process water. The rest of the ingredients are various proteins and minerals that your body digests by the truckload (figuratively speaking) in all the food you eat every day. There's absolutely nothing in a diet soda that you don't already eat.

    Ingredients in diet coke:
    Carbonated water, colour (caramel E150d), sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame-K), natural flavourings including caffeine, phosphoric acid, citric acid. Contains a source of phenylalanine (not a good thing btw)

    Cherry diet coke:
    Carbonated water, natural flavourings including caffeine, colour (caramel E150d), citric acid, sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame-K), phosphoric acid, acidity regulator (E331), tartaric acid. Contains a source of phenylalanine.

    If you're getting any of these besides the carbonated water (and caffiene). in your daily diet, that's not good for your health.

    Again, to each their own, but that's how I feel

    Aspartame - Aspartic Acid and Phenylalanine, both amino acids, phenylalanine is essential for life, aspartic acid is made by the human body.

    Citric Acid - Well gee, our entire human metabolism runs on something called the "Citric Acid cycle," so I'm not sure how long you'd live with no citric acid in your system. Also, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, limes, but I'm guessing you don't eat CITRUS fruits, either, right?

    Phospohoric acid - Well Phosphorus is a major structural component of DNA and RNA, so again, good luck staying alive without it.

    Acesulfame-K - a Potassium salt. Yeah, you need potassium to live also.

    So uh yeah. If you're not getting those things in other foods you eat, you won't be alive. But hey, go ahead and keep on with your fear mongering.


    Your logic is completely flawed, along with your science.
    Citric Acid Cycle/Krebs cycle provides its own buffering systems.
    Phosphoric acid and phosphorus are not the same thing.
    Citric Acid has been proven to tear down the animal in your teeth and affect your stomach negatively. Soda, with a pH of 3 is not healthy.
    Aspartame: Look at the research.

    The fact that taking each ingredient and matching it up to body components on a google search is ludicrous. As you can develop toxicity with vitamins, you can build toxicity with salts and inorganic and organic compounds.

    YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Calories don't matter if you are feeding yourself with horrible food choices. One person wrote that she loves and eats heaps of bacon. Only worried about the fat?! What about all the nitrates and more importantly, it is not a healthy food choice.
    If calories were all that mattered, nutrition facts would not be required. Use MFP to your advantage and track your carbs, fat, protein and also your vitamins and minerals if you want to be healthy and lose weight effectively.
    Citric acid negatively affects your body? Is that why lemons are always being pushed as super healthy?

    And phosphoric acid IS phosphorus. Without phosphorus, there would be no phosphoric acid.

    Also, my teeth don't have animals. I think the word you're looking for is enamel, and tooth enamel is worn down by just about every food a human being eats, tomatoes and strawberries being particularly vicious examples.

    The pH of your stomach is 1, so a soda with a pH of 3 would actually dilute it if anything.

    And finally, there are 100 times more nitrates in leafy greens than your get from bacon.
  • Julesoola
    Julesoola Posts: 51 Member

    Correct, Phosphorous is a component of phosphoric acid. However, Phosphoric acid is linked to chronic kidney disease and lower bone density.

    At what dosage?? Study link? Touting science as you are, I'm assuming you actually have some science to back that up and not some blog post written by someone with a communications degree who probably just ripped the info from some other bozo's blog, etc..

    The difference between any harmless or beneficial substance and a toxic substance is dosage. Because some study found high concentrations of phosphoric acid to be correlated to kidney disease does not make it applicable to real world availability in food products. I'm not advocating drinking buckets of soda, but it's equally reckless to spout off stuff like this because "Google told you so". Phosphoric acid is also used in teeth whitening strips. It's also can be inhaled and is found in most detergents and soaps. But, again, since it's not present in any of these things at toxic doses it doesn't REALISTICALLY pose a threat to most people who are just enjoying a soda here and there.
  • Jacqadactle
    Jacqadactle Posts: 62 Member
    Hey I actually work on food labels for a living! If you're really interested in the rules we have to follow, go to the FDA's website and search for the CFR. It's a really long and complicated set of rules (chapters and chapters) for how to legally label foods in the USA, but if you're really interested it's the place to go. However, that's not to say some companies don't do it wrong, because a lot of them do lol.
  • Jacqadactle
    Jacqadactle Posts: 62 Member
    Paolinat! ::food scientist high five!::
  • Bammitssamm
    Bammitssamm Posts: 27 Member
    I'm not here for the diet soda argument, but there is indeed something inside of sodas, even diet sodas, that make me extremely sick. Sick as in bed with the worst migraine ever and even breathing is extremely painful. Artificial crappy stuff like that is the only things that give me migraines, i've never encountered this with actual real food or drink.

    I don't think people should judge others if they drink it or not, because clearly no matter who "did their research".. god knows what they put in it and if someone doesn't want to drink soda's for that reason, so be it.

    Just my opinion.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    That 0 calorie spray butter? It's actually 8 calories per spray. The government has some kind of guidelines where if it's under x, they can write 0, or something. (You can find out more by Googling, and hopefully someone comes and says I'm wrong, cuz it's delicious).

    Zero calorie soda? I'm not sure about this one, but I've seen quite a few people say they've gained weight after taking diet soda back into their dietary rotation.

    Post all the ones you know (or are curious about, maybe someone else has the answer)! :-)

    Well, first I know that you need to get your facts straight. The zero calorie spray butter is 0.8 calories per spray, NOT 8 calories per spray.

    Second, if a serving, as defined by the manufacturer is less than 5 calories, the FDA encourages the manufacturer to list the food as zero calories.

    As for the soda, a can of diet soda has less than one calorie, therefore by FDA guidelines is allowed to label the soda as zero calories

    Edited to add this: I drink diet sodas literally every day and I have been losing weight. That's another myth exploded.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I love it when things that have very few cals are labeled as zero. Because zero times zero is zero. So I just eat like 50 tablespoons of no calorie stuff and I'm gold.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Confusing labels:

    When weighing chicken (or fish, or whatever) are the calories on the label for the raw meat, or cooked? I always thought cooked because it loses water and stuff, but I'm not sure. Anyone know?

    White rice! It says 160 cals for 1/4th cup...does it mean 1/4th dry or cooked? Huge difference!
  • misfitzchik66
    misfitzchik66 Posts: 13 Member
    Confusing labels:

    When weighing chicken (or fish, or whatever) are the calories on the label for the raw meat, or cooked? I always thought cooked because it loses water and stuff, but I'm not sure. Anyone know?

    White rice! It says 160 cals for 1/4th cup...does it mean 1/4th dry or cooked? Huge difference!

    Pretty sure it means prepared, I don't know of anyone eating dry rice, so why would they put the calories for dried rice on a package? but who knows! just my guess
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    There is someone here pretending to be a food scientist and stating that phenylalanine is bad for you and that soda pH negatively affects us because resting stomach pH is 4-5?



    Edit: typo and egg whites.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I heard air has 1 calorie a breath. The internet told me.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I heard air has 1 calorie a breath. The internet told me.

    Source: Wikipedia
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Confusing labels:

    When weighing chicken (or fish, or whatever) are the calories on the label for the raw meat, or cooked? I always thought cooked because it loses water and stuff, but I'm not sure. Anyone know?

    White rice! It says 160 cals for 1/4th cup...does it mean 1/4th dry or cooked? Huge difference!

    Pretty sure it means prepared, I don't know of anyone eating dry rice, so why would they put the calories for dried rice on a package? but who knows! just my guess

    oh, yeah! I hope you're right, really! But still totally confusing! Like, how do you know how much to make? lol