What do you see in the mirror - Fat or Thin person?



  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I hate what I see in the mirror and pictures. All I see is fat fat fat. I have this idea in my head that if I lose enough weight I'll magically transform into a beautiful person with an entirely new body, face, hair, everything. It's something I'm working on changing but I still feel that way. I have always felt fat. When I was 13, I first "realized" that I was bigger than my friends, especially my thighs. Or so I thought- looking back I was tiny! I was underweight for goodness sake (even though I ate loads, something I totally should have appreciated more ha)! I have a lot of body issues I need to work on but yeah. Fat everywhere.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I see a fat girl. Then I see a picture and see the obese person who's really there.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Interesting thread. Reminds me of a story I once heard at a weight watchers meeting many years ago.

    There was a minister visiting a couple of his parishioners' homes one afternoon. The two homes shared a back yard fence. As he was drinking coffee with the first woman, listening to her find fault with her life and her neighbor, she pointed out her kitchen window to her neighbor's wash hanging on her clothesline across the fence. "She doesn't even know how to properly wash clothes. Look at those dingy things." The minister saw the clothes and indeed they did look rather grey.

    Later he went to the other parishioner's home and she greeted him warmly. She talked about what a great neighbor she had across her back yard fence and how lucky she was to live in such a wonderful neighborhood. As they sat at her kitchen table the minister gazed into her back yard at the filled clothesline he'd seen from her neighbor's home. Well! He realized that her clothes in fact were not at all dingy. They were clean and soft and billowed in the breeze.
  • xxmonsterloverxx
    Fat. Especially when I'm having a panic attack. I have to cover all the mirrors in my room because I'll see myself growing fatter and fatter in the mirror. No matter how small I am I still look fat to myself.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    I see average except for my hips =p
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    I see who I'm becoming and who I could and will be
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I see a fat woman because I'm a fat woman? What am I supposed to see if not that?
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    When I was at my heaviest I didn't think I looked that big. 80 pounds down, and now when I look in the mirror I feel like I look huge. *SMH*
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    I look in the mirror and still see the fat me. But if I compare my mirror image to pictures of me when I was heavier (like my picture with Donald) and I can see I'm making some progress. The big belly is still there, but it's smaller than it was, and I see my face as a little thinner. What does keep me going is that my pants are now starting to slide down my butt, and a jacket that was too tight to zip up now fits again. It's these types of "victories" that keep me going. The day-to-day changes in the mirror are too subtle to see.
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I've always struggled with perceptions. I look in the mirror & think I look fine no matter what weight I am. I never liked my naked body, but then I would think 'does ANYONE?' I bought clothes that were flattering, fit well, & looked good. I had never been teased or treated differently for my weight. Generally, my weight was something I never noticed.

    My highest weight was about 220lbs. I started to wonder if my perceptions were skewed when I was wearing size 18 jeans & having to buy shirts in 1X. I couldn't figure out how I was on the cusp of being 100% plus-sized when I was still able to look in the mirror & love myself.

    Loving yourself is important, but it really hindered my desire to lose weight & get healthy, & sometimes still does. Most people just assume overweight people automatically hate themselves, but I never did & never have. I dislike other parts of me & my personality at times, but never my body/weight.
  • SuperTiredMom
    SuperTiredMom Posts: 172 Member
    For me it really depends on the day. I need to lose about 35 to be at a healthy BMI, but my goal is to lose 45-50. Some days I feel sexy as hell, and other days I just see a giant blob. My problem is that I'm proportioned well, and my jiggly parts are hidden fairly easily with the right types of clothing. Health aside and only going on appearance, if I had the ability to spot target, I probably wouldn't even lose as much as I need to get to BMI. I've been both heavy and thin before, I feel stronger, sexier, and more confident while I'm bigger, so this round I'm going to add more lifting and build up more muscle mass.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I struggle with the distortion I have always had with my body. I still think I look fat and that my body looks disgusting, even with a BMI of 18.9. Before I started to lose the weight, my BMI was 24.9 so I was never even that big to start with. I have to tell my brain that I am thin enough because it just does not let me see it or accept it. I'm sitting in a chair wearing a pair of 4L jeans right now and all I seem to be able to focus on are the negative feelings I have about wearing them. (Ew my calves are big, this wash makes me look fatter, etc.)

    Stupid, I know.
  • Baconstuffed
    I have one mirror to look when I brush my hair,it's very small,I avoid them,I also avoid photos,last phoe tank of me willingly was over 10 yrs ago.I see this person and she is large,somedays pretty but most days not.I don't see pretty at my size,I see large and flabby and a failure for letting it get this bad.I know it will change,I'm working on it slowly but still trying and one day will have mirrors again
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    I see an aging overweight middle-aged lady that is a work in progress. I have big closet mirrors and I can't avoid them, nor do I want to. I stand right in front of them and observe any changes that are taking place because of my workouts and calorie counting. I take real pride in the fact that my once flabby thighs are taking shape and my buns are up a little higher than they were last month. I don't worry too much about that flabby big belly and love handles because I've lost 8 lbs. in a month and I know that next month I will have lost 16 if I stay on this. I grab those love handles and laugh and say "you've got to go!" and believe that they're on their way out.

    I have no problem with the mirrors... it's the darn scale that I hate!!
  • LittleFaux
    I'm fatter than I like(used to be) but a normal weight, I always see myself as huge though...:1
  • zoquo
    zoquo Posts: 75
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    fat fat fat
  • lastregrets
    I think I'm the opposite...I feel fat and frumpy. when I see myself in myself in pictures, I look skinny. But when I look at myself in the mirror, I look fat
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    fat fat fat

    If that's you in your icon then you're skinny girl.
  • Shersuntha
    I have days where I see a fat blob of gross. I have days where I see a Strong person who has worked very hard. But mostly I see a person who is worth the fight, worth the effort, worth the love that is given too them and worth the blood sweat and tears. Everyday is a fight but I know that I am working on bettering myself. I try not to feel sorry for myself because that will get me nowhere. :heart: