Does it matter what you eat?



  • jeeplovin
    jeeplovin Posts: 96 Member
    To lose weight no, to be healthy yes
  • kayla_who
    kayla_who Posts: 540 Member
    I just ate a dill pickle rolled in kettle chip crumbs. It's effing delicious, and I highly recommend it to all of you.

    Was it fried too? Sounds like it'd be excellent after a dip in the deep fryer.

    No... but you're definitely onto something here.

    Why that does sound delicious............I must try it :)

    Are you people pregnant?!
  • WolfAlexandra
    WolfAlexandra Posts: 11 Member
    Yes, it does matter.
    If all you care about is the number on the scale, then it's fine, make sure you stay close to your calorie goal and you will eventually see the numbers dropping off. However, if you want to lose weight in order to look and feel better, it is rather important to keep your macros slightly in check as well. This and training sessions adapted to your goals will help you lose what you actually want to lose: that stubborn fat, and not lean muscle mass. Long story short, you might fit your calorie goal with 800 kcals worth of Snickers every day, but your body's response will be a big "no no". This is why many people who stick to very restrictive diets, calorically speaking, and seem to be losing weight as the scale says, do not see any improvement in their body image, acquiring that "skinny-fat" look.
    Calorie counting is the key, but there is so much more to pay attention to if you strive for an outstanding progress.
  • SallyFTW
    SallyFTW Posts: 36
    In theory I guess it makes sense. But then you have to look at the nutritional value of the foods you eat.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Yes it matters.
  • dholno
    dholno Posts: 14
    Absolutely !!!!

    You are what you eat.

    Sure you can only drink 8 pints of Guinness an stay below your daily calorie intake... Let's see how far do you go in the long run.

    Losing weight is about health first and last not about counting calories. The maths (your daily calorie intake) are the tools for a healthier and sustainable life style not just to fit your MFP diary goals and lose weight in the short term.

    You are what you eat period...

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Absolutely !!!!

    You are what you eat.

    Sure you can only drink 8 pints of Guinness an stay below your daily calorie intake... Let's see how far do you go in the long run.

    Losing weight is about health first and last not about counting calories. The maths (your daily calorie intake) are the tools for a healthier and sustainable life style not just to fit your MFP diary goals and lose weight in the short term.

    You are what you eat period...

    Yes it matters.

    Just no...

    for weight loss it just doesn't matter...CICO...
  • dholno
    dholno Posts: 14

    Just no...

    for weight loss it just doesn't matter...CICO...

    You are missing my point.

    Sure you can lose weight eating only 10 bags of M&ms or 8 glasses of beer ow whatever a day but weight loss is (should be) about Health not about staying below you daily caloric need just for the sake of losing weight without considering the consequences of an unbalance and unhealthy diet.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    Just no...

    for weight loss it just doesn't matter...CICO...

    You are missing my point.

    Sure you can lose weight eating only 10 bags of M&ms or 8 glasses of beer ow whatever a day but weight loss is (should be) about Health not about staying below you daily caloric need just for the sake of losing weight without considering the consequences of an unbalance and unhealthy diet.


    No I am not missing the point..what you think weight loss should be about is irrelevant...

    There are a lot of people who don't give a rats *kitten* about anything but the scale and that is their choice...

    So for weight loss as it is typed "weight loss" is about CICO...

    For health, nutrious foods and exercise...but that being said you don't ever see anyone in these types of threads saying yes the types of foods you eat matter but you have to exercise too...just to be healthy.
  • pursuittofit
    pursuittofit Posts: 97 Member
    In short, no. You can eat twinkies all day and still lose weight.

    BUT, if health is a bigger priority then just losing weight, then yes, it matters.

  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    My mother lost 120lbs in a year eating breakfast and lunch primarily at McDonalds, dinner was ate at home and cooked at home. She cut back her intake of food and moved around more when she could (really bad knee's needing replaced). So long story short, you can lose weight eating whatever you want to eat so long as you do it in moderation.
  • vslnrunner
    vslnrunner Posts: 164 Member
    I have read a few studies that looked at how your metabolism is affected by food choices.
  • raven_ous
    raven_ous Posts: 223
    Well yes in the sense if I ate rat poison I imagine it would have a negative impact on my health lol

    Here are some useful links as a good reference point...

    For weight loss no as long as you are at a deficit.

    For health most probably but the clean vs dirty diet debate is just blah, blah, blah.

    I think what is important is what you can adhere to that will have a positive impact on your health and well being.

    IIFYM seems to be a great balance as it lets you indulge (within reason) whilst getting the essential macros.

    ETA:micro nutrients are of great importance as well.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I have read a few studies that looked at how your metabolism is affected by food choices.

    I would love to hear about foods that increase (or decrease) your metabolism...(and not just the TEF of different macros).
  • raven_ous
    raven_ous Posts: 223
    Absolutely !!!!

    You are what you eat.
    Sure you can only drink 8 pints of Guinness an stay below your daily calorie intake... Let's see how far do you go in the long run.

  • KBmoments
    KBmoments Posts: 193 Member
    For me, it does matter. I can't lose as well if I have candy or junky stuff, even if I'm under my daily goal.

    This defies logic. Are you allergic to the candy or "junky stuff" you are eating? Are you sure it isn't a measurement error?

    Perhaps it's one of those scenarios where you're eating "healthy/right" for a week or two, seeing some pounds drop off (for various reasons, one of them being a calorie deficit), but you can't take the deprivation after a week or two so you binge and eat "candy or junky stuff", decide your diet is "broken", so you EAT ALL TEH FOODZ!1!!eleven!!1 and then get on the scale after a few days and see that your weight loss has stalled so you conclude that you "can't lose as well" because "candy or junky stuff"? I'm just guessing here, but I can see this scenario playing out for a lot of people.

    This is totally me!! I'm trying to learn moderation and not label foods 'good' or 'bad'. You hit the nail on the head.