I abandoned 1200 calories per day, and so should you



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Really? Craziest thing, but I've been netting between 1,000 and 1,200 calories a day and exercising, and I'm losing an average of 3.2 lbs. a week.
    1,000 is definitely too low and 3.2 pounds a week is too fast. Neither is sustainable.
  • milileitner
    milileitner Posts: 98 Member

    separate comment::::::::1200 calories is A LOT of food if a person is eating lean meat, FRESH veggies, lean fish and using regular condiments---there is even enough to have an avocado/ a small amount of olive oil.....fresh fruit etc

    I agree, if you eat the right foods, 1,200 calories is a lot of food and usually very tasty if you know how to cook :)

    :o srs?

    If I ate nothing but fish, meat and veggies (and when I'm cutting, often that's exactly what I do), I would still need 1200 calories by lunchtime. 1200 calories is never 'a lot' of food. You can make it less pitiful by eating high volume, high fibre, high protein foods, but please, don't take the p*ss by pretending it's 'a lot'. Two year olds put away more food than that. The average female requires 2000 cals/day. So in no way, shape or form can you justify calling 1200 calories 'a lot of food'. Ugh.
  • paganstar71
    paganstar71 Posts: 109 Member

    separate comment::::::::1200 calories is A LOT of food if a person is eating lean meat, FRESH veggies, lean fish and using regular condiments---there is even enough to have an avocado/ a small amount of olive oil.....fresh fruit etc

    I agree, if you eat the right foods, 1,200 calories is a lot of food and usually very tasty if you know how to cook :)

    :o srs?

    If I ate nothing but fish, meat and veggies (and when I'm cutting, often that's exactly what I do), I would still need 1200 calories by lunchtime. 1200 calories is never 'a lot' of food. You can make it less pitiful by eating high volume, high fibre, high protein foods, but please, don't take the p*ss by pretending it's 'a lot'. Two year olds put away more food than that. The average female requires 2000 cals/day. So in no way, shape or form can you justify calling 1200 calories 'a lot of food'. Ugh.

    No 1,200 probably isn't enough for you judging by your profile pic. If you have a lot of muscle bulk you need more calories. Personally my body doesn't need to be fuelled like a steam engine, I have an office job and don't workout, so my intake is plenty.

    Everyone is different.
  • melissarmonroe
    melissarmonroe Posts: 30 Member

    And then there's those people that say, "I know I should eat more than x amount of calories, but I'm not hungry and I can't force myself to eat!" If you can't eat more than 1200 calories, how did you get fat in the first place?!

    ^^^ I have thought that many times!!
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    I've also read many posts from girls who lost on 1200 calories..then could never eat at maintenance without gaining. So it ruins your metabolism..and you have to starve forever to stay at your goal weight.

    Eat more…and lose slower ..think of the end game… to be able to eat normal again!!!!

    There is no scientific basis for the statement, "So it ruins your metabolism..and you have to starve forever to stay at your goal weight." Your body doesn't work like that, it is quite able to re-adjust itself after a period of low calorie deficit.

    "Energy restriction produces a transient hypothyroid-hypometabolic state that normalizes on return to energy-balanced conditions. Failure to establish energy balance after weight loss gives the misleading impression that weight-reduced persons are energy conservative and predisposed to weight regain. Our findings do not provide evidence in support of adaptive metabolic changes as an explanation for the tendency of weight-reduced persons to regain weight."

    -Reference is: Am J Clin Nutr. 2001 Mar;73(3):655-8.


    " Several rigorous studies done at the University of Alabama in Birmingham showed that metabolism goes back to expected levels with sustained weight loss, discounting the theory that a lowered metabolism helps to explain the common phenomenon of weight regain following weight loss."

    -Several sites state the same study.

    Okay carry on.
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267

    separate comment::::::::1200 calories is A LOT of food if a person is eating lean meat, FRESH veggies, lean fish and using regular condiments---there is even enough to have an avocado/ a small amount of olive oil.....fresh fruit etc

    I agree, if you eat the right foods, 1,200 calories is a lot of food and usually very tasty if you know how to cook :)

    :o srs?

    If I ate nothing but fish, meat and veggies (and when I'm cutting, often that's exactly what I do), I would still need 1200 calories by lunchtime. 1200 calories is never 'a lot' of food. You can make it less pitiful by eating high volume, high fibre, high protein foods, but please, don't take the p*ss by pretending it's 'a lot'. Two year olds put away more food than that. The average female requires 2000 cals/day. So in no way, shape or form can you justify calling 1200 calories 'a lot of food'. Ugh.

    I have a 20 month old daughter. No way in hell she eats anywhere even close to 1200 calories and the doc says she's perfectly healthy. I have a son, also, and at two years old, he was not eating that many calories, either. And when you say "average female"... what is average? I see this statement a lot, and I would just like to know where people are getting this information about the "average female".
  • milileitner
    milileitner Posts: 98 Member

    separate comment::::::::1200 calories is A LOT of food if a person is eating lean meat, FRESH veggies, lean fish and using regular condiments---there is even enough to have an avocado/ a small amount of olive oil.....fresh fruit etc

    I agree, if you eat the right foods, 1,200 calories is a lot of food and usually very tasty if you know how to cook :)

    :o srs?

    If I ate nothing but fish, meat and veggies (and when I'm cutting, often that's exactly what I do), I would still need 1200 calories by lunchtime. 1200 calories is never 'a lot' of food. You can make it less pitiful by eating high volume, high fibre, high protein foods, but please, don't take the p*ss by pretending it's 'a lot'. Two year olds put away more food than that. The average female requires 2000 cals/day. So in no way, shape or form can you justify calling 1200 calories 'a lot of food'. Ugh.

    No 1,200 probably isn't enough for you judging by your profile pic. If you have a lot of muscle bulk you need more calories. Personally my body doesn't need to be fuelled like a steam engine, I have an office job and don't workout, so my intake is plenty.

    Everyone is different.

    Well interestingly, if you'll read what I said, I didn't mention whether anyone should or shouldn't eat 1200 calories. I simply commented that it is not, by any means, 'a lot of food'. I don't care how you treat your body and if you want to eat like a 2 year old be my guest, but don't bullsh*t around saying it's 'a lot of food'. It's not. That's why people lose weight very quickly on 1200 cals. Duh.
  • milileitner
    milileitner Posts: 98 Member
    Also, 1 lb muscle requires 4g cals/day more than fat. Hardly enough to account for my 2800+ calorie maintenance requirement, especially given that at 126 lb I don't have all that much muscle mass. The difference between me being 18% (current) body fat and, say, 30%, is 60 calories per day. So your 'bulk' comment is vapid at best.
  • zannyone
    zannyone Posts: 43
    I appreciate what you shared!!!! Thank-you!!!!
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
  • paganstar71
    paganstar71 Posts: 109 Member
    Also, 1 lb muscle requires 4g cals/day more than fat. Hardly enough to account for my 2800+ calorie maintenance requirement, especially given that at 126 lb I don't have all that much muscle mass. The difference between me being 18% (current) body fat and, say, 30%, is 60 calories per day. So your 'bulk' comment is vapid at best.

    60 calories per day 'at rest' maybe, but undoubtedly you do not spend your maintenance days in bed resting. At 1,200 calories I am not starving or even hungry, losing 1lb a week on average which is reasonable but certainly not rapid!
  • tmp1of7
    tmp1of7 Posts: 23 Member
    Good luck to you.
    I was hitting a plateau as well. My mfp daily suggestion is 1400. I routinely stay below by 200-350 calories. I recently increased my calories for a day or two a week and now I've started losing again. I've dropped 4 pounds in 2 weeks.

    I think switching up your calories might help.

    Best of luck.:smile:
  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    its working for me , its keeping me on track and im not hungry, actually it depends if im eating balanced or not, if go low carbs one day that's it im starving alllllllllll day, eating balanced at 1200 per day im great
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Also, 1 lb muscle requires 4g cals/day more than fat. Hardly enough to account for my 2800+ calorie maintenance requirement, especially given that at 126 lb I don't have all that much muscle mass. The difference between me being 18% (current) body fat and, say, 30%, is 60 calories per day. So your 'bulk' comment is vapid at best.

    60 calories per day 'at rest' maybe, but undoubtedly you do not spend your maintenance days in bed resting. At 1,200 calories I am not starving or even hungry, losing 1lb a week on average which is reasonable but certainly not rapid!

    And judging by weeks back in your diary your logging is spotty at best. Unless you truly only ate pizza hut for dinner one day and that's it. If that's true, I feel sorry for you. That's no way to live but hey, whatever. I prefer to you know, enjoy my life. Eat a balanced diet and still throw in some fun things
  • Jeanne130LBS
    Jeanne130LBS Posts: 50 Member
    can someone take a minute and help me understand TDEE/BMR. I haven't a clue and I just use the 1200 calories MFP said to eat. Been at it 8 wks and have lost 9 pounds. Also I could use some suggestions about losing belly fat. I am 72 yrs old, 5'3" and I walk every day and do some light weight lifting. I can see the results except my belly was big and firm now it is big and bread dough like. I have been happy with the weight loss but would like to know if I am eating the right amount of calories. I eat a good amount of protein, veggies and fruit. any help would be appreciated. :drinker:
  • milileitner
    milileitner Posts: 98 Member
    Also, 1 lb muscle requires 4g cals/day more than fat. Hardly enough to account for my 2800+ calorie maintenance requirement, especially given that at 126 lb I don't have all that much muscle mass. The difference between me being 18% (current) body fat and, say, 30%, is 60 calories per day. So your 'bulk' comment is vapid at best.

    60 calories per day 'at rest' maybe, but undoubtedly you do not spend your maintenance days in bed resting. At 1,200 calories I am not starving or even hungry, losing 1lb a week on average which is reasonable but certainly not rapid!

    I was responding to your inaccurate assertion,

    'If you have a lot of muscle bulk you need more calories.'

    Please try to follow your own line of argument. It makes it very difficult for you to understand why you are wrong otherwise.
  • paganstar71
    paganstar71 Posts: 109 Member
    Also, 1 lb muscle requires 4g cals/day more than fat. Hardly enough to account for my 2800+ calorie maintenance requirement, especially given that at 126 lb I don't have all that much muscle mass. The difference between me being 18% (current) body fat and, say, 30%, is 60 calories per day. So your 'bulk' comment is vapid at best.

    60 calories per day 'at rest' maybe, but undoubtedly you do not spend your maintenance days in bed resting. At 1,200 calories I am not starving or even hungry, losing 1lb a week on average which is reasonable but certainly not rapid!

    And judging by weeks back in your diary your logging is spotty at best. Unless you truly only ate pizza hut for dinner one day and that's it. If that's true, I feel sorry for you. That's no way to live but hey, whatever. I prefer to you know, enjoy my life. Eat a balanced diet and still throw in some fun things

    That was just 1 day out of 3 months of logging. I did only eat a pizza from Pizza Hut because I had been having fun at a Comic Con all day and I didn't fancy the cakes and fries on sale at the event, so I waited until we left.

    That day I had worked up a raging appetite, but a single day of what many people would class a mini fast is not going to hurt anyone. As it happens the following day I was ill with a vomiting bug so you could probably criticise that day too! My logging is not spotty, sometimes 'real life' gets in the way - it's not always 100% enjoyment in most peoples' life. Good luck with your perfect life!
  • paganstar71
    paganstar71 Posts: 109 Member
    Also, 1 lb muscle requires 4g cals/day more than fat. Hardly enough to account for my 2800+ calorie maintenance requirement, especially given that at 126 lb I don't have all that much muscle mass. The difference between me being 18% (current) body fat and, say, 30%, is 60 calories per day. So your 'bulk' comment is vapid at best.

    60 calories per day 'at rest' maybe, but undoubtedly you do not spend your maintenance days in bed resting. At 1,200 calories I am not starving or even hungry, losing 1lb a week on average which is reasonable but certainly not rapid!

    I was responding to your inaccurate assertion,

    'If you have a lot of muscle bulk you need more calories.'

    Please try to follow your own line of argument. It makes it very difficult for you to understand why you are wrong otherwise.

    You do need more calories, you said this yourself!
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    can someone take a minute and help me understand TDEE/BMR. I haven't a clue and I just use the 1200 calories MFP said to eat. Been at it 8 wks and have lost 9 pounds. Also I could use some suggestions about losing belly fat. I am 72 yrs old, 5'3" and I walk every day and do some light weight lifting. I can see the results except my belly was big and firm now it is big and bread dough like. I have been happy with the weight loss but would like to know if I am eating the right amount of calories. I eat a good amount of protein, veggies and fruit. any help would be appreciated. :drinker:

    BMR is the cals your body burns just to function... TDEE is the cals you burn with your daily physical activity (which is rarely accurate in online calculators)

    Now as far as targeted fat loss? Not possible. You can try to build muscle in areas, but your body is in charge of what areas of fat it burns. You only option is medical or surgical for targeted loss.

    Anyone else is welcome to add or correct this...
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    That was just 1 day out of 3 months of logging. I did only eat a pizza from Pizza Hut because I had been having fun at a Comic Con all day and I didn't fancy the cakes and fries on sale at the event, so I waited until we left.

    That day I had worked up a raging appetite, but a single day of what many people would class a mini fast is not going to hurt anyone. As it happens the following day I was ill with a vomiting bug so you could probably criticise that day too! My logging is not spotty, sometimes 'real life' gets in the way - it's not always 100% enjoyment in most peoples' life. Good luck with your perfect life!

    Aren't you pleasant. I'm just going to leave it with hangry and go eat ma ice cream. Have fun singing the joys of 1200 calories