

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Happy Mother's day to those in the UK. So us Moms get two days now??? That's great. I'll have to remind my kids that today is Mother's Day.

    Did fine today in the choir. It was so nice. I wasn't sued to the music but I kept my voice fairly quiet in those places. I did find though that I didn't get the surge of emotion when I am in the congregation listening to the choir as it increases and decreases in volume, listening to the wonderful harmony. It was so wonderful to listen to them and get that surge. But it was so great to be part fo that ministry.

    Although Charlie hated the chicken salad we had last week when I convinced him to go to Jason's Deli, he did enjoy the free ice cream and he's excited about going back. So we are taking youngest daughter there tonight. I'll have the salad bar. It was good and there were hard boiled eggs so I can have my protein. You never know if the eggs they have a salad bar is real or fake. And I love an egg on my chef salad. But the also have this chocolate mouse with chocolate chips in it.

    Joyce, indiana
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Bumping back in, having caught up on the posts from page 4! That took some time... Just a busy week, and busy weekend. Boss is on vacation with his family this week, but it is a 'working' one for him. Hope to get to the gym (not Jim!) more this week. Its hard to believe April is here.

    Missy the dog is doing fine. The swelling on her hock is likely part of the SharPei Fever Syndrome she has. The vet prescribed some antibiotics and a couple days of anti-inflammatory medicine and she is back to her usual self.

    I waited out my sinus congestion and now DH has a similar malady.

    Vicki, sorry for the loss of your dad. I remember my mom and dad, and my D MIL, every day, and still miss each of them.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Woke up in pain at 2;30.Took the pain med that I really hate taking.But it helps.
    Sunny and close to 50.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. Not feeling well today; we went to our friends' last night and watched a movie and I came home with a migraine which is not quite gone I can see what is called "motion blur" on LCD TVs. That's where you can actually see each little dot lighting up and going off and the motion on the screen is jerky, not smooth. They have a plasma TV and it's not usually a problem, but we were watching off netflix and I think the download was just bad. BLEH!!!!! Nothing like nausea after pizza and wine.

    Ok, have a good rest of the Sunday and happy Mothers Day to my friends in the UK! Ill be on more tomorrow and now I'm kicking my self in the butt. I do well through Tuesday but then each week has been falling apart. Gotta fix that. Take care, Meg from Omaha.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good night everybody. Hope everyone who's not well (in whatever way) will feel better tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Cindy in OK - have you ever had the shirataki noodles? They are tofu pasta. I admit, they're a bit more rubbery than regular pasta. When I first had them, I couldn't get used to them. Now, I'd prefer them to regular pasta.

    Kim - Vince tried the brownies, the ones I made with the added chocolate in them. He didn't care for them, either. Now to think of where I can give them away, some to the Y, some to the place where I take the extremepump class. I'll have to think more on it. Your embroidery is really fantastic. Those stockings (the ones that have the shiny stuff on them) is the top one piece of material or does it have a backing? If it has a backing, did you embroider the names thru both pieces of material?

    katla - the less I eat salt, the more noticeable it is when it's in a food (like chicken) that you really don't expect it to be in. Good for you!

    anamika - I prefer to say that when life hands me tomatoes, I made Bloody Mary's :)

    Viv - enjoy the show

    Did about 45 minutes of a zumba for the Wii. Honestly, I really don't like it. She doesn't give you cues when she's going to change a dance step. Well, I just won't do it very much, that's all. Tomorrow I'll start doing this "10 minutes pilates" DVD that I have, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    Around noontime we have an appt with the vet to get Loki's blood checked. Then in the afternoon there is a Rummikub game at Bob Evans and I might put in an appearance there if I can work it into the schedule.

    Happy Mothers Day to all those who are celebrating it today

    kitkat - what kind of crafts do you like to do? ONLY 3 kitties????? You know that cats are like potato chips....you can't have just one :)

    Cindy in OK - sending healing vibes

    joyce - so glad you had such a good experience at choir today. Whenever we go to Jason's Deli, I always order the chicken chili. I love that. And, to me, it's quite filling. When we stay at this hotel by Jessica, they usually have hard boiled eggs so I get to have my egg whites then.

    jane - so sorry you're in pain

    Meg - hope you feel better fast. Migraines are no fun

    Michele in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone who is sick feels better.:flowerforyou:
    Spent my day making a total,between yesterday and today,25 homemade Easter cards for some special kids.:drinker: :drinker:
    Going to Violet`s tonite.:love:
    MRI on tues.:frown:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi gang! Sorry I'm so late today. It was so nice I just felt like doing stuff outside. Then came inside and baked bread. Now I'm doing laundry, so the party is over.

    Meg, I hope you feel better. Migraines are the pits.

    Kitcat, I love cats but can't have one. Hubby hates cats and our dog Molly would kill one in a heartbeat. She's not what you would call "cat safe". I think our puppy, Bruno, would be ok with it.

    Here's the joke of the day:

    "Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked one of his employees.

    "Yes, sir," the clerk replied.

    "That's good," the boss said. "After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother's funeral, she stopped in to see you."


    Good night ladies!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Michelle, I bet those brownies would be great in a trifle or with ice cream on them..... for someone else, of course. :wink: DH is diabetic and will sometimes have a small treat like a brownie broken up with some low carb yogurt.

    I made fish chowder for dinner and we had some of the 'wholesome home' fruit and seed bread with brie on it. Delicious!

    Gail (making up for lack of posting during the week with multiple posts today!), metro ATL
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Sorry I haven't been around...been struggling the last bit. Spring is a rough time of year for me.

    Meg - I feel your pain, take care of yourself.

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi all, it's been a crazy-busy week for me, even though I had all week off work due to spring break, it seems I had more to do than when I go to work! :huh: I played a little gig last night, so guitar practice was on the top of my to-do list every day, hours of it. Next step is to get my new songs recorded before I forget how they go. :laugh:

    Back to teaching tomorrow, and back to slim pickins on my food diary. I'm slowly getting used to eating less and welcoming hunger pains before each meal. Some days I don't do so well, but when I put my mind to it, I find it's not that difficult. Night times are the worst. After a "slim" food day, all I want to do is snack after dinner. If I'd leave some calories for it, that'd be different. Might be a good thing to start doing. :bigsmile:

    Speaking of food, it's just about dinner time. :drinker: Hope everyone had a good weekend!

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good evening,


    Happy Mother's Day to out U.K. Friends:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Michelle glad to hear your stomach is feeling better!

    Busy weekend getting house ready. One of sons is moving back home temporarily. forcing me to do some much needed cleaning out. I went shopping to update spring wardrobe. so tired of the winter grays. I did make myself throw out or donate one piece of clothing for every one I bought. Some of those clothes I let go of are ones from 30 pounds a go. I had a blazer I loved. Now it hangs on me and makes me look like a suitcase.:laugh: Definitely into the donation bin.

    To do something healthy today, so I wake up to a healthier tomorrow.
    Updated my spring wardrobe

    2014 word: contentment
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: With temperatures in the 40’s and drizzle on and off, it hardly feels like spring and yard work time, but I decided that today would be the beginning of my 15 minutes or more each day working in the yard so when I came home from the after breakfast dog walk, I changed into my garden gloves and went outside to start pulling the nasty weeds in front of the house.
    Later, Jake went out and sawed down the dead old rhododendron.

    :flowerforyou: I watched a lot of the world figure skating championships on TV (we get Canadian TV----the US networks didn’t show it). I rode my bike while watching, but even that didn’t keep me from feeling like a slug compared to how hard the figure skaters train to prepare for their competition.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am exceedingly grateful today for my washer and dryer after two weeks of having to take wet laundry to the Laundromat while waiting for my dryer to be fixed.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, congrats on moderating your use of salt.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, it took me awhile after I started my weight loss journey before I went to any sort of performance. Now I can go without eating anything (or bringing a small snack from home that I hide in my purse). Good luck avoiding the sweets at the theatre.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just a quick pop in before bed. It's been a busy day.

    Sandy, just want to give you a virtual hug and wish for you a better tomorrow. Spring is the worst time for depression for me, so I get that Spring is not always the happy time that everyone else sees.

    We are forecast to have beautiful weather all week, so why did the weekend have to be so blasted ugly? Rain, clouds, wind, cold...Arrrggghhh!

    Okay, I'm off to get my food together for tomorrow so I won't be winging it and end up eating high calorie stuff.

    Carol in soon to be warm and sunny NC
    CHBRANDO Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Girls, I am new to posting. I was doing My Fitness Pal last year for a couple of months or so and lost about 14 lbs. It was really helping me to stay focused. Then life started getting in my way again and I am back up again. SOOOO, I am getting back in the saddle AGAIN. Hoping to keep in touch. I have got to do this. Heavier now than I have ever been and hating the way it feels to carry all this weight around. Wish me luck! Cheryl
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    Hello Girls, I am new to posting. I was doing My Fitness Pal last year for a couple of months or so and lost about 14 lbs. It was really helping me to stay focused. Then life started getting in my way again and I am back up again. SOOOO, I am getting back in the saddle AGAIN. Hoping to keep in touch. I have got to do this. Heavier now than I have ever been and hating the way it feels to carry all this weight around. Wish me luck! Cheryl

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl, I hope you will become a part of our friendly community. Come back here every day, read the posts, join in the conversation, and make use of the suggestions you get from the awesome women on this thread. Take it one day at a time.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Dee Dee – sounds like such a fun weekend.

    Heather – glad one of the 2 checked in - Happy Mom’s day from me! I want to know what a zucchini tot is – anything like a tater tot? If so I might need that recipe! I had not found skinnytaste.com – ok I could put my computer out of commission by drooling over that web page! Thanks for the lead!:happy:

    Joyce – glad all went well at Choir!

    Jane – take care!

    Michelle - the stockings with all the sequins had a fold over top so I stitched through the 2 layers then folded it down so they looked good when all done. They were a client’s so she brought them to me and I figured it out.

    Sylvia – Love the jokes !!!

    Sandy – hang in - thinking of you!

    Went to a baby shower today – lots of good food – but I did really well – no cupcakes, no wine or punch ! just salad and a small sandwich - 37 women there it was for the hostesses first grand baby - maybe I am just an old fuddy duddy but the quantity of gifts (one mom daughter went in together and brought 30 outfits) seemed way over the top - the mom to be was very gracious; but it just seemed like so much consumption!

    Kinda threw my eating off as it was Brunch - served at 2:15pm - to late for brunch to early for dinner ....but it is 7pm and I am ready for my 3 1/2 meal ( breakfast, lunch snack, brunch thing, dinner --) crazy but I am staying under the calorie count!

    Have a great week everyone!
    Kim in N. CAL
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Good evening ladies, I can't believe it, today we had sleet and snow. PLEASE
    let this be the last time. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 60's.

    Today I went to the movies and saw God's not dead. It was really good. I
    Went to the concession stand with the intention of buying a small popcorn
    and soda. It was going to cost me over $11.00 and then a little voice told
    me that if I bought a child's pack for $6.00's I could save 5 bucks and tons
    of calories. So that's what I did. I don' t think I would have made that choice
    3 months ago. Forget that, I definitely would have bought the medium
    popcorn and drink. I love my popcorn. These little changes is what's going
    to get me to my goal. Is that considered a NSV?

    Sylvia- loved the joke, thanks

    Brenda from Md
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Happy Sunday to all: weather was beautiful here today. Our cardinals are back and the male was high in the locust tree singing and singing. No choir today as our organist retired after 17 years and she picked her five favorite pieces to play during the service and then there was a reception afterwards. She got two standing ovations. Had a small piece of cake at reception but otherwise did okay today. We are supposed to get a blizzard tomorrow and I worked my last full-time day on Friday so I don't have to get up and go to work in it. Yeah!!!!

    Vicki - Sorry about your dad. Glad you got to talk to him one last time.

    Joyce - It is funny how much different it sounds singing as part of the choir rather than hearing it out front but I would not give up my choir family for anything.

    Wow, it will be time to come up with April goals very soon.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good evening ladies, I'm having my night time snack. Tonight is light and fit Greek yogurt in banana cream with walnuts. To would be even better with whipped cream on top, lol. Not like that's going to happen!

    Tigress in GA