

    CHBRANDO Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks barbiecat. I'll be back for sure.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies~
    yucky yucky weather,sleet and rain and lots of accidents on the roads..
    I am trying very hard not to beat myself up over not getting my butt in gear, but I sooo want to get back in the groove...
    I know I can do it, but life has a way of throwing a wrench into the monkey works..
    have laundry in and will get my FIL clothes over to him before work..
    Heather~ we have laughing cow wedges here in the states ,dont know if you have it across the pond but found something you might like.. they have what is called Wee Brie, the company is Presidente, and they are wedges of brie and they are 45 calories each,
    I am planning on taking a wrap with a slice of that,some sliced apple and turkey for lunch:bigsmile:
    having my warm lemon water and gonna get my tushie in gear
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All, I feel wonderful, esp. for a Monday. Had a great week-end, saw both DD and four of the DGC. Went shopping and to lunch with DD and DGD Saturday, went out dancing with friends Sat. night and then Sunday spent most of the day watching the older granddaughters play soccer. They got second place in their tournament.
    I' down 4 lbs sent last Monday's weigh in and am very excited and motivated. I worked out more, ate better and logged during the week. I didn't log this week-end but I did good on the food. I'm also not eating in the evening, nothing past sevenish. I'm hoping this helps in weight loss and in sleeping better. Last night around eight thirty I turned off the lights and used candles, turned the TV volume low and relaxed, in bed at 10 and slept until alarm at 4:45. I did take two Tylenol PM instead of the Melatonin as I seem to wake with a headache when I use that. I might have to see a doctor or a sleep clinic to see what I can do. I still woke a bit during the night but was able to chase away the thoughts and go back to sleep easier than when I take the melatonin also.

    Welcome Cheryl

    Welcome Kitcat

    Kim N CAL, I know what you mean about showers and the amount of gifts. My grandchildren ended up with more clothing than they could wear before growing out of newborn size.

    Brenda MD, I hope you’re finished with the snow too. (Ohio too for that matter) I heard that movie was good, it’s on my list.

    VIV and Heather, Happy Mother’s Day

    Iguess I better get to work, I did realize when packing my food this morning I left out my breakfast, I have the snack and lunch but will have to go to the cafeteria and try to make some type of good choice for breakfast.

    Health and happiness to all today,
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 462 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I feel a bit better this morning. The sinus pressure is down some.

    Patty, congrats on the weight loss!

    Michelle, I haven't tried tofu noodles but will check. Into them.

    DeeDee, hope your weekend was great!

    Sylvia, love the joke, I used to be in Human Resources, this kind of thing really happens!

    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    Hope to get back to exercise tomorrow, down one more pound this week!

    Hugs and prayers,

    Cindy in OK :heart:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning ladies, today is weigh in day and I lost one pound. I started my weigh ins after I was sick and weighed 215.5, but even though I was eating right my weight went up to 217, but now is back down to 214.5. Yes, I like to weigh everyday, sometimes it doesn't happen, but most days it does. I haven't started walking again, yet, but I am going to start once it gets a little warmer. I just don't want to get sick again. The better thing is my average blood sugar is 142 for the last week. This is very good for me.
    I have embroidery guild meeting tonight and they always have lots of goodies to eat, so I will take my snack and eat my dinner just before I go. Tigress in GA
  • kitcat1163
    kitkat - what kind of crafts do you like to do? ONLY 3 kitties????? You know that cats are like potato chips....you can't have just one :)

    Michele in NC

    lol Name it.....scrapbooking, polymer clay, alcohol inks, card making, mixed media, art journaling............ gotta love da kitties! lol
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    I put my weight loss in so why isn't it showing on my ticker?

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Company just left:cry: ! I had such a wonderful time and it`s sad to see them leave:brokenheart: ! However, I am not as young as I once was and this weekend was a whirlwind of fun but I`m tired now:yawn: :laugh: !

    I just skimmed the posts, wishing everyone well:flowerforyou: !!! I will try to pop in and read some more sometime today. Right now I`m headed out the door to the track:bigsmile: , if will feel really good getting back into my routine of walking!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful sunny NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Cindy - it happens in college too. My hubby, a chemistry professor, got a call about 6:30 am on the day of finals. We were still in bed, and in didn't hear the student's end of the conversation, but here is hubby's end:

    Yes, today is the final...oh, I'm so sorry to hear that...(long winded explanation on the other end)...grandfather? I thought you said grandmother? ... 10:00... Don't forget your calculator.

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Ok, moment of truth! Yes, I have been missing in action for quite awhile now. The good news-after my first two quarters of school, I'm doing much better than I ever thought I would! Made Dean's list both times! This next quarter I have two classes instead of three but I think I'm up for it. Work is almost done since tax season is almost over. Unfortunately one by one all the other receptionists quit so I'm working both weekend days and most week days between 8-12 hrs. The bad news-I was hoping to relax, get my water Zumba in, as well as spring clean on my two week break from classes. No such luck. Instead, I spent it really sick with whatever this virus is that's going around. No energy at all and a hellacious cough. And the worse part, since being MIA I have put some pounds back on. I refuse to go up a size so I am getting back on the horse and I'm holding myself accountable. So logging again for the first time today in a long time! I have missed you all and am glad to be back! Too much Taco Bell for lunch when working (it's next store). Taco Bell and I are breaking up! I am going to go back a little bit to try to catch up with everyone here and also working on some concrete attainable goals for April!

    Hugs to all! :flowerforyou:

    Kathy in sunny IL :drinker:
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Oh it's a sunny opening day in Detroit with promises of a balmy 55ish (I'll believe it when I feel it). Either way the sun is a good thing!

    Just finished T25 and did much better on this DVD than I did this time last week. Also got some time on the stationary bike to "cool down" and plan to get a little walk in later.

    Doesn't appear that I lost any weight after one week of T25 but I'm not going to fret until I get to week 3. I do feel tighter and stronger and think it will catch up, especially when I tighten up on a few of my eating habits.

    Happy day to all!
    Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    I got ten miles of walking in this weekend. Today is body pump. For meals this week, I am concentrating on shoveling in those veggies.

    I finally cut off five inches of length from my hair Thursday, and DH, who always made pouty faces when I mentioned haircuts, didn't say a thing! I honestly think he didn't even notice. :laugh:

    Only had time to skim a bit today. Hope everyone is well this week.

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Yes, today is the final...oh, I'm so sorry to hear that...(long winded explanation on the other end)...grandfather? I thought you said grandmother? ... 10:00... Don't forget your calculator.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yesterday I used my new power washer to wash the deck. It took hours and was an accomplishment I'm proud of. Today I hurt in places I don't even have. Well, I didn't know I had them until now. They're speaking up in loud complaint today.

    Sorry I don't have time to comment on posts today. DH is ready to take a load of bad chemicals to a safe disposal site, and I'm going along.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Brenda – of course it can be called a NSV:happy:

    Cheryl – welcome!

    Patty – there is a thread for tech support – from the communities home page – I had a few questions they were able to help with
    Sylvia – LOL

    Kathy – Dean’s list Good Job! Sorry to hear you’ve been sick – happy to hear about the break up with your lunch date giggle!:laugh:

    Well a busy week ahead, so just a quick check in... the newspaper had a section in the Sunday paper with a bunch of light recipes... I am going to try them (well some of them) and will report in - there is a brownie recipe - I have to look it over!

    Happy Monday!
    Kim in N. CAL
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.Finally spring,birds are chirping,temps in the 60`s sun out.
    Still pain in the leg,MRI in the am.Trying to not take pain medicine if I can.It makes me so sleepy.
    Have a good one.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone,

    Well, I ate my way through the weekend with no exercise. :embarassed: It was rainy and miserable all weekend, and I just wanted to sleep and eat, and I sure did that. Snacked my way right through. Don’t even want to THINK about how many calories I had, and didn’t bother to log either. It’s a good thing I gave up chocolate for Lent or I’d be in even bigger trouble! :laugh: BUT……. I had an “ah ha” moment this morning! I THINK that when I exercise, I’m not as hungry throughout the day! I have to test this theory some more, but so far I’m feeling pretty good today after my morning run on the TM. The problem is, I don’t always want to get out of bed and exercise before going to work. Maybe that’s what I REALLY have to work on. :grumble:

    Thanks to all who expressed concern for my leg pain. It completely went away (just as I thought). I always get weird pains that come and go, so I don’t worry about them much anymore. I have been scratching at my back for about 6 months now. I can’t really see back there, but the skin feels like there’s a rough patch, and I am starting to get concerned. At first I thought it might just be dry skin from the winter, but I have made an appointment with the doctor to have it checked out. Better safe than sorry I guess. I do have eczema, which comes and goes, so I’m hoping that’s what it is.

    I’ll have to catch up with the posts later. Gotta get back to work now. Have a great week!

    To all those who are new – Feel free to jump right in and share. We were all in your shoes when we started.

    Previous and Current Goals:

    Consistent logging (Could be better)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (40%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET-STILL LOOKING!!!)
    RUNNING OUTDOORS (Not in THIS weather!)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (Not lately!)

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling.

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Well got the grand-kids back to their homes. I love :love: them but I was ready for them to go back. The good thing is they helped me get all of my steps & even a few things that I normally don't get (on my FitBit) :laugh:
    I haven't had time to read the post & catch up. I have a class starting tomorrow & haven't set that up yet & I have to get the monthly activity calendars & newsletters up. Got way behind with the kiddos being here. :noway:
    So just to "hi" to all of you & let you know I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.
    Talk to all of you in April :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good evening from dusty Hampshire! We have Saharan dust in the air with winds from due south. :laugh: :laugh:
    Good job DH didn't wash the car yesterday as he was planning to.:happy:

    Katla - DH feels your pain. He has been raking the lawn for moss. Bags and bags of it! Ouch! You are doing so well taking on these physical tasks.:flowerforyou: I avoid them if I can.:laugh:

    I have been having my blah patches recently too. Woke up quite miserable this morning, but couldn't identify it. I think I was still groggy from antihistamine. Also a bit p÷÷÷÷d off at not hearing from DS#2 for Mother's Day. :grumble: :ohwell: I read some of Happiness at Home and started to feel a bit better. Acted the way I wanted to feel.:laugh: So - we have cake! ! ! ! ! ! !
    I made the 9" base cake for the christening. HUGE! 8oz of best quality chocolate. :bigsmile: 8oz of butter!:bigsmile: Good job I won't be eating any! DH lined the tin for me. What a sweetie! Tomorrow DH will trim it so it is flat on top and cut it in half before it goes in the freezer.
    I still haven't got round to that pesky bed in the back garden. I have that earmarked now for Friday. Tomorrow is busy with yoga, an end of term coffee with the group in the pub, and WI in the evening. I have resisted making Easter themed cakes for the competition as I want to have some time to pack and prepare for our jag trip on Wednesday. Got to look my best to live up to the E-type!

    My saga with my rental continues. Still no sign of the window. Yesterday I emailed the complaints dept., telling them what I thought of them and threatening them with the Ombudsman. I must say I am fuming and ready to go to the media etc with the saga. I got an email back saying that it has been passed up the chain to a higher level. Where is that b÷÷÷÷y window! ! ! !?????:sad: :explode: I told them my compensation bill was mounting.
    We will see. :ohwell:

    Had an hour's sleep on the sofa this evening. Probably won't sleep tonight now, but it was lovely and I feel great!:laugh:

    Bye for now!
    Heather in dusty and warm Hampshire UK