Post your bad habits



  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Might just be easier to post my good habits.

    * on-off smoker
    *love my few drinks at the end of the night
    * chew my nails
    * have a cheese obsession...:heart:
  • s1rens0ng
    s1rens0ng Posts: 127 Member
    hmmmmmmm i cant think.... .i dont think i have any apart from ending up distracted on chit-chat and games on here instead of doing other stuff that needs doing lol :P
  • Lammo_UK
    Lammo_UK Posts: 61
    Mine is alcohol. I usually like enough to get a little buzz going but that equates to a couple of drinks a day. So I take in 150-300 useless carries per day and am possibly setting myself up for health related problems down the road.

    Ah the lite buzz... You & me both brother!
  • Kaleesto
    Kaleesto Posts: 1
    my sweet tooth seems to control me right now
    i bite my nails
    hate working out but i do force myself to wrk out

    those are just a few i am working on
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    Eating Nutella out of the jar.

    With my fingers. Imagine Winnie-the-Pooh and a honey jar - that's what's going on.

    I am a disgrace.
  • vickydubuis
    vickydubuis Posts: 59 Member
    Too much screen time before bed
    Going to bed too late.
    I don't brush or floss as much as I should.

    I'm working on all of these 3 the most right now, as they're easier to start handling than my main poor habit: being a terrible human being.

    Yep. Same.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Consume waaaay too much wine....and it doesn't all get logged.
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    I curse like a sailor.
    I procrastinate..........a lot.
    I talk, a lot. And fast.

    These too!

    Hell, I could probably fill a page if i were going to be totally honest...


    You're not helping my case any, Heisenberg.


    (Yes, talking to inanimate objects could make the list too)

    So maybe some of these things are not really bad, it can be all object :)
    I also tend to make excuses ^^
    And overargue my points.....
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    Sex addict checking in

    I didn't want to be the first, but since it's out there......LOL
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Procrastination would be the worst. I wait until the last minute to do a lot of things.
  • centarix
    centarix Posts: 123 Member
    Eating chocolate bars out of an empty KFC bucket I finished the night before. It sounds worse just reading that sentence out loud (-_- )
  • hellomynameiskat
    hellomynameiskat Posts: 4 Member
    Chocolate truffles. I have a serious weakness for chocolate truffles.
  • DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh
    Following are the four "bad habits" that I can think of with counterpoints:

    I LOVE the Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies that I make…just ate two.
    Counter: I work them into my diary.

    I hum…but nothing recognizable. It irritates my hubby.:heart:
    Counter: Tough ****!

    MFP…throughout the day I check in, stalk, comment, "like"…
    I count joining MFP as one of the highlights of 2013!

    I drink 3-4 Coke Zeros in a day.:love:
    Counter: It is my drug of choice.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I curse like a sailor.
    I procrastinate..........a lot.
    I talk, a lot. And fast.

    These too!

    Hell, I could probably fill a page if i were going to be totally honest...


    You're not helping my case any, Heisenberg.


    (Yes, talking to inanimate objects could make the list too)

    So maybe some of these things are not really bad, it can be all object :)
    I also tend to make excuses ^^
    And overargue my points.....

    Making excuses for my bad habits?

  • sabbyfairy
    sabbyfairy Posts: 53 Member
    Hot Pockets. Just...Hot Pockets.
    Letting myself be bullied into eating meat even if I know it'll make me sick.
    There IS a such thing as too many sunflower seeds.
    "It'll be better for running tomorrow..."
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    - Hitting the snooze button one to many times on my alarm

    - Spending way to much time on my computer at home (I use it all day work, you would think I wouldn't want to when I get home)

    - Candy Crush!
  • Rainboots80
    Rainboots80 Posts: 218 Member
    I love chocolate and now that I am eating lower carbs I am eating sugar free chocolate which is probably even worse for me!
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I don't have any bad habits.

    I eat clean and avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners, and limit fruit but eat my weight in veggies.
    I don't have caffeine. Water with breakfast or organic, free-range eggs, boiled so I don't add too much fat, water with lunch, and a little bit of chamomile tea after dinner.
    Pizza is the devil. I can't stomach that much fat in one meal.
    No alcohol. I can't stand the smell of beer, and wine just tastes bitter to me. I've never tried liquor, so I don't know what I really think, but I'm sure I wouldn't like it.
    I've never smoked or done any illegal substances.
    I go to bed at 9:30 every night and wake up at 5:45 am.

    Yeppers, no vices. Maybe once in a while I tell a white lie, but not very often.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I procrastinate and drink Mountain Dew.

    I meant to post this a while ago, but just never got around to it...
  • martineyes26
    martineyes26 Posts: 47 Member
    I eat cereal out of the box with my hand for a "snack." But I can't stop, I love cereal. I nag and put myself down a lot.