20 somethings wanting to lose 5-15 lbs by Valentine's Day!



  • dtmwed
    dtmwed Posts: 130 Member
    I assume we do updates here too?? This week

    Valentine's Day goal:My weight this past Monday was 172 - Goal 157 for Valentines
    Week 1 (12/20) - 172 -- sadly I haven't lost a thing! :(
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • crawfocw
    Sounds good! I'm new to this whole website and am glad to have found a challenge that hasn't filled up or started already that I can't join. I have a total of around 60 pounds to loose, but think that 15 by Valentines Day is a great goal!

    Starting Weight: 197.6
    Goal by Valentines Day: 182.6
    Week 1 (12/20) - 197.6
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • ElizabethSami
    Oaky i weighed in today and the scale read 197.8 lbs and im 5'7

    Goal by Valentines Day: 177
    Week 1 (12/20) - 197.8
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -

    I hope every does well this week, I know i will be trying my best and i hope something comes off LOL.
  • laura254
    Day 1 of challenge!
    Valentine's Day goal:
    Week 1 (12/20) - 159
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -

    SW 164
    CW 158
    GW 140
    GW for this challenge 148
  • hster3
    hster3 Posts: 11 Member
    Great! I'm in!

    Valentine's Day goal: 149
    Week 1 (12/20) -160.4
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    i joined this challenge earlier today and forgot to put in my way in days.... i will weigh in every wed.

    Valentine's Day goal: 18 pound gone... 172.4 today...
    Week 1 (12/22) -
    Week 2 (12/29) -
    Week 3 (1/5) -
    Week 4 (1/12) -
    Week 5 (1/19) -
    Week 6 (1/26) -
    Week 7 (2/2) -
    Week 8 (2/9) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • Cassandra1219
    Valentine's Day goal: 170-175
    Week 1 (12/20) - 187
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hellooooooooooo week one! :)

    Valentine's Day goal: 207
    Week 1 (12/20) - 217
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -

    Off to go do Zumba! :)
  • KTGator
    Wow...glad I started this challenge when I did! Weighed in today and had gained a pound - boo!

    Valentine's Day goal: 115
    Week 1 (12/20) - 128
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • JennRy86
    JennRy86 Posts: 18 Member
    Oh my gosh I love this! I love challenges that will get me motivated!! :)

    My name is Jennie, I'm 24, 5'6" and weigh 172. I hope to lose 10 pounds by valentines day. :)

    I hope to weight 162 by Valentine's Day! That Number sounds soooo good! :)

    Valentines Day Challenge!
    Week 1 (12/20) - 172.0
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • Maidei
    Maidei Posts: 114 Member
    Valentine's Day goal: 140<
    Week 1 (12/20) - 149.4
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) –
  • maureensm
    maureensm Posts: 176 Member
    Hi guys! Today's my weigh-in. I was 164.2 this morning, which is very high for me. I gained about 4 pounds this week! Yikes! I really need this challenge to get back in track. Because of this flux, I'm going to adjust my goal from 6 pounds to 8 pounds.

    Valentine's Day goal: 8 pounds
    Week 1 (12/22) - 164.2 :noway:
    Week 2 (12/29) -
    Week 3 (1/5) -
    Week 4 (1/12) -
    Week 5 (1/19) -
    Week 6 (1/26) -
    Week 7 (2/2) -
    Week 8 (2/9) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • npryor100
    npryor100 Posts: 99 Member
    Looks like this challenge is popular!

    I had success setting a personal weight loss goal between Nov. 1 and Jan. 1 so for this challenge, I'd like to lose 15lbs (a little less than 2lbs per week)! Although I do go to the gym for both cardio and strength training, I am thinking about starting a workout program like P90x or Insanity to get me those last few pounds to my goal weight. I am 24 and I am so excited to be quickly approaching a healthy weight for the first time in my adult life!!!!

    SW: 222
    CW: 169
    Valentine's Day goal: 154

    Week 1 (12/20) - 169lb
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • Hardemanwifey
    Hardemanwifey Posts: 261 Member
    I would love to join this challenge. It looks as if I'm a lil late but I'm still going use it as motivation if that's ok. I'm 29 and currently weigh 175. I try to go to the gym 3-4x a week. Since I work at night I've got to try and do control my late night eatting. I'm going to weigh on the 27th and get started.

    Valentine's Day goal: 165lbs
    Week 1 (12/20) -
    Week 2 (12/27) -
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    So, this is my first challenge - I had a stupid plateau for the whole month of November where I just gained and lost the same silly pound.... December has proven to be much better - I've been loosing a pound a week, which is what I'm aiming for - but I've been wondering - what are you gals doing to "step it up" for the challenge? I stay within my calories 90% of the time and do zumba several times a week... any ideas for ways to make these weeks count?
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I am planning to work out a lot and portion control. I try to cut out sweets but that is kinda hard but I will try even harder! I recently learned that legs are the biggest fat burners in the body, I totally didn't know this before. But it makes sense! So, lots of squats, running, jumping jacks, etc.

    Staying within cals with zumba will work I am sure.
    So, this is my first challenge - I had a stupid plateau for the whole month of November where I just gained and lost the same silly pound.... December has proven to be much better - I've been loosing a pound a week, which is what I'm aiming for - but I've been wondering - what are you gals doing to "step it up" for the challenge? I stay within my calories 90% of the time and do zumba several times a week... any ideas for ways to make these weeks count?
  • frubjious
    I've lost quite quickly this week i think mostly because I've been sick. The doctors have told me that I mustn't exercise for the next month so reaching my goal even though its only 5lbs away is going to be interesting.

    Valentine's Day goal: 150lb
    Week 1 (12/20) - 158
    Week 2 (12/27) - 155
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) –
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Tough week this week. Christmas was hard work and I'm still making my way through the leftovers. Really need to focus but finding it hard to motivate myself :-(

    Valentine's Day goal: 144
    Week 1 (12/20) - 158
    Week 2 (12/27) - 159
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • KTGator
    Well, between sickness and a few too many yummy Christmas meals, I didn't achieve what I wanted to this week. Oh well, there's always this week!

    Valentine's Day goal: 115
    Week 1 (12/20) - 128
    Week 2 (12/27) - 127.8
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -
  • dtmwed
    dtmwed Posts: 130 Member
    i won't be here for 3 weeks after this weigh in, but I was great over Christmas and with all the running around I lost 2 pounds!

    Valentine's Day goal:My weight this past Monday was 172 - Goal 157 for Valentines
    Week 1 (12/20) - 172 -- sadly I haven't lost a thing! :(
    Week 2 (12/27) - 170
    Week 3 (1/3) -
    Week 4 (1/10) -
    Week 5 (1/17) -
    Week 6 (1/24) -
    Week 7 (1/31) -
    Week 8 (2/7) -
    Week 9 and END (2/14) -