What was the first thing you changed?



  • xxhieixx
    xxhieixx Posts: 89 Member
    Chocolate/sweets in moderation!! This is how I gained so much in the first place. After that was exercising, then eating healthy
  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    I stopped eating out regularly and started preparing the majority of my meals at home. Helped my budget and waistline!
  • andreacason
    andreacason Posts: 8 Member
    Diet Coke and I broke up almost 2 years ago. Best decision ever!
  • GelasiaT
    GelasiaT Posts: 74 Member
    Portion Sizes.....Omg I used to pile food on my plate and didn't know when to stop. Now I follow the guidelines of the pyramid, half my plate is veggies, 1/4 protein source, 1/4 grain or fruit. Usually I do one or the other.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Drinking water. I was terrible about drinking enough.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    I changed my mindset about "dieting." I absolutely knew that my changes had to be for a lifetime. I would not always be able to or want to say no to everything that was "bad" but I needed to learn how to eat those things in moderation and how to learn to love to exercise; I needed those things as part of my life to be healthy. I no longer want to look like a model, unless it's a fitness model. First and foremost I want to be fit and healthy. I want to feed my body well, but if I want to have some pizza here and there, that's okay. If my kids want to go out for ice cream, I can have a small cone and be satisfied. And if I want to go out and eat and drink what I want for a night, it's fine, too. I guess what I'm saying is I don't say no to everything all the time, this way I don't feel deprived and like I can't stick with it. My weight loss isn't as quick as some (62 lbs in 15 months) but I feel like I can keep going this way for a life time and I will meet my goal in about 1 years time and I'm just fine with that.
  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    My mind. Telling myself that I don't care was not doing it for me, not when I was about to be 300lbs!
  • Logging and tracking food and exercise.
    And drinking more water :)
  • I just began my new lifestyle last Thursday!

    - Stopped adding salt to meals
    - Quit smoking
    - Stopped drinking anything other than water
    - Drinking 80-100oz of water daily
    - Added daily exercise

    I'm a "cold turkey" sort of person, and I am going all out this time! I have been depressed for the majority of my life, and it is time for a change!
  • I downloaded an app to track carbs and cut down to 75g at most. Because of this, naturally my calorie intake went down drastically!
  • mrsemmypants
    mrsemmypants Posts: 44 Member
    I eliminated soda. I only drink water [generally with lemon] and coffee. I work nights, you take away my coffee, I'll cut you haha :bigsmile: I never really drank energy drinks, so that wasn't an issue. I'd be lying if I said I never missed Pepsi, but I'd rather spend the calories on something else.
  • SluggishSwimmer
    SluggishSwimmer Posts: 17 Member
    I haven't totally eliminated it, but I cut way back on soda and sugary drinks, as well as other junk foods.
    Logging has REALLY helped, I honestly had no idea how many calories I was eating per day until I did that. I knew it was bad, but not how bad.
  • Stary714
    Stary714 Posts: 110 Member
    Probably drinking drinks besides water? I can't remember but it was a tie between that and portion sizes.

    Once I figured out how many calories my sweet teas and occasional soda gave me I became almost OCD about not drinking anything with calories. It just kinda seems like a waste to me. Plus water is good for you and goes with everything :p
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I switched to ground turkey, and whole wheat bread/pasta's, and brown rice.
    I stopped drinking soda and sweet tea (though I still occasionally have it).
    I began exercising, started with just walking and then later I added Zumba.
    I take my vitamin's/supplements every morning.
    I eat my veggies/fruit now. Though probably not enough of them, but Its more than I used too eat.
    Counting my calories, I actually kept a notebook for about a month and hand wrote out my food/exercise each day, then I found out about MFP and have been on here ever since.
    I saw a Dr. and sought out treatment for my PCOS, that I ignored and left untreated for several years.
  • scispence
    scispence Posts: 117 Member
    Bye bye alcohol!
    Then bye bye desserts!
    Then I started tracking calories.
    So far so good...
  • miniimuscles
    miniimuscles Posts: 89 Member
    Regularly exercising even if it was just walking my dogs was the first thing I changed.
  • skvbrevity
    skvbrevity Posts: 14 Member
    I cut out snacking, especially at night. IF I eat between meals, I have a stick of pepperjack cheese - high protein, low carb, tasty - not bland, convenient, cheap! :happy:
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    The first thing I changed was my relationship with food.
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    Three things... All releated in the process of change.... But only 1 actually intake related

    1) Split from a 20 year, non supportive, relationship :drinker:
    2) Started a new supportive relationship, with the Ex's best mate :laugh: (4 years so far :love: )
    3) Ditched the 4 litre bottles of Coca Cola Cherry Coke per day (1800 Calories) :sad:

    Oh how I miss that joyous, Syrup of goodnes..... :noway: NOT!!!!
  • skvbrevity
    skvbrevity Posts: 14 Member
    You are absolutely right, Christa. My husband has really enjoyed the home-cooked meals, as well. Since it's now daylight when we get home in the evenings, we're enjoying grilling a lot of our meats & veggies -- add a salad, & there's no kitchen mess to clean either. I also have learned to cook for two days at a time, especially the meat. Lucky for me, hubby does not oppose leftovers....no waste -- OR, if there's enough left for just one - I will take something in my lunch the next day ---- MORE savings!