What was the first thing you changed?



  • Definitely my eating habits. Took 5 months to adapt to the new habits but it worth it.
  • socialdchic
    socialdchic Posts: 170 Member
    Stopped drinking 5-6 sodas a day and eating fast food
  • rdsxfn
    rdsxfn Posts: 58 Member
    (realizing that bacon doesn't have to be put on everything I eat.)

    mmmmmmm. bacon.
  • skvbrevity
    skvbrevity Posts: 14 Member
    babb -- I got back in the water habit by doing three things - 1) I drink cool tap water - it's free & you drink more cool than really cold at one time; 2) I drink from a measured quart container to refill, & I can tell at all hours of the day just how much else is left to drink for my daily goal; 3) On busy days, I put an hour timer on my desk and drink 8 oz when the timer sounds just like medication until I get back into the habit of actually wanting the water.
  • skvbrevity
    skvbrevity Posts: 14 Member
    Butterball turkey bacon- the trick is HOW to cook it - I've learned the trick -- only 2 slices at a time on a papertowel on a plate in the microwave for 2 minutes; it crisps as it cools - no carbs, low fat, tasty, & legal!
  • Peacockbutterfly
    Peacockbutterfly Posts: 90 Member
    I cut out about 90% of my soda intake quickly and started logging my calories. One thing I haven't had since are Lifesavers Gummy candies. I totally was addicted to those. I was eating 2-3 bags a day. I'm glad I quit.
  • zivasak
    zivasak Posts: 88
    went from grazing all day long to 3 meals a day every 5 hour period+ drinking tons of water.
  • ezloshead
    ezloshead Posts: 167 Member
    I had to end my long term engagement with sweet tea. We still see each other sometimes, but I'm with water now.
  • RobinLynx
    RobinLynx Posts: 60
    It was actually an attitude change, that it's OK to do things for myself & not just everyone else--the world didn't end...which led to looking at a diet & exercise program as being the major things instead of just more chores. Sort of like sinking your teeth into THAT project rather than sinking your teeth into non-portion controlled unhealthy food (& being frustrated & making excuses & all that stuff that doesn't work. I think I already TRIED everything that *doesn't* work). And then opening up & listening to positive, supportive people. I believed people who said, "You can do it." Am really looking hard for & focusing on things to be happy about, if that makes sense. So even while things are stressful, you have this little island of your exercise & your plan & learning things (love learning things). And it worked & is working!

    But definitely the attitude came first.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Good answer ^^^ RobinLynx- I agree that attitude is key. Personally I began by light walking, cutting out soda, adding in more water and believe it or not steamed asparagus. It is a superfood for weight loss.

    Eat less, exercise more, and adjust your attitude. Before you know it you're thinning down!
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    My mindset. Once I came to the realization that getting to my goal weight isn't going to happen overnight, and that I don't have to cut out the foods I love (just stop eating so damn much of it) then that's when everything else fell into place.
  • Like Robin, the first thing I changed was my attitude. I changed the way I view food. Instead of just satisfying my taste buds for a few seconds with empty calories that did nothing to improve my health, I began to look at those foods as something that would eventually kill me if I continued to shovel them into my mouth. That was only because I found out I was diabetic. Contrary to what many think, that diabetes is caused from eating too many sweet goodies, a carbohydrate loaded diet is what led to my health issue, as I suspect is the culprit for many other diabetics. So I decided to readjust my food choices and portions. I still eat potatoes, just not as often or as much. I'm still making changes because I'm not where I want to be yet. But I'll get there.
  • I Cut out pasta, bread, and sugar. Then a couple weeks later I started running.
  • KxCoyote
    KxCoyote Posts: 122 Member
    Pop. Definitely the pop.
    I drank pop, every day, all day. At least 2 2liters a day on my own, every day, for as long as I could remember. I seriously remember drinking pop out of a sippy cup because it taught me how to take the cup off because i hated how it made it all foamy coming through the little holes.

    But I had TRIED to quit drinking pop for around, two-ish years, before dropping it for GOOD roughly a year ago(Note, I'm 21 now) . Now, I can't even touch the stuff, the regular at least. I still have a small diet pepsi when I go out with my Mom on shopping trips(Literally only three times a month )
  • For me it was learning to document everything I eat. WhenI see it I realize how much and what types of food I was eating.
  • Maryanne1923
    Maryanne1923 Posts: 53 Member
    I stopped smoking 3 years ago and realised recently I'd gained 50lb! I cut out all the cheese, bread and milk that I had replaced the cigarettes with. When I started losing a little I began logging everything so that I could see exactly what I was eating. I was very surprised at how many calories I was eating!
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    Definitely my mindset and view of myself. If you're not mentally and emotionally committed, you won't get far.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    Changed my way of thinking FIRST by becoming absolutely 100% transparent to myself and logging absolutely everything I was eating - boy was that a slap in the face!

    Added more water to my diet - went cold turkey on soda's months ago - but have weaned myself off of tea slowly - now only get it as a treat every once in awhile.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I started exercising and started drinking more water.
  • jhellwig828
    jhellwig828 Posts: 109 Member
    Sodas were the first to go - cold turkey. Only drinking water now and if I am craving flavor I add a Propel Zero. Then I started eating breakfast and watching my lunches. I work at a place where food is available all the time - pretty much anything I want. Fried chicken and mashed potatoes had to go! Then I started exercising but the most important thing for me has been my portions!