Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    @Tanya - No, my weight loss has not really stalled. Every single week has shown me a loss, even if only .2 or .4 pounds. My frustration is that it is not coming off like it did 7-8 years ago when I lost 70 pounds. Back then, I averaged 2 lbs a week when on a 1200 daily calorie goal. With those numbers, I should be at 24 lbs lost right now instead of 17 lbs. Like I said in one of my previous posts, maybe I am expecting too much from my body which IS 7-8 yrs older than it was the last time I walked down this path. Also, I have changed my goal settings from MFP defaults to Custom probably every 2-3 weeks since January trying to find the "magic" which I am realizing with everyone's input, I am just spinning my wheels without giving my body a chance to find it's comfort zone.

    As for my BMR, the calculations from the Scooby website is 1823 while from my lazy Sundays on Fitbit is 1878 which is only a difference of 55 calories so I am thinking it's pretty right on. I mean, when I say my Sunday's are lazy, I mean LAAAAZY! I pretty much plop in my recliner and stay put until it's time to go to bed with the only real movement being the occasional walk to the bathroom and taking a shower. Sundays are when I catch up on all my weekly DVR recordings! :bigsmile: Seriously, I am pretty comatuse on Sundays.

    @Robin - Yes, these numbers DO make my head hurt!! :laugh:

    (Edited to correct bad grammar)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Wednesday Wish: meet my goals and receive results.
    Logged another day of doing all my goals! So great! I should be ok today too so trying hard to keep on track. Wife walked with me last night and I hope to go again with her tonight! Going to go out for a quick walk now while the sun is out. We had a little snow this morning but just wet now, it all melted. The mountains are whiteish, I am in SLC Utah. My work window look toward the University of Utah and the mountians!

    pashunrose - I am sure you hear this all over but I will also put in my wish you stop smoking; it is a crutch you don't need.
    RobinB - Great news about treadmill, you can get to 3.1 miles!
    tlho407 - Great goals and reasons for your goals best of luck, you can do it.
    NaomiFilcock - Yeah for the jean puddle!
    Walkingqueen - Keep up the fight, you never lose until you give up. Oh, Happy late Birthday!
    aimeemarie - great job at the new weight!

    A under cal 4/7 days
    B Walk 30 min 4/7 days
    C Drink 8cups 4/7 days

    Mon: ABC
    Tue: ABC
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Just marking my place. I've got that meeting and dinner right after work. I saved over 900 calories from today plus almost 250 from yesterday. If I eat/drink more than that, I guess it will be a long afternoon at the gym tomorrow. :laugh: I'm laughing at the thought of me moving from cardio machine to cardio machine until I've burned enough, but I'm dead serious about earning every calorie this month.

    Will try to check back later tonight with personals. :smile:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I'm back... forgot to post my April goals. I'm still getting caught up on posts and got stuck in the kitchen only wanting to clean out the crumb tray from under the toaster... well, 2 counters, 3 cupboards and an entire stove later (top, elements, the whole enchilada-yuck!) and toaster crumb tray, and I'm pooped and out of time.

    April goals:

    1. planks: 2/30 (20s)
    2. 110g protein: 2/30
    3. lose 5 lbs: (start Apr 1-- 219.2) today 218.2 (using new lowest weight)
    4. extra activity days: 0/2
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wednesday wish, that things would slow down a bit. I don't even know how to begin to tell you all that's happened in the last two days. Yesterday my little Anya was showing signs of a cold, but it didn't seem too bad. She took good naps. In the meantime, Libby, 4th grade granddaughter, invited me to attend grandparents' day at her school in the next town, about 15 miles. I didn't get to walk because it was raining. Then about 10 last night Nicole called and said they were headed for the emergency room with Anya and needed someone to sit with Keith. Grandpa went over and I sat here and stewed. She had a complex febrile seizure. It lasted a long time they had to give her meds to stop it. They decided that our small hospital didn't have all of the pediatric services she needed so she was transferred to Boise (75 miles) by ambulance. The other grandma came in about midnight and sent grandpa home. I spent a sleepless night waiting for updates. She was awake and alert this morning. Grandma brought Keith over so she could go to work and I fixed his breakfast and got him to school. Then TJ, 17 year old grandson, needed me to take something to school for him. I turned that into a 2.7 mile walk. I had to make arrangements for a friend to pick Keith up after school so I could go to Libby's school. I went to that. In the meantime Nicole let me know that all of Anya's neurological tests were good. I had promised to fix dinner for Cathy and her foster sons which I did. Nicole called and said that were still hesitant to send them home because they didn't know what had caused the fever. Then she broke out with a rash all over her body so they are keeping her another night. Keith is having a sleepover with his other grandma.
    Sorry for the long rant. I just couldn't figure out how to shorten it and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I know from your posts that I'm not the only one. Queen, I'm sorry that you are felling abandoned by your friends. That is hard. Pashun, I'm sorry you are missing your fur baby so much. I hope that you can remember that your family needs you and you are worth the effort. RobinB, you are way overthinking this. Keep it simple. Robin, I'm sorry that pain continues to plague you.
    Tomorrow has to be a better day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    bump will get back to everyone later this week.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @kaye--that sounds like a stressful couple of days! I'm glad that Anya's neurological tests were good--hope she is all better soon!

    @robinB--thanks for breaking down the math for me. Now I have a clearer picture of your calorie goals, and I took a look at your calories. I say stick with the 1480, and eat back enough exercise calories to be at at least net of 1200 each day. Don't worry about eating more than that as long as you aren't hungry. Don't compare this journey to the last time--as long as you are losing, that's great! :flowerforyou:

    @ushkii-it's so nice to see your wife is joining you for the walks. :smile:

    @robin--I hope the mouth guard gives you some relief.

    @susan--wow--I'm really excited about your visit and all of the activities you have planned for me. I feel like I'm the tourist and your the hostess! :laugh: I sent you an email with some questions about specifics.

    @damensha--I also have a weakness for sushi--fortunately, a lot of it is pretty healthy and low in calories. I try to choose the brown rice when it's an option and go for types without a lot of sauces, etc.

    @nettie--I also wore blue for autism awareness day. :happy:

    @aimee--congrats on getting out of the teens!! :drinker: You will be in Onederland before you know it.

    @mflatford--welcome! :flowerforyou: As some of us have recently discussed, it can take your body a couple of weeks to reflect what you are eating, so try to be patient. Regarding you friend's WLS, I highly doubt she will get to go for surgery and magically lose the weight. A reputable doctor will require months of nutrition counseling to prepare. Often they also require that the patient lose a certain percentage of weight through diet and exercise before they will do the surgery.

    @pashun--sorry you aren't getting support from your husband. I think the only thing you can do is be honest with him about how you feel. Tell him the desserts are too tempting so you prefer he not make them--of that he make just one serving for himself. Tell him that his comments about overweight women hurt your feelings. I would assume that if he cares about you, he isn't doing it on purpose, and you can't expect him to change his behavior if you don't tell him what you need. If he's unwilling to support you once you ask him to--well, that seems like a completely different issue.

    @holly--I'm so sorry you are dealing with so much stress. I think you've already made the decision to lose those so-called friends, so I don't think you need anyone else to give you that advice. It may be rough for awhile, but you will find new friends who are there for you when you need them. There are good people in the world--it's just a matter of making those connections. I think robin mentioned only having a few solid friends, and i agree that is really key. It's fun to have a lot of people to hang out with and socialize, but don't worry about being best friends with all of them. Find a couple who you can support who will return that favor and stick with them. :flowerforyou:

    @naomi--you can bet when I do eventually make it to Australia, I will want to see as much of it as possible. I loved robin's image of the whole thread gathering at your home! :laugh:

    Wed Wish:
    That everyone experiencing all of the stresses of illness, financial woes, and too much work finds some relief and peace.

    I had my dinner out and it was delicious! Between the cocktails and the entire poece of decadent chocolate cake, I have close to 500 extra calories to burn tomorrow. It will be a heavy cardio day for me but that's okay b/c I love my cardio! :love: :laugh: Adeed 5 seconds to my wall sit and my plank. :happy:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 45/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE (graded instead)
    Wed--rest day DONE <phew!>
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner

    Wall sit = 30 sec
    Forearm plank = 35 sec
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Oh, I almost forgot. some folks were discussing planks and which style to do. The straight arm planks are MUCH easier than forearm planks, so if you are new to planking, start on your hands and toes as susan (I think) described. Once you've worked your way up to a minute or longer in that pose, you can switch to the forearm version for a shorter time and work your way back up to a longer hold. After you are comfortable with the forearm pose, there are harder variations like on the bosu ball as kelley described.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello and Good night, Everyone. Just popping in to save my place.

    Added 10 seconds to my wall sit and a very shaky 3 seconds to my plank this morning. Yikes. My core needs help! :laugh: So glad we're doing this challenge!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That this dumb tickle in my throat (leftover from being sick in February) would go away. We sing a Cantata for Palm Sunday for two different services and I can't sing the whole time without clearing my throat and/or coughing. 10 days left for it to go away...

    @Naomi...I'm getting nervous about these upcoming teenage years. Unfortunately, Jacob takes after his mother and is a bit emotional. I'm sure my Mom thinks "what comes around goes around" and that she's glad it's my turn to deal with it. :noway:
    @Holly...I'm sorry you are having such a hard time with your "friends." I'll pray that you find some new true friends and that your son graduates. It'll turn around soon for you I'm sure.
    @Rose...We are here for you. The struggles with medication is something that I hope you can figure out. Have you talked to your doctor about ways to combat that side effect?
    @Susan...I do the planks with my arms too. I can do the forearms, but not very long. My trainer said I can work up to them.'s just one thing after another for you isn't it? Hopefully you can get to the end of it soon.
    @RobinB...I think you need to be a bit more patient. I don't know how many times I heard my mom say "do it while you're younger because it gets harder the older you get" Well, now I'm almost 41 and I understand. Too bad I didn't listen to her!!! :sad:
    @Ushkii...I'm jealous of your wife being on board. My husband is so thin that he's constantly trying to put on weight (6 foot tall 150 pounds when wet) and it makes it hard because he wants snacks around all the time and I need them to be away. He has a good hiding spot somewhere. :happy:
    @Kaye...oh my! Prayers that little Anya gets better and the doctors figure it all out. Worry would be impossible to avoid.
    @Karen...I have visions of you hopping from machine to machine now too! Glad you like Cardio...I'm sure it was all worth the extra 500.

    AFM...It was a pretty low key day. A bit sore from yesterday's workout. I actually was home with the kids after school/work tonight and while I didn't get to eat with them, I was able to cook them supper and talk with them for a bit. I then ran over to my Mom's to take out her garbage and visit for a bit. Then we had choir practice. I met my calorie goal (it was weird because I only increased my calorie goal by 200 but it seemed like I really had to work to get those filled). I did my plank (arms were shaking!!). Only got 2000 steps in. Just need to go down a quick glass of water and then I'll have met my water goal as well.

    Calorie... 2/30
    Plank...20 seconds
    Workouts this week...1 so far (scheduled Thurs and Sat as well)

    Good night all!

    edited to add: We are getting more snow tonight. Expecting between 1-3 inches. Was getting icy out when I came back from choir. Once more everyone: PLEASE WINTER GO AWAY!!!
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    @Susan – Made me laugh – the ¾ refers to the length of the jeans, as in they come about ¾ of the way down between knee & ankle. I wish it meant my waist was ¾ the size of everyone else’s. Very happy to put you up for a few days or meet you in Melbourne for a bite somewhere when you do get to Australia – we love a good BBQ (Cookout) with friends. (By the way I do ‘speak’ a bit of American as I have a US brother in law, but clothing sizes I don’t know).

    @JNettie – May is ages away! I hope that work is a happy place to be until then. Let’s hope you have positive knews then.

    @Damensha – Congrats on just having one donut, that’s a long term healthy choice. We are on this planet to enjoy our lives – not struggle every day (although sometimes it feels that way). Leaving the second (and third right?) for someone else was a good choice.

    @tlh – Had to chuckle at your struggle to eat enough, if I’m too low I usually just have a few grams of chocolate. Hard to stop sometimes, but that’s what Tupperware’s for right?

    @Lives – Hopefully our teenagers will still want us when they are grown! Dog walking sounds pretty nice, congrats on stabilising at over 100lb lost. I hope you get to your goal in your 12 months timeframe – that’s what I’m aiming for too, min is 18th Dec though.

    @walkingqueen – Happy Birthday!!!!!! I love your goal! The best place to start changing our lives is inside our head. Try some positive hypnosis. Even if you’re not into hypnosis, they are great for relaxation.

    @pashun – You know packing/unpacking is great exercise right? You are in the right place coming on this string. Just keep a positive attitude, like I said above, maybe try some hypnosis? You can do this!

    @aimeemarie – love the new clothes, they really do make us feel wonderful. I have bought clothes that were too small all my life, with a view to losing weight, but never done it. That means I won’t need to buy much on this journey, except work clothes. Enjoy your dinner out. Our kids are away next week (school holiday visit to grandparents) and we will be doing the same – will have to save calories carefully if I’m going to meet my April goals.

    @RobingB – All those calculations confuse the heck out of me, and I’m an Accountant!!!!! I simply watch the calories the MFP allocates me based on what I tell it on the goal setting page. Am I simple or what? LOL. So far that’s working ok, so if it’s not broke I won’t be fixing it.

    @ushkii – keep working on those goals – they’ll work for you. Lovely to have a walking partner.

    @RobinsEgg – My prayers go out to you every day. I know what it is like to live with pain, and wish you some positive results & helpful medications. By the way, we’ve got 20 acres & a couple of tents, so we should fit everyone in LOL. I can just picture rows of them in our back paddock, all lined up in neat rows LOL.

    @skinny – Love the visual of you rotating around and around the gym, LOL. See above re your future trip to Australia. By the way, dinner (with CAKE!!!) sounds wonderful.

    @Kaye – OMG it never seems to stop for you! Prayers & love coming your way from here.

    AFM – Our kids are away next week (school holiday visit to grandparents) and DH and I will be heading out for a couple of meals – will have to save calories carefully if I’m going to meet my April goals. I’ve been playing with the goal setting app on MFP and have re-set to 1300 calories per day.

    Happy day all, Naomi

    April goal 1 – Be below calorie goal every day 2/2
    April goal 2 – Be below calorie goal (weekly, WED to TUE) 0/4
    April goal 3 – Lose minimum 3 kg for the month (if I make 1&2 this should just happen, right???)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @queen - True friends are rare. I trust them totally and know that whatever I tell them will go no further and will not be held against me. I would do anything for these people as I know they would for me. I know a lot of people, but would only put 3-4 in that category. I have ended (not in a dramatic fashion, but through attrition) friendships with people who suck all the life out of me. You know the type. They have constant complaints, drama and have a such a negative impact on your life. Cut them loose and cultivate a few good friendships.

    @ pashun - It's hard when a spouse is not dieting with you. Mine never has either. One idea: freeze desserts in single serve portions. My DH loves brownies. I couldn't ask him to not make or buy them. I am not his mother nor the food police, but I did ask him to cut them up and freeze them. That way he could get a couple out for dessert as he wanted and I didn't have to face a pan of brownies sitting on the counter.

    @mflatford - Your frustration comes through loud and clear and I'm so sorry you're struggling. Is there a medical reason for going low to no carb? If not, maybe it's not the right way for you. Maybe a more moderate approach would be less frustrating and make it easier for you. I spent the first 3 months figuring out what worked for me and more importantly what was sustainable. It takes time and trial and error, but is worth the work. And don't worry about your friend. She's on her journey and you are on yours. Take it one day at a time and you'll surprise yourself with what you accomplish.

    @aimeemarie - Onderland is so close!

    @susan - I don't wish sweets didn't exist, I wish they had the caloric value of celery. Now that would be awesome! If they're your trigger, then you shouldn't have them around. But, I know you have to have some snacks about for Cyrus (just like I have to have some for my child....uh I mean my DH). Maybe you can find a few things he really likes that aren't your favorites. DH LOVES Oreos. I can take or leave those, so he can have those in the house. We are lucky because the stuff I really love he could care less about having around. If he liked Trader Joe's Triple Ginger Cookies, I fear we would be getting a divorce.

    @kaye - Prayers for Anya. High fevers in little ones are so scary. Hope today is calmer.

    @tlh - Snow, snow go away. Don't come back another day!

    AFM - The weather is finally taken a turn for the better. It was fantastic to work outside on the patio yesterday in the fresh (pollen filled) air. My allergies are going nuts, but I refuse to forgo being outside. Not only did I get to exercise class, but I took my pup on a walk after work and then we lounged on the patio couch together. Heaven. This weekend we'll clean the patio, get the irrigation going, trim stuff and dig up the pots to get ready for Spring plants. Last year I had cherry tomatoes, basil, flat leaf parsley and rosemary in pots and had a bumper crop of each. I may try little cucumbers this year or maybe peppers. So excited for SPRING!!

    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    At or under Calorie goal: 2/2

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE
    Sunday - Rest Day DONE
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch (missed due to electrical issue)
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • pashunrose39
    pashunrose39 Posts: 319 Member
    @lives2travel- Thank you for the idea. I will implement that. I really appreciate the support. I have grown cucumbers and peppers. Absolutely the best tasting veggies.

    @naiomi- You are so right. I'm gonna burn me some calories. Thankyou for your support.

    Going away this weekend to my aunts house. Gonna take my laptop with me so I don't miss a day logging in and I can keep track of my intake. It's band weekend there in the downtown area. Lots of cool bands will be playing. My brother is leaving town tonight which will make things a bit easier in the diet journey. No more crap foods.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Ugh, sorry I didn’t by here yesterday – I was spread too thin at work. Since my boss is off today/tomorrow we had to get month-end done in two days. Whew, I was busy! It was a strange day too – ran into a good friend I haven’t seen in months and then ran into a guy I graduated from college with.

    Hooray, my replacement Fitbit arrived yesterday! I felt naked without it. :laugh:

    @RobinB~Awesome improvement on the treadmill, you are dead-on for being ready for the Color Run! I would love it if I could lose weight like I could in my 20s and 30s, but after 40 it just doesn’t happen – throw in peri-menopause/menopause and it’s a whole new ballgame. Frustrating for sure! :grumble:

    @Tracy~Your “girls weekend” sounds fun and relaxing. I’m having a low-key summer as well, just a trip to visit my sister in CO for my nephews birthday in August is planned so far.

    @L2T~The Canada/NE cruise through Princess is round-trip Manhattan – the ports are Newport, RI; Boston, MA; Bar Harbor, ME; Saint John, New Brunswick (for Bay of Fundy) and Halifax, Nova Scotia.

    @Nettie~Terrific stats for March!

    @Holly~Happy belated birthday! Great goals for April.

    @Jenn~Hooray for improved A1C, that is fantastic! I’m on Fitbit, here is my url to add as a friend:

    @Susan~LOL – our cabin in October is L302. I think having a balcony is worth the extra $$ as well, I like to sit out there with coffee in the morning and it helps you to not feel as confined – it expands your cabin a little. I would love it if you could do AK the same time as me! I get 4 weeks of vacation a year and try not to take off a ton of time – my boss has been pretty good about me taking longer trips, I don’t do it often though.

    @Robin~You continue to amaze me with your continued pain and health complications, I hope the new dentist was able to help you.

    @Naomi~My BFF is in Australia (I think Brisbane) – she relocated back after being in the states for 10 years. It is most definitely on my bucket list!

    @Kaye~What a crazy couple of days, it’s hard when you’re being pulled in so many different directions. I’m glad Anya’s neuro tests came back good, hope they figure out the cause of the fever and that she makes a speedy recovery.

    @pashun~I’m sorry you’re missing your furbaby, its hard but does get easier over time. I’m also sorry to hear that your husband isn’t being very supportive, maybe sit him down and talk to him about how you’re feeling and what you need from him. In the meantime, you’ll find the support you need here.

    AFM~Busy day yesterday but still made it to the gym. I feel like I’m having a good week and against my trainer’s wishes, I scale hopped this morning. I think I am slowly taking off the gain from vacation – I would :love: it if it were gone by Sunday! The weather here has been dicey, threat of storms entire week – typical spring weather for Texas. It’s been warm though, in the 80s (close to 90 today) – still haven’t turned on A/C though and its hot upstairs! I really try not to turn it on before May, I may have to suck it up this evening though.

    April Renaissance:

    1. Planks 2/30 days (30s)
    2. Under Calories 2/30 days

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Cardio DONE! (Walked neighborhood)
    Tuesday~ Training DONE!
    Wednesday~Cardio DONE! (Elliptical)
    Thursday~ Training
    Friday~Rest Day
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    If I calculated correctly, I should still be under 2000 calories today after pigging out on wings :) Super happy about that! :)

    Made another trip to the Goodwill and spend about $55 on jeans, dress pants, capris, and shirts that are size 11-14 and size Large shirts. They don't fit yet, but they will soon! :)
  • gulfcoastnik
    gulfcoastnik Posts: 19 Member
    following ....I am new to this thread but would like to be on a support space. I have over 100 lbs to lose...

    I am motivated by looking at how well people have done in the quest for a healthier self, and the weight loss. My main goal is to be healthy and able to move more. I have 4 trips planned through the end of this year and I just want to be active, I want to walk up 2 flights of stairs without getting out of breath.
    I have been doing MFP off and on fow a while. I also have a fitbit flex that I received for a christmas present and it is a constant reminder. I started working out last week 3 times 24 minutes each time, this week 24 min except today 34 minutes. Next week I am going to start back going to Zumba with a friend as excercising at home is very boring to me.

    I am a little discouraged as I have not lost 1 lb since I started working out last week and it is surprising that I have not. I am following my plan during the week very well, the weekends tend to be harder and I don't always log, but I am not going so far outside my plan. It is my goal to log regardless this week including the weekend.

    so there it is...:wink:
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Thrus Truth: Drinking water is really the trick for me; I can keep from snacking which was a big problem for me in the pass. I just love I have finally got on board with the water junkies.

    Had a great day yesterday was able to walk and drink and keep under my calories! Went to the Wal-Mart and walk around the outside for 15 min with the wife, last night. One grumpy worker looked at us twice, like what the heck are you doing? That was funny.
    Hope these good day pay off in three week, hope I can be good for three week, lol.

    grandma - Wow, I hope everything turns out ok, glad you are able to lend a hand to your family, I am sure they appreciated it.
    gulfcoast - Welcome you are in a good place, this group will support you and be here when you need a place to vent. Time to start honestly logging your food, I have found that is the best way to start and the only way to know what is going in. Good Luck.

    A under cal 4/7 days
    B Walk 30 min 4/7 days
    C Drink 8cups 4/7 days

    Mon: ABC
    Tue: ABC
    Wed: ABC
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Wednesday Wish - Floor installation go smoothly without any hiccups. Our contractor stopped by last night to pick up our deposit and is ready to start Monday. We received a call about our floors and our order is ready to be picked up. Brian is leaving work early today and going to pick it up. I am so excited!

    Damensha - Congrats on your hubby's promotion. That must be rough though that you two have less time together. Congrats on the results of your tests too. That is fabulous news.
    Feel free to add me on Fitbit.

    RobinB - We are having some beautiful weather the next few days. If Brian is not too tired when he gets home from work I want to go out again for another long walk. You better watch out because I am going to leave you in the dust. :wink: I passed Tom this week to and am now creeping up on Tanya. Though she has a good 6,000 steps on me so I have a lot of walking to do to catch up. :laugh:
    I am excited though, it looks like it is going to be nice this weekend. I want to stop by my parents house and borrow their rototiller and start getting my garden ready. I have a lot of yard clean up from the storms this Winter. All the heavy snow caused a lot of broken branches from the trees at the back of my property. They look like nice branches for the fire pit. Which makes me more excited. It is almost fire pit and moscato or margarita weather time! :drinker:

    Susan - I am 5'2". That is ironic that your measurements are almost exactly the same. I am curious if we are the same height too. Brian isn't overly thrilled when I show him my measurements and the ladies have decreased. But I really don't mind at all. I have plenty to spare. It would be lovely to be able to see the floor again. :laugh:

    Ushkii - I am so glad to hear you are doing well. That is great that your wife has been going on walks with you. Brian and I have been doing the same thing.It's a great feeling to get out there and moving.

    Kaye - I am so sorry to hear about all the stress you are under. I hope Anya feels better soon, that her doctors are able to determine the cause and they can send her home soon.

    Skinny - Wahoo for wearing blue. I proudly wore my blue as did a lot of staff and students. I was surprised and disappointed that the 2 other teachers who do the program with me were not wearing blue and showing their support. :ohwell:
    Glad you enjoyed your dinner and drinks. Now get to the gym! :wink:

    Lives - My sinuses are going nuts too. Though everyone, students and staff, have been sick for the past 2 weeks. I am not sure if I am fighting off what ever plague hit our school or its all of the dust from the floors. I am not looking forward to the pollen. I am stocked up on allergy meds and tissues though so I am prepared. :wink:

    Pashun - I hope you have a great time away this weekend.

    Kah - Glad to hear you new Fitbit arrived!

    Aimee - Congrats on your Goodwill finds!

    GulfCoast - Welcome. Jump right in and join us!

    April Renaissance:

    Planks: 0/30 days - slacker
    Wall Sits: 0/30 days - slacker
    Protein Goal: 0/30 days - slacker, looks like I will hit my goal today though!
    Exercise goal: 3/25 days (Allowing 1 rest day a week)

    Exercise goal:
    Sunday: Gilad's Cuts and Curves - 60 min
    Monday: Step, lowest setting with light weights - 45 min
    Tuesday: Walk with Brian - 3.74 mi, 1 hr 11min
    Wednesday: Rest day - Cleaned bathrooms and laundry before work
    Saturday: .
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just a quickie - am all caught up with everyone's goings on.
    What a night Kaye - I suppose this isn't the first time you've been with a child with a high fever. Often they can never find the cause, and then determine it was the fever itself that caused the seizure.

    AFM - the dentist was great. She found an infection under my tongue - ( :noway: ) where another puncture wound from my teeth had started ( again, sheesh!) She can make me a night guard that will fit the space available and the cost is less than a new car.She thinks she can submit to Major Medical instead of Dental Insurance due to my situation coming from my brain cyst. She actually has me excited about this. Today I will pick up a prescription antibiotic mouthwash. Also a numbing gel to apply directly to the puncture wounds in my tongue that cause so much pain. The gel only gives about 10 minutes relief but OH what bliss when she applied it in the office. Can only use it once an hour but really looking forward to that!
    Re the brain cyst - next Tuesday I get my next CT scan and I am going to insist on a game plan of action. Am tired of living in pain and have decided I want cyst removed and want surgery if thats an option and will relieve my pain.
    Well, enough of that area of my body. Now to attend to my hip and leg pain. I'm sitting here in my swimming suit and will go do my physical therapy exercises now.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I was trying to get caught up on the last few days but I promised my nephew he could use the computer. I have been out of comission all week. I brought the kids who are on spring break over to my house on Monday. We took the dogs down to the lake and were going to walk them and just as we got started I completley klutzed out. Somehow I managed to slide my left foot off the edge of the sidewalk twisting my knee and ankle as I went down and then the dog ;unged forward at the same time and pulle my hand and elbow across the cement. So I was twisted, sprained , and cut up. Not a good day. Everything is starting to heal nicely though the ankle still gets tender fairly quickly if I spend any amount of time on it. Tried walking the dogs today but after a couple laps I was definitley feeling it. Oh well just take it slow and easy until I get back to a hundred percent. I love the April challenges. I definitley need to get back to doing what I know needs to be done. I am so tired of bouncing around this ten pounds I could scream. Well I better go before my nephew realizes I am still aming him wait. Have agreat day everyone.:bigsmile: :heart: