

  • Xenophonica
    Xenophonica Posts: 79 Member
    I love this thread.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    …just sittin' over here in my corner, watching the fun….
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Here's a thought: CLOSE YOUR LEGS! I can't tell if you are really this stupid, or if you are just trolling? Of course Plan B is going to make your hormones go crazy. Are you taking it every time you have sex?

    Next question, do you have a cell phone? Ditch it. You'll have plenty of money left over to pay for birth control.

    If you are too stupid to figure out the use of a condom or regular birth control... PLEASE DO NOT REPRODUCE! We already have enough idiots having children in this world. We don't need another.

    But she's taking the plan B so she doesn't reproduce. As long as she keeps popping those pills then you don't have much to worry about. So why are we telling her to stop taking it? Out of some kind of false concern for her hormones/future fertility? Concern for someone we think is an idiot unworthy of reproduction? Wouldn't permanent damage to her reproductive organs have the effect that you desire?

    I'm confused.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Oh. well this took an intreresting turn...

    I also want to point out that none of your arguments are valid for the choice (or lack thereof) of birth control you are using.

    And for your dude... Yes. Condoms suck, but get it on, get it in, and all will be well. If he's like me, he will last a lot longer that way becuase he won't feel much of anything.

    Now, Where was that popcorn....

  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member

    I WANT the IUD so bad!! but my doctor REFUSES to give me one because I havent had kids yet and it can rupture the uterus and render me infertile.

    It's like either way I go I cant win.
    He cant use condoms, we tried. He literally cant keep it up. He cant feel anything through them and I even made sure they were the "barely there" thin condoms.
    I cant do birth control because of hormones
    and I cant get the IUD because I dont have kids.

    im being screwed over everywhere and cant really get my body to ever do what I want.

    Your Dr is an idiot. I know people who have an IUD and do not have any kids. The ruptured uterus can happen even if you have had childern. If your willing to run that risk then get a new dr. Also look into a diaphrame for you.

    I'm not really willing to risk becoming infertile.
    I want kids, a lot of them.

    She knows this and that's why she won't.
    Most doctors i know of wont give them if you havent had a kid anyway because the cervix hasnt been stretched enough to reduce possible complications during insertion.

    You need to remember (or realize), I live in the south. I live in the heart of the bible belt where family planning is still EXTREMELY controversial. There's only 1 planned parenthood clinic within a 100 mile radius of me.

    From what I've read so far I would like to encourage you to go ahead and get the IUD.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    OP's attitude reminds me of why we tried to raise our kids right. When my daughters were getting sexually active, they went to Planned Parenthood (my insurance covered Viagra but not birth control -- go figure) and got tested for STDs and shared results with their bfs. BFs were required to do the same (I knew their ex-girlfriends and had actually helped one get Plan B a few times when she had some 'oopsy' moments because HER parents weren't supportive of her).

    Girls got on the pill. Condoms are in the drawer. They're encouraged to use the pill for BC and the condoms for STD protection and extra backup bc.

    End result - girls who stick up for themselves now and insist on condom usage, know that it's a good thing to be open and honest about previous partners, and know that a guy who tries to make them feel guilty about being this up front about it is automatically a guy they won't want in their beds.

    For my sons -- they got the same requirements and talks. I just didn't drag them into the PP to get on the pill, lol.

    All my kids carry condoms in their wallets at all times, because everyone is responsible for birth control. Period. And 'heat of the moment' times can happen, so being prepared is good. Accidental pregnancies or lifelong STDs are not.

    The bfs that my daughters have brought home are wigged out at first because they aren't used to open and honest and frank sexual talk. They quickly learn to love it. My sons haven't had the long-term relationship success yet, which is totally fine because they're all young anyway! I'm hoping, however, that we have instilled 'no glove no love' in their heads enough that they will make smart choices. They've watched a stepbrother on another side of the family go through a teen pregnancy with an ex-gf and they've had to watch the issues with their own biological father...I think all of them are really aware of the ramifications of having a kid with someone and how they are LIFELONG.

    So, OP....start thinking like this and take responsibility....respect yourself and your body.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Most likely water retention (in your muscles, or caused by hormones) or you are eating more than you think.

    Please do something to address why you have taken Plan B so much recently. I am actually surprised you were able to get it that often from a doctor. It wreaks havoc on your body doing that, and there are much better, safer, more reliable forms of birth control.

    A world's worth of THIS.

    Plan B is for the occasional slip up- NOT a contingency plan.

    If you don't want to go on birth control (which I get- I don't take it because I've had some pretty adverse side effects), use a condom (they make both male and female varieties). Or check with your doctor about an IUD- they have programs that will subsidize the cost for certain individuals.

    Be safe. Have fun, but be safe.

    I WANT the IUD so bad!! but my doctor REFUSES to give me one because I havent had kids yet and it can rupture the uterus and render me infertile.

    It's like either way I go I cant win.
    He cant use condoms, we tried. He literally cant keep it up. He cant feel anything through them and I even made sure they were the "barely there" thin condoms.
    I cant do birth control because of hormones
    and I cant get the IUD because I dont have kids.

    im being screwed over everywhere and cant really get my body to ever do what I want.

    You can have the IUD if you have not had kids yet. I'm proof. So are a couple of my friends. Go to a different doctor and get a second opinion.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    But if you use condoms, how will he know that you're a 'cool' girl? Personal safety and responsibility be damned!

    SMDH. God I hope this is a troll.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member

    This thread just reminded me of this guy. All jokes aside, no judgment here. I myself am no stranger to Plan B. I have taken it once before due to an accident. However, I am wondering what has been going on with you in the past few months. That can't be good for your body. There are other forms of contraception that you can buy without a prescription. I think that weight loss is really not your biggest problem right now. Good luck.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member

    It's like either way I go I cant win.
    He cant use condoms, we tried. He literally cant keep it up. He cant feel anything through them and I even made sure they were the "barely there" thin condoms.

    Oldest trick in the book. I think I called bs on this one when I was 17. Lay down the law with him. And since you mentioned that he's not even your boyfriend, you just might want to get yourself tested. Planned Parenthood is your friend.

    At this rate, I'd be just as worried about STDs as pregnancy. No safe sex in a non-long term, non-committed relationship? And they wonder why the heck we need Sex Ed in school. Both syph & gon have gone drug-resistant. SERIOUSLY. Protect yourself and live a long life, worry about bratlings later.
  • Jwold55
    Jwold55 Posts: 39 Member
    OP's attitude reminds me of why we tried to raise our kids right. When my daughters were getting sexually active, they went to Planned Parenthood (my insurance covered Viagra but not birth control -- go figure) and got tested for STDs and shared results with their bfs. BFs were required to do the same (I knew their ex-girlfriends and had actually helped one get Plan B a few times when she had some 'oopsy' moments because HER parents weren't supportive of her).

    Girls got on the pill. Condoms are in the drawer. They're encouraged to use the pill for BC and the condoms for STD protection and extra backup bc.

    End result - girls who stick up for themselves now and insist on condom usage, know that it's a good thing to be open and honest about previous partners, and know that a guy who tries to make them feel guilty about being this up front about it is automatically a guy they won't want in their beds.

    For my sons -- they got the same requirements and talks. I just didn't drag them into the PP to get on the pill, lol.

    All my kids carry condoms in their wallets at all times, because everyone is responsible for birth control. Period. And 'heat of the moment' times can happen, so being prepared is good. Accidental pregnancies or lifelong STDs are not.

    The bfs that my daughters have brought home are wigged out at first because they aren't used to open and honest and frank sexual talk. They quickly learn to love it. My sons haven't had the long-term relationship success yet, which is totally fine because they're all young anyway! I'm hoping, however, that we have instilled 'no glove no love' in their heads enough that they will make smart choices. They've watched a stepbrother on another side of the family go through a teen pregnancy with an ex-gf and they've had to watch the issues with their own biological father...I think all of them are really aware of the ramifications of having a kid with someone and how they are LIFELONG.

    So, OP....start thinking like this and take responsibility....respect yourself and your body.

    just a BTW - putting condoms in your wallet is dumb..it causes them to break down thereby breaking...not smart...
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    OP's attitude reminds me of why we tried to raise our kids right. When my daughters were getting sexually active, they went to Planned Parenthood (my insurance covered Viagra but not birth control -- go figure) and got tested for STDs and shared results with their bfs. BFs were required to do the same (I knew their ex-girlfriends and had actually helped one get Plan B a few times when she had some 'oopsy' moments because HER parents weren't supportive of her).

    Girls got on the pill. Condoms are in the drawer. They're encouraged to use the pill for BC and the condoms for STD protection and extra backup bc.

    End result - girls who stick up for themselves now and insist on condom usage, know that it's a good thing to be open and honest about previous partners, and know that a guy who tries to make them feel guilty about being this up front about it is automatically a guy they won't want in their beds.

    For my sons -- they got the same requirements and talks. I just didn't drag them into the PP to get on the pill, lol.

    All my kids carry condoms in their wallets at all times, because everyone is responsible for birth control. Period. And 'heat of the moment' times can happen, so being prepared is good. Accidental pregnancies or lifelong STDs are not.

    The bfs that my daughters have brought home are wigged out at first because they aren't used to open and honest and frank sexual talk. They quickly learn to love it. My sons haven't had the long-term relationship success yet, which is totally fine because they're all young anyway! I'm hoping, however, that we have instilled 'no glove no love' in their heads enough that they will make smart choices. They've watched a stepbrother on another side of the family go through a teen pregnancy with an ex-gf and they've had to watch the issues with their own biological father...I think all of them are really aware of the ramifications of having a kid with someone and how they are LIFELONG.

    So, OP....start thinking like this and take responsibility....respect yourself and your body.

    Can I please friend you for parenting advice in 10 years??!
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    OP's attitude reminds me of why we tried to raise our kids right. When my daughters were getting sexually active, they went to Planned Parenthood (my insurance covered Viagra but not birth control -- go figure) and got tested for STDs and shared results with their bfs. BFs were required to do the same (I knew their ex-girlfriends and had actually helped one get Plan B a few times when she had some 'oopsy' moments because HER parents weren't supportive of her).

    Girls got on the pill. Condoms are in the drawer. They're encouraged to use the pill for BC and the condoms for STD protection and extra backup bc.

    End result - girls who stick up for themselves now and insist on condom usage, know that it's a good thing to be open and honest about previous partners, and know that a guy who tries to make them feel guilty about being this up front about it is automatically a guy they won't want in their beds.

    For my sons -- they got the same requirements and talks. I just didn't drag them into the PP to get on the pill, lol.

    All my kids carry condoms in their wallets at all times, because everyone is responsible for birth control. Period. And 'heat of the moment' times can happen, so being prepared is good. Accidental pregnancies or lifelong STDs are not.

    The bfs that my daughters have brought home are wigged out at first because they aren't used to open and honest and frank sexual talk. They quickly learn to love it. My sons haven't had the long-term relationship success yet, which is totally fine because they're all young anyway! I'm hoping, however, that we have instilled 'no glove no love' in their heads enough that they will make smart choices. They've watched a stepbrother on another side of the family go through a teen pregnancy with an ex-gf and they've had to watch the issues with their own biological father...I think all of them are really aware of the ramifications of having a kid with someone and how they are LIFELONG.

    So, OP....start thinking like this and take responsibility....respect yourself and your body.

    just a BTW - putting condoms in your wallet is dumb..it causes them to break down thereby breaking...not smart...

    Exactly. You need to wear that thing 24/7 just in case some fun breaks out.
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    If your doctor won't get you an IUD, go to your local Planned Parenthood. They should be able to refer you to a doctor who will be willing. That so many doctors refuse is just plain old BS.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Regardless of the weight loss/gain issue, I would be remiss not to suggest considering a Plan A... I don't think Plan B is meant to be taken so often but only as an emergency. Have you considered a more permanent method that is workable for you?
    at the moment, im uninsured and cant afford birth control and even before then, my doctors wouldnt put me on it because im so sensitive to hormones that everything would kill my libido or make me gain weight and my doctors didnt want me gaining weight when im already over weight.
    Pull out method. Calendar method.Tie your tubes.Theres many ways.

    This sounds like the best method for you, OP.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    He cant keep it up with condoms, We tried.
    Then he is not a sexual tyrannosaurus
    There is always the old style birth control..............backdoor
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    Here's a thought: CLOSE YOUR LEGS! I can't tell if you are really this stupid, or if you are just trolling? Of course Plan B is going to make your hormones go crazy. Are you taking it every time you have sex?

    Next question, do you have a cell phone? Ditch it. You'll have plenty of money left over to pay for birth control.

    If you are too stupid to figure out the use of a condom or regular birth control... PLEASE DO NOT REPRODUCE! We already have enough idiots having children in this world. We don't need another.

    But she's taking the plan B so she doesn't reproduce. As long as she keeps popping those pills then you don't have much to worry about. So why are we telling her to stop taking it? Out of some kind of false concern for her hormones/future fertility? Concern for someone we think is an idiot unworthy of reproduction? Wouldn't permanent damage to her reproductive organs have the effect that you desire?

    I'm confused.

    So true. OP, please keep taking Plan B at least 4 times monthly until you develop some sort of cervical/uterine/ovarian cancer and can no longer reproduce. Please. As has been said already, more unplanned kids being paid for by welfare is the most stupid idea ever.

    (You can call me an @sshole, I call myself a Darwinist :p )
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Here's a question: If this NON-boyfriend is having unprotected sex with you, how many others is he doing this with? If I were you, I'd insist on a condom for reasons other than birth control. Actually, If I were you, I wouldn't be having sex with him at all.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member

    Can I please friend you for parenting advice in 10 years??!

    Totes :)
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