Why you should NOT workout



  • joecmoore1
    joecmoore1 Posts: 87 Member
    Cough, cough, cough (BULLS*&T!) Cough....
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I didn't read this too carefully, but this just popped up in my news feed.

    Studies Link Running Too Much To Dying Younger

  • addysolari
    addysolari Posts: 181 Member
  • silverraiyne
    silverraiyne Posts: 683 Member

    See the clock to the left of the Christmas tree (yes, I know, there are several others in the picture, my uncle collects clocks) That particular clock is from the 15th century, meaning it was made in the 1400's -- and it's still around and ticking and keeps me up all fricken night when I'm visiting! I'd say those are pretty damn good odds that if that clock can keep time all these centuries later, I'm not gonna wear myself out anytime soon :wink:
  • mikegerber1
    mikegerber1 Posts: 38 Member
    it you saw it on the internet, it has to be true... they can't put stuff on the internet that isn't the truth... and my date is a French super model...

    uh... bon jour?!
  • MicheleWE
    MicheleWE Posts: 179 Member
    Based on what I see everyday working in a medical clinic, I'll take my chances with exercise. I'll risk running out of beats a few days sooner for quality of life.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Heard on the interwebz that we are all born with a certain number of heartbeats. So if you exercise, your heart beats faster to your early demise.

    If a clock, a clutch, an IPad has s shelf life, then it makes sense that the heart as a shelf life.

    What say you?

    QFT! I completely buy into this. Ex. Hamsters - their hearts go like the clappers & have you seen the little guys go in their Atlasphere's? Sadly we've yet to have one that's lived over the age of 2yr. Moral of the story don't workout like a hamster :noway:
  • Woodspoon
    Woodspoon Posts: 223 Member
    It's just a hypothesis at the moment
    pretty much based on the idea that small animals hearts beat really really fast and have short lives, but huge animals hearts beat really really slow and have long lives.

    According to the wiki fit people have lower resting heartbeats than unfit people, making them live longer.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    YES it is true.....and you become a walker once you hit the maximum number of beats

  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You gotta die from something, right!!!!???? :flowerforyou:
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    The assertion is that 99% of life expectancy is in your genes and pre-decided upon birth.

    Now quality of life is a variable you can change. You can be fit to enjoy a run or a hike. You can enjoy the fresh fruits and vegetables, program yourself to do that. You can lift your grandson when you are 80.

    But you can probably not change expectation of life by any appreciable quantity.

    This is why you see that life expectancy increases for a population and not for a subgroup of people, over time. And life expectancy increases due to medical break throughs and technological advances, not because of improved workouts.
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    There's always a chance you'll get flattened by a big truck and die--so then what happens to your heartbeats?????

    I say live strong (NOT Lance Armstrong drug-strong--the real thing!) and enjoy your workouts (or at least the good feeling of feeling good) and enjoy whatever heartbeats you have!
  • sanderdejonge
    sanderdejonge Posts: 415 Member
    Couldn't really be bothered.

    Rather have lived to the fullest and live a year shorter than have a boring life and live longer.
    Besides, I believe an active lifestyle with healthy foods do help for a longer life.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Eat. Exercise. Die anyways.
  • DontEatTheCake3
  • SDahood2
    SDahood2 Posts: 1 Member
    This is actually true for every mammal but humans, thanks to medical advances. Most Mammals have around 1 billion heartbeats in their lifetime, meaning most rodents dont live long because their resting heart rate is far greater than that of say an elephant which has a much lower resting hear rate, so there is scientific merit to this, but its no longer really applicable to people.
  • shane_tac1
    shane_tac1 Posts: 35 Member
    To be honest I don't work out in an attempt to prolong my life. I workout because I enjoy working out. You could die crossing the road tomorrow! Doesn't mean you will stop crossing roads! Staying inside by yourself with your doors bolted you will avoid being run over, murdered, attacked etc but that isn't a life.
    Life is to live and to live to the fullest. Working out means whatever time you do have will most likely be BETTER quality time because you will have more confidence and will feel better about yourself.
    Also the fitter you are the lower your resting heart rate. You don't workout 24-7 so overall surely that will result in your heart rate beating less beats not more over time?
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I read a site that was promoting this idea. Lol.

    Don't do squats either because you'll wear out your legs.

    Don't *kitten*, because you'll wear out your critical parts.

    Lies! Everyone knows you just go blind from masturbating too often :ohwell: