What are your MUST have's

I have a friend that has recently lost 75 pounds and she said that one of her must have's is PB2 (the powdered peanut butter). I'm going to go to Walmart this weekend and get some to try! Just wondering what is everyone's MUST have's????? I love Greek Yogurt so that is my must have!


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Ice cream.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Greek yogurt, chicken breasts, eggs, light cheese, green tea (not for weight loss, but because I like it, lol).
  • PLAID1977
    PLAID1977 Posts: 70 Member
    I second PB2! And Joseph's Lavash Wraps!!!
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    Cheese. And alcohol. I must budget those in or I would be a sad panda.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    avocado. almond milk. eggs. ice cream. cookies. cake batter anything.
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    Something sweet everyday - bonus if it contains chocolate :happy: .
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Food - most importantly food I like.

    PB2 is not one of those - just give me peanut butter!
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I love Pb2 to add to my chocolate protein shakes because they're already high in calorie, but for everything else I'd use real peanut butter.
    Dark chocolate, every few weeks I up the percent a little (I get anything from 72-80 now.)
    Crystal light. I hate the taste of filtered water, I'm on a migraine medication that makes it taste like metal.
    Yoghurt (whatever you like, greek has more protein but I don't like the taste unless it's in my protein shake)
    Nuts (pistachios and almonds.)
    Frozen spinach to throw in sauces and protein shakes.
    Pure protein shakes that come in a bottle for on-the-go, only 120 calories for 23 grams of protein. Pretty expensive though.
    Cheese sticks.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Fried chicken, ice cream, kiddie breakfast cereal
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Ice cream, cookies and pizza
  • AceCC86
    AceCC86 Posts: 71
    There are a lot here, but I've been finding these meal hacks completely necessary!

    - Greek yogurt. Love the Trader Joe's varieties, especially the vanilla bean and raspberry.
    - Almond Milk.
    - Laughing Cow cheese for rice cakes and sandwiches. I like the bleu cheese because it has the most flavor.
    - Any variety of sandwich slims -- these are usually around 90 - 100 calories each, cutting the typical bread calories in a sandwich in half. This way you can have more of the good stuff and feel full without using up too many carbs.
    - Bananas. I'm usually running out the door in the morning so I need to scarf one of these down to get something in my stomach & get my metabolism moving.
    - Trader Joe's Reduced Guilt Kale & Spinach Dip. This is 30 calories for 2 teaspoons and is perfect for a spread on so many things! Plus you get some veggies and protein in.
    - Spinach. There always needs to be spinach in my fridge. Quick salad, quick and easy sauteed side dish, topping on sandwiches, it works for everything.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Beer and Bourbon
  • ianthy
    ianthy Posts: 404 Member
    Meal out once a week - i try to stay sensible but need to have that break with hubby otherwise we would both go nuts.
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    Peanut Butter
    Ground Beef
    Assorted veggies

    That's the bulk of my intake. :smile:
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    Beer and Bourbon

    Can't forget beer. ;)
  • fitfan11
    fitfan11 Posts: 544 Member
    Tennessee Honey Jack!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    A variety of vegetables, beans and seafood. Brown rice, rolled oats and quinoa. A variety of vinegars and mustards. Reduced fat cheeses. A big bottle of extra virgin olive oil. Soy milk. Cocoa roast almonds.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Anything I chose to eat.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Cheese Strings
    Baked Potatoes

    Oh, and cake, pie, ham, pancakes, waffles, ice cream, pudding, chips.....