Misconceptions You Had as a Child



  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    My brother convinced me that the seeds in rye bread were bugs. He could be a real jag off sometimes.

    oh yes, and Tapioca pudding, it was fish eyes in there, my Mom would tell me that so she could eat mine...

    I was eating a brownie last night and my daughter wanted some, thought it was cake..I told her it was poop hahaha. Terrible, but it worked.

    Now your daughter is telling people you eat poop lol.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,837 Member
    Misconceptions You Had as a Child.....

    You had life figured out when you get older.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I was going to be Rich!

    North was up and South was down. East and west was left and right.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I thought that blood was really blue cause thats what your veins look like, and I thought once it hit the air it turned red....lol
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    My brother convinced me that the seeds in rye bread were bugs. He could be a real jag off sometimes.

    oh yes, and Tapioca pudding, it was fish eyes in there, my Mom would tell me that so she could eat mine...

    I was eating a brownie last night and my daughter wanted some, thought it was cake..I told her it was poop hahaha. Terrible, but it worked.

    Now your daughter is telling people you eat poop lol.

    She is only two, so luckily no haha
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Misconceptions You Had as a Child.....

    You had life figured out when you get older.

    So true!

    I did have everything figured out from about 15-21 then I lost it.
  • Lisacare
    Lisacare Posts: 40 Member

    One misconception that came to mind was courtesy of my puritan mother. I was told that unmarried people are unable to have children. Imagine how embarrassed I was when in 4th grade, one of my classmates said her older sister was pregnant. I of course asked who her husband was. I was told she wasn't married and I of course said it was impossible to be pregnant. The whole class completely lost it. It took several years for that incident to be forgotten by others. Thanks mom!

    LOL.... I had cancer as a small child and have no ovaries, therefore no female hormes, I started taking hormone replacement medicaiton around 12 years old. My grandmother told me that I couldn't drink alcoholor use any other drugs because I took perscription medication and it would hurt me. I was like 18 and in nursing school before I figued out that what I took were the same hormones that everyother woman on the planet already had. LOL but kept me from drinking or using drugs in high school, my hat off to her!!! LOL
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Thunder & lightning= Dracula

    If people got married on TV, they got married in real life too.

    Play Dough & Silly Putty were the same thing as gum

    Whatever evil is lurking under your bed cannot get you if you leap onto your bed from the doorway
  • The_Aly_Wei
    The_Aly_Wei Posts: 844 Member
    -I thought burglars ransacking my home and sharks attacking me would pose a far larger problem than either actually do.
    -I had no idea human beings were not "human beans".
    - I thought everyone grew up and happened to be whatever they wanted to be.
    -My Grandfather was the only brown person i had ever seen until i went on vacation and saw someone black...i asked her if that happened from being at the beach for a long time before my Dad could wrangle me.

    **Edit for spelling
  • SloRose
    SloRose Posts: 67
    Thunder & lightning= Dracula

    If people got married on TV, they got married in real life too.

    Play Dough & Silly Putty were the same thing as gum

    Whatever evil is lurking under your bed cannot get you if you leap onto your bed from the doorway

    I used to think alligators were under my bed and I would get a running start from the door too!!!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I thought burritos were tacos and tacos were burritos. For some reason the correct names for each just did not make sense to me.

    There was a big white plantation style house in the next town over and I thought Dolly Parton lived there. Seriously had that in my head until I was a teen, too.

    Until I was about 11 years old, I thought any adult who drank alcohol - even had a six pack of beer in the fridge - was an alcoholic and should be feared. My parents were not drinkers, and I guess I got this idea from school somehow (?)

    Also due to school programs about stranger danger, I thought any man - or even woman - might molest me at any time. When I spent the night with a friend I was on guard to fight off their dad, stepdad, brother, etc. FTR I was never in any scary situation or abused in any way. I just had this idea because of warnings from adults which I took overly seriously.

    I thought Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were fine. But I was horrified by the idea of the Tooth Fairy flying around in my bedroom and coming close to my head. Also, I thought she wanted my other (permanent or still-attached) teeth, too. That didn't go over well with me.

    Mostly I was just really obsessed about the specifics of things like sex, pregnancy, and childbirth. Since I (thank goodness!) hadn't experienced any of those things, but could tell that they were a mysterious taboo topic with most adults, I was utterly confused and fascinated by these topics. Luckily my mom handled it well, she was a nurse and not shy to tell me factual details or lead me to age appropriate reading materials. But I was always coming up with some crazy question, like if a woman in our neighborhood was very skinny I didn't understand how her larger husband could "do it" with her without it going all the way through her body and hurting her...LMAO, what a weird kid I know.

    I was also horribly literal & DEAD SERIOUS when it came to church and Bible stories. I won't go into much detail there, but I would really work myself up into a meltdown/frenzy and it led to many meetings with various ministers and professors when I was a girl. Again I feel so lucky I had good parents during all of that, not some psychos who would have had me sent away or scheduled an exorcism for all of my religious doubts and concerns ;-) One event in particular was seeing a Harvest moon right after a Revelations story about the moon turning to blood...I was bawling my eyes out and telling my parents I didn't want to die at age eight.
  • theJTfitness
    theJTfitness Posts: 142 Member
    Not really a misconception, but I accidentally stole a peppermint from walmart when they had those candy buckets. I purposely didn't watch the local 6:00 news out of fear that I'd be on there for stealing!
  • Wenderzs
    Wenderzs Posts: 8
    That street lights were controlled by people who worked under the roads pushing buttons to turn them red, yellow and green.

    And my favorite is that I never understood as a child why anyone would spend the money in their wallet when they could just write on a piece of paper (a check) or hand over one of those plastic cards instead!
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    When I was in Girl Scouts someone gave us tips for selling cookies. One of the sales pitches was "If you're on a diet the cookies can be frozen!". Dieting was still mysterious to me at that time, and it didn't occur to me that someone would want to preserve the cookies to be eaten after losing weight. So I assumed that freezing a cookie transformed it somehow to be lower in calories. Would have been nice if that were true!
  • bitxbit
    bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
    The people in the TV watched me, too

    That my toys played at night, after I was asleep (in truth, learned later, my mom would pick up random toys before she went to bed! WHEW... 'cause that's the stuff scary movies are made of!!)

    Clowns are wicked...:noway: ... still not convinced that this is a misconception!!

    My Dad's forearm scar (inner wrist towards bend of elbow, about 6" long), really was from an arrow, while fighting Indians... Yeah, well, who knew about pencils in ashtrays and car crashes?!!
  • The_Aly_Wei
    The_Aly_Wei Posts: 844 Member
    That being on fire was going to be a common occurrence when I was an adult.

    HAHAHAHA Yes I remember this and quick sand is everywhere.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I was really young, thought the sun and the moon were the same at one point, until I saw both at once. My mind was blown.

    A friend of mine, who is a former honor student, an RN and has delivered thousands of babies, and has 4 kids of her own, thought this until she was 32.
  • dgeorgiadis
    dgeorgiadis Posts: 95 Member
    That if you ate pop rocks and drank coke your stomach would explode.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    that babies were found in the cabbage patch (and this was before cabbage patch kids came out) i was absolutely devastated when i found out they didn't

    despite the fact that i lived with my dad, i thought the milkman was my real dad because he used to wave to me every morning???

    whilst in infants school (year 2) some older kids told me the school toilets were haunted by a green finger, legend was the caretakers wife had died on the school field, her finger had turned gangrene, fallen off, and crept to the school toilets, where it lurked, waiting to stroke unwitting kids, and as unbelievable as that sounds it actually continuously crept me out till the school was knocked down 2 years ago (bearing in mind i'm 37 lol)

    if you didn't hold your breath whilst going under a bridge, it would collapse on you