Misconceptions You Had as a Child



  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    Hahaha this thread is great! I didn't get through all the posts but the ones I did read really made me smile.

    I used to think "broughtyoud" was a word, as in "this program was broughtyoud (brought to you) by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation and donations from viewers like you"

    I also thought that when a piece of cat fur got stuck to my cheese sandwich and I ate it, I would turn in to a cat.

    I thought that my grandma had "something behind there", refering to underneath her saggy breasts. I didn't believe her that behind them was just skin.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I thought Independence Day (USA) was actually called "the 4th of July". I asked my teacher once when "the 4th of July" was.

  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member

    I was afraid to stay under water to long in a pool because I thought the pool cover came out of the sides of the pool, by pushing a button or something and I would get trapped under.

    In relation to pools, I thought that lobsters inhabited the area next to the drain in my pool.

    My dad also convinced me one time that the energizer bunny lives in his belly button.
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    I believed my mom had eyes in the back of her head.

    I cried when Apollo died in Rocky ... not because it was sad, because I thought it really happened.
  • FemmeFatale83
    I asked my bf this and his immediate response was "That women are nice." LoL
  • becsnz1
    becsnz1 Posts: 85 Member
    I thought Fire Engines went to put fire on houses and I was always fearful when seeing one zooming down the road with lights on they were going to MY house to burn it! Used to get very upset and cry lots whenever I saw one!

    I thought when you went overseas on an aeroplane that you had to sit on chairs on the wings and got tied on with massive ropes.

    My birthday was in November and I thought you could choose when you had your birthday so I told my mum that I wanted my next birthday in July coz it would be sooner than having it in November next year.

    That's all I am game enough to share :embarassed:
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I asked my bf this and his immediate response was "That women are nice." LoL

    LOL that is awesome. I would say something like that.

    On that note I thought married couples had sex every day!
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    There's no pretty way of saying this, but I thought having sex meant that you ate the other person's poo and pee.

    Thank god I never said that out loud to anybody... and thank god for the internet for correcting that mistake.

    Wow I thought sex was just laying on top of each other clothes or not. yours is worse hahahah

    I thought that if you laid in bed with someone you would get pregnant. When I was a kid I thought I didnt even wanna be pregnant because labor would hurt so I remember telling my parents that when I grew up and got married I was going to sleep on top of the covers and my husband could sleep under them cuz i didnt want to accidently get pregnant.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    I thought that since I was older than my cousin by a few months that I should be taller. Yep, we're both 31 and she's still taller than I am.

    ETA: We're only 31, not 32. WTH is wrong with me?
  • FemmeFatale83
    I asked my bf this and his immediate response was "That women are nice." LoL

    LOL that is awesome. I would say something like that.

    On that note I thought married couples had sex every day!

    Lol that is a big misconception
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member

    I thought when you went overseas on an aeroplane that you had to sit on chairs on the wings and got tied on with massive ropes.

    I recall a children's book like this. it was these giant wings and it was the biggest air plane and there was a circus on it and people just rode on top of this plane with chairs that were tied down.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I asked my bf this and his immediate response was "That women are nice." LoL

    LOL that is awesome. I would say something like that.

    On that note I thought married couples had sex every day!

    Lol that is a big misconception

    Yes Ma'am
  • coretemp
    coretemp Posts: 1,796 Member
    that children remained children and adults remained adults but couldn't quite put my finger on what elderly was, LOL

    I also thought I would never learn how to do cursive writing because I wasn't an adult.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,780 Member
    i thought tartar sauce was made from tartar and was grossed out how anyone would want to eat a sauce scraped from people's teeth.

    I still can't eat tartar sauce.

    That cracks me up!! :-)

    My nephew who was maybe six or seven at the time, got all freaked out when he heard that my high school graduation party was at this certain restaurant in our town. He kept blushing and then would hide his face. My stepsister finally got it out of him...he'd read on the sign "PRIVATE PARTIES" and thought it meant everyone would be naked.

    i also giggled as a pre-teen because I thought fast food restaurants gave out contraception when they had signs that said "Condiments upon request."
  • california_haley
    california_haley Posts: 220 Member
    If you swallowed any kind of fruit or veggie seed that it would then grow in your tummy. (Thanks big brother!)

    That if you had a fort then nothing bad could ever happen there.

    Also that everything you saw on TV or on a movie was in fact a true story! I didnt understand why I couldnt have a talking Great Dane to solve mysteries with!
  • The_Aly_Wei
    The_Aly_Wei Posts: 844 Member
    There's no pretty way of saying this, but I thought having sex meant that you ate the other person's poo and pee.

    Welp, i for one am glad that is not the case.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    After I watched Matilda as a kid, I spent hours staring at random objects hoping that I could somehow develop telekinesis.

    Also, I stuck a bunch of my mom's maxi pads on her car window one time because I thought they were just weird looking stickers.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    The kids said the "if I die before I wake" prayer because your chances of randomly dying in the night were like 50-50 and you needed to be prepared!
  • mrfreestyle
    mrfreestyle Posts: 1,293 Member
    I thought New York was the capital of America, and then after that I thought it was Atlanta.

    I remember I also thought London was in Greenland

    I thought tornadoes and earthquakes only happened in cartoons.

    After watching Superman, I thought I could fly by wrapping myself in a red sheet
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I thought New York was the capital of America.

    Its not? We sure act like we are.

    There are two states NY and California the rest is just middle stuff.

    LOL trying to get out of this state in a hurry.