rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • CrystalReaves78
    CrystalReaves78 Posts: 16 Member
    Let your haters be your motivators!
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    My mother, sister, sister-in-law, and I were sitting around at a family event and they got talking about how much weight they gained when they were pregnant. My mom confessed to weighing 198 pounds at her heaviest and that she would've wanted to die if she would've gotten over 200, and the other two agreed. Not meant as an insult, but still a really crappy thing to say in front of your obviously 200+lb daughter/sister.
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    Any variation of why are you on a diet black girls aren't supposed to be/can't be as skinny as white girls anyway.
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    Let your haters be your motivators!

  • "When is your baby due?"

    Yep. My youngest child was about 3 weeks old when some old hag came up to me and said that.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Pretty sure being called "Tits" all through high school because of my moobs.
  • I have been told more that once that "I'm really pretty for a big girl"!! What the hell does that even mean?!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Are you dying of cancer or something? That's the worst one I heard yet.
  • I was not overweight by any means as a child, but I did have a bit of a pudgy stomach like plenty of other kids do. My older brother, however, was super skinny (combination of genetics from our mom's side and being the world's pickiest eater) and his favorite thing to do was poke me in the stomach and call me "fatty" as he walked by.

    Throughout high school I suffered from an array of health problems which sent me from 105 lbs down to 98, up to 110, back down to 102, etc. I'm only 5'1 on a good day, so those few pounds make a huge difference on my frame. My grandparents (paternal) live halfway across the country and see us only once or twice a year, so any changes in my weight were very obvious to them, and my grandma never failed to tell my parents that they needed to watch what I was eating.

    I finally stopped gaining/losing and maintained at about 115 for a couple of years, then last spring I started taking birth control and gained another ten pounds, putting me at 125, which is still in the normal BMI range. Shortly after the weight gain, my family made a trip to see my grandparents. The topic of conversation one afternoon turned to my fiance and how he's relatively short for a man and is on the slender side. Immediately my grandma said, "Unfortunately you're built like your dad, so you'll swell up like a Butterball in no time." The next day my mom asked me to retrieve something from upstairs, and because I had already made two trips up and down in the last five minutes, I jokingly whined about it. My grandma, very seriously, told me, "You need the exercise!" Never mind the fact that I rode my bike 9-12 miles a day 4-6 times a week that summer.
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    My nickname is grade school and middle school was "whale". I managed to turn it into a big joke about how if they kept making fun of me that I would chase them down and sit on them... and I'd follow through with that. Sure, publicly, I turned it around but every night, I'd come home and cry myself to sleep.

    I was at a sleep over and we were playing telephone (where you whisper something in someone's ear down the line?) and I was the last person. The sentence happened to be that I was fat and gross. These were supposed to be my friends (bff, right?) and I remember running into the girls house, curling up in a ball, and crying until her dad found me. I told him what happened after some coaxing, which then led into them getting in trouble and me being the bad guy.

    Needless to say, I have severe trust issues when it comes to female friends and not from just these experiences.

    I was, however, was once told that my boobs were "spiffy" by my fiancé when we first met in high school (14 years ago). :blushing:
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    My dad called me a hungry hungry hippo when I was chubby (in the 6th grade) and asked if I had a tapeworm "or something" when I lost weight.
  • EmilyL128
    EmilyL128 Posts: 38
    My nickname is grade school and middle school was "whale". I managed to turn it into a big joke about how if they kept making fun of me that I would chase them down and sit on them... and I'd follow through with that. Sure, publicly, I turned it around but every night, I'd come home and cry myself to sleep.

    I was at a sleep over and we were playing telephone (where you whisper something in someone's ear down the line?) and I was the last person. The sentence happened to be that I was fat and gross. These were supposed to be my friends (bff, right?) and I remember running into the girls house, curling up in a ball, and crying until her dad found me. I told him what happened after some coaxing, which then led into them getting in trouble and me being the bad guy.

    Needless to say, I have severe trust issues when it comes to female friends and not from just these experiences.

    I was, however, was once told that my boobs were "spiffy" by my fiancé when we first met in high school (14 years ago). :blushing:

    My nickname was also "whale" at high school, but I could never think of how to make a joke out of it. I did do the going home and crying part as well though.

    And that's horrible what those girls did to you. Kids can be so cruel!
  • louannsab
    louannsab Posts: 22 Member
    I know some adults are sensitive about this things and won't say anything in front of you. But I once had an incident with a kid who told me I was fat straight to my face and started laughing with his friends. I was just really hurt.
  • Kiwi_Odette
    Kiwi_Odette Posts: 16 Member
    One time my family and my ex's family went out to dinner, which was a buffet. I went up to grab a plate and she said out loud to everyone 'I think you should go last, we need to make sure there is enough left for everyone else' :explode: I must admit I didn't handle it well... She left in tears, but she totally deserved it haha
  • Kiwi_Odette
    Kiwi_Odette Posts: 16 Member
    OH and another time I was at a different ex's and at the dinner table his little brother (he was only about 8) asked if I had eaten another person :laugh: Kinda makes me laugh now ha
  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    anything from: "Your tummy looks like a donut"; "You are so chubby"; "When will you start working out?"
    to: "Anorexic b****" and "She should really eat a burger" "You look like an African in Africa" - i found this one kind of funny
    although :mad:
  • Kiwi_Odette
    Kiwi_Odette Posts: 16 Member
    Oh and my final one, I promise! A guy once told me he wouldn't date me because he was to embarrassed to be seen with me in public... That was hurtful!!

    No more now I promise :tongue:
  • Noogynoogs
    Noogynoogs Posts: 1,028 Member
    My hubby when he said my bum was riding up my back it was that big
  • 9chimera11
    9chimera11 Posts: 40 Member
    This is not a cultural thing. I've been in Sri Lanka and now I'm in Qatar. I get called that in both countries. More in Qatar. Funny thing is this country has an epidemic of obesity and all they do is sit and make fun. -_-

    Don't let her get under your skin. She obviously got some issues.
  • samr73
    samr73 Posts: 440 Member
    My comments have come after weight loss. My three aunts stood around, pointed at my body and said that looks good but your face has gone - yeah, thanks for that!!!! I've also been told I look "haggard". Balls to 'em ......