Am I the only one who does this?



  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    heels would not be allowed at my gym...they have a dress code. as far as girls being all cute and matching, wife usually goes to the gym right after work so she has her makeup on and hair done and what not...she also likes to coordinate and look cute and has cute little workout clothes but is still quite capable of a quality clean and jerk and has a pretty nice snatch as well...

    i see what you did there
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You're making a lot of assumptions about the motivations and thought processes of other people.
  • scuttlez
    scuttlez Posts: 51
    Maybe everyone should just go to the gym right now. Dag.

    I wear my face to the gym. Blast metal. Repeat. Respect to anyone who goes, at least they're trying. I don't care what people are wearing, I'm there to work on me.

    We should be supporting each other people!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I know exactly what you mean.

    Usually three types of people I see at the gym.

    1. Those who come dressed up, most likely wanting attention.

    2. Those who go to the gym just to say they went. Can usually point them out by how long it takes them to actually do anything, they also love sitting on the *#&%(&*@#%!!!!! benches/machines or whatever playing a damn game on their phone.

    3. People who are actually there to actually bust their butt and work out.

    I hate the #2 group with an absolute passion. At least group #1 brings in some good eye candy/motivation (call me shallow but it's the truth) and they keep away from anything that may mess up their look or get in the way of people who actually try to work.

    WHY OH WHY...can't we get a LIKE button here on MFP. I agree with this entire post wholeheartedly. I work at our college so yes I do spend time in the weight room. Why shouldn't I, it's a free perk of being an employee. I see this here all the time and I too hate group #2. I have an office job and I'm required to dress up in office attire but I bring my workout clothes, baggy shirt included and tennis shoes and I'm sweating up a storm even 15-20 minutes after I leave....that being said you keep on going to the gym FOR YOU...ignore the shallow ones who take up space there because in the end you will look and feel much better than they ever will. :bigsmile:

    WHY OH WHY do you care what other people do at the gym?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Or maybe they have resting bee-och face lol

  • singmyheartout4you
    How do you know they are judging you on your clothes? Maybe they are just mad cause you are destroying them at the gym.

    Lol hadnt thought of that one :)
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i totally admit to laughing in my head when i see guys who color coordinate their shoes, their shorts/sweat pants, shirts and bandannas
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    Some of my workout clothes have been torn by my workout buddy.
    My cat is very judgmental about what I wear.
    What a diva!
  • singmyheartout4you
    Or maybe they have resting bee-och face lol


    Lol!!! This is the best thing Ive seen today! Saving this
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    And what is up with all of you that go out of your way to mention that your ponytail is messy? Are you purposely making your ponytail messy? Because I happen to know that it doesn't take significantly more time to make your ponytail un-messy.

    But I guess non-effed-up hair make your workout less effective.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Again , i havent judged anyone. I just find it hard to believe you are really getting you sweat on with a ton of mascara. Again, i dont know how to make it any more clear. Im not talking about girls who have a little make up, i mean the girls who layered their eyes with everything in their make up drawer. How is that judging? I dont think ive said anything judging.

    I think she might have snuck the heels in. The school is very lax and the people in charge only stay downstairs but all he equipment is upstairs so its pretty easy to get away with stuff. Its what happens at some places run by students who clearly dont want to be there.

    And as for how i can tell they are glaring, most girls dont hide it. They will look me up and down and snicker or make a dirty face. I dont sweat a ton, not enough for it to fly. I dont breath heavy because i keep my volume down and when i start, i take a pause because i have asthma.

    I wear full make-up, because I can!! :tongue:

    I must be doing something at the gym, see ticker below. :bigsmile:
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    Or maybe they have resting bee-och face lol


    Everyone turn off your computers, the internet has been won for today!
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    Or maybe they have resting bee-och face lol


    Ah see I almost linked this and then I did not... and now I am sad someone was funnier than I.
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    How do you know they are judging you on your clothes? Maybe they are just mad cause you are destroying them at the gym.

    Lol hadnt thought of that one :)

  • WandaMM1
    WandaMM1 Posts: 132 Member
    Most days, I take my make OFF before working out. I sweat and it runs anyway. No makeup is much better than having makeup run all over the place. I wear nice/matching workout clothes but I don't "primp" before or during a workout.
  • singmyheartout4you
    Again , i havent judged anyone. I just find it hard to believe you are really getting you sweat on with a ton of mascara. Again, i dont know how to make it any more clear. Im not talking about girls who have a little make up, i mean the girls who layered their eyes with everything in their make up drawer. How is that judging? I dont think ive said anything judging.

    I think she might have snuck the heels in. The school is very lax and the people in charge only stay downstairs but all he equipment is upstairs so its pretty easy to get away with stuff. Its what happens at some places run by students who clearly dont want to be there.

    And as for how i can tell they are glaring, most girls dont hide it. They will look me up and down and snicker or make a dirty face. I dont sweat a ton, not enough for it to fly. I dont breath heavy because i keep my volume down and when i start, i take a pause because i have asthma.

    I wear full make-up, because I can!! :tongue:

    I must be doing something at the gym, see ticker below. :bigsmile:

    Never once said you didnt :) congrats!
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    I workout at home and I must do it while looking good even if I'm home alone. If DH is around, you bet I gotta look good. I might even freshen up my lipstick first. ;)

    For some of us, when we look good, we're more inspired. I feel much more motivated to workout when I'm wearing tight clothes that show off my muscles.

    I get the best workouts when I stand in front the mirror. "Looking hot! Great form! You got it!" I tell myself. LOL
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    OP: You have to understand that people are getting on you over the fact that you're complaining about being judged while doing plenty of judging yourself. For example:

    "Its about the girls that spend the whole time with full on make up and hair done and are clearly not trying to break a sweat so they don't mess it up. Who pose on the machines.

    I would appreciate it that if you have any nasty, snarky or snide comments about me or anyone else that you keep them to yourself. This world is mean enough, we don't need people adding to it."

    You make a bunch of snarky and snide comments and then tell people not to do that same. And then complain people are mean. Guess what? You're being mean.

    For the record, sometimes I'm in makeup with my hair done because I am working out after work. Sometimes I really look awesome because I'm working out after dress rehearsals and I have leftover stage makeup and wig hair...super pretty. And I also suffer from resting beeotch face, so I'm sure a look a lot like Norma Desmond on those days.
  • singmyheartout4you
    OP: You have to understand that people are getting on you over the fact that you're complaining about being judged while doing plenty of judging yourself. For example:

    "Its about the girls that spend the whole time with full on make up and hair done and are clearly not trying to break a sweat so they don't mess it up. Who pose on the machines.

    I would appreciate it that if you have any nasty, snarky or snide comments about me or anyone else that you keep them to yourself. This world is mean enough, we don't need people adding to it."

    You make a bunch of snarky and snide comments and then tell people not to do that same. And then complain people are mean. Guess what? You're being mean.

    For the record, sometimes I'm in makeup with my hair done because I am working out after work. Sometimes I really look awesome because I'm working out after dress rehearsals and I have leftover stage makeup and wig hair...super pretty. And I also suffer from resting beeotch face, so I'm sure a look a lot like Norma Desmond on those days.

    I dont think Ive said a snarky thing but find the irony that ur whole post is mean.
    Have a great day!
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Every.single.person. who is on here telling OP not to judge is a hypocrite. Really? Never a single time in your life did you look at another person and make an assumption based purely on their looks? You deserve a special award if you can sit here to tell her "don't judge!" when I'm sure you do it every day and don't realize it. You may not be making a thread about it, but don't sit there and say "Don't judge, let's build each other up!"

    That being said, I think OP knew the answer to this before even posting.