Feel like eating a snicker bar..



  • cakesyme
    cakesyme Posts: 20
    It's got peanuts. peanuts are good for you. :)

    Yes eat a snickers...because you're not you when you're hungry.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Pickled onion monster munch calories are better for you.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    Snickers ice cream bars are far superior to Snickers candy bars. Fact.

    so true, they're like little bars of heaven.

    and whatever you do, don't go for the milky way. waste of calories. my personal suggestion is to freeze some reeses cups (minis) or heath bars.
  • MsDandimite
    MsDandimite Posts: 52 Member
    I hope you've had your Snickers Bar and that it was lovely :)
    Should I eat one if it fits my calories or since its "chocolate calories" its bad regardless?
    It's chocolate calories. Chocolate calories are very special because if you eat them what Happens is 10 bunny rabbits with Machine guns and wearing tuxedo's will appear on your doorstep and force you to eat an extra 10,000 calories a day for the next week so you'll gain weight. I really would avoid those 'Chocolate Calories' as they are so dangerous. I won't tell you about what happens with Gluten calories because that really is terrifying!

    If they are chocolate bunnies, I will eat their ears off before they can shoot their guns!

    They're the Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse!
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros .... EAT THAT ****)
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Eat it, if it fits.

    And those of you saying Milky Way is better than snicker - I'm just sad for you =D
  • BettyEtte
    BettyEtte Posts: 39 Member
    For chocolate attacks, I keep chocolate animal crackers on hand. 13=100 calories. Add a glass of skim milk. Yum.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Eat it, if it fits.

    And those of you saying Milky Way is better than snicker - I'm just sad for you =D

    ^^^^ .... Around April I'm partial to the Reese's Eggs and Peeps.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Snickers ice cream bars are far superior to Snickers candy bars. Fact.

    Truer words have never been spoken.

    Theres a snickers ice-cream ?

    It better be prepared for me
  • CoordinatedKate
    CoordinatedKate Posts: 14 Member
    Go for it! If I started out on this journey with the mindset that I'd never be allowed to have a snickers again.. I wouldn't be doing this.

    I had my first cheat meal this passed Thursday and it was amazing and believe it or not, it helped me get off a plateau that I was on for over a week. Sometimes you have to treat yourself for your own sanity!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    But you may have a Milky Way, because those are better.
    Blasphemy. Snickers is the ultimate candy bar. Fairly healthy, also, what with the peanuts and all.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Eat it, if it fits.

    And those of you saying Milky Way is better than snicker - I'm just sad for you =D

    ^^^^ .... Around April I'm partial to the Reese's Eggs and Peeps.

    That's so unfair :(
    We don't have Reese's eggs over here.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Now I want a frozen snickers.
  • Singlejules
    Singlejules Posts: 55 Member
    Go for it if its in your calories.
    I have the small milky ways...I freeze them for 1 hour then yummmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Takes longer to eat and it tastes divine. Only 98cals of pure sexiness :happy:
  • billhilly1968
    billhilly1968 Posts: 75 Member
    You must be craving it really badly to figure it into your plan. Sometimes you need to give into your cravings so you do not binge eat. Allowing for the chocolate calories is smart so you do not get out of control. It is a way to control yourself. Good job! Eat it while savoring every bite. Then, exercise a little extra and drink extra water afterwards. Good luck on holding your restraint.
  • sunnyskys2013
    sunnyskys2013 Posts: 159 Member
    I eat a 85% dark chocolate from Aldis everyday , with my morning coffee:)
  • CarlKRobbo
    CarlKRobbo Posts: 390 Member
    Your 7 days late on this one mate...... April 8th, not the 1st.....

    Also, regardless whether English is 1st\2nd\3rd language, you will never find "Chocolate Calories" in any dictionary....

    A calorie is a calorie is a calorie........

    Oh, and to answer the OP post.. Yes, you can eat it.. Unless I get there first...
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member

    This post literally inspired me to eat a Snickers. Not sure what "chocolate calories" are or why they would be bad, but the Snickers sure was good, and highly recommended.


    What a helpful man! :)
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    But you may have a Milky Way, because those are better.

    I'm always trying to consume more protein so when I want a treat, I can at least console (kid) myself that I'm getting some benefit!

    Snickers = 49 calories per gram of protein
    Milky Way = 120 calories per gram of protein
    Snickers Ice Cream Bar = 60 calories per gram of protein

    All taste good.
    All are pretty unhealthy
    Snickers wins though!