What are your binge day calories?



  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Yeah, I understand what you mean by 'binge day', but I call it my Funday. I will log what I ate the next day but on the day of... I just eat what I feel like. Generally though I don't crave fast food, and I can't eat a lot of the high cal foods that are on offer due to severe gluten allergy. Generally that means that my extra calories will be good wine (I have a small cellar) and maybe quality dark chocolate or a big hunk of artisan cheese or going out to eat once in a while with friends. Sometimes margaritas (I like mine quite limey - with a lot of salt, not sweet) and pub nachos. Haha, that usually means I'll be burning it off with hours of dancing anyhow.
    Generally not more than 1500 above my maintenance cal. And that's for a full on 'careless' day. When I was younger, I used to eat 1/2 a lb of old cheddar at one sitting but usually only once a month - wink, wink.
  • skinnybythanksgiving
    skinnybythanksgiving Posts: 159 Member
    Less than 100 calories over my maintenance calories.
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    When I had originally started, they would be 10,000+ calories, easy. All day, constant munching on whatever sweets I could find.
    Now, however, I have become much more disciplined (luckily).
    I doubt you'll even accept this as a "binge" day, but I went over today by 200 calories. Now I feel guilty eating more ice cream than I should have. Or if I don't log as accurately as I know I should have.
    Sure that may seem insignificant, but all that insignificance can add up if you're not careful, so I still regard it as almost a binge, because by the end of a week doing this, it roughly equals one.
    I may have lost all my weight, but the fatty still lives inside me begging me to eat junk food more than ever.
    I just physically can't eat as much now because (well, a smaller stomach from portioning foods for once, and) I seek out low calorie options, such as Arctic Zero frozen dessert pints and So Delicious No Sugar Added Coconut Milk frozen dessert pints.
    Yeah, they're not going to taste as good as Ben & Jerry's, but they fill me up and leave me more satisfied than 1/2 a cup of Ben & Jerry's ever would for the same amount of calories.
    Who has enough self control to stop at 1/2 a cup? I could never do it, that's for sure.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I wouldn't throw around the word "binge" when you simply mean overeating.

    My "overeating" days are 2400-3000.

    My last binge was around 6000... it was bad and I'm hoping that it won't happen again.
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    When I have actual binge days (usually an emotional eating kind of episode) where I feel out of control I usually max out around 4500-5000 calories. After that I feel like I'm going to explode.

    I normally eat 2000-2500 which is plenty to keep me satisfied.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    Just eat what you want everyday but keep it under control that way you never feel the need to seriously over eat.
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    Sunday's are my "free" days. I eat 1,850 per day Mo-Sa then go about 3,500 + on Sundays.
  • whisperfitandhealthy
    I had a binge week last week. 4000-5000 calories every night. It was awful.
  • whisperfitandhealthy
    That's why I don't allow myself cheat days. I go way overboard.
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    I don't binge but when I have a blowout day I don't log those calories. I don't see the point and for the most part it would be impossible anyway. Err waiter? How many calories in that serve of marron with shichimi butter? Yeah right. I know I'm going to go way over and it won't make any difference to my weight as long as I'm not doing it every night. I'm happy knowing I enjoyed every bite and sip of wine so there's no need to make myself feel guilty about it. In a guess though I'd say on a good blow-out I could easily eat 3000 calories plus whatever I logged during the day.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    On Saturdays and special occasions I allow around maintainence. So for me, about 1600
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    This is a good question. I never binge or go crazy, but I plan out my treat meals and snacks by looking at menu's ahead of time (mainly to check out the nutritional chart if they have one).

    I usually easily eat around 3,000 - 3,500 calories. I mostly gain water weight from the sodium and that takes about 2 - 3 days to get rid of. I have calories saved up from the week, I'm quite active everyday so I burn off some of the calories and I'm tall so I can eat more. :) It took me quite some time to figure out my sweet spot to not gain or lose.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    So on a nice binge day, how many calories do you consume?

    When I started MFP, it was 2800. Now that I'm better at this it's 2300.

    How about you?

    My weekly re feed day is probably around 4000 calories, I do all you can eat sushi and I eat allot ... like ALLOT of sushi!!
  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    Last one was 7000. Two days ago
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    I am on 1630 calories a day, a bad eating day for me would be if I reached 2000, and that's ONLY if I have exercised at least another 700 worth

    If it doesn't fit in the calorie intake for the day, it normally won't be eaten!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    So on a nice binge day, how many calories do you consume?

    When I started MFP, it was 2800. Now that I'm better at this it's 2300.

    How about you?

    I don't keep track, which is what makes them binge days, but I try not to gorge, either. Probably around 2,500 to not more than 3,200 at most. Just can't eat more than that anymore.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    No, I guess my real question is when you have a day (usually weekend for me) of overeating a bit, how high do you go?

    That's a calorie spike day. A binge is something you cannot control. On a calorie spike day I usually hit a max of 3000 calories. During a binge I've been known to eat 6000-9000 calories. It wasn't pretty.

    This is where land too. I eat at a deficit Mon-Thurs and then Fri-Sat tend to be 2500-3000 calories if I'm eating whatever. Sunday tends to come in at maintenance, which is about 2100-2200 calories/day for me.

    I incorporate treats into my daily allowance as well. But I like to go for drinks on Friday/Saturday and eat out. I've maintained a healthy weight for years doing this.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Over 9000!

    Actually it's usually between 6000 and 8000. Enough to ruin a careful month of moderate calorie consumption.
  • lulubeanzy
    lulubeanzy Posts: 16 Member
    I just recorded my first binge day, and it wasn't as bad as I thought: ~2800 kcals. It's, unfortunately, something I learned to do as a kid with my parents, so it's going to be a tough habit to break. I'm trying not to think about the calorie intake as much as paying attention to my hunger/fullness cues and where they're coming from (i.e. emotional or physical hunger). Plus, I think MFP calculates our calories too low, which could induce a binge if we feel like we've been deprived. When I up my exercise this will all even out! Now to find the motivation to move more...