Gals who lift heavy...



  • wendypow
    wendypow Posts: 81 Member
    5'9", 130#, 45 years old.

    5/3/1 max lifts (next week):

    Squat: 150
    DL: 175
    OHP: 70
    Bench: 100
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    173 #

    Most recent working weights- I'm almost a year and a half out from my last PR so I don't think they count
    Bench 155
    Squat 175-185
    Deadlift 265

    Goal- not die at my first power lift meet- hit 300 DL- 250 Squat- I can push harder on all these lifts- but I honestly don't know what my PR is for this year. Would love to break 200 bench- and 300 dead- squats- i have mixed feelings about.
  • MellMo1971
    MellMo1971 Posts: 22 Member
    Wow! I'm super impressed. I just started lifting weights for the first time in my life in July 2013 and love it so far. Have quite a bit of fat to lose, but I'm confident I'll get there. By looking at these lifting numbers, I know I have tons of weight/lifting progression to add slowly to help me reach my goal. ( I'll now quietly leave this thread with my smaller barbells and kettle bells and get back to the gym...ha. ha)
  • inthezone77
    inthezone77 Posts: 23 Member
    You ladies are awesome

    My stats so far are
    58kg (128)

    Squats 60kg (132)
    Deadlifts 40kg (88) - Need to work on this, making sure my form is perfect so I don't hurt my back
    Standing press 40kg (88)
    Benchpress 40kg (88)

    I'm doing 3 sets of 10, should I up the weights and do 5x5?
  • ItsyBitsyRunningGirl
    Wow! Lots of incredible and inspiring women on here! It's great to see so many women lifting heavy!
    I've only been consistently hardcore lifting for a year and have just recently started having some bigger jumps in weight.
    So here we go:

    CW: 127lbs (16% bf)
    GW: Don't really have one, 13% bf

    Squat: 165lbs (reps)
    Deadlifts: 175lbs (reps)
    Bench: 100lbs (reps)
    Lawnmowers: 45lbs (reps)
    Rows: 110lbs (reps)
    Lat. Pulldown: 110 (reps)

    I don't really have any set goals, mostly just to keep lifting heavier.
  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    Oooh I want to come back and check out the numbers when I get a chance
  • Jenky85
    Jenky85 Posts: 190 Member

    My numbers are:

    CW - 179lbs
    GW - 140lbs (probably...depends on how it looks as this is the first time I've lost weight whilst building muscle)

    Squat - 60kg (132lbs)
    Bench Press - 40kg (88lbs)
    Deadlift - 60kg
    OHP - 40kg
    Barbell row - 40kg

    Those are the only lifts i do at the mo as following Stronglifts 5x5
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    CW: 172 or 173, 28% BF
    1st Goal Weight: 165 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 155 (20% BF)

    PR's (all in pounds):
    Back Squat: 210
    Front Squat: 160
    Deadlift: 225 (Maybe more now based on what I've been putting up in reps--I can do 185 for 4 sets of 5.)
    Clean: 125
    Snatch: Don't even ask (horrible)
    Bench: 125
    Overhead Press: 105

    Goals for this year: 250 back squat, 275 deadlift, master the snatch and put up a reasonable number. Learn to jerk better so I can even put up a clean and jerk number. Unassisted pull ups!
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Wow, there is some really impressive lifting here.

    Mostly I see women barely eating on here, and only the guys lifting, so it's really cool to see some ladies working hard with the free weights and putting up big lifts.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    You may not want to call women who lift heavy..."gals".

    What's wrong with the word gals? Everyone calls females "gals" where I am from and men are "guys." I love the word!
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Weight:162 lb
    Squat: 60 kg (132 lb) [yeah I've got disintegrating form problems]
    Deadlift: 112.5 kg (248 lb)
    BP: 52.5 kg (115.7 lb)
    OHP: 35 kg (77lb)

    I guess my goal is moooaaarrrr
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Weight is around 150

    My 1RM for lifts are:

    Squat: 80kg / 176lbs
    Deadlifts: 115kg / 253lbs (in the gym). 125kg / 275lbs (in competition)
    Bench: 60kg / 132lbs
    OHP: 45kg / 99lbs

    Hopefully more for Squat/Bench/Deadlift after today, going for new PR's.

    My goal is to get as strong as possible, although 100/65/140 are the next main ones I have (the next milestone)
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    Started Stronglifts a couple weeks ago, so they're not so much yet. I'm steadily progressing, though!! Here are mine so far:

    5'10, CW = 225

    Squat: 80l bs
    Overhead press: 50 lbs
    Bench press: 55 lbs
    Barbell row: 60 lbs
    Deadlift: 100 lbs
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    5'2 136lb, GW isn't really on my agenda. Just cutting from my most recent bulk but know I don't want to drop below 130lb most likely.

    Squat-185lb, working my way back up.

    I'm not big on the OHP due to shoulder issues. :/
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Impressive stuff, ladies!!!

    Here are my numbers:

    CW: 211lbs
    GW: whatever...right now, I would just like to get stronger and lower my BF%

    Squat: 215lbs
    Bench: 120lbs (last tested my 1RM several months ago, likely higher now)
    Deadlift: 225lbs (several months ago; need to retest my 1RM)
    Front Squat: 160lbs
    Clean: 120lbs
    OHP: 80lbs (my shoulders be weak, yo!)

    Goals - Keep getting stronger!!! (But 1.5xBW squats and 2.0xBW deads would be awesome!)
  • ssaraj43
    ssaraj43 Posts: 575 Member
    Bench-105 :grumble:

    Started lifting heavy in September and I have never felt better :drinker:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Weight: 125

    Squat: 130 calculated 1RM, 125 tested 2 RM
    Deadlift 175 tested 1RM
    Bench 85 tested 1RM

    Forgot goals.

    I'd like to squat my body weight for reps, hit 200 lbs on deadlift, and bench 100. I'm bulking right now so hopefully all of those things will happen.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    You ladies absolutely amazing! Hoping to work my way up to these big numbers I'm seeing from everyone :)

    Stats: 5'3", 135 lbs

    Maxes for the big 3 lifts:
    Squat: 140 lbs
    Deadlift: 200 lbs
    Bench: 95 lbs

    My lifting goals at this time are to deadlift 4 plates total and to eventually bench my body weight! Also wanna get back up to that squat max, had to deload by quite a bit when I switched my lifting regime.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I don't know my 1RMs, but my working weights (5x5):

    Bench press: 95-100
    Squat: 105
    RDL: ~120 (haven't done it in a bit ...see below)
    OHP: 65

    My current weight is about 133.

    I'm just barely back to the gym after a 5-week or so hiatus. I'm in the last part of my first trimester of pregnancy, and morning sickness was no fun. But I'm still lifting. I dropped the weights down 5-10 pounds because of the long gap of not lifting and because I don't want to overdo it; haven't done the RDL since I got back to the gym, so that's why it's a guess.

    And yes, I do have my OB's clearance to lift :wink:
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    CW: 135
    GW: not really sure. Like, Holly, just looking to cut a bit of BF from by 11 lb bulk over the winter.

    All work weight, haven't calculated 1RM in a while:

    Squat: 185
    Deadlift: 220
    Bench: 100

    I hate OHP and jack my neck/shoulder constantly trying to go heavy on it, so I'm not anymore.

    My goals are just to continue to get stronger. I want to hit 200 lbs for my work weight on squats and DL 2x bodyweight eventually.