Challenge of not eating out for a week.



  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I ended up being too lazy to cook my planned meal for dinner, so I drove to Woolworths and bought a roast chicken. I suppose that probably counts as take away, but on the plus side I just ate the breast and not any of the skin or stuffing, and I could have gone somewhere worse.

    Oh well, I will try better for the rest of the week :) tomorrow night I've planned to cook a healthy meal.
  • I ended up being too lazy to cook my planned meal for dinner, so I drove to Woolworths and bought a roast chicken. I suppose that probably counts as take away, but on the plus side I just ate the breast and not any of the skin or stuffing, and I could have gone somewhere worse.

    Oh well, I will try better for the rest of the week :) tomorrow night I've planned to cook a healthy meal.

    Is Woolworths a grocery store? I guess it really doesn't count of take out. And besides in not being dump in oil or being fry at the store. Just pre-cook. I find the quickest way to make dinner is fish, just bake in the oven with some seasoning and add some veggies. Do you have a slow cooker? if you do, you can just throw some meat in and when you come back home, the food will be ready. :)

    That's great that you just ate the white meat. :) Did you throw the skin away?
  • So tonight I made turkey chilli with beans. I got the recipe from the turkey meat package from Prime. It was really good. What did you have for dinner?
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Yeah it's a supermarket in Australia/NZ.

    That's a good idea with slow cooking! I have one, I'll have to look around for something healthy to cook in there other than curries lol. It's getting cool over here this time of year, so comfort food like soups and casseroles etc are nice again.

    I used to do big batches of veggie soup, or chicken and veg and also a jug of fresh fruit and veggie juices, that way I could just get it out of the fridge and breakfast or lunch would be sorted. And it lasts a few days :)

    I just left the rest of the roast chicken in the fridge, I'm sure dad will eat the skin and stuffing etc for sandwiches.
  • Day 3 of not eat out at restaurants! You can do it everyone. I feel great. I am looking at my food diary and for the past 2 days I am under my calories intake. Did you realize that too?
  • samamps88
    samamps88 Posts: 52
    I am sorry but I personally find it a very sad state of affairs that our culture has become so reliant on eating 'out' that it is considered a challenge to go a week without doing so.
  • pammerz88
    pammerz88 Posts: 58 Member
    I am sorry but I personally find it a very sad state of affairs that our culture has become so reliant on eating 'out' that it is considered a challenge to go a week without doing so.

    I agree!
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    I mean this in no offence at all, but where are you from?

    In the UK (obviously I can't speak for everyone!) but most people I know hardly ever eat out. In fact I've only been out for dinner, once this year so far, it's not because I can't afford it either...just always cook at home/ bring food into work for lunch.

    Seems like in the US it's a big thing!

    Yeah I was surprised by this thread too! A week?
  • I am sorry but I personally find it a very sad state of affairs that our culture has become so reliant on eating 'out' that it is considered a challenge to go a week without doing so.

    I agree!

    Its hard to eat home on the weekends when you go shopping or you are out and about. Some people have no time to cook after work. Going out is fast and cheap. Yes it is sad but it is what we became. Our society especially a city society loves our fast pace life.
  • I mean this in no offence at all, but where are you from?

    In the UK (obviously I can't speak for everyone!) but most people I know hardly ever eat out. In fact I've only been out for dinner, once this year so far, it's not because I can't afford it either...just always cook at home/ bring food into work for lunch.

    Seems like in the US it's a big thing!

    Yeah I was surprised by this thread too! A week?

    A week for now and maybe a mth later on when we are ready. But let's start with small steps first.
  • Day 4 I hope everyone is doing well. It's been pretty easy so far because I am eating my left overs. :) tonight I am making Indian food.:) YUmmi. What are you making tonight?
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Woohoo! well done. I hope everyone is managing as well with their efforts. I have been going well too, mainly because I didn't go anywhere the past two days so that I could finish an assignment, though :P
  • Woohoo! well done. I hope everyone is managing as well with their efforts. I have been going well too, mainly because I didn't go anywhere the past two days so that I could finish an assignment, though :P

    Yuppi! Good luck on your assignment. Kick butt!
  • So I went to the mall and bought my own lunch. I was so proud of myself. I even ate it in the food court. I was very tempted to get something but didn't. I did however have to order a fresh juice of beets, carrots and apple though. My hypoglycemia kick in big time and my lunch wasn't enough, I needed a fast sugar rush because I was getting light headed. :(
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Lol, I think I failed. I grabbed some 7-11 coffee and some pizza bahaha.
    Oh well, I kept within my calories and exercised, so it's all good!
  • JNaqvi17
    JNaqvi17 Posts: 9
    In. Too late to start today, but tomorrow definitely. Huzzah.
  • Lol, I think I failed. I grabbed some 7-11 coffee and some pizza bahaha.
    Oh well, I kept within my calories and exercised, so it's all good!

    People say this challenge is easy but when you are in a city and you are on the go, it isn't. It's ok. Just start again tomorrow. You can do it!
  • In. Too late to start today, but tomorrow definitely. Huzzah.

    Never to late to start anything. Start tomorrow and prepare for the week to come.
  • Making turkey spaghetti with veggies, chicken stir fry, vegetable soup, lentil and butternut stew, corn chowder, quinoa salad, chickpeas brownies and maybe kale chips. All while I'm dancing to music and drinking a glass of wine. :)
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Not Me. I would die without my fire burger. Good Luck everyone.