Stomach bloat after eating ANYTHING.



  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    I can be two-three dress sizes larger in the evening than the morning. My waist can increase by as much as 7 (25-32) inches. I feel your pain. Anyone who scoffs clearly hasn't lived with the misery and discomfort which comes with it and hasn't had to go to work in clothes two sizes too big just to feel remotely comfortable by 5pm. It's hard to be taken seriously when you look like your clothes are falling off you!

    I have (finally) been diagnosed with IBD. The FODMAP diet doesn't work for me, I can't tolerate spelt, oats or many other of the 'low, FODMAP' foods. I've also, in desperation, tried pre and probiotics, digestive enzymes and herbal remedies to no avail. Buscopan helps the cramps and so long as I lay off my trigger foods I only really suffer when my body chemistry changes, so TOM, ovulation, when stressed/ill etc.

    OP definately needs to go get checked out by her GP. If its an allergy or IBS/IBD the sooner you get some help the better.

    I *really* doubt that she he IBD, (no need to scare her) she would have far more symptoms then a bit of tummy bloating. IBS maybe, or a food intolerance.
  • wildbutterfly777
    wildbutterfly777 Posts: 17 Member
    I am going to try the probiotics first and then refer back to this thread if that doesn't take care of it!
  • Thank you for this! I've had the same problem. Going to try probiotics...
  • My stomach is flat as a pancake and the minute I take even a sip over water my stomach bloates up, so uncomfortable! Have had this problem for over 6 years now. My first doctor put me on a antibiotic followed with a probiotic, it didn't work. Went to a obgyn to see if it could be ovarian cancer, negative. I just saw my new doctor this week and he suggested peppermint oil capsules. Break it open and only take one or two drops on the tounge in the morning. Went to CVS and they don't carry them. The pharmacist told me that peppermint candy will do the same thing. Looked up the peppermint candy online and it stated it won't help with bloating only the peppermint oil, which also comes in a capsule you can swallow. Went to a mom and pop heath food store and they had never heard of it. The pharmacist did suggest the probiotic and even showed me one that was 6.99 and if you bought another it was half price, 100 pills in each bottle and take one a day as it has 100 million active lactobacillus acidophilust (CVS Brand) He told me that the ones that are in this price range are just as good if not even better than the ones in the 30 to 20 dollar range. So today I will try again and not give up. May take about a month before I start to see and FEEL a difference.
  • Ooh, I had the SAME problem a few months ago! It was miserable and didn't matter WHAT or how much I ate, I always looked 5 months pregnant after eating. If it's what I had, it was some kind of bug (or my Dr. said some sort of food poisoning that lingered?) and I started taking probiotics and within two days, my digestion was almost back to normal. I took probiotics for about a month and haven't had the problem since!

    I found this topic because I'm having the same thing these last few days. I'm very certain I got food poisoning from my lunch on Wednesday. Now it's Friday. I feel mostly better, but when I try to eat ANYTHING, I get bloated and gassy. Like really, really bloated. I've had a it of chili and half a banana and my jeans don't fit. And it's not just because of the beans in the chili because it happens whenever I eat anything.

    I will look for some probiotics too.
  • ElleBee70
    ElleBee70 Posts: 1 Member
    For the last few months, my stomach has been bloating severely after eating. It doesn't matter what I eat. It is right under my ribs, and I have to unbutton my slacks. I am afraid to try probiotics because I have read they cause terrible bad breath. I'm lactose intolerant, so that cuts out a lot of those types of products, anyway. I have been diagnosed with GERD (acid reflux), but if I take acid reducers for too long, I get diarrhea. I have other symptoms that may be related, but it's hard to tell - frequent small bowel movements (sometimes feels 'incomplete', excessive burping throughout the day, weight gain (25 lbs in 4 months). I had a hysterectomy 4 months ago (kept my ovaries). I have tried cutting out gluten, cutting out sugar, cutting out artificial sweeteners, and that hasn't worked. I did the blood type diet a couple years ago, and started running. I lost 40 lbs, which made me feel so much better, but I still dealt with GERD flare-ups. Two injuries and a surgery later, I am almost ready to buy some muumuus and flip flops, quit my job, and become a 44 year old hermit. After reading this entire thread, I am going to try the FODMAP list, and cut out carrageenen, and will let you know if I achieve any success. Best of luck to you all, as well!
  • henriettevanittersum
    henriettevanittersum Posts: 179 Member
    After a short reprieve using Align probiotics in November last year, the bloating is back. I still use Align and combine it now with another probiotic, but no lasting result. I did narrow it down somewhat: I usually start of with bloating, then next day I am constipated. It can be traced back to 3 things: fresh apple or apple juice, bread (specially rye) and protein powder. it's either one or a combination of these maybe, I am still trying to figure that out. So frustrating to look good in morning and 4 months pregnant in the afternoon...
  • skhan1910
    skhan1910 Posts: 1
    You could simply eat yogurt regularly to get your digestive system back on track. That would be an all natural approach.
  • henriettevanittersum
    henriettevanittersum Posts: 179 Member
    You could simply eat yogurt regularly to get your digestive system back on track. That would be an all natural approach.

    I do, every day. That on its own is not enough to solve the problem.
  • henriettevanittersum
    henriettevanittersum Posts: 179 Member
    Just came accross this in another blog... thought you all might find this interesting:

  • mpadilla92
    mpadilla92 Posts: 3
    Has no one found an answer for this! :( I'm 21. I never ever had this problem in high school, but now ANYTHING I eat, even the lightest salad will transform my stomach from a nice flat tummy (that I've always had) into the hugest food baby. So basically I only look like myself when I wake up or when I'm sucking it in. It's just weird because it's not like I've really gained fat. I just bloat like crazy and then its gone in the morning.
  • mpadilla92
    mpadilla92 Posts: 3
    Please let me know if you are seeing any differences. I have the exact same problem. Flat as a pancake in the morning. Pregnant the rest of the day til I go to bed :(
  • mpadilla92
    mpadilla92 Posts: 3
    My stomach is flat as a pancake and the minute I take even a sip over water my stomach bloates up, so uncomfortable! Have had this problem for over 6 years now. My first doctor put me on a antibiotic followed with a probiotic, it didn't work. Went to a obgyn to see if it could be ovarian cancer, negative. I just saw my new doctor this week and he suggested peppermint oil capsules. Break it open and only take one or two drops on the tounge in the morning. Went to CVS and they don't carry them. The pharmacist told me that peppermint candy will do the same thing. Looked up the peppermint candy online and it stated it won't help with bloating only the peppermint oil, which also comes in a capsule you can swallow. Went to a mom and pop heath food store and they had never heard of it. The pharmacist did suggest the probiotic and even showed me one that was 6.99 and if you bought another it was half price, 100 pills in each bottle and take one a day as it has 100 million active lactobacillus acidophilust (CVS Brand) He told me that the ones that are in this price range are just as good if not even better than the ones in the 30 to 20 dollar range. So today I will try again and not give up. May take about a month before I start to see and FEEL a difference.

    Please let me know if you are seeing any differences. I have the exact same problem. Flat as a pancake in the morning. Pregnant the rest of the day til I go to bed :(
  • uchube
    uchube Posts: 44
    This happens to me whenever I have preservative-heavy foods- ESPECIALLY the grab&go meals/ yummy salads from marks and spencers. Its horrendous and I legitimately would not be able to wear anything with a waistband after. And then cue belching and stingy burps and reflux within an hour. I've actually sworn off buying anything that isn't fresh now. Never been a big pasta and wheat eater. I've taken acidophilus for years, but finding triggers is key.
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    I have a daughter who experienced this. She is very petite and it seemed that anything she ate would cause this to happen. She found out, through trial and error that her triggers are dairy and soy. I agree that you have to find what triggers your body into doing this. Not everyone's triggers are the same.
  • itsadogslife
    itsadogslife Posts: 209
    I USED to have this problem.. What's the difference between then and now? A high-quality probiotic supplement that I take morning and night, along with a digestive enzyme that I take with meals. You can also get tested for Candida, but I don't think you would get bloated that quickly after eating if it was Candida.. Candida is just yeast in your gut, and they love sugars/carbs.
  • dmorinn
    dmorinn Posts: 38 Member
    how long have you been on your birth control? this might be a result of homones changes,have you gained weight or are unable to lose weight? google "leaky gut" guaranteed thats your problem
    you are probably allergic to a variety of food which is making it worse, don't even bother going to the doctor they won't be able to do anything, just cut out gluten and dairy for a bit, take digestive enzymes and proboitoics, asodolphus is good as well, oil of oregano and coconut oil heals the gut, as well as l-glutamine.
  • jajsmom
    jajsmom Posts: 22 Member
    Same thing here. I always look pregnant after I eat and have to suck it in when out and about.
  • kmac920
    kmac920 Posts: 1
    Oh my gosh. Take activated charcoal. It is a MIRACLE. I still don't know what is causing my bloating and I'm working on actually healing the issue, but activated charcoal has given me complete temporary relief. It's available for 9 bucks on amazon. That and "Bitters extra" by vitanica....finally I have some relief and feel like a normal human!
  • I had the same problem my whole life--severe and nearly constant bloating (also frequent abdominal discomfort, frequently feeling like I had eaten bricks, very infrequent urges to um…poo).

    Last year, I finally found a doctor who informed me that I had a magnesium deficiency. I started taking magnesium citrate daily, and after a short time, no more bloating. I felt like it was a miracle, and I wish I had known this about 25 years ago.

    I have always had a very healthy fiber and veggie-filled diet, I took probiotics, and still nothing solved my bloating problem until I started taking magnesium supplements. So if nothing has worked for you thus far, I would definitely think about magnesium.

    As a side note, another symptom I always had was a constant sore throat. Turns out my deficiency was causing acid reflux, too. Apparently magnesium makes the smooth muscle of your digestive tract move properly, and when you're deficient, the muscles start spasming (you can't feel it), and food material can't pass properly through your intestines, and you get bloated. It also means your stomach might not empty quickly enough, thereby causing reflux.

    Anyway, good luck to you and to everyone else who suffers through this stuff.