Scared to lose my breasts when i lose all the weight

I have about 60 pounds to lose before i get to my goal weight. The last time i was at my goal weight was when i was a teenager, and my boobs were either a B or C cup, i can't really remember for sure what size, but they weren't very big. Now, i'm either a D or DD depending on the bra, but needless to say they are much bigger and i LOVE the size they are now. I feel like they are the perfect size for me, or my preference at least, and i would be devastated to lose them. I know i'm gonna get this comment so i'll just go ahead and say this now before someone else does. Yes, i know there are much more important things in life than just looks, and yes i know that boobs aren't the only thing that make you attractive, but me personally, i just have a thing with boobs. I guess it's because i know that the main sexual turn on for a guy is boobs, and the bigger the better for most guy. My husband being one of those guys. My husband is always commenting on how much he likes big boobs, mine especially, he loves that i have big boobs, and i feel like i would be less attractive to him is they shrunk. Thoughts?


  • princessnuriko
    princessnuriko Posts: 50 Member
    Sorry to tell you that you're gonna lose your boobs. Boobs have alot of fatty tissue. I lost 22 pounds and went from D/DD or a C. They won't get any smaller than that even if I did lose more weight. It's all genetics. If you like them so much, then get implants after you lose weight. I personally a glad my D/DDs are gone my clothes fit better now.
  • i know for sure my boyfriend worships my thighs and my butt and when i have told him before that im planning to lose weight he will always throw around "Oh you dont need to lose weight, what will happen to your butt?" and to be honest it discouraged me for months but there comes a point in your own journey for health that things like that will not matter to you anymore and after all the things holding you back from weight loss have run out or have stopped recycling themselves you will be ready to go for it no matter what happens to your butt or breasts and im sure your husband will love you through all your gains and losses and be proud of you for working towards your goals and health! Good luck, Love!
  • Rachifloon
    Rachifloon Posts: 129 Member
    What do you want more: To lose weight and feel healthier or do you want to stay the same just to appease your husband?

    Truth of the matter is 1) No one has a monopoly on you or your body but you, 2) HE'S YOUR HUSBAND! If he has second thoughts about being with you just because your boobs have shrunk a bit then is that really the kind of person you want to be with in the long run? Sure, he may make "I'll miss your boobs... :<" remarks now and then but he will forget all about those jiggle lumps once he sees how slamming your new body is!
  • midwestspitfire
    midwestspitfire Posts: 46 Member
    Obviously you know that in the greater scheme of things, it wouldn't be the end of the world if your boobs got a little smaller. But I think it's understandable that you're worried. We worry about all manner of silly things in our lives and that's okay. I think it's such a BIG THING, undergoing this body transformation and for so many of us, there are so many aspects of ourselves we're unhappy with, that it's a frightening prospect to lose the things we DO like.

    That said, try not to fret too much about those things that are absolutely out of your control.

    And take heart. I've lost nearly 45 pounds and my D cups are going strong. :bigsmile:
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    Yep, totally lost mine!! Sorry to confirm this, although on the plus side it makes working out easier, u can wear nice tops and there are always push up bras (my boyfriend calls the 'disappointment bras though lol)
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Open up a new boobs savings account for him to contribute to.

    I've had mine for 7 years and love them!
  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much - if your boobs were the only thing to hold your husbands interest, then you really would have a problem.

    Presumable if you boobs do get smaller & so does the rest of your torso, then you will still be in proportion. Sadly boobs are made up of quite a lot of fatty tissue, but I actually find clothes fit much better at a C cup rather than D or DD. Personally, I would rather have slightly smaller breasts and not feel like a beached whale.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Yeah you will lose a few cup sizes in all likelihood. Your husband will just have to grieve and get over it.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I lost 67lbs and kept my boobs! They were a bit bigger when I started as I'd just had a baby, but they ended up a D cup, which is what they were before I had children. I have an hourglass figure though, so I guess I'm just meant to have big boobs and hips!
  • wifeymou1112
    wifeymou1112 Posts: 129 Member
    Yep, another excuse. I spent an extra year fat because of the same excuse. Now my boobs have shrunk... but guess what?! So has my *kitten* and everything else! Yeeharrrrrr :-D
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    As slk_5555 said, you should shrink proportionately so even if they're technically smaller they won't necessarily LOOK all tiny and awful like you're probably imagining. Don't let the fear of smaller breasts stop you from becoming healthy, losing the weight, gaining the confidence and energy that are waiting for you. I have shrunk quite a bit in losing 70 pounds or so, from a 38-H to a 36-F/DDD and up until last weekend when I got measured I would have said I hadn't shrunk at all because they still look big to me because not JUST my breasts are smaller, but in fact ALL of me is smaller!
  • Wigguru
    Wigguru Posts: 4 Member
    People generally also forget that shrinking from a DD to a C cup is not necessarily a bad thing if you're also losing inches on your band size as cup sizes ARE NOT standard. They are relative to band size. The cup on a 30D has 4 inches less volume than the cup on a 34D. A 30D is actually the same cup size as a 34A.

    Likelihood is yes, they might get smaller, it's fatty tissue and you will lose some of that, but if your muscles are developing behind that you may lose only a small amount at most, but I wouldn't worry about dropping a cup size when your weight and shape of your body is also changing. By the time you've finished they should be relative to the size you've become, you probably wont even notice that they've gotten smaller as proportionally they will look the same or similar.
  • Welshgem84
    Welshgem84 Posts: 45 Member
    This was my biggest fear as well, particualrly as like you, my boyfriend always commented on how much he loved big boobs. I have lost 63lb and they are hell of a lot smaller now (38DD to 34D) but he tells me they are still big in proportion to the rest of my much smaller frame. Even tho he doesnt mind and I am sure your husband wont, I somewhat mind and I have considered a boob job coz I loved their size before but everything other people have put here is right, clothes fit much better now particularly shirts. It is a downside of losing weight but one thats worth it if you ask me. Good luck.
  • hush404
    hush404 Posts: 95 Member
    I've noticed that some women don't see much of a change in their breasts when losing weight. You could always hope for that, if it means that much to you. But, If he's (your husband) not a complete asshat, he'll be completely fine with your slightly smaller breasts (which may even appear larger as you drop that weight). Just from my own personal view, us guys... we like breasts, but we dig the women they're attached to more.
  • Nuttynutnuts
    Nuttynutnuts Posts: 16 Member
    Yes, mine got smaller. But I'm just happy I'm at a healthier weight! They got smaller in proportion with the rest of my body so it doesn't look weird. Running and working out is easier too.
  • IsabellaGiano
    IsabellaGiano Posts: 158 Member
    Probably they will become smaller. BUT so will become you, and so, again, your boobs and your body will be perfect for each other :)
  • Mumstrongbow
    Mumstrongbow Posts: 8 Member
    I was the opposite - even though I originally lost 3 stone, I didn't go down a single bra or cup size.

    My boobs, back, neck, spine, hips and knees were constantly painful and in the end it was affecting my health so badly I had a reduction six months ago.

    My weight went down overnight by 7lbs and I am pleased to say my health improved immediately; no more pain in my joints, I can now pick a standard 12 top off the peg and wear it without trying it on.

    I put off the surgery for so long and I really wish I had done it years ago - the point I am making is I would rather have my new smaller boobs and be a lot healthier than leave them as they were and not be able to do anything. My husband supported my decision but has never said which he prefers ....... lol
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member

    I guess it's because i know that the main sexual turn on for a guy is boobs, and the bigger the better for most guy.

  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    They will almost certainly be smaller, but they will also be in proportion to your new smaller body :-)