Who made you become overweight?



  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    Me. Simple as that. No one forced me to eat and eat believeing I was "eating for two", both pregancies. Only we can hold ourselves accountable for the choices we make on a day to day basis.
  • hasta_la_vista_belly
    I was a skinny kid. Parents fed me very healthy. Then I got to be an older teenager and now a young adult and got a little fat because the idea of eating any junk food I wanted whenever and not exercise was awesome. Was. That is all on ME.
  • belanna5
    belanna5 Posts: 85 Member
    ah good question.
    I used to think it was only my fault and my lazy *kitten* that keep me overweight for most of my life. My mother and her constant 'stop eating, you are fat!' were only a way to express her worries for my wellbeing.
    Then, when I decided that eating wasn't fun anymore I became anorexic. And my therapist said that maybe my mother wasn't so helpful after all. But who decided to be feel inadequate and unworthy of her love if she was overweight? Me.
    Now I'm 38. I live alone. I decide what to eat and how to look. I'm not overweight, I know what's good for me and what's not. I exercise and I'm ... not happy, I wouldn't say happy, but 'calm'.

    But I'm still afraid of what my mother think about me and my weight. And I know she just want me to be healthy and happy.
    So, in the end, it's all in my head. It's all my fault.
  • FatNFightingIt
    FatNFightingIt Posts: 22 Member
    I was heavier when I was younger so I took a summer and got in really good shape. I exercised all the time and was very fit. That lasted through high school when I went on Depo Provera and gained 100 pounds in 3 months. It kind of went up from there. Until a few years ago, I maintained that to "protect" myself from the world. Clearly I now have a different perspective and have spent the last few years correcting this behavior and am getting healthier every day. It's a choice.
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    I think we live in a world today where the majority of people won`t take responsibility for anything. And they look for someplace to place blame vs admittance and acceptance.

    Maybe you had fat parents, grew up eating bad. Maybe your parents didn't know any better, maybe you were a fat kid! Who cares? Those are all habits that can be broken.

    But when the day came that your brain started thinking for itself (if it did) and you didn't change your diet, get in shape or whatever, it`s yours fault, and yours alone! Suck it up...

    Of course, this doesn't apply to me. Mine was caused by stress and my mommy and daddy didn't love me enough so they feed me candy, pies and cakes and took me too McDonalds anytime I wanted to go! Then I grew up and dated fat girls because the skinny girls didn't want me. Oh no, I can`t take this is anymore. Double quarter pounders and French fries here I come........ LMAO

    I don`t think so!
  • MelxH
    MelxH Posts: 93 Member
    I do blame my parents.
    All my live I spent it beeing overweight, I was overweight even at 7 years old... I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and my parents decide not take me to a nutritionist because they didnt want to spend more than 30min in the kitchen.
    I resived alot of verbal abuse if I tried to leave the table before finishing the plate, even if I was full, even if the portions wher for adults.
    When I finished highschool, at 17, my boyfriend asked me to move in with him and his family, I did that, and in a couple of month of living with them I lose 20lbs, its beeing 3 years and I've lost around 60lbs... and still loosing

    I love my parents, I just think I could have beeing more "normal" if they werent so lazy

    (my english is horrible)

    I am proud of you - your parents might have "made you fat" but you have made a change therefore you took control of your situation and you own it now!

    thank you!! :) I'm proud of myself too, and I know I'm also to blame, but now that I completly choose what I eat, I have to do it the right way!
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    I wasn't a fat kid, so I'd have to take the blame for myself. My family didn't have as much knowledge of nutrition growing up, and we definitely ate bad if we could, but for the most part, we were poor and lived in a rural area so I ate a LOT of fresh vegetables at every meal. The only thing my family could have done different was cut back on the starches. They were from that post-depression era where you ate to fill up, because you couldn't afford a lot of meat, so that mean things like cornbread and potatoes at every meal.

    My problem came when I became more successful at work and started travelling. Meals were on the company, and NICE, so you didn't waste any. Then the alcohol..... oh, the blessed alcohol....
  • Sporin71
    Sporin71 Posts: 9 Member

    Though everyone pretty much everyone in my family is fat so there wasn't a lot of healthy living and eating modeling going on at home.

    Choosing to quit after-school sports and work nearly full time in HS at the local pizza place was a fork in the rode where I made a poor choice.
  • Amestris
    Amestris Posts: 152 Member
    Unless there are medical reasons... Anybody who says anybody but themselves, is lying to themselves.

    Not really. If someone is a young adult who has been overweight or obese since childhood, most of blame lies with their parents or guardians. Children aren't adults and aren't capable of making adult decisions.

    What they do about it now that they are an adult is totally their choice, but that does not negate how they got fat in the first place.

    I agree. Having been overweight my entire childhood due to poor eating habits and lack of physical activity. Have I lost weight as an adult yes, but it took a few years for me to educate myself and learn new habits in order to lose weight. I think being overweight as a child and becoming overweight as an adult are two different animals.
  • mgibbons22
    mgibbons22 Posts: 69 Member
    Sam Adams, Joe Sixpack, Arthur Guinness, Mr Schmidt, Mr Blatz, Mr Miller, Mr Yeungling, and a bunch of other Buddies.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    I blame my hand for putting all that food in my mouth, but she's always been there for me in hard times when I'm by myself, so I can't be too made at her.
  • Casistrophic
    Casistrophic Posts: 26 Member
    I think we live in a world today where the majority of people won`t take responsibility for anything. And they look for someplace to place blame vs admittance and acceptance.

    Maybe you had fat parents, grew up eating bad. Maybe your parents didn't know any better, maybe you were a fat kid! Who cares? Those are all habits that can be broken.

    But when the day came that your brain started thinking for itself (if it did) and you didn't change your diet, get in shape or whatever, it`s yours fault, and yours alone! Suck it up...

    Of course, this doesn't apply to me. Mine was caused by stress and my mommy and daddy didn't love me enough so they feed me candy, pies and cakes and took me too McDonalds anytime I wanted to go! Then I grew up and dated fat girls because the skinny girls didn't want me. Oh no, I can`t take this is anymore. Double quarter pounders and French fries here I come........ LMAO

    I'm pretty sure no one in this thread claimed anything even close to that, so this rant of yours is really out of place and actually quite bizarre. Why do you need to be so bitter and angry?
  • amberklucas
    amberklucas Posts: 14 Member
    I did it all on my own. When I was at a much healthier weight, though, I had constant motivation because I was walking and running with my best friend. I even ate many meals with her and her husband. After I got married, I realized that my husband and I didn't really pay attention to what we ate because we were too busy with our jobs and our lives. We liked foods that were easy (including fast food) and we were no longer active. It only took about a year for me to start gaining significant amounts of weight. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT blame my husband, but it was so easy to get comfortable with him. I never thought about my health or my weight, and he did not care about his weight either.

    My parents were never overweight, but my mom always thought she was overweight. She's always been tall and skinny, but her emotional health (due to past events) would not let her see that she was a perfect weight, or probably even UNDERweight much of her life. Sometimes I do wonder if her lack of self confidence in herself has rubbed off on me some over the years.

    Sadly, I need constant motivation and get discouraged easily. That's why I blame myself completely for my spiral.

    Now that I have had a baby, I am definitely more focused on getting healthy again. Not only for myself, but for my husband and my daughter.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I am kind of surprised that adults are blaming their weight issues on their parents. Interesting.

    I guess the poster above that made the comment about lack of personal responsibility today is correct. Sad commentary.

    On the bright side so many do accept personal responsibility.
  • fheppy
    fheppy Posts: 64 Member
    Unless there are medical reasons... Anybody who says anybody but themselves, is lying to themselves.

    Not really. If someone is a young adult who has been overweight or obese since childhood, most of blame lies with their parents or guardians. Children aren't adults and aren't capable of making adult decisions.

    What they do about it now that they are an adult is totally their choice, but that does not negate how they got fat in the first place.

    I agree. Having been overweight my entire childhood due to poor eating habits and lack of physical activity. Have I lost weight as an adult yes, but it took a few years for me to educate myself and learn new habits in order to lose weight. I think being overweight as a child and becoming overweight as an adult are two different animals.

    I agree. especially with the last sentence.
  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member

    This. x100
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I obviously know that ultimately I put the food in my mouth. So obviously me

    But do you think that your childhood homelife and parents contribute to you being overweight as you get older? Like when you see a fat child ? Or parents who aren't educated in what and how to cook?

    Or maybe partners who eat badly? Or do you just think its all your fault for eating too much?

    Just curious:)

    Nobody made me overweight. I used to be extremely active...I played all manner of sports growing up and then went into the military where I was basically paid to train...even out of the military and in college I was very active as I did not own a car and rode my bike or walked everywhere...I've always been into hiking and what not and weekends were often spent playing roller hockey with my buddies.

    When I graduated I started working in a desk job and bought a car and generally became far less active but I was eating the same quantities of food as before when I was more active. It was pretty cut and dry straight forward for me. I have no issues with food...I don't eat out of emotion or because of some underlying issue. I've always eaten pretty well from a nutritional standpoint...I just ate too much for my activity level. I cured this by eating a little less and increasing my activity a little and balancing things out.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Me me me.
    I used to lie and tell my parents I hadn't eaten at friends houses so I could get double meals, starting when I was like 6.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Ronald McDonald.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    I obviously know that ultimately I put the food in my mouth. So obviously me
