30lbs by St Patricks Day! NEW Motivation Group 12/2010



  • im sick. took a day off yesterday. i wanted sodas and comfort food plus dinner at my sisters. i just logged it to see how bad it really was. clicked to "5 weeks" button and it still says a lil less. im so happy it didnt set me back more than i can handle. managed to stay under 2500 cal with fast food soda and family dinner with dessert. i am counting it as a win. lol
    today i really havent eaten just a Fit & Active® Southwest Veggie Stuffed Sandwich and toast, so the 2 days should be a wash.

    I hope you're feeling better :) And yes, 2500cal with fast food, soda, and a dinner with dessert is definitely not bad!!
  • I came across this challenge this evening and read all the posts. I defintely need to join this group. I work full time and am a mother to a 3 yr and a 4yr old girl. I am starting at 255 lbs for this challenge and would love to see 225 as a result!! I have struggled with my weight for a long time and want to lose it once and for all. I want to be a healthy role model for my daughters!

    I have a personal goal of being in Onderland for my 35th birthday which is in July. I haven't seen under 200 since I was a teenager.

    Welcome! I haven't seen under 200 since I was a teenager either - we can totally do this!! :)
  • I'd like to join!
    I'm a 26 year old who has struggled with weight and weight loss for as long as I can remember. I am in a few weddings coming up next fall and would love to be able to look my best :) I am currently 209 lbs and my ultimate goal would be 150. 30 lbs by St pattys day would be great! Carbs are definitely my downfall...and I work long 12 hours days as a nurse so maintaining a healthy routine becomes difficult. Here's to 2011 being my best year yet!

    Something about nursing :) Before I became a SAHM back in April, I'd spent 5 years working in a doctor's office. Those lovely nurses took such great care of the patients - if only they'd put that much dedication to taking care of themselves. Maybe you could start a trend! :)
  • Meal today:

    Country Oven - Buttermilk Bread, 1 slice
    Challenge - Spreadable Butter W/Canola Oil, 0.5 Tbs
    turkey bean soup, 1 serving

    Also - I can't wait until this holiday is over! I baked cookies for the house, and really need to stop eating them. I'm scared for weigh in tomorrow, I'll be glad if I haven't gained from last week.

    I've been working out a lot, and eating healthy meals, but slacking in the snacks department. I also think TOM is definitely coming up.

    Have you all got a game plan for Christmas?
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone

    I want to enjoy Christmas and not hurt anyones feelings in the food department. So I am looking to have small portions of items during dinner and load up before dinner on the veggie tray. For me I want to avoid the soda and stick with water. Limit the amount of things that get taken home as left overs. The left overs can kill me as I think I need to eat them and not waste them.

    On the meal front
    I have had this for lunch the last couple days
    Chicken tacos

    Ground chicken
    low sodium pinto and kidney beans
    whole wheat tortia
    a Sprinkle of cheese or teaspoon of sour cream
    to day with pears yesterday with carrots
  • husstler
    husstler Posts: 39 Member
    This evening I made and ate one of my favorite home-cooked meals (The recipe makes enough for 2 meals for one person or a nice size side dish for a few people and it's EASY!!) :

    Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.

    - 12 brussels sprouts, cut in half, stems removed
    - 1/2 a medium head of cauliflower, cut into florets about the same size as the b. sprout halves
    - 1 cup of garbanzo beans, rinsed
    - 36 grape tomatoes, halved
    - 8 cloves of garlic, peeled, halved
    - 1/4 - 1/2 red onion, minced
    - 2 tbls extra virgin olive oil
    - sea salt, black pepper, red pepper flakes, oregano, turmeric - really any spices you'd like - to taste

    Toss together in a bowl to coat everything with the oil and spices. Transfer to a glass baking dish . I like to place the brussels sprouts on the top of everything else with the cut side down so the outer leaves brown up. Roast for 50 minutes. Half the recipe fills me up and is around 375 calories!
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    This evening I made and ate one of my favorite home-cooked meals (The recipe makes enough for 2 meals for one person or a nice size side dish for a few people and it's EASY!!) :

    Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.

    - 12 brussels sprouts, cut in half, stems removed
    - 1/2 a medium head of cauliflower, cut into florets about the same size as the b. sprout halves
    - 1 cup of garbanzo beans, rinsed
    - 36 grape tomatoes, halved
    - 8 cloves of garlic, peeled, halved
    - 1/4 - 1/2 red onion, minced
    - 2 tbls extra virgin olive oil
    - sea salt, black pepper, red pepper flakes, oregano, turmeric - really any spices you'd like - to taste

    Toss together in a bowl to coat everything with the oil and spices. Transfer to a glass baking dish . I like to place the brussels sprouts on the top of everything else with the cut side down so the outer leaves brown up. Roast for 50 minutes. Half the recipe fills me up and is around 375 calories!

    This sounds yum!
  • Sounds great...Can I join? My name is Eva and I'm 30 yrs old. I have two girls, 10 and 6, and need to set an example for them. Would love to join you guys.
  • husstler
    husstler Posts: 39 Member
    See below.
  • husstler
    husstler Posts: 39 Member
    IM IN!!!

    My name is Cassy and I'm 21 years old. I currently attend college and as of this morning I weighed 213. I joined MFP about a month or so ago and my SW was 229. I am definitely in on this challenge!! I can't wait to my number drop below the 200's. I'm not sure the last time I was part of the 100's club. ;)

    I just recently bought a treadmill and am waiting for the guys to come install it. I told myself that I want to learn to run. I think I would really enjoy it and the first goal I want it to be able to run a 5K. Then eventually a half marathon and then a full. Does anyone have any tips for a first time runner? I'm terrified but know that I can do it.

    I'm so excited to be part of this support group. My GW is to be 150 or so. Add me as a friend too!!!

    Here are a couple of books that helped me out when I first started running (Full disclosure: I actually walk faster than I run so I'm going to break any speed records and I've been out of training-mode for a few years now so I'm starting over almost from scratch):

    Runner's World Complete Book of Beginning Running by Amby Burfoot
    Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running by Dagny Scott
    The NonRunners Marathon Guide for Women by Dawn Dais (even if you're not training for a marathon, this book is hilarious and helpful)

    And I agree that a good pair of shoes make all of the difference in the world. I'd suggest getting fitted at a store that specializes in running/jogging.
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    Just weighed in and gained .4 lb, so I'm at 221.6. All those sweets at work this week just killed me!!! But think I did pretty good considering. Next week should be better.
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    Weigh-in: 160.2

    Yuck. Up almost 1 lb. But, hey, it could be worse. I stayed pretty close to my calories for the week, but was only able to do cardio 1 of the 7 days. That is huge for me, as someone who has been pretty active my whole life. I spent most of the week doing almost all of my Christmas shopping, wrapping, and decorating, so my gym time was really affected. I hope to have a little free time later today, and will definitely get back on THAT track starting Sunday. Merry Christmas everyone!
  • Hey Ladies,
    Here is my CW 205.6 still the same as last Friday ( but I think that is better than nothing considering this past weeK)

    Have a Merry Christmas. I will behave myself regarding all the treats that surround me tomorrow :)
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    My scale finally went the right way.. although only a small bit. 210.6. I'm going to drink alot of water, walk alot, and sleep in tomorrow and hopefully reach my xmas goal of 210.
    I'm kind of lucky on the holiday front as far as food goes.
    It's just my BF and myself here in Vegas, and even though he has a very athletic build, he's trying to eat healthier as well. So, there are no big meals or baked goods to fear. I work with mostly men, so no one is baking and bringing bad stuff to work. (except those ladies in wardrobe that I can resist cause it not in my office!) :)
    I am making Turkey, mashed potatoes w/gravy, corn and hawiian rolls tonight, but I will try to becareful about portion size.
  • Weigh in at 177.2!! I went down!!
  • Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around much. I am at my parents place for the holidays, so much time to check in. Also, my mothers scale is horrible and says that I am 188 today. I know that that is not accuarate, but I'll leave it and then be really excited by next weeks loss! I hope everyone is having a good holiday!
  • Hey all!! Weighed in at 225.4, so that has me pretty close to on target for my first mini goal - I'm just hoping to keep on track through this week!! :)

    I just wanted to say you guys are doing awesome!! Most people gain pounds this time of year, and here we are mostly maintaining, barely creeping up, or losing a bit. That's a fantastic achievement!!!
  • Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around much. I am at my parents place for the holidays, so much time to check in. Also, my mothers scale is horrible and says that I am 188 today. I know that that is not accuarate, but I'll leave it and then be really excited by next weeks loss! I hope everyone is having a good holiday!

    Pay no mind when it's a different scale :)

    Have a wonderful holiday!
  • husstler
    husstler Posts: 39 Member
    So, I'm only down .1 lbs since Tuesday bringing me to 242.2. Going forward, I'll adjust my weigh day to Friday. Happy holidays everyone!
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    Hello. I hope everyone is set for a great holiday weekend.

    I am down a smidge...223.8 A little loss.
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