Newbies do not 1,000 cal diets , cleanse , juicing



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    <raises finger to chip in a statement....thinks better of it> Yeah, not worth it.

    I just like this picture and I think it fits with what you said lol


    lol. Yeah, I'm out...time to go buy some motherf***** chicken breasts. Gotta love living next to a 24 hour supermarket.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Okay okay one more thing.

    Since when did adulthood mean that you still require being talked to in sugercoat like you were 8 years old when someone wants to tell you you are wrong or doing something wrong. Let it be known at least for me personally. If I say something that you think is wrong, hypocritical or stupid or even dangerous you let me know straight up and don't patronize me like I'm 8 years old and might start bawling if you don't offer me a lollypop with your criticism.

    I mean how do people go all the way through childhood to adulthood without learning how to handle being told that they are wrong about something. They don't have to agree that they are wrong, maybe they aren't wrong, maybe they have good reason to think what they think so thats not what I mean...I mean just being able to handle it emotionally. Be able to realize that its just some other person with some other opinion and just because they strongly disagree with you its not a personal attack. Yes...even if its said in a mocking manner its not a personal attack its just them being possibly overconfident and thats it.

    Alright that was longer than I meant it to be...chicken breast time.
  • Rissyroo513
    Rissyroo513 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm not frequent to the message boards, granted I read a lot of them, but I don't often post. I have posted a few new threads myself actively seeking advice. Honestly, I would rather be bombarded with a bunch of responses telling me I should or shouldn't do something, or have people provide me with solid data on why they are telling me something than get no response.

    It has been stated that people act like children on this site, as a certified adult and mental health practitioner, I can tell you people act like children everywhere. Giving advice (when solicited) in a no nonsense way isn't childish, its actually a part of most grown up people's daily activities. Sugar coating doesn't work in the office, it shouldn't be expected in something as serious as people's health. If people can't handle having some tough love thrown their way, they shouldn't openly seek advice from a site that has *insert unknown number* members. They should ask their friends or do their own research.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    In life there are certainly bullies and I have been bullied before I'm sure most everyone has. Never felt bullied here though. I'm sitting at my computer right now....have a drink and some chicken breast, I'm munching and reading some things posted on a thread I put up. Some of the comments are pretty critical, several people called me out on being advice out of one side of my mouth that applied to my own situation while not taking that advice to heart myself. Some of the comments were a bit mocking, in another thread had someone tell me straight up I was being a hypocrite. None of this is bullying. I do not feel physically threatened right now...I'm still enjoying my chicken breast thinking to myself "Huh, guess they have a point there" or "pfff, its totally not the same thing so no in that case I'm not being hypocrite". I am reading points posited by someone else sitting at their computer. Those points might be strongly worded but they are in no way threatening, they are just ideas put forth before my eyes while I enjoy some chicken. I don't have to agree with them, I don't even have to respond if I don't want to. There is no threat here, I feel safe and secure and there is not a hint of what I have felt in the past when actually bullied.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member

    Just... just... stop typing, you're only hurting yourself dude.