
  • PJudt
    PJudt Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I just started P90X today. I wasn't aware that myfitnesspal.com had message boards. I just started using myfitnesspal.com again because my computer crashed and I was using a local copy of a product called CrossTrainer. It is actually a great product just like myfitnesspal.com, but I don't want to have to rebuild a local copy again.
    I've used the message boards a little bit at beachbody.com, but thought I'd try the ones here. As Tony Horton says, variety being the spice of life. I've done P90X in the past and really enjoyed the results. I've been doing the "One On One's" regular for the last few years. I've decided to do another round of P90X mainly to keep a detailed log of my workouts. My workouts have been whatever I felt like doing on that particular day.
    The "One On One's" workout are great, but they are mainly used for maintaining. P90X will actually force me to work a little harder and that is where results change your body. Like I mentioned earlier, I just did the first day today and felt I had to vomit at the end of the workout. Looks like need to ramp up on Vitamin B&C and drink some water.
    The other major reason for doing P90X again for me is to follow the nutrition plan. I don't eat horribly, but I don't eat perfectly either. Following the P90X nutrition plan makes me eat perfectly for 90 days.
    In any event, I'm starting a week before everyone and was hoping I could tag along on your thread here and hope to motivate and get motivated by others.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    So hows everyone doing? Is everyone getting pumped for the 1st.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Excellent. ! :) I just read online you need a chin up bar? I don't know if hubby will let me put one of those up haha is there any alternative?

    I ordered a free standing pull up bar off amazon for about $120 with free shipping. I don't have door frames in my house that would have allowed this support. I love it.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Excellent. ! :) I just read online you need a chin up bar? I don't know if hubby will let me put one of those up haha is there any alternative?

    I ordered a free standing pull up bar off amazon for about $120 with free shipping. I don't have door frames in my house that would have allowed this support. I love it.

    Ahhhh a power tower. Excellent choice. I really want one of those, but the ceiling in my basement is to low.
  • PJudt
    PJudt Posts: 13 Member
    Whew!!! I did Disk 2 Plyometrics today! Wow, I forgot how intense this workout is. Grabbing my knees and breathing heavy throughout. It is definitely the Mother! Although, I was able to get through the whole workout, my intensity level near the 3/4 mark was not as strong as I would have liked. I was able to recover a bit and kick it near the end. Like Tony says this workout is kind of a love/hate. My HRM was in the high 150s the entire time and I was burning in the 800 calorie range for 60 minutes. My performance in the plyo increases more than any of the other disks. The worst part about this one being over is you have to wait a whole week to do it again. The great thing about it being over is... you get to wait a whole week before doing it again! :happy:
  • kc4173
    kc4173 Posts: 22 Member
    I love your positive attitude! I am new to this site and needed a jumpstart. Thank you
  • Jazznit
    Jazznit Posts: 27 Member
    Hey all.. i know i know no pic! One is coming soon i swear. Yesterday i bought my resistance bands and weights for P90X. As I live in Northern Alberta Canada, I am having a hard time finding the Yoga bricks. Can anyone tell how essential they are before I start the January1st challenge. Better yet can anyone give be some good advice to prepare for my first round of P90x? P.S. this is my first offical post!
  • PJudt
    PJudt Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Aimee23,

    The need for Yoga blocks all depends on you. I've done P90X in the past and have yet to ever use or need a yoga block. I'm male and am just not flexible enough to need the Yoga Blocks. I'm suspecting since you question the need you may not have had much experience with Yoga yet. If that is the case, believe me the Yoga moves themselves without the blocks will be more than sufficient. If you do feel the need for the blocks you can other household items such as soup cans or anything that can extend your reach from 2 to 8".
    As far as some advice, I'd give you 2 suggestions. Follow the nutrition guide as closely as you possibly can. I've followed the boards at beachbody and read countless times where people are doing the exercises as hard as they possibly can and don't see much change. Yes, they feel stronger (and are), but they still have a case of dunlap disease (their belly done lapped over their belt). The nutrition part of P90X is 50% if not more of the program. The other suggestion I would offer is make sure you write everything down while doing the exercises. You may only be able to do one pushup, but write it down. Any details are also good. That way when you do week 2 or week 3 or even week 10, you can compare your own results and most of all know when you are not pushing it hard enough.
    Good luck and enjoy the ride!
  • Hi everybody, new to the site and started my p90x earlier today and it kicked my but i loved it!
  • Jazznit
    Jazznit Posts: 27 Member

    Thank you so much for your insight and knowledge. You are correct on a few points.. I am definitely not well versed in the yoga-bending area! I will have my notebook/pencil ready & I am already preparing my grocery list too. I think my next step will be to try some of the videos and see how I do!~

    Thanks again for the advice.. look forward to sharing the experience (and pain) with you all
  • maexxy
    maexxy Posts: 15
    Hey everybody, I would love to join your p90x challenge - I just hope to be able to motivate myself enough to hang in there the whole 90 days
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Hi, Not sure if I mentioned this. I have a P90X thread started on Beach Body. I'm starting my 3rd rd on 1/8. You are all welcome to post to it. Its fun to see how everyone is doing as well as a place to post spacific p90x questions.


    To join bb for free. go to www.beachbodycoach.com/murf19 click join , then click join for free, fill out form and add murf19 to refural coach and your done. You can now brouse the bb site that includes many threads on p90x etc as well as diet.

    You can get to my thread above as well.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    A BIG welcome to all the newcomers! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. I am starting to get pumped about my new workout schedule. I need to look over the guides and go shopping. Also, I have no idea where my resistance bands have run off to, so I will be on a search and rescue mission sometime this week.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I just wanted to say welcome to all the new people who want to embark on this P90X adventure with us. Particulary maexxy. i also wanted to give PJudt a big thank you for sticking around the board and giving advice to all of the newbies of the P90X equiptment. It was very educational for me as well.
    We officially have 4 days left till we start the P90X CHALLENGE!!!! For me personally, i have been reading alot of reviews online and i am confident that the lean program is the road i am going to take. Before we start, i would be very interested to see what programs you all are going to embark on as well. Lets keep our energy on the max and get ready for the 1st.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Bump #3 Son gave it to us for Christmas....and am hoping to get it going on the 1st.:wink:
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I'm in for the lean program!
  • I am ready! I lost 15 pounds over the past month. However, I just put on 2 pounds this week. I am really upset about it but know what the problem was this week. I weigh in every Monday. My goal this week is 5-7 pounds. I am looking for a jump start and then I will set a 2 pound a week goal.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I'm in for the lean program!

    I am doing the lean program too
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I am ready! I lost 15 pounds over the past month. However, I just put on 2 pounds this week. I am really upset about it but know what the problem was this week. I weigh in every Monday. My goal this week is 5-7 pounds. I am looking for a jump start and then I will set a 2 pound a week goal.

    Congratulations on your weightloss success. Don't worry about your gain too much. The whole point about this process it to not let failure or disapointments define you. We all are more than that.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member

    All challengers Please post in the board what program of P90X you will be doing by friday. You can choose from the Basic, Lean, or Doubles Plan.
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