what foods to you AVOID/LIVE BY??



  • pleasantridge521
    I avoid soda pop, fast food, fried food and iceberg lettuce.

    I live by chia seeds, Greek yogurt, salmon, tuna, other fish, mixed green salads (spinach, kale, baby greens, sweet
    Peppers). I am on a heart healthy diet.
    If I crave something like chocolate, I go ahead and have it because, as others have said, I will eat more trying to substitute and still end up eating what I crave. I just try to find the healthiest form of whatever I crave.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    Junk..like mcdonalds etc... candies too.

    I do eat a little bit of dark chocolate but all my snacks and treats have been replaced by whole wheat bread with peanut butter.
    As weird as it is... I'm going crazy for that now...I never liked it much....and now it's the first thing i enter in my meal plan of the day.... i need my toast lol.... I also go crazy with bell peppers..i eat a cup everyday.
  • auntleenie14
    auntleenie14 Posts: 25 Member
    I avoid Kale - because it's a freakin' garnish, not food.

    You will have to pry my lattes from my cold, dead hands
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I don't it red foods on Sundays because as is well known if you eat red foods on that day they immediately turn to fat
    Well, yea, everybody knows that.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I avoid Kale - because it's a freakin' garnish, not food.

    You will have to pry my lattes from my cold, dead hands

  • hoffma25
    hoffma25 Posts: 36
    I swear by Kombucha, especially GTs.

    I try my best not to give in to lattes and alcohol- those are the biggest empty cal- killers for me!
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    I tend to avoid fruits, vegetables, and clear alcohols.

    I live by meat, scotch, dark beer, and anything similar to those things.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I don't like eating bugs. I understand some cultures like bugs, but it's just not for me.
    Otherwise, anything and everything goes, granted I work out for it first or I'm screwed lol.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Eat all the things.

    I do avoid asparagus however. Why? Because eww.
  • be_patient
    be_patient Posts: 186 Member
    I only avoid foods I don't like and am currently attempting self-control around my tempting foods like chocolate, cookies and cake D:
  • robabob3
    robabob3 Posts: 79 Member
    I live on chicken, so versatile i eat it everyday
  • Smokey705
    Smokey705 Posts: 35 Member
    This, drink water and save your calories for eating.
  • _cdaley
    _cdaley Posts: 79 Member
    The only thing I really refuse to do is drink my calories. Sticking to water and green tea saves me the calories I might otherwise consume in soda or coffee drinks. I'd rather eat something than use those calories on a beverage. As far as food is concerned, I have started making healthier choices because I feel better, but a calorie is a calorie. Everything in moderation and your calorie goal for the day! I have a serving of ice cream or dark chocolate almost every day. I make room for it in my calorie goal because I really enjoy it!
  • Nt2Badhuh
    Nt2Badhuh Posts: 107 Member
    I am in the same boat. I restrict too many food and end up craving them sooooooo badly. Im trying not to do that but I have given up most sodas and juice. I avoid foods I can get in a drive thru.....I just dont have the will power yet to eat only a little and it never ends good. I avoid chips and ANYTHING that says little debbie on it.

    I eat pretzels everyday...( i dont know why I just like them) I also love beef jerky.

    But im working on the restrictions... I try to tell myself I can eat whatever I want....in moderation...but that moderation thing keeps getting lost somewhere * scratches head*
  • ovi212
    ovi212 Posts: 145 Member
    Live: 50cal greek yogurt, zucchini and other vegetables, egg whites, 100cal popcorn bags, sugar free jello, oats, cocoa, diet pop

    Avoid: any that is high calorie with little nutritional benefit or that won't fill me up. I find that if you start eating you can't stop. I may love these foods in theory but after awhile and the stress of working them into my calorie goal I don't want them anymore.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I don't avoid foods, they never attack and come right for me so no need for evasive action.

    I eat what I want.....Yeah, some things are tasty and I can over indulge, but I find that when I make healthy choices I don't always crave the treats. I eat ice cream, fries, big azz burgers, and chocolate on the occasions I feel like eating them, but it isn't often.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I don't avoid foods, they never attack and come right for me so no need for evasive action.

    Speak for yourself, I totally got jumped by some rice cakes last week!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Avoid my Kryptonite foods of wheat, rice and potato. They just bring on cravings for more. I never feel satisfied or good when I eat them due to the high glycemic index. If I don't eat them I don't crave them. I have a 34 yr track record of being unable to eat them in moderation. I eat some form of chickpeas almost daily. From Farinata to Chana dal to Muthia to crepes to brownies to hummus to fried chickpeas to fritters to crackers. Chickpeas are amazing. Sieved yogurt, I use it to replace mayo and cream cheese. Kroger carbmaster skim milk, 11g of protein and only 60 cals a cup. Oddly enough, celery. I did not like it much as a child but I go thru a bunch each week now. Eggs, so yummy and versatile. Oscar Mayer light bologna! Yes, it sticks out like a beacon amongst the yogurt and fresh fenugreek in the fridge but we all love its garlicky,fatty, saltiness. We love to put Boursin in a celery rib and wrap it in bologna for a snack on the go.
  • Inkymycat
    Inkymycat Posts: 16 Member
    Hello Im Michael.

    I gave up all Red Meat & Soda (Pop) about 1.5 Years ago. I did this for my weight and to lower my Cholesterol which was extremely high. Other things I do not read or try not to.

    Fried Foods
    Junk Food
    Meats (AKA Chicken, Fish & Pork)
    Candy (But have a piece once in a while)
    Pasta (Rice)
    Liquor (But have something every once in a while)
    Milk & Dairy

    I mainly Eat:

    Vegetable Burgers

    I dont plan to eat this way the rest of my life but will until I loose the rest of my weight and lower my cholesterol down some more. I have very strong will power.
  • Casistrophic
    Casistrophic Posts: 26 Member
    I was never much of a breakfast eater at school, but I have come to regularly enjoy my half a whole-wheat bagel and little spread of cream cheese.

    Trying to avoid curly fries, even though it pains me. The one food I have totally given up for now is cheesecake. There are just too many calories for me to be able to treat myself without going way over my limit, and too many to exercise off without feeling like I was killing myself.

    BUT there aren't many foods like that that I avoid entirely, I just eat them very sparingly as a treat. I've found it much easier to cut my portion sizes than to completely change my diet since I'm such a finicky eater, so I just stop at half a grilled cheese instead of three whole ones.