Person called me fat at the gym!



  • buzybev
    buzybev Posts: 199 Member
    Considering that I have seen online reviews for gyms I've looked into talking about there being too many fat/overweight people there, this is a believable scenario. People are just as rude and out of pocket in real life as they are on the internet.

    To OP, don't let him discourage you! You paid the fees just like everyone else using the facility. Remember your goals!
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Don't let that jerk and any others on this site run you off. That was totally inappropriate. I'd recommend a good swift kick, too, but I don't think guys are inclined to do that sort of thing.

    Everyone has to start somewhere and do it somehow. Report the bullies and use their ignorance and stupidity as fuel for your determination. Keep up the good work!
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    Thats so dumb! Dont let him get you down!! He sounds like an *kitten* anyways. At least you're going to the gym and making an effort! Would he rather you sit on the couch and not even try??
    Seriously, the gym is there for a reason. And if the OWNERS had a problem with people "your size" using their equipment, im sure you wouldnt be eligible for a membership. Keep up the good work and dont listen to jerks like him.
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I tell him to go F--K himself and then report him.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member

    ETA: He writes "and a man walked up to me." that's a girl talking. As a guy, you would write...and another guy said to me....or, some dude said to me...
    I would write as OP did... Oh damn! I guess that means I am a girl?! OMG! Holy crap! Thank you for enlightening me! It turns out I've been living in lie all my life!

    dude, I totally would have said "so this guy" or "this dude..." hmm. Maybe I've been wrong all this years about being a girl.

    What's that saying about assumptions?:laugh:
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Sorry you had to encounter such shallowness; you should have reported the S.O.B to management. It’s obvious the P.O.S had no upbringing. Just ignore the ignorant *kitten* and move on, there will always be those kinds of people in this world; don’t waste any of your time fretting over them. Instead focus on the positive influences in your life; they will get you further, faster and without the grief.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    11:25 on a Saturday night, low post history...I'm calling BS.

    I agree. I call Troll. Looks like a shell fake account.
  • beepaz
    beepaz Posts: 42 Member
    i would have spat on his face :happy:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    11:25 on a Saturday night, low post history...I'm calling BS.

    I agree. I call Troll. Looks like a shell fake account.

    Well who died and made you God???? Really, how can you possibly make that assumption??? So what if he has few posts, that's not the issue here. Oh, I get it you just want to ASSUME....
  • llopes79
    llopes79 Posts: 1
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    11:25 on a Saturday night, low post history...I'm calling BS.

    I agree. I call Troll. Looks like a shell fake account.

    Well who died and made you God???? Really, how can you possibly make that assumption??? So what if he has few posts, that's not the issue here. Oh, I get it you just want to ASSUME....

    Wow such anger and hostility. lol. I can make any assumption I want, it wasn't malicious, simply a statement. I hope you feel better now that you got your ferocity out. lol. :yawn:
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    "Well, I'm not super happy that my taxes help support emergency services for jack holes like you, and yet here we are."
  • staceywillman1
    staceywillman1 Posts: 5 Member
    I am not defending the name caller in any way shape or form. You should report it to the manager. That being said, how old was the guy? My dad had a medical condition that after his treatment took away a good part of his brain filter that moderates what he says. We all went out to eat as a family and he told the server she would look better if she lost a bunch of weight. We all about fell over on the seat. My brother on the end found the watiress when alone and explained it and slipped her a 20 for continued good service. We never know what he is going to say and when. I am just presenting another point of view.
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    Wow, someone wouldn't have any functioning testicles left if they came and said that to me.

    If you see him there again, I would still report him. That is beyond unacceptable.

    completely agree! I would have smiled and said what? i'm fat? I never noticed..... then most likely would have mentioned that he should go spend some "special" time with himself. You don't need that! Keep doing you hun!
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    You should ask him how he made it to the gym because if he is so stupid it is surprising he could find his way..That is bullying and it is not acceptable. No one should comment on anyone trying to make improvements in their health, no matter what their size is. No, that has not happened to me but I am very sorry that this has happened to you. Don't let this bully win, go back and use the same machine again. I would have gone straight away and reported it, but if he does it again go and tell management and hopefully he will be kicked out.

    That is just heartless! Don't let this assh0le stop you from you continuing going to the gym! What a *kitten*, I'd be surprised if he's not divorced yet or ever last with any woman!!
  • chaemd
    chaemd Posts: 38 Member
    Everyone has some faults and some shortcomings. It sounds like you unfortunately encountered a bully of some sort - they point out other people's "whatever" to try to make themselves "look better" (they have low self esteem and look for what THEY PERCEIVE to be "faults" in others. If you're "running your race" and someone starts something from the grandstands - don't leave the track to get into it with them. You may win the argument but lose the race for getting off the track. Ignore the idiot. His words are not who or what you are. Be better than being his "verbal victim".

    This toad at the gym was just an in person telemarketer (no offense to anyone intended if that's what you do for a living) and you just have to train yourself to mentally say "no thank you" and hang up on them and refocus on what you were doing in the first place.

    I wouldn't stay away from anywhere on account of one person. Treat yourself to a really cute and colorful workout outfit, go back and have fun :-)
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    I applaud you. If that was me he would have been on the floor and I would possibly be behind bars. He should have never spoken to you that way. You need to report him. My gym as a rule about it.

    Don't stay away because of one jerk. Show back up and you get back on that machine. Fight the bully with your hard work and determination. You are better than him and will overcome.
  • chaemd
    chaemd Posts: 38 Member
    Everyone has some faults and some shortcomings. It sounds like you unfortunately encountered a bully of some sort - they point out other people's "whatever" to try to make themselves "look better" (they have low self esteem and look for what THEY PERCEIVE to be "faults" in others.) If you're "running your race" and someone starts something from the grandstands - don't leave the track to get into it with them. You may win the argument but lose the race for getting off the track. Ignore the idiot. His words are not who or what you are. Be better than being his "verbal victim".

    This toad at the gym was just an in person telemarketer (no offense to anyone intended if that's what you do for a living) and you just have to train yourself to mentally say "no thank you" and hang up on them and refocus on what you were doing in the first place.

    I wouldn't stay away from anywhere on account of one person. Treat yourself to a really cute and colorful workout outfit, go back and have fun :-)
    I love the way you think. Great response. There are a lot of great responses to this person's experience. My heart goes out to him. Thank you for taking the time to encourage him.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    I'd promptly tell him to go f**k himself, then report him. Please don't let this moron derail you from your progress. You have every right to be there and you have way more people cheering you on! He can't be happy with his own life, and that's why he felt like making you feel bad. It's unfortunate.