Lose 5 Pounds in April 2014 Open Group



  • kmatz3
    kmatz3 Posts: 6
    SW: (Starting weight) 170
    CW: (Current weight) 163
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 158

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 163
    4/05 Sat: 163 (TOM) :(
    4/12 Sat: 162
    4/19 Sat:
    4/26 Sat:
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost:

    Great job everyone! Keep up the great work!
  • SW: 321
    CW: 233
    GW: 228 - For April

    Weigh in Dates:

    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 233
    4/04 Fri: - 231
    4/11 Fri: - 233- Wrong dang direction :sad:
    4/18 Fri:
    4/25 Fri:
  • xMermaidx
    xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
    SW: 187
    CW: 166
    GW: 163

  • SW 196
    CW 182
    GW for April 182

    2/4 187
    6/4 185
    13/4 183

    Total weight lost for April 5lb whoop whoop. Well done everyone.
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    GW:123 4/30
    04/01 128
    04/05 126
    04/12 124
    Total weight lost: - 4lbs
    Was down to 112 and started lifting more and have gained 6 solid pounds bringing me to 118. I've recently put on another 10 and would like to lose these 10 plus 3 or so more pounds.
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    SW: 186
    CW: 163.8
    GW: 162

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/30: 166.8
    4/05 Sat: 165.2
    4/12 Sat: 163.8
    4/19 Sat:
    4/26 Sat:
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total Weight Lost This Month: 3.0 lbs
    Total Weight Lost: 22.2 lbs

    Two more lbs to go for this challenge!
  • SW: (Starting weight)305
    CW: (Current weight) 294
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 289
    UGW: 180, would be amazing, but I would settle for 200 at this point...I will change my goals once I get to that point.
    Weigh in Dates:
    Didn't figure the 3 pound loss would hold, but there are still 2 weeks left, hopefully I can make it, if not there is always next month. I wont get discouraged, I wont get discouraged, I wont get discouraged... :grumble:
  • JoanneLynn
    JoanneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    SW: 186
    CW: 170.5
    GW: 165.5

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1- 170.8
    4/6 - 168.9
    4/13 - 166.9

    Total weight lost: 3.6

    The best possible advice I can give is start, then don't stop. The difference between people who succeed and people who don't isn't in the details, it's in the perseverance.

    Jan: 6.1 lbs down
    Feb: 3.7 lbs down
    March: 2.8 lbs down
  • HLindsayA
    HLindsayA Posts: 46
    SW: 197 (Feb 25 2014)
    CW: 180
    GW: 175 by end of April
    UGW: 130

    Weigh in dates:
    4/12: 178 (2 pound loss)

    Working on NOT getting discouraged by slow progress. Also, still trying not to binge, especially when I'm feeling down in the dumps.
  • Psychedelicately
    Psychedelicately Posts: 81 Member
    K, I'm joining in! This looks fun. (If anyone needs some more motivator buddies, feel free to add me as a friend as well!)

    SW: (Starting weight) 210
    CW: (Current weight) 174
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 170

    Weigh in Dates:

    Total weight lost this month: 1.6 lbs
  • nisodi
    nisodi Posts: 2
    SW: 183
    CW: 173.4
    GW: 168.4

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 173.4
    4/05 Sat: 173
    4/12 Sat: 171.8
    4/19 Sat:
    4/26 Sat:
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost: 1.6
  • shoing
    shoing Posts: 114 Member
    SW: August 22, 2013 with MFP 223
    CW: 179.4 4/1/2014
    GW: 175 (or less)

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 179.4
    4/05 Sat: 176.2
    4/12 Sat: 173.8
    4/19 Sat:
    4/26 Sat:
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost: 5.6 (fingers crossed it holds.)

    For Fun: Each week, as you post your weights, include one thing you did to boost your motivation or one thing that inspired you during that week. Lately it's just been running trying to catch up with myself. Been meeting myself coming & going. Sorry didn't get to post till today. For my birthday tomorrow I wanted to be under 175lb Hope it sticks.
    Everyone is looking Great let's keep it up. Happy logging! :drinker:

    Good luck everyone. Let's get it done in April.
  • SW: 228.6
    GW: 223.6 (for April)

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 228.6
    4/05 Sat: 226.6
    4/12 Sat: 224.6

    P.S. Does anyone have any helpful hints for remembering where you last posted so you can copy/paste your previous entries?
  • SW: (11/2012) 160
    CW: (4/01/14) 153.4
    GW: (4/30/14) 148

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1: 153.4
    4/7: 151.8
    4/14: 155
    Total weight lost

    This was a bad snacking weekend for me- I went to the farmer's market with my fiance and we got fudge- so rich and so full of calories. PMS also normally skews my weight so hopefully by next week it will be more in line with the numbers of last week. This is my last week of boot camp and we weigh/measure body fat on Thursday so I was hoping some of the numbers would be lower than 4 weeks ago but I'm just not sure it will happen especially at 6 pm. I am going to do better the rest of this week. My goal is to actually stay under every single day. I am going to the beach with my fiance's family in 5 weeks and I would love to look better in my bikini.
  • Jsphine
    Jsphine Posts: 96 Member
    SW: 172.8
    CW: 163.4 (3/29/2014)
    GW: 159.0 (Goal weight for the month)

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 162.8 (Hope this is not some cruel April Fool's joke done by my scale!) :smile:
    4/05 Sat: 163.6 :sick:
    4/12 Sat: 163.4 :sick:
    4/19 Sat:
    4/26 Sat:
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost:

    was sick this entire week as well as last. been on antibiotics for the past 4 days.... arrghh

    Motivation wk1: Wedding to attend on May 24! Gotta look decent, right?
    Motivation wk2-3: Getting out of my only pair of size HUGE pants.
  • siobhan478
    siobhan478 Posts: 21 Member
    SW: 264.2 lbs
    CW: 245.2 lbs (31st March)
    April GW: 236 lbs

    Weigh in Dates: (Mondays)

    4/07: 243.2 lb
    4/14: 239.8 lb

    End of Month:

    Total weight lost in April:
    Total weight lost to date:
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    SW: 355
    CW: 324.8
    GW: 215

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue):
    4/07 Sat: 223.2 - 1.6 pounds
    4/14 Sat: 221.8 - 1.4 Pounds
    4/21 Sat:
    4/28 Sat:

    Total weight lost:
  • momtomari
    momtomari Posts: 14 Member
    SW: 281
    CW: 242.5
    GW: 237.0
    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 242.5
    4/05 Sat: 241.6
    4/12 Sat: 239.9
    4/19 Sat:
    4/26 Sat:
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost: 2.6
  • jcoiv70
    jcoiv70 Posts: 10 Member
    SW: 228.8
    CW: 224.4
    GW: 220.0

    Weigh in Dates:
    Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 228.8
    4/05 Sat: 225.4
    4/12 Sat: 224.4
    4/19 Sat:
    4/26 Sat:
    End of Month (4/30 Wed):

    Total weight lost:

    I am doing T25 to get me there, the end of this month will put me on pace to be done with the Alpha phase.

    Every little bit counts (Phil. 4:13)
  • MsD6206
    MsD6206 Posts: 6 Member
    SW: 203.2
    CW: 177.8
    GW: 172

    Weigh in Dates:
    04/01: 177.0
    04/05: 175.9
    04/12: 175.1