Change starts now :) Who is with me?



  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Can I join? I also tend to start and stop and just before Christmas I was doing better than I ever have... but now I've stepped on the scale and it's a disaster! But I'm determined to get back on track. Don't want to undo all my hard work!
    Going for the water now (glug glug)
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Of course you can :)

    That reminds me, I need to go fill my water glass again!

    Great to have you along!

  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    How's everyone doing?

    I managed to put my workouts on an Excel spreadsheet. It might help me to track my workouts and see improvements I've made over the weeks. It looks tough and intense on paper, lol!

  • I did okay until about dinner time. I had brandy beans and then white bread with butter. :sad:

    But this morning, I woke up, packed my bag for the gym and then hit it with a bottle of water. Going to be a good day. Going shopping and then going to go walk around and see christmas lights. Time to up on the pedometer.

    Hugs all. Hope you have a good day.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    So after weighing in at 131 (7lb gain :noway: ) on Boxing day I was down to 129 today. Hopefully with watching my salt and drinking loooads of water it'll continue going down and the damage won't have been as bad as I thought! Done well today, although after dinner I felt a big festive snack attack coming on... had a little bit more food than I needed but managed to resist so I'm happy.

    NancyMoedt - what are brandy beans? bread and butters definitely my weak point. Well done for being active today! And for braving the sales!

    How's everyone else's first day or two been?
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I do believe this week is going to be challenging. I did my workouts for today, and I'm just whipped. In a good way though, I feel empowered for actually getting up and doing them, and giving them everything I had!

    I've stuck to eating clean today as well. Made a nice chicken stir fry with steamed vegetables. I'm on glass 7 and 8 of water!

    I planned out my meals so that I could have a glass of wine with dinner tonight. If I stick with it I'll be under my calorie goal. I made up some calories with exercise too!

    Now, if every day could be a carbon copy of today, I'd be on a roll!

  • Count me in. Today i started with weight control oatmeal instead of 2 Mcdonalds sugar yogurts, a flavor packet in water rather then a pepsi and lunch will be a healthy choice meal rather then taco bell or mcdonalds.

    Today is the begining!!
  • I would love to join! I started working out everyday since the 23rd, and started tracking calories today. But I've started and stopped this routine countless times, and now I'm at my highest weight I've ever been.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Count me in. Today i started with weight control oatmeal instead of 2 Mcdonalds sugar yogurts, a flavor packet in water rather then a pepsi and lunch will be a healthy choice meal rather then taco bell or mcdonalds.

    Today is the begining!!

    Way to make healthy changes! That's a great start!

  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Yes, I'm a member of the start and stop club too. I have to start...and stick with it now. That's my goal, 30 days. I'm sure it will just be habit after that!

  • Jamaica2
    Jamaica2 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm in the start stop club too. If I hadn't already completed 8 weeks of turbo fire I'd have gave up last week. I am determined to follow through for once in my life. I just started week 10 of Turbo Fire today. I have been slacking in the food department the last two weeks but did well today. '

    I'm feeling good!!!
  • i am SOOO in! I hate myself for indulging in Christmas. I need to look good in a bikini in 30 days! It starts now!!
  • Moma_Do
    Moma_Do Posts: 108 Member
    Me too ya'll, we can do this as much as we can at a time, if we fall we can just get back up asap, no sooner, let it be what it be. no negativity baby. love is all.
  • Good Morning All,

    Start of Day #2 and I'm noticing a pattern. I'm fine with breakfast and lunch but when it comes to dinner, OH BOY! It's like I can't stop. HELP! :sad:
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    That happened to me last night too. Ate way too much at dinner. I don't know why either, but it felt so awful that I could at least learn from it.

    Today's workout is going to be so challenging lol. I'm so sore from yesterday. But, no quitting. Must push forward.

  • amandal15
    amandal15 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm joining. Beginning today. I've drank 4 glasses of water, had a banana and almonds and a grilled chicken salad for lunch. I'm a start and stop person. And I'm ready for change!!!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Yeah! Keep up the good work everyone!

    I just got finished my cardio. Intensity galore. I love how each time I do a workout, I push myself harder each time. It's such an amazing feeling!

  • OneFitLady
    OneFitLady Posts: 28 Member
    Good place to give myself some accountability!

    Monday: Yoga Meltdown and 1 hour Yoga at the gym, kept it fairly clean eating, recorded both on MFP
    Tuesday: Hooking up my bike on the Cyclopse for an hour of pure cardio, turned down a Mexican lunch date ate salad instead, recorded both on MFP, got on the boards to give/get support : )

    I think I will make this a weekly check in, if that is okay? See ya Monday 2011!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Good place to give myself some accountability!

    Monday: Yoga Meltdown and 1 hour Yoga at the gym, kept it fairly clean eating, recorded both on MFP
    Tuesday: Hooking up my bike on the Cyclopse for an hour of pure cardio, turned down a Mexican lunch date ate salad instead, recorded both on MFP, got on the boards to give/get support : )

    I think I will make this a weekly check in, if that is okay? See ya Monday 2011!

    Great start! See you in the New Year :)

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