30lbs by St Patricks Day! NEW Motivation Group 12/2010



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I take belly dancing classes on Wed. nights, so anytime I'm on the elevator at work, I practice a move or 2.. usually I practice shimmying :)
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    How was Christmas for everyone? Did anyone else make the terrifying mistake of stepping on the scale the day after? Too much wine and other Christmas "cheer" for me, I think! I hope everyone else fared far better!
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    How was Christmas for everyone? Did anyone else make the terrifying mistake of stepping on the scale the day after?

    I'm not going anywhere near that scale until Friday... A little too festive at my house as well!!!

    I didn't get my Wii Zumba game (as I vigorously hinted at), so I tried to go buy it. Can't seem to find it right now :sad: but I'm still looking.
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    How was Christmas for everyone? Did anyone else make the terrifying mistake of stepping on the scale the day after?

    I'm not going anywhere near that scale until Friday... A little too festive at my house as well!!!

    I didn't get my Wii Zumba game (as I vigorously hinted at), so I tried to go buy it. Can't seem to find it right now :sad: but I'm still looking.

    Oh, no!! Have you checked online? I've found a lot of stores are sold out of things that are still available on their websites, or on amazon. Good luck!!
  • velvetechos
    WalkingGirl1985 - a loss is definitely a loss and nothing to feel disappointed in :)

    esorcel - welcome! I just need your starting weight for the chart! We do weekly challenges that start each Monday, weigh ins each Friday :)

    danielagarcia85 - welcome! I just need your starting weight for the chart (wasn't sure if 216 is your starting weight for mfp or for the group)! We do weekly challenges that start each Monday, weigh ins each Friday :)

    loveme445 - welcome! We do weekly challenges that start each Monday, weigh ins each Friday :)

    mbodine - excellent! I've always wanted to try belly dancing, it looks so fun!

    ymamyma - Christmas was a lot of fun - but yes I did make the mistake of weight checking the day after. I had gained 2.5lbs!! I didn't go overboard calorie wise, but I think a lot of it was sodium....it's coming back off already, so fingers crossed it's all gone plus a loss (or even just all gone!) by Friday.

    brenott - I'd definitely peek around online, you might just find a better price anyway :) And good on you for not stepping on the scale - I wish I hadn't!!!
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    Oh, no!! Have you checked online? I've found a lot of stores are sold out of things that are still available on their websites, or on amazon. Good luck!!

    I did find it online and have an Amazon gift card. But it's the instant gratification thing - I want it NOW!!! Good lesson to learn, especially with the reason I'm on this website!!!
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    Oh, no!! Have you checked online? I've found a lot of stores are sold out of things that are still available on their websites, or on amazon. Good luck!!

    I did find it online and have an Amazon gift card. But it's the instant gratification thing - I want it NOW!!! Good lesson to learn, especially with the reason I'm on this website!!!

    I did not get it either. But I did get another dance wii game...two actualll. Dance Workout by golds gym and Just Dance 2. I tired the dance workout one. It seems like fun. I have not tried the other yet. I really want the Zumba one and may go see if I can switch games.
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    The day after Christmas was NOT a good day to weigh for me either, but after being really careful yesterday with the calories, and hitting the treadmill last night, the extra was gone this morning. Hoping for a good number on Friday!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    I did not get it either. But I did get another dance wii game...two actualll. Dance Workout by golds gym and Just Dance 2. I tired the dance workout one. It seems like fun. I have not tried the other yet. I really want the Zumba one and may go see if I can switch games.

    I wanted Zumba for Christmas but didnt get it. I have also put Dance Workout and Just Dance 2 on my wish list. Let me know how you like the DVDs and which is worth buying.
    Thanks! Enjoy your workout!
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    I have to share my news!!

    I decided today that I needed to declutter my life, and so started the process of tossing the things I don't need. I spent a few minutes going through some totes in storage, and pulled out a dress that I had kept. I wore this dress to my friend's wedding in the summer of 2002. When it didn't fit anymore, I kept it because it was pretty and I couldn't bear the thought of not wearing it again.

    When I pulled it out of the tote, I decided to try it on, thinking it wouldn't fit over my hips and/or stomach, and would hang it on the back of my bedroom door to shrink into.

    But it fits. :noway: Perfectly. Or, almost perfectly. It's an empire-style dress and was a bit cramped up top. :bigsmile:

    It made my day, and yes, I did twirl around a little in front of my mirror before taking it off. :laugh:
  • velvetechos
    I have to share my news!!

    I decided today that I needed to declutter my life, and so started the process of tossing the things I don't need. I spent a few minutes going through some totes in storage, and pulled out a dress that I had kept. I wore this dress to my friend's wedding in the summer of 2002. When it didn't fit anymore, I kept it because it was pretty and I couldn't bear the thought of not wearing it again.

    When I pulled it out of the tote, I decided to try it on, thinking it wouldn't fit over my hips and/or stomach, and would hang it on the back of my bedroom door to shrink into.

    But it fits. :noway: Perfectly. Or, almost perfectly. It's an empire-style dress and was a bit cramped up top. :bigsmile:

    It made my day, and yes, I did twirl around a little in front of my mirror before taking it off. :laugh:

    That is SO WONDERFUL!!!! Congrats!!! I'm excited for you - that is truly inspiring!!!! :D:D:D
  • velvetechos
    Extra movement challenge - Today I made sure that I did a little extra movement while standing around....and it certainly was a standing around day. My daughter has been extra clingy, she must be coming down with something, so she wanted to be carried around a lot (she's just 13months). I'd do a little dancing and stuff while standing in place with her. Fun way to sneak in some extra calorie burning (obviously not something I log!) and it keeps her happy as well!!
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    I have to share my news!!

    I decided today that I needed to declutter my life, and so started the process of tossing the things I don't need. I spent a few minutes going through some totes in storage, and pulled out a dress that I had kept. I wore this dress to my friend's wedding in the summer of 2002. When it didn't fit anymore, I kept it because it was pretty and I couldn't bear the thought of not wearing it again.

    When I pulled it out of the tote, I decided to try it on, thinking it wouldn't fit over my hips and/or stomach, and would hang it on the back of my bedroom door to shrink into.

    But it fits. :noway: Perfectly. Or, almost perfectly. It's an empire-style dress and was a bit cramped up top. :bigsmile:

    It made my day, and yes, I did twirl around a little in front of my mirror before taking it off. :laugh:

    Go you! That is great!
  • husstler
    husstler Posts: 39 Member
    One of my favorite exercises to 'squeeze in' is Calf Raises - essentially going up on my toes as high as I can then lowering without touching the floor and raising again. I usually do sets of 25 while waiting for the elevator in my building and while in the elevator* each time I take my dog for a walk, 4 - 6 times a day. It definitely makes a difference in my calf definition but it also works on my hamstrings. I frequently do squats while waiting for my tea to steep.
    *My dog is a Chiweenie (Chihuahua/Dachshund mix) and his legs are too little for the stairs, hence the elevator. When I don't have the dog, I take the stairs.
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    Side bends in the shower. You know where you stand up and just bend to the left and the right. I do them while my conditioner is in my hair.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    I completely forgot to weigh in on friday because we had a houseful of guest and I was cooking and opening presents. And I do not want to weigh in after christmas so I will just wait and weigh in on this friday. Hope everyone had a good christmas and didnt gain back any weight.
  • velvetechos
    Challenge people - don't give up now, keep it coming!!

    Yesterday, snuck in a bit extra workout by getting off the elevator in the parking garage a flight early and walking around. I would have taken the stairs the entire way but it was cold/rainy and I was carrying my daughter in arms, so five flights would have been a bit much!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    210! I reached my xmas goal this morning. 4 days late, but they were xmas days! :) hahaha
  • husstler
    husstler Posts: 39 Member
    210! I reached my xmas goal this morning. 4 days late, but they were xmas days! :) hahaha

    That's awesome! Congratulations!