rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • SeattleJill
    SeattleJill Posts: 73 Member
    I think I've been very lucky. or I look really mean, because most of my life no one has said anything in ear shot of me. The one time someone did i was walking through a park and some Hispanic men started catcalling me in Spanish. I was getting ready to give them what-for when a guy walked by and said in Spanish, "no, no shes way too fat for you to be doing that". I guess he assumed I didn't speak any Spanish. So I said, in Spanish, the equivalent of "He's right, his Penis is way too small to fit into me". Then they all started laughing at him and he hurried off. I was so angry at what he said I forgot to yell at the men catcalling me. hahaha!

    Best. Response. EVER. :love:

    HAHAHA! yeah. Growing up in my family, my nickname was "The Mouth" and it wasn't because of what I ate. I was always fat, but they did a good job of teaching me to use quick wit and words to defend myself against bullies. A combination of luck and being a smart a** probably saved me from a lot of bullying.
  • JBcat123
    JBcat123 Posts: 211 Member
    I remember standing with a bunch of friends across the street and a bunch of younger guys passed by across the street ending up saying " HEY ITS FAT GIRLS" all of us were overweight and I thought that was horrible.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    As I accepted a slice of cake from the hostess of my engagement party, someone said "Uh, you realize you're going to have to be in a wedding dress in a few months, RIGHT?"

    I ate it all, anyway. Eff 'em. And by "them," I mean "my husband's grandmother."

    Now that I've lost weight, she constantly grills me on whether or not I'm keeping up with it and demands to know if I weigh daily.

    ETA: I totally think I already complained about her in this thread. Hahahaha...
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    Once when I was younger, maybe 13 or so, I was going for a walk on the beach and someone drove by and yelled out "Keep walking, fat *kitten*!"

    I have a theory that this same car of guys just travels the countryside yelling this. So we've all been yelled at by the same cursed individuals. They have no other purpose in life, but to yell horrible things at people out their windows. It's their curse. I am hoping Supernatural does an episode where Sam and Dean have to put them to rest for good.

    The best part is when you can't understand them so it's just a loud "WERVEQGBWRRFG FG" as they drive by. It makes me chuckle.

    Yeah, I got called a lard-butt one time as I was leaving my work at night. I mean, I was a little offended and hurt that they bothered me when I was just trying to go home, but at the same time, who even uses that expression anymore? It just made them sound even dumber to me.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Ive been best friends with a girl since I was probably 5. When we were about 11-13 or so me and my other friends thought it would be a good idea to call her over to their house, I would hide in the closet, and they would get her to say something mean about me. It happened to be my weight and I remember her recollecting how much we ate the night before. We both had crappy eating habits but I obviously ate more of everything than her. Even though we were young and set her up to look like a total witch, it still ended up being her fault....

    Another friend's boyfriend was teasing her and play punching and he said he couldn't touch me because his fist might get stuck in my fat

    My nephew who was probably 6 or 7 at the time and I was babysitting said, "how did you get so fat?"

    My dad said "carrying that much weight isn't attractive on a young lady". I know people knock their parents for this stuff but I know my dad was trying to really strike a nerve to get me to eat less. I was always active. It's the same as my mom constantly bribing me to lose weight. Too bad I waited until I was an adult to get healthy.

    When I was a senior in high school I was probably around 230-240 and 5'10" and my friend was 5'3" and maybe 110 pounds. Some guy yelled "Why is she so fat and the other one so skinny? I know, because she eats all her food." The guys thought it was a riot but the girl takes crap from nobody so she made them feel like idiots.

    It wasn't directed at me, but a few years ago my grandma saw two obese women and called them "rollers" because if they fell you could jsut roll them down the street. She was in awe more than anything when she said this.

    My mom constantly calls herself fat. She's 63 or so, 5'4" and probably 140. She runs marathons and looks amazing. Whenever she says that I wonder if she thinks she's fat, what does she think whe she looks at me? So while she's not saying it about my weight, her perception of herself hurts me more than anything if that makes sense.

    Sorry that was so long. I didn't realize I'd start a full on rant!!
  • SoCalFatGal
    This whole thread is really triggering for my anxiety. I just keep thinking... "omg, they called her that and she's half my size... people must think the worst things about me." Truthfully, and why not just go ahead and get it out there, I haven't left my house in a really long time. I mean... a REALLY long, significantly long time. I got into a relationship where the guy didn't seem to want to be seen with me and as much as I thought I was immune to idiocy, apparently it warped me a little bit. Now, I'm afraid for anyone to see me.

    I have had kids yell "get the harpoons" as I was walking into a store. I once had drunk college folk pile on the hood of my car at an intersection and start moo'ing when I was in the car with another large friend. The worst things, though, were from my mom and sister. I have been called fat, by them, at least once a month for my entire life. Even when I lost 100lbs, there were still comments like, "SoCalFatGal, you can't wear a sleeveless shirt, that's gross."

    Thankfully, I didn't have horrible bullying experiences in school. Only a few guys ever called me fat and the main one who did so actually got ridiculed by others in my class for being mean to me. I never let my weight limit me and I stayed active and mostly happy until about 3 years ago. The last 3 years, however, have been the worst of my life. That relationship I mentioned; it turns out he was struggling with untreated depression. I just internalized that as my problem and it broke me.

    For what it's worth, I have funny fat girl stories too. I worked with kids for the majority of my career. Out of the mouths of babes... I try to take my perspective on my size from those kids. It's just one aspect of me... that's all they saw and remembering that helps me on the hard days. Thank you for sharing your stories. For all of you with the painful memories, I'm so sorry each of you went through that and I hope, sincerely, that it never happens to you again.
  • ek0513
    ek0513 Posts: 147 Member
    "Youd be so pretty if you lost some weight" .. It kind of hurt, a lot, cause it just told me that my weight is the only thing anyone sees about me. I remember my aunt when I was in 1st grade was the first person to tell me that I was no longer a "STICK" As in, I was getting chubby. Never forgot a single time that anyone has made any rude remark about my weight. Those things stay with you
  • teeya1984
    teeya1984 Posts: 33 Member
    Yesterday I was talking to a co-worker about how I hide my $200 running shoes when I leave the dog home alone so he doesn't chew them.

    The guy laughed and said "what do you need with $200 shoes?"

    I replied "well I workout 5-6 days a week - it's important to have good shoes".

    He laughs again and says "you workout? it sure doesn't look like you workout".

    I couldn't believe it. This guy is my "friend". So hurtful. And since I met him two years ago I have lost 40lbs - I'm only a few pounds higher than what is recommended for my height and I have always carried it well. His comment completely ruined my day but I'm trying not to let it discourage me overall. It gets hard sometimes when people are cruel, but I'm not getting healthy for them - I'm doing it for me :)
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    Yesterday I was talking to a co-worker about how I hide my $200 running shoes when I leave the dog home alone so he doesn't chew them.

    The guy laughed and said "what do you need with $200 shoes?"

    I replied "well I workout 5-6 days a week - it's important to have good shoes".

    He laughs again and says "you workout? it sure doesn't look like you workout".

    I couldn't believe it. This guy is my "friend". So hurtful. And since I met him two years ago I have lost 40lbs - I'm only a few pounds higher than what is recommended for my height and I have always carried it well. His comment completely ruined my day but I'm trying not to let it discourage me overall. It gets hard sometimes when people are cruel, but I'm not getting healthy for them - I'm doing it for me :)

    try to comfort yourself with the fact that he most likely didnt mean to offend you. people are just thoughtless or try to make jokes without realising that they are hurting/offending someone. thats no excuse for what he said but a different way to take it in. :)

    also: he probably didnt pay attention to your weight loss because he thought you looked fine before already.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    it's funny because when I visited Boston a few years back I was walking around and this random butt-hat walked by me and said "hey fat girl". I felt like crying but I didn't want it to ruin my vacation, so I just moved on. But it totally stung.

    Let's not forget all those "relatives" who "quietly" encourage you to lose weight. just shut up.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    "Youd be so pretty if you lost some weight" .. It kind of hurt, a lot, cause it just told me that my weight is the only thing anyone sees about me. I remember my aunt when I was in 1st grade was the first person to tell me that I was no longer a "STICK" As in, I was getting chubby. Never forgot a single time that anyone has made any rude remark about my weight. Those things stay with you

    THIS! All.the.time. My mom said that to me when I was 11. Never forgot that
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    It wasn't even 3 weeks after I had my first child and I ran into some old high school people and they were quick to point out how much I had changed and "Wow you still have at least 25 lbs to go before you get back to where you were" all while snickering.
    Being 20 at the time and still roaring with pregnancy hormones It really messed with me.
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    I've got plenty on this one. But the one that sticks out the most in my mind is where I had gotten some new glasses or a hair cut or something, honestly I dont remember the change. And I asked my idiot ex if he noticed anything different and he said "I dunno, you don't have a big plate of food in your face?" Yeah, smooth a-hole. And I was only like 10-15lbs overweight at that time, but barbs like that are the reason I am now about 140lbs overweight. It made me feel so bad, I dove into eating more.

    The worst part is to this day he claims he was just trying to be funny, but he's just not a funny guy.
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    Yesterday I was talking to a co-worker about how I hide my $200 running shoes when I leave the dog home alone so he doesn't chew them.

    For me, on top of the fridge works. Little sucker can't get up there or push it and knock them off.
  • Alex_murphyy
    Alex_murphyy Posts: 50 Member
    You mean your boyfriend didn't stand up for you?! I think I would be more pissed off about that than I would if she said that comment. Some people are just nasty and mean. She probably has some insecurities and is just pushing you down to her level so that she can feel better about herself. That sucks, Im sorry. I would have lost it if someone would have said that to me. It shouldn't matter if your overweight or underweight or normal, people shouldn't call others out on there flaws. Cause everyone has them.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    My sister used to be married when I was in my pre-teens and early teens. I was a bit chubby back then, but nowhere near obese. I remember my mom bought frozen strawberries from the grocery store and they were awesome. I was eating one while sitting on the couch and got up to get another one from the freezer and he said, "that's why you're so fat." Yeah, strawberries was why I was fat. Idiot. I ended up not getting another strawberry because it embarrassed me that he said that. Nowadays, I'd get a handful of that babies.

    His brother came to visit us once and he got a kick out of calling me fat as well. We were sitting outside on the porch and, I don't remember his exact words, but he basically said I was like a huge beach ball and then proceeded to imitate a beach ball bouncing across the pavement. A few months after he went back to where he came from, we found out he was dating a girl that was well over 300 lbs. The irony...

    Honestly, they are the only people that have ever said anything about my weight to my face. Like I said, I was just a bit chubby. My highest weight at my current height of 5'5" was 165 lbs, and that was well after these guys said those things to me.
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    I had an uncle who called me Chubs from the time I was 8 until I graduated high school. I was a normal size child until I hit puberty.
    There was a really obnoxious guy at a New Years Eve party that loudly asked, "What are lookin at Chubby?"
    Once in high school, I was trying to do an exercise video. My stepdad walked in and made some comment about whales. I promptly turned off the video and told him how mean he was. To his credit, he never made a comment like that again. Really, he and my mom had not been married long and I just don't think he knew how to treat a teenage girl.
    I was at a baby shower a few weeks ago and the girls grandmother asked when I was due. Then my grandmother proceeded to say that several people had been asking her the same question and she finally had to ask my mom. I couldn't be mad though, because I know they weren't meaning to hurt my feelings. Plus, I'll admit, I do look pregnant. Almost every bit of my extra 40 pounds is in my belly.
  • sweetgeorgiabee
    sweetgeorgiabee Posts: 16 Member

    instead of congratulating me she said " that's you less time to eat"

    She said this in front of my boyfriend and her husband and they didn't think anything of it. I felt like i had gone insane.

    Wow, what kind of backhanded compliment is that?! I've been through the wringer in elementary, middle, junior high and high school to the point I was homeschooled and graduated for my last three years of high school. Lost 75lbs before starting college and guess what?! The outside may have changed but the inside is just as important. Be so confident in your body and your life that it puts HER on the defensive. Don't put up with other's bullying you for being YOU and instead, achieve and rise above them like no other.

    Also, bring the fattiest, most sugary concoctions you can make to all the holiday and family occasions and insist she has one every time. When she says no, tell her she's being very rude and unamerican. See how she feels about that.
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    This whole thread is really triggering for my anxiety. I just keep thinking... "omg, they called her that and she's half my size... people must think the worst things about me." Truthfully, and why not just go ahead and get it out there, I haven't left my house in a really long time. I mean... a REALLY long, significantly long time. I got into a relationship where the guy didn't seem to want to be seen with me and as much as I thought I was immune to idiocy, apparently it warped me a little bit. Now, I'm afraid for anyone to see me.

    I have had kids yell "get the harpoons" as I was walking into a store. I once had drunk college folk pile on the hood of my car at an intersection and start moo'ing when I was in the car with another large friend. The worst things, though, were from my mom and sister. I have been called fat, by them, at least once a month for my entire life. Even when I lost 100lbs, there were still comments like, "SoCalFatGal, you can't wear a sleeveless shirt, that's gross."

    Thankfully, I didn't have horrible bullying experiences in school. Only a few guys ever called me fat and the main one who did so actually got ridiculed by others in my class for being mean to me. I never let my weight limit me and I stayed active and mostly happy until about 3 years ago. The last 3 years, however, have been the worst of my life. That relationship I mentioned; it turns out he was struggling with untreated depression. I just internalized that as my problem and it broke me.

    For what it's worth, I have funny fat girl stories too. I worked with kids for the majority of my career. Out of the mouths of babes... I try to take my perspective on my size from those kids. It's just one aspect of me... that's all they saw and remembering that helps me on the hard days. Thank you for sharing your stories. For all of you with the painful memories, I'm so sorry each of you went through that and I hope, sincerely, that it never happens to you again.

    this has post made me irrationally angry. I sincerely wish I had been walking through that store when they were heckling you, to painfully motivate them to a better appreciation of their actions. If you are on this website, you have already decided to take steps in managing and controlling your life. Chin up, lady; the hard part is yet to come. When you want to quit and can't see the light of day beyond the struggle. That is when you need to shut your eyes, turn off your mind and your worries, and push through anyway. Succeed. Best of luck.
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    A part of me is spiteful and I want to lose weight because of a rude women who makes snide comments at my weight.

    This women is European and she thinks all Americans are fat lazy and uneducated. She married my boyfriend's brother and she would constantly talk about my weight.

    One of the craziest things shes ever said to me was when I told her I got a second job. I was so excited to have another source of income because I was really struggling for some time.

    instead of congratulating me she said " that's you less time to eat"

    She said this in front of my boyfriend and her husband and they didn't think anything of it. I felt like i had gone insane.

    Tell her to go back to her country! Lol.. Say "me don't understand what you are saying"!! Lol ???? that's just so cruel!!