
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Here's the List of challengers so far

    bethvandenberg – Lean
    mafery - LEAN
    happinessblossom - P90 program
    think48 -
    Melisha82 -
    CombatVet_Army -
    bohochick -
    epeebes -
    AIMEE23 -
    cdngrl81 - Lean
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Here's the List of challengers so far

    bethvandenberg – Lean
    mafery - LEAN
    happinessblossom - P90 program
    think48 - Classic
    Melisha82 -
    CombatVet_Army -
    bohochick -
    epeebes -
    AIMEE23 -
    cdngrl81 - Lean

    I think i'm going to do the Classic program. I am hoping my husband will do it with me once I start and he definitely doesn't need to lose any weight - he wants to bulk up. So I'll stick with the Classic and attempt to do a little bit of cardio once a week maybe on my rest day (just walking or something).
  • maexxy
    maexxy Posts: 15
    I'll do the classic version as well and try to sneak in one or two units on the treadmill per week ... that is... if I manage to get up early enough in the morning :-)
  • LadyBarb
    LadyBarb Posts: 116
    I will give it a try again, :smile:
  • kc4173
    kc4173 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in!
  • I'm doing the lean program!
  • PJudt
    PJudt Posts: 13 Member
    I know we all have an end goal in mind,but remember that the journey is all the fun. Today was day 3 for me. It is known as Shoulder and Arms day... better known as glamour muscles. I know the lean version is a little different, but the journey overall should be similar. Lean doesn't mean easy at all. You work just as hard but a little differently. I'm really looking forward to those doing the lean version to give everyone feedback on their program.
    I hope everyone is cleaning out their cupboards. No need to tempt yourself unnecessarily! Good luck to everyone!
  • pghatc41
    pghatc41 Posts: 18 Member
    Plan to start Lean program on January 3. Looking forward to tracking my progress with all of the challengers!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Starting my 3rd Basic on the 8th. I'll also hybrid some one on ones on cardio / yoga days.
  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    lean program :happy:
  • ClaireElanB
    ClaireElanB Posts: 94 Member
    I'm going to do the classic program.

    What i achieved in 2010 -
    Ate vegan for the whole year starting Jan 1st 2010.

    What i am going to achieve in 2011 -
    I am going to finish P90X
    I will become a better, stronger, leaner, powerful, happier & fulfilled version of myself.

  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Here is the updated list

    bethvandenberg – Lean
    mafery - LEAN
    happinessblossom - P90 program
    think48 - Classic
    Melisha82 - Lean
    CombatVet_Army -
    bohochick - Classic
    epeebes - Lean
    AIMEE23 -
    maexxy - Classic
    cdngrl81 - Lean
    pghatc41 - Lean

    We officially have 2 days till we start. If you are a day off because of crazy new year partying, that is ok.
  • kc4173
    kc4173 Posts: 22 Member
    :bigsmile: count me in in the classic

    i will finish this time!!!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I started Classic this past Monday, so I'll be a week ahead, but I noticed a couple people *way* ahead, I'm hoping that's OK. :laugh:

    W1D4 done today.

    I'm trying the diet, but it's HARD. I don't eat fish (or a lot of other things), so I chose to try the portion approach. Just can't find enough protein sources that I'm willing to eat that aren't bar form. Eating a lot of egg beaters and tuna (not together!). Loving my Think Thin bars, though...they get me a little closer to the huge protein requirement.

    I think I will end up just trying to eat *more* protein than I used to and *fewer* carbs. I'm also starting out with more calories than I've been eating for the past year - but I haven't been losing much for the past year so maybe this will work. :ohwell:
  • Jazznit
    Jazznit Posts: 27 Member
    i will be doing the lean program!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Here is the updated list.

    bethvandenberg – Lean
    mafery - LEAN
    happinessblossom - P90 program
    think48 - Classic
    Melisha82 - Lean
    CombatVet_Army -
    bohochick - Classic
    epeebes - Lean
    AIMEE23 - Lean
    maexxy - Classic
    cdngrl81 - Lean
    pghatc41 - Lean
    kc4173 - Classic

    Sometime Tonight or tomarrow i will post the new board. It will have our workout schedules for Lean and classic programs. I will also ask for your starting weight and measurments (waist, hips, thighs, arms, and bust). We are going to do these measurments at the beginning of each phase and at the end of our 90 days. As for the weigh-in, i will be doing one every week just because i am still on my weightloss journey. Its your choice if you would like to participate in the weigh-ins. P90X isn't about just weightloss, its about making us stronger and more heathly in all aspects of our lives.

    I also want to let you all know that i am so happy that we are all going to take on the P90X challenge together. That whole point of the board is for all us to give each other the support to get through this program and to ask questions and hopefully get answers. Just remember, we are all going to make it to the end and we have to believe it. See ya guys and gals on the 1st.

    P.S. Happy new year, don't get too waisted

  • Hi Sarina,

    I was hoping there would be a group starting for this! I am in and will be doing the classic version.

    Looking forward to having the support,

  • Hello everyone, I will be joining in your p90X challenge and doing the Classic.
    My weight is 175lbs and goal weight is 145lbs
    Hoping to hang in there for the whole 90 days!!

  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I am in for it. Starting the classic
  • Bring it! I am so in. I welcome the P90X challenge and look forward to shared inspiration. I hope you have room for this soon to be 40 year old guy.
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