Your Love Story



  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    It wasn't quite love at first sight with me and my BOB.

    I was in this store doing some shopping with a friend when I saw him. I made a few laps around the store looking around, but my eyes kept finding him again. I figured I would take a risk and bring him home.

    That first night was magical. I learned how completely unselfish he is in the bedroom. He's got a few friends that I occasionally have my way with, but I always make my way back to him.

    True story... there's always that one magical BOB that stands out amongst the crowd.

    I want a BOB

    I have some recommendations where you might be able to find a good one!

    Pls send them to me!!! However I would like to veto Craigslist in advance... thanks girl!
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Met my wife in college. More or less, I'd had rotten luck recently. One strikeout involved a girl who friend-zoned me. Another was one that I friend-zoned (too much like a sister). And another who... I thought we were going out for coffee until she brought her BF along with her (my friends told me not to call her back right away so I waited two weeks... which is all the time it takes for someone's single status to change). And then my grandmother tried to arrange a marriage for me.... Anyways, I just pretty much decided to give up for a while and just focus on being myself.

    Long story short: I met my wife in class. we had swapped notes before and talked on the phone about our Econ class. She actually thought I was going out with someone (just a friend). We were just friends. At some point, another friend was feeling chilly, so I took off my jacket and put it on her shoulders. She thought this was sweet. Then she saw me holding doors. I didn't think much of it. I had no clue she was interested in me. At some point we started talking movies. I think she was still uncomfortable with asking me out so she asked a friend to come along. And then... that friend conveniently backed out.... which... then I backed out... until I found another friend so she'd be more comfortable at another movie. Anyways, we have three kids now and have been together ever since.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    It wasn't quite love at first sight with me and my BOB.

    I was in this store doing some shopping with a friend when I saw him. I made a few laps around the store looking around, but my eyes kept finding him again. I figured I would take a risk and bring him home.

    That first night was magical. I learned how completely unselfish he is in the bedroom. He's got a few friends that I occasionally have my way with, but I always make my way back to him.

    True story... there's always that one magical BOB that stands out amongst the crowd.

    I want a BOB

    I have some recommendations where you might be able to find a good one!

    Pls send them to me!!! However I would like to veto Craigslist in advance... thanks girl!

    You know the FB Rummage Sale Groups and what not? Someone tried to sell hers there... She was done with it. I threw up in my mouth a little.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Met at Uni - he asked me to help him improve his swimming. 39 years later we're still together! We've had passion, apathy, joy, sadness, loyalty, friendship - most of all we're a team and are usually on the same page of life!
  • LankyYankee
    LankyYankee Posts: 260 Member
    I don't have a love story. I've got a couple of funny stories, a few tear jerkers and one or two WTF's.

    However, I still believe in real love. Because I've seen it, and I know it exists. Just because I haven't had it doesn't mean it isn't out there, or isn't something we should all strive for.

    Just sayin!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I suppose mine is still being written. I am enjoying the suspense of having no clue what will happen. :smile:
  • anj1030
    anj1030 Posts: 153 Member
    He's my UPS man at work (tell me that doesn't sound like the beginning of some awesome porn!)

    He stalked me on Facebook...and I figured he was cute, and handles my packages accordingly (heh)...I'd give him a chance. Plus, he drives a pretty sweet truck (albeit a big brown one). He said he's going to install hydraulics. I told him that he also needs to install a sweet sound system and a disco ball...(*crosses fingers*).

    He's tall, bald, goofy and incredibly handsome (I think so anyway) and obsessed with clean teeth and baseball (*Swoon*)...but most of all...he's my best friend and loves me because I bake and cook. I say it's a win win.

    My exes were both belligerent drunks. Enough said about that.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I met my man when I was still in high school. I was dating his buddy who was a complete douche. We started talking and hanging out and when the douche dumped me (yeah that was kind of not how it should have gone if I had been smart) my (now) husband asked me out. We have been through some really tough times together but always find our way back. Love is work sweetie. It won't always be easy and it might be a bit messy even. Don't give up on it. My husband is my rock...even if he doesn't always know it or feel it. I don't think I would life correctly without him!
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    My husband is the best thing thats ever happened to me. We met when I was 20 and got married 4 years later.

    We met at work. I saw him from behind when he was training, and I leaned over to my friend and asked, "Whos the new guy with the great *kitten*?" No more than 3 weeks later, he was walking behind me and I heard him mumble, "Dear God, I want to take a bite out of that *kitten*." Needless to say, we both really enjoyed each others back side.

    Anyway, mutual attraction is key. Yes he is extremely handsome, but he is also goofy, strange, funny, etc etc. Weve only been married for 3 1/2 years, but he makes me smile everyday. Oh.....and hes great in bed.......wait did I just say that?

    When our son was born, I began to love him even more. The love he has for us is beyond measure.

    Before him? I had 3 boyfriends. They are happy with new women, and that makes me glad, because I know how happy I am and I wish nothing but happiness for them as well.

    The end.

    Love that.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Met him on a college football message board.
    I had known him for years and he found out I was going through a divorce and decided to tell me I was right up his alley.
    I was very hesitant

    Anyhow we had a long distance relationship for about 3 years and then he moved here about a year and a half ago and we're getting married in October.

    There's a bunch more too it. That's cliff notes
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I met my husband in a bar. His friend knew my friend, but we talked because I thought he looked familiar. I walked up to him and was like "you look familiar, why?" turns out we just frequented many of the same bars. The funny part is I had three guys I dated before that and it was like enough, I don't want to date, I don't want anyone to say "I love you" leave me the hell alone. So when we ended up talking all night then going on a date later, I was like whatever, this will just be fun. I think because I wan't looking for a relationship, it made it easy to fall into one. He definitely was the right guy, but it was all the right guy, at the right time. If I had met him 3 years earlier, it never would have worked.

    So really some of it is timing because both people have to be in the right frame of mind, the right place, etc.

    I also tend to be the type to think that life is supposed to be fun. I don't get why a relationship always has to be "forever" can't it just be fun for now and see where it goes? Just my 2 cents on how to deal after a bad break, don't get jaded on love or guys, just have some fun for a while and see what happens. I think we spend too much time trying to find the "right" person and sometimes forget to just enjoy what we have at the time.

    FYI, I dated a guy at one point who was great for my ego. Your beautiful, your wonderful... After a while I realized there was nothing else, but for those few months I felt great. It was a real boost to me to be constantly told I was wonderful. Problem was there was nothing else really.

    Another guy I dated was a bit cold. There wasn't a lot of warmth and I need that warmth. He was great guy, I really liked him, but it always lacked something.

    I had one guy who followed me around like a puppy. I hadn't talked to him, I went to my friend's house he showed up there. I was like OK that's it. Lasted a week.

    Another guy was great at first. After 2 months all he wanted to do was hang in the house and watch TV, boring.

    You can't change them, you can't make them better. You can both grow and improve together, but the basics will always be the basics. I am sure TV guy spend every Sunday on the couch with a beer watching football and never goes out, doesn't do much, etc. I am sure the guy who told me how awesome I was all the time, found someone who could live on that forever. I know the guy who lacked warmth found a great girl and they married and are very happy, well at least last I heard.

    Overall life is what you make it, love is what you make it. Enjoy yourself by yourself and enjoy yourself with someone else and things will work in the end.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I suppose mine is still being written. I am enjoying the suspense of having no clue what will happen. :smile:

    I like this
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    It wasn't quite love at first sight with me and my BOB.

    I was in this store doing some shopping with a friend when I saw him. I made a few laps around the store looking around, but my eyes kept finding him again. I figured I would take a risk and bring him home.

    That first night was magical. I learned how completely unselfish he is in the bedroom. He's got a few friends that I occasionally have my way with, but I always make my way back to him.

    True story... there's always that one magical BOB that stands out amongst the crowd.

    I want a BOB

    I have some recommendations where you might be able to find a good one!

    Pls send them to me!!! However I would like to veto Craigslist in advance... thanks girl!

    You know the FB Rummage Sale Groups and what not? Someone tried to sell hers there... She was done with it. I threw up in my mouth a little.

    Um... I do not like this
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I was out with my best friend and my daughter was out of town with my parents. I had a night of irresonsibility planned as I had just cut FINAL ties with a guy I had been dating on and off for two years. OK so we ended up being friends after a while but at least I was smart enough to stop dating him repeatedly. In any case, I was celebrating being "free" and being able to cut loose not looking for anyone.

    After we went out for margaritas and food we went around the corner to a popular bar and enjoyed a lot of drinks. The next thing I know, I"m dancing with this strong, handsome man and I don't dance. I felt this immediate chemistry when I reached out and grabbed his arm (so I wouldn't fall down....) I danced, we laughed, I interrogated him, I was b*tchy and crazy with all my defenses up even though I was so drawn to him. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

    After our first date I literally could nto fall asleep I was so excited and believed I would marry him. I knew I didn't love him but I knew he was meant for me. I was up tossing and turning until about 4am and emailed a long cheesy message to my best friend in the UK about him.

    We got married last year. He has been everythign to me and my daughter. I dated a LOT of jerks and scum of the earth. My daughter's father is a dead beat. We are working on ahving my husband become her legal father. I don't know what I would do without him. I really thought that I would just be single forever - and I was fine with that - until I met him.
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    shutyourpieholeandsquat Posts: 1,394 Member
    And here is a cute puppy to make the world seem right.


    Puppy FTW
  • Operation_Shred
    A dark alley outside of the club.

    I left with the clap and she left pregnant.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    My prior relationships are a non-issue. I don't think about them except to occasionally shake my head in disbelief

    This is me too.

    My story. I somehow have always known in my life that I would 'end up' with someone I knew already. I had dated and re-dated a couple times... lol. But they never worked out.

    My guy is someone I have known all my life. My mom and his mom were best friends growing up. we did a lot of things together as families when we were kids. However we never had anything really to do with each other once we hit the awkward teen years. Then he went off to college, I got pregnant and married... He then went to law school in Michigan and I got divorced and moved to North Carolina. It was while he was in law school and I was in NC that we both came home for the holidays and our mothers set us up on a date. We had lunch and went to see a movie. I had my daughter with me. I knew then that I still had my childhood crush on him. We corresponded for a few months writing letters (yes the ones with actual STAMPS), but distance and circumstance got in the way and we lost touch.

    Fast forward a few years and his mother died. My mom's best friend. I was back home from NC at this point and so I went to the funeral with my mother. Of course I saw him and it was so difficult. My mom wasn't able to stay long so I left. I thought I would try and reach out. He was working at a very large law firm in DC by now, I emailed him and the law firms incoming mail filter rejected my address... I tried one more time and same thing... So I thought oh well, wasn't meant to be.

    Fast forward another few years and my father passed away in June of 2009. The obituary had a request for donations to the American Cancer Society in lieu of flowers. I spent a lot of time at my mom's after my dad passed, she needed the help. One day I walked in to see a card on the table from the ACS and it was Stevens donation card. I thought about him again, wondered how he was and what he was up to. This time I thought I would look for him on LinkedIn. I found him there and emailed him... He responded and we corresponded via email for months, until we met in NYC Labor Day Weekend (NYC was the half way point between him in VA and me in RI) - We have been together ever since.

    The interesting part... when I told him how I saw the card on the table and that was what made me reach out, he said "well I sent it half hoping you would' and then when I told my mother that part of the story she said - 'why do think I left the card out so you could see it?"

    I like to think that when my father met up with his mother in the afterlife they both said 'hey don't you think it's time we got these two kids together?"
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm going through a rough split. Sometimes in the aftermath, you lose faith on love, but I don't want to go back there.

    Please, tell me your love story :)

    How'd you meet, what was your date like? How many loser douches did you date prior?

    Anything you got, spill.

    I need to feel some love today! <3

    this is so me today! I am bouncing back from a bad date last night and i feel nothing but down about it, i feel like i am never going to get this right.
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    I dated my share of douches before I met my fiancé. Esp the long term guy with whom I talked about marriage and him moving back to Pennsylvania to be with me, then him dumping me over email out of the blue. Awesome.

    I met my fiancé in law school; as of our wedding date in Oct we will have been together for 6 years!