Your Love Story



  • cynner69
    cynner69 Posts: 10
    I was in the middle of a hellish divorce. I was doing the single mom thing to two very young, very upset children. I thought my life was over, at 40, I was out of the love and romance game. I had a medical issue one night, requiring EMS. The EMT caring for me, came back several times to check on me. The last time he walked in the room, I handed him my phone number. We began dating a week later. I became pregnant within three months . My husband held our gorgeous baby girl in his arms ( with a pink rose tied to her foot) when we were married five months later. I love this man, for loving me, our child, and my two children...
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    My love story is my favorite. :)

    I met this quiet guy right before my senior year of college (I graduated in 2005)--we worked in the same office during the summer and I helped train him on some of the inter-campus software, etc. Before he started working, my boss did some research about him and swore we'd be perfect for each other--I'm not sure how she knew that just from looking at his transfer records. I just laughed it off.

    By the end of the summer, this guy and I were friendly, but I wasn't interested in any more than flirting and a friendship. After classes started, I found out that he'd be my supervisor! He gently pursued me throughout the fall, by the beginning of December, I finally accepted an invitation to a date--it was my first real date! We went for dinner and then back to my parent's house (I was a commuter)--that evening he gave me my first kiss. We lasted a whole three months before I decided that it wasn't working. Just a couple weeks after I ended things with him, he told me he had fallen in love with me. Psht--yeah right. Still, we decided to stay friends.

    Time went on and I dated a few other guys. One was sweet, but wasn't committed enough to "us". Another cheated, lied and stole--this guy broke my heart and ruined my trust in men. After some time, I joined eHarmony, and had a few random dates and one relationship. That relationship didn't end well, either.

    During all of this, my friend from college alternately pursued and supported me, depending on what was going on in my life at that time. I was terrible to him--I pushed him away and was rude. I told him I'd never love him. I *tried* to hurt him so that he'd want to leave me alone. He stayed with me, steadfast and strong, and constantly reminded me how much he loved me.

    About a year ago, I tried to imagine my life without this guy--I wanted to know that I'd be okay without him someday. I broke down in tears, realizing that I couldn't and DIDN'T want to see myself without him in my life. Eleven months ago yesterday, I went to his apartment to have dinner with him. As he did quite often, he hugged me and asked me to be his girlfriend. This time, instead of fighting, I nodded. I think I stunned him! :)

    It's strange to know that we've been officially together for about a year, but have really been a pair for almost 10 years! I'm so happy to be with him and to know that we're planning on spending our lives together. I couldn't ask for a more perfect match for me.

    Don't give up on love--I'm sorry that you're hurting, but it's something you have to experience so that when you find the real deal, you can appreciate it so much more. xoxo
  • purplemurfy
    purplemurfy Posts: 95 Member
    Some really great stories here. I hope to have one someday as does get hard to believe in it sometimes, but I love the quote: Just because something isn't happening for you right now, doesn't mean that it will never happen.

    Always have hope! I can't live without hope. :smooched:
  • mlanders22
    mlanders22 Posts: 140 Member
    Met my wife 25 years ago. I was working as a Massage Therapist during the day and teaching TKD at night. She was referred to me for therapy after a car accident. She was a divorced single Mom with two little girls. I used to sit out in the lobby and chat with the two little girls while Mommy was changing in the Massage room. They were 7 and 5. Very cute. After about 8 months of weekly massages, we decided to get together after massage one night and grab a drink when the girls were at their Dad's house.

    That led to a date. The second date, I asked her to marry me. She said yes and I have been happily married ever since. Those cute little girls are now 32 and 30 and we have had another little girl, who is now 20.

    As far as past history -- That was a lifetime ago, I don't even think about it.

    That's a lovely story. Thank you for sharing :)
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I met my husband in 10th grade Chemistry (ironic much?). I was talking with my friend David, when this blue-eyed, dark-haired kid walked into the room, and David called to him. I knew who he was, but had never had a class or had even talked with him before. Turns out he and David were best friends. Turns out we had a LOT of friends in common, but had somehow never meet before.

    He was so polite and respectful; so different from other boys his age. He didn't bully or pick on people, he had friends from every clique, and was one of the 'smart' kids. I didn't realize it at the time, but years later I know I had fallen in love at first sight. We became close friends rather quickly, and by the end of summer, he had asked me to be his girlfriend.

    We went steady for 3 months or so, but we ended up breaking up due to a girl in one of his other circles. Broke my heart into little tiny pieces :brokenheart: I never knew I could love someone (who wasn't family) so much.

    Then, the hate started. I was THE shyest person at that school. I grew my hair long so I could hide behind it. I rarely spoke in class. EVERYONE was shocked that Rob and I had started dating, and EVERYONE knew when we broke up. Ugh...I still loved him so much, but hated him at the same time for making me feel so much.

    I dated a few others, but no one came close to my heart. For me, there was, and still is, only him.

    Now here's where it gets sappy :blushing: At the end of junior year, we receieved our year books, and I had let a friend take it to sign in it (we would write pages and pages of stuff :tongue: ). Unbeknownst to me, Rob had signed it as well, and I found it later that evening as I was going through the yearbook. He had said he'd been stupid, had loved me, and wished he could go back and change everything. He left his number if I wanted to call. I waited a few days, then called.

    We started as friends again, but by the end of summer we were hardcore dating. Unfortunately, we had no classes together, and started drifting apart. We eventually, mutually, broke up again, but stayed friends.

    After graduation, we saw each other often, but had started dating others. Eventually, we just couldn't stay away, and began dating seriously for the first time. He proposed around 18 months later, we had a 2.5 year engagement, and married at 24.

    We'll be celebrating 13 years of married life in November :heart: He's still my best friend and the one love of my life.
  • mbennett024
    mbennett024 Posts: 53 Member
    I got my first real boyfriend at 14, we dated until I was about 17. He was a little older and long story short, it was your typical teenager-too-blind-to-see scenario, he was kind of mean, to say the least.
    I moved away at 18 back to my hometown and semi-dated a guy who was a drug addict so that wasn't fun, and I drank a lot and ended up sleeping around. I'm not good at relationships. But I had a buddy I would party with a lot, totally platonic, he would sleep over and stuff since he wasn't on good standing with his parents.
    One day my other friends and I decided to go back to FL, and I asked my friend on a whim if he wanted to come. He did. A couple weeks later, we were dating. A little over a year later, I got pregnant and we got married. Our 1 year anniversary was in March. It sounds typical but it's been a great ride.
    I love him a lot, he's my best friend. Since we were friends already we skipped a lot of the excitement of a new relationship. That sounds bad but it isn't because excitement wears off and that's what kills a lot of relationships. We've always just had the reality of who we are and what we want from life. Now we don't drink, he's got a good relationship with his parents and we're like, real people. :) It's changed my life for the best.
  • FrozenSongBird
    FrozenSongBird Posts: 3,892 Member
    I enjoyed reading these...

    I have no love story- I am anti-love ....Divorce will do that to ya.
  • luvmydawgs
    luvmydawgs Posts: 182 Member
    My husband and I were set up by his ex girlfriend, no I didn't know that detail when I agreed to the date. I was 25, he was 30. I was dating a douche when we met, he was dumped but not right away. I think it is a part of growing up we must date jack *kitten*! I had so many loser boy friends over the years. No we have been married almost 10 years.
  • I met Adam on E-Harmony. My boyfriend of about half a year broke up with me and then moved in with his new girlfriend not even two days later. I met her while I was returning my Ex-Boyfriend’s key and getting the rest of my stuff.
    I wasn’t one hundred percent invested in the Ex, but it was pretty bad for my self-esteem that he had moved in with another girl so soon after her broke up with me.
    I joined e-harmony about a month after that for an ego boost because they offer the free personality profile. It was coincidentally a free communication weekend as well.
    Adam had been on e-harmony for about five months and messaged me the next day after I signed up, he asked me very in depth questions and was funny right off the bat. We started texting and then I asked him out about three days later.
    We met at the movie theatre and saw a horrible movie called “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” he kept making awful jokes about the awful movie and leaned in towards me and asked “Do you wanna get out of here and do some black tar heroin?”
    He was joking of course, but it was just my type of humor and he smelled so good. We left the theatre half way through to movie, went and had coffee until 2 in the morning, he had to work three hours after that, and told me I was worth losing sleep over.
    We have been together ever since, that was two glorious years ago. He proposed just last week.
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    Sorry you're going through a rough time.

    I met my fiancé through a Yahoo interest group. He liked my message / post on our mutual interest topic and contacted me. His email was 2 sentences long (lol). I replied to his email with some small talk. (we have ALL the thousands of emails and laugh about it now). He gave me his phone number and said I could call him when I was ready. After four more months of emailing, I called him. We talked like old friends. There was no strange silence or anything. One of our phones went dead is how the first conversation ended. We emailed and talked for about a month and a half / two months and then he was ready to meet me. Truth is he was ready to meet me long before he told me and way before I was ready to meet him. He "just knew". I had went into the hospital for an emergency and was held over night. My friend had my phone and was replying to people who texted me basically letting them know, I had a medical emergency and couldn't whatever they needed. He texted my phone and she told him, she had no clue who he was but he could have worked for me for all she knew. Anyway, they texted etc. Which prompted him to travel almost ten hours the next day and was staying in the town next to mine by the time I was released. he didn't come to the hospital because he knew I wasn't ready to meet. After I was released, I talked to him and he told me he was near. he said he wouldn't invade my privacy or anything but if I wanted to meet him that he was there. He would travel home the next day. I almost didn't meet him. I went to his hotel room the next morning. We spent the day at the hotel.... And that's when I had the feelings of 'this is the one". He traveled home the next day. I cried when he left and didn't want him to go. To most people I'm sure that would seem pathetic but I didn't want to be away from him. The next month, we met for an actual date half way between our homes. Within two weeks after that, I was moving to Iowa with no job or anything planned. We just went on faith that things would be ok. In June, I will have lived in Iowa for 4 years. In October, we are hoping to be married at Niagara Falls on vacation. We may need to marry sooner due to a house purchase. I love my man beyond anything I could ever imagine. We haven't had it easy. Through everything we hung on to the love between us. We've been through ex's, money issues, job changes, facing relocation, miscarriage, a dog with a rage issue and any number of things between. it's pure love between us and that's a special thing.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    We were teenagers at the time. Used to speak online for a few months (good old MSN) He lived down south like 300 miles away so in my head it was just going to stay as chatting online. Then when he left home to go to uni, he ended up getting a place 3 miles up the road, it was so close. Funny thing about it was in the beginning I'd told him I lived in London (blatant lie, but didn't want at that age, random people on the internet knowing where I lived) so he still thought there was a distance but there really wasn't. I ended up telling him after this, actually you're just up the road now and so my friend and I met up with him.

    We got on really well, start seeing each other a few weeks after that. Went on dates to the cinema mostly, out for lunch, round each others houses...pretty normal teenage relationship, nothing fancy.

    In my second year at uni we got a place together, and have been living together 4 years now, love it! We also have a dog, had him for 3 years :D No marriage or kids in the pipeline just yet like a lot of the other stories, still quite young for that, got plenty of time.

    Had some prior HS relationship before that, that lasted a couple of months, but that was it. He wasn't a loser, just wasn't really working out between us, too much like a friend.

    Never give up faith :smile:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    I believe in true love, I don't know why, I have never experienced it, maybe to many romance stories not to believe. I have never in my whole life been asked out; just set up, some worked for a while, most die on the first date. Many were funny stories. I just think in life there are those of us (I'm one) who are here to do the behind the scenes stuff - to watch the kids, hem the clothes, be your friend when the date goes bad, listen and cry with you -- but we will never have what you have because it would mess up the balance of life if we were not there to pick up the pieces; all of you with love stories - cherish them; you are the blessed!

    me I have a dog.
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    Rewind about 5 years or so and there was this man. He was kind, smart, hardworking... and morbidly obese. In addition to exercising (several rounds of P90X and then he discovered heavy lifting), this guy also found MFP.

    About a year later and 850 miles away, there was this girl. She was smart, responsible, resilient... and morbidly obese. In an effort to get her mental health in order, she started exercising and this girl also found MFP to help get her body healthy, too.

    These people had, in some ways, parallel MFP experiences. Their physical transformations were pretty dang impressive. They both found confidence in their newfound health.

    Somewhere along the way, a little less than two years ago, they became MFPals. A couple of months later, they met to see if there was more to it and fell hopelessly in love, so much so that the girl performed her first ever truly impulsive act and picked up her life and relocated it to be near the guy after just a couple of months.

    In the year and a half (plus) that followed, the guy was the girl's rock as she fought to overcome a debilitating spinal cord injury and then, a few weeks ago, he proposed.

    They're getting married this summer. His son will be the best man and her son will give her away.

    ... And that's my love story.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm going through a rough split. Sometimes in the aftermath, you lose faith on love, but I don't want to go back there.

    Please, tell me your love story :)

    How'd you meet, what was your date like? How many loser douches did you date prior?

    Anything you got, spill.

    I need to feel some love today! <3

    this is so me today! I am bouncing back from a bad date last night and i feel nothing but down about it, i feel like i am never going to get this right.

    girl, I feel the same and have for quite awhile.
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    If you're going through a rough split as you say, I can't imagine reading these would help. At least for me they'd make me feel that much worse.

    So try this instead:

    I'm single. It's awesome. Know what's nice? Being able to do what you want, when you want. I don't need permission to have lunch with a friend. I can go to bed when I feel like it. I can eat fried chicken in that bed if I want. The only dishes I wash are my own, same with clothes. Dating can be a lot of fun. I pick what movies I want to watch. And nobody ever tells me to spend my weekends shopping for antiques.

    Right now you need to embrace being single. Best thing for you. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Awesomeness. haha. i remember those days when i just didn't care.
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    We were Facebook friends for three years through our Alumni association (he graduated 2 yrs ahead of me, I knew the name, he knew my sister). He was in a miserable marriage and pretty much stalked my facebook activities and just loved the life I was living after my divorce. So I constantly saw this guy "liking" things on my page, and thought that was odd, since we barely knew each other.

    One day his FB status changed to single.

    The next day, I got an alert from a dating website I had once used that said this guy wanted to meet me. . .I pulled up the profile and it was him. I sent him a message saying I thought it was way too soon for him to be dating. He replied that he had been miserable for years, officially separated for a couple of months, and was ready to start moving forward.

    So we went golfing. A friend asked if I was nervous, and I said Not at all, we've been FB friends for years, this guy knew me and all my crazy, and I didn't feel like I had to impress him or pretend to be anything I wasn't because he already knew me. We had so much fun, we had the whole "never getting married, and not looking to get serious, let's just have fun" conversation. Then he left my date to go to a different date, which I teased him about mercilessly but was so actually timpressed that I'd met a guy that dared to be honest about that kinda stuff. . .he was dating, not even pretending he wasn't, told me the truth about it.

    He called me two hours later to tell me that I had totally ruined his next date, because he couldn't stop thinking about me.

    Our second date was four days later, which he told me later was the day he decided he was going to marry me. I was a little slower, it took me almost 3 weeks before I was mentally planning our wedding.

    He proposed two months later. We got married 14 months later (a whopping 50 days ago).

    Looking back now, I'm floored that we got engaged so quickly, but at the time it seemed like it had been forever.
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm going through a rough split. Sometimes in the aftermath, you lose faith on love, but I don't want to go back there.

    Please, tell me your love story :)

    How'd you meet, what was your date like? How many loser douches did you date prior?

    Anything you got, spill.

    I need to feel some love today! <3

    this is so me today! I am bouncing back from a bad date last night and i feel nothing but down about it, i feel like i am never going to get this right.

    girl, I feel the same and have for quite awhile.

    I was single for a very long time so now that i am trying to date, it feels like a lot of wrong turns, bad dates, etc. Ugh. Have you seen the sex and the city movie?? i feel like carrie, "the last single girl..." haha. OYE.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I enjoyed reading these...

    I have no love story- I am anti-love ....Divorce will do that to ya.

    Same. I'm divorced (3 years now) and it was a terrible marriage, no specifics.......but textbook, life altering, need therapy for the rest of your days type of situation.
  • Lorelyrra
    Lorelyrra Posts: 23 Member
    We met online in an RP board that a friend ran. We started playing together, then talking outside of the storylines. We got really close, then had a falling out. Fast forward three years and I can't stop thinking about her, so I finally got up the balls to send a message via Facebook. We reconnected instantly. Three months later I moved 500 miles away to be closer and now, 2 years later, I'm working on emigrating to Canada so we can be together. We're planning our wedding :)