Your Love Story



  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I married my high school sweetheart. He literally fell into my lap one day, and we were pretty much joined at the hip ever since. We just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary.

    No matter what happens, we are a team, and we face every difficulty together. "Us" became more important than "you" or "me."

    It wasn't always smooth, sometimes we'd jump the groove. We've shed some tears and then loved again. :love:
  • AlyssasDiet
    AlyssasDiet Posts: 120
    I love this! I "met" my husband Ian when I was 13 and he was 17. We had a mutual friend who thought that we would be good friends, so he gave me Ian's AIM name and I started messaging him. Ian's not the most social person, especially not back then so he ignored me :laugh: but I was 13 and persistent so I just kept messaging him every day until he replied, and after about a week he did! We started talking on AIM every day and eventually became close friends, close enough to start talking on the phone too! We spent a year talking on the phone and on AIM and by the end of that year we were each other's very best friend, he called me his 'little sister' and I called him my 'big brother.' We would stay up all night long talking about everything under the sun, we played the "tell me something I don't know about you" game until we ran out of things that the other didn't know.

    Finally after a year of never even seeing each other we met in person when he came to visit my youth group, and he kept coming every week after that! After another half a year, a couple months after I turned 15, I confessed to him that I liked him as more than a big brother. He told me that right now he could only see me as his little sister and that he needed some time to think about it. He took a week! But at the end of that week he said he needed to spend time with me in person before he knew for sure, so we got together and went to the mall to see a movie. I asked him if he had figured it out yet and he said yes, and that he did like me that way! From that point on we were inseparable.

    We were effortless and natural, he truly is my other half. I moved in with him to go to college when I was 17, and we got married shortly after I turned 18. Now I'm 20 and it's just as effortless as it's always been!

    I have so many stories! But I don't want to make this too long, so that's the sparknotes version. :blushing:
  • KristenCook2
    KristenCook2 Posts: 57 Member
    I was 19, he was 20 and we worked together at a department story. He asked out what seemed like every girl except me in the store. Finally, a mutual friend asked why he'd never asked me out and he admitted he didn't think he stood a chance with me (even though I had a huge crush on him). We started dating, got engaged after six months, but then it took him six years to convince me to walk down the aisle. Next month we'll celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary. Marriage is tough and not for the weak but I'd rather face every day with him than without him.

    I dated A LOT in high school and my first year or so of college. None of the guys were losers but I just didn't really believe in true love. I'd watched my parents have a very rough marriage and decided young that it was not for me. When people ask how I knew that my husband was the one, I always say that he was the only one who stuck around, no matter how hard I tried to get rid of him. He recognized that I was wary of love and commitment and set about changing my mind.

    Don't give up on love - in a world of wrongs, you'll eventually find Mr. (or Mrs.) Right!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    He was supposed to be a one night stand and a Call of Duty partner. 3ish years later he's so much more. :bigsmile:

    Every time I hand a potential the controller they end up in a corner spinning around emptying clips....yeah, one of those

    In all reality, single as I may be...I'm still complete. The loves in my life are 14 and 9, I'd be lost without my kiddos.

    Hahaha :laugh:
  • cynner69
    cynner69 Posts: 10
    Some really great stories here. I hope to have one someday as does get hard to believe in it sometimes, but I love the quote: Just because something isn't happening for you right now, doesn't mean that it will never happen.

    Always have hope! I can't live without hope. :smooched:
    Don't stop believing! You have such a warm , open face...and redheads are catnip to lots of men ( women too!)
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm going through a rough split. Sometimes in the aftermath, you lose faith on love, but I don't want to go back there.

    Please, tell me your love story :)

    How'd you meet, what was your date like? How many loser douches did you date prior?

    Anything you got, spill.

    I need to feel some love today! <3

    this is so me today! I am bouncing back from a bad date last night and i feel nothing but down about it, i feel like i am never going to get this right.

    girl, I feel the same and have for quite awhile.

    I was single for a very long time so now that i am trying to date, it feels like a lot of wrong turns, bad dates, etc. Ugh. Have you seen the sex and the city movie?? i feel like carrie, "the last single girl..." haha. OYE.

    This was ME! And I'm telling you, I was insanely happy being single, was never getting married again (horrible, abusive 1st marriage), was just fine being me and dating every once in a while. . .then BAM, knocked down by a freight train of crazy amazing head over heels emotions.
  • Crazy how somethings happen. I was one of those people that decided I just did not want to be in love EVER. Nope not me. seen to many people get destroyed.. Thanks but no thanks. I avoided all relationships even the little kid ones in middle school. Even in High school. UNTIL my best friend begged, nagged and pleaded with me for days to go on a double date with her and her crush. (his best friend liked me) I finally gave into one date.. Long story short..16 years, 2 kids and a failed marriage built on a bad series of ups and downs later, I was finally free and SO damn HAPPY! My kids and I were just living life and loving it. A good friend of mine who lived in Texas at the time would get into Vent with me a yap all the time (we play an online MMO together) and one day she invited another friend of her into the conversation.. Well he and I ended up talking long past the time she passed out on us. We talked as friends almost everyday after that. I (who was NOT looking for another relationship) ended up crushing on him pretty hard but I kept that to myself no way was I going there. But a few month after our friendship started, and countless hours of talking and texting he tells me that my morning text makes his whole day. My voice is the best sound ever and that I make him happy just by being his friend. I (who was completely smitten by then) was all rainbows and sunshine until he told me he loved me. I melted of course. But then I cried because I did NOT want to be in love or have someone love me! I went back and forth with it but in the end I did love him and It felt so good so different from the stressful relationship I had with my ex-husband. And it was a safe relationship after all (he was in Cali, I in Fl) So I gave it a chance. A few months in all is still good.. So he comes to visit and it was amazing. We had the best week together. We were both sad that he had to go home but a month later he tells me that he NEEDS to be where I am. So he made the arrangements to move to Florida. That was over 3 years ago and we are still so happy in love. in this case he was actually everything I never knew I wanted! :love:
  • victal
    victal Posts: 1,375 Member
    Been with my hubby since I was 15. Everyone said it wouldn't last as he was older than me, and I was too young to get serious!!

    21 years later still togehter, married- 3 children, still in love, still my best friend :heart: :love: :bigsmile:
  • victal
    victal Posts: 1,375 Member
    Been with my hubby since I was 15. Everyone said it wouldn't last as he was older than me, and I was too young to get serious!!

    21 years later still togehter, married- 3 children, still in love, still my best friend :heart: :love: :bigsmile:

    And too beautiful twin grandsons to add to our collection :heart: :heart:
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    We met online playing Everquest II. For the first month I thought he was a girl, as he hadn't figured out how to hide his illusion form, and I didn't think that a man would hop around looking like a tree. He drove 4 hours to pick me up for our first meeting on Christmas Day. I haven't left his side since then. We've been together 7-1/2 years and married 6-1/2.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    I met my husband in 6th grade, middle school and we've been great friends all along.

    Two years ago he found out via FB that I broke up with some douche and made his move. He said I should give him a chance, he totally crossed the friendzone chasm and won me over. he is the best thing ever! and he gave me my gorgeous daughter. he was my constant woundcare nurse when my c section got infected. stuffed and pulled a ton of gauze out of the big gross wound in my stomach. he is the most patient and generous man I've ever known. I didn't know they made men like that until I got one.

    I dated him and we're coming up on our first year of marriage. I sure had to kiss a lot of frogs first though. its been a hard year, financially, physically. but still the best year of my life.
  • Slendermike
    Slendermike Posts: 1,776 Member
    We met at a big gala, she was gorgeous, she left her show behind, I found her, she was a maid, we still hooked up, She is my Cinderella
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    We met online playing Everquest II. For the first month I thought he was a girl, as he hadn't figured out how to hide his illusion form, and I didn't think that a man would hop around looking like a tree. He drove 4 hours to pick me up for our first meeting on Christmas Day. I haven't left his side since then. We've been together 7-1/2 years and married 6-1/2.

    I met my ex playing EverQuest (the original)... good times.
  • alyjb1121
    alyjb1121 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm going through a rough split. Sometimes in the aftermath, you lose faith on love, but I don't want to go back there.

    Please, tell me your love story :)

    How'd you meet, what was your date like? How many loser douches did you date prior?

    Anything you got, spill.

    I need to feel some love today! <3

    this is so me today! I am bouncing back from a bad date last night and i feel nothing but down about it, i feel like i am never going to get this right.

    girl, I feel the same and have for quite awhile.

    I was single for a very long time so now that i am trying to date, it feels like a lot of wrong turns, bad dates, etc. Ugh. Have you seen the sex and the city movie?? i feel like carrie, "the last single girl..." haha. OYE.

    This was ME! And I'm telling you, I was insanely happy being single, was never getting married again (horrible, abusive 1st marriage), was just fine being me and dating every once in a while. . .then BAM, knocked down by a freight train of crazy amazing head over heels emotions.

    i was happy single after my relationship with my daughter's father didn't work. I did what I wanted, when and where. Now, not so much. I need a life. and it just hasn't worked out. After three years or more of not caring, it has gotten hard to not care now that i want to care. if that makes sense. but your story made me smile, thanks!
  • We met online playing Everquest II. For the first month I thought he was a girl, as he hadn't figured out how to hide his illusion form, and I didn't think that a man would hop around looking like a tree. He drove 4 hours to pick me up for our first meeting on Christmas Day. I haven't left his side since then. We've been together 7-1/2 years and married 6-1/2.

    I met my ex playing EverQuest (the original)... good times.

    Haha The MMO I was talking about in my post was WoW. One of the many games we play together.. Go figure where you meet your S/O.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I married my high school sweetheart. He literally fell into my lap one day, and we were pretty much joined at the hip ever since. We just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary.

    No matter what happens, we are a team, and we face every difficulty together. "Us" became more important than "you" or "me."

    It wasn't always smooth, sometimes we'd jump the groove. We've shed some tears and then loved again. :love:

    I'm just going to quote your story because it's super close to mine. Started dating when I was 15 and he was 16, married at <gasp> 18 and 19, became parents at 19 and 20, and will celebrate our silver anniversary in June. :heart:

    Good times, bad times, terrible freaking awful times, fantastical amazing wonderful times... we've done it all together. It's nice to have someone you care about to share life with, whether that's a romantic partner or simply a good friend.
  • Drevious
    Drevious Posts: 69 Member
    Glad to share!

    This last New Years, I was totally not over a break up that happened a few months before, but went to a house party anyway. Didn't even put in earrings and just wore my favorite black tee. Anyway, I met someone at the party that night. He was in the same space as me and just getting over a break up. We both felt sparks fly, but I was too scared to let anything happen ( I literally hid in the kitchen at midnight, texting my aunt and family members). I knew if I made eye contact with him, he would see that I wanted to kiss him.

    Lucky for me, he asked me out and re-created midnight a few nights later with a glass of champagne and kissed me. We've been together ever since.

    We were both exercising and eating right to get over our breakups (sometimes a good run to the right playlist can make you feel a million times better about breaking up). So now we are continuing by cooking healthy meals together and going for long hikes.

    You never know when or where you are going to meet "the one" so for now, just do you!
  • sandjar131
    sandjar131 Posts: 41 Member
    I was living with an abusive loser (the last of a number of bad choices), and the girl in the cube next to me at work kept telling me that she knew the perfect guy for me, when I was ready to leave the loser. One day I finally woke up, decided to leave the loser, and decided I didn't want to meet anyone - I hadn't been alone since...forever.

    She took me to a soccer game he was playing in, and when he came over to say hi at half-time, I thought "a guy that looks like that would never be interested in someone like me" (he: athletic and quite good looking me: overweight, not feeling very cute). He asked my friend (in Spanish) who I was, and told her she had to introduce us. She did, and we hit it off. He helped me move out of the loser's apartment, and we pretty much became inseparable. 2 weeks after I moved, he proposed - we got married a year later.

    We met in Dec 1999 - so together for 14.5 years now, married for 13. 3 kids, lots of fun... sometimes it comes when you least expect it :).

    (on a side note - I'm thinner now than I was when we met - woot!)
  • Mitzki5
    Mitzki5 Posts: 482 Member
    My wife and I met when I was a freshman in highschool and she was a junior. We loved each other so much and were inseperable. We got married when we were 21 and 23. We had two beautiful children and are still deeply in love at age 36 and 38. Unfortunately she was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer two months ago. It scares me to death that I could lose the love of my life. She means the world to me and there is nothing I wouldn't do to protect and care for her. Looking back, even knowing what I know now, I would do everything exactly the same way again with our relationship. I have always loved her with all of my heart. Don't give up on love. When you have true love between two people, it is an amazing thing. The loved one becomes more than just a part of you and the love you get in return is amazing.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    My wife and I met when I was a freshman in highschool and she was a junior. We loved each other so much and were inseperable. We got married when we were 21 and 23. We had two beautiful children and are still deeply in love at age 36 and 38. Unfortunately she was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer two months ago. It scares me to death that I could lose the love of my life. She means the world to me and there is nothing I wouldn't do to protect and care for her. Looking back, even knowing what I know now, I would do everything exactly the same way again with our relationship. I have always loved her with all of my heart. Don't give up on love. When you have true love between two people, it is an amazing thing. The loved one becomes more than just a part of you and the love you get in return is amazing.
    Wow. This cynical misanthrope just burst into tears as soon as I read this. Cancer is so unfair, so scary, so cruel. We just can't have any control over it, and that is unbelievably frustrating. I lost my precious cat in late October after a short fight with cancer, and I'm not comparing that at all. I can't even allow myself to imagine going through it with my twin soul. I obviously send my deepest wishes that she will be able to recover.

    The sentiment that you would do it all again just the same is just beautiful. Please give each other all your love every day, and remember that every day is a gift more precious than gold. Make the most of each one, and never let go of the love you have, come what may. All the best to you and your family.