30lbs by St Patricks Day! NEW Motivation Group 12/2010



  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    210! I reached my xmas goal this morning. 4 days late, but they were xmas days! :) hahaha

    Great job!
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    210! I reached my xmas goal this morning. 4 days late, but they were xmas days! :) hahaha

    That's so exciting!! Great job!!
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    So... I am a TERRIBLE exercise slacker. I ordered a hrm from amazon, and it will be here tomorrow. Can't wait to get it!! I'm hoping that between that and my curiosity for how it works will help keep me motivated.
  • HealthyDee913
    HealthyDee913 Posts: 10 Member
    Am I too late?
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    I tired to think of some things I could work out on at the office. I did not come up with much. I have a 8 hr shift and I sit for most of it. I have done knee bends and calf raises at my desk. I swilvel in my chair from side to side with my feet flat on the floor, It kind of makes my coworker a little motion sick. I figure every time she gets up I can get a mini min to try it out.

    This is harder for me to think of things to do.

    Welcome DTM820.
  • When I worked in an office for long days where a lot of the work was at a desk, I would find excuses to get up every so often, I also traded my chair for a big balance ball, lol. There's always the thighmaster as well :-)
  • Sorry I'm a little behind on my posting guys - I was terribly busy the past two days.

    DTM820 - you're not too late to join in on the challenges and support, the more the merrier! We are almost a month in though, so I would say strive for 24lbs or so by St Patty's Day just so you don't end up feeling burned out or anything! Anything after that is a bonus :D

    ymamyma - let me know what you think of the HRM, I've been pondering one!

    mbodine - GOOD JOB!!! That's awesome!!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    I tired to think of some things I could work out on at the office. I did not come up with much. I have a 8 hr shift and I sit for most of it. I have done knee bends and calf raises at my desk. I swilvel in my chair from side to side with my feet flat on the floor, It kind of makes my coworker a little motion sick. I figure every time she gets up I can get a mini min to try it out.

    This is harder for me to think of things to do.

    If you have a resistance band, you can do some arm exercises
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I am starting this challenge at 152 pounds. I waited until I lost the 5 pounds I regained during Christmas weekend, and I successfully did. I am setting my goal from my lowest weight.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    esorcel :) good to see you here!!! You are so motivated. One of my friends has purposely been packing on the pounds so he has a better chance of winning a biggest loser challange at his work that starts weighing in Jan 3rd. He's such a cheater!!
  • Alrighty, here's what I've got for this week - you'll notice the initial number was your starting number, followed by current number (I'm not putting every week on, just start and current). I'm not doing any removals for people that didn't weigh in yesterday, since this is a holiday weekend, but I'll remove next week for people that joined and then never updated/haven't been active at all.

    We're all doing amazing - especially with the holidays here! Great work!

    12/24/2010 30 lbs By St Patrick’s Day Group
    Aholtz1 – 207 | 205.6 (-1.4lb)
    Bk360mom – 214.1
    Blackchick38 – 235 | 235
    Brenott – 225 | 221.6 (- 3.4)
    Etrnltrust - 213
    Fiammafiore - 235
    GFPeggy11 – 258
    Husstler – 242.3 | 242.2 (-.1)
    Jbqueen – 183 | 181 (-2)
    Jlynny1811 – 199
    Jmt327 - 209
    Jojoof4 - 228
    Justinswife - 181.5 | 177.6 (-3.9)
    Klwa - 162.8 | 160.2 (-2.6)
    Life1979_24 - 272.5 | 272(-.5)
    Lilysmommy1120 - 188
    Lindakp83 – 211.6
    Mandajo2 – 163
    Mbodine – 211.4 |216.8 (-.8)
    Nataliemra - 215
    Pandy123 – 161
    Poeticpurl – 224| 223.8 (-.2)
    Shaunadroddy – 215
    Sheilabennett – 183 | 188
    Supernonna – 180 | 177.2 (-2.8)
    Tanya 761 - 196
    Themommie – 216 | 214.5 (-1.5)
    Velvetechos - 229 | 225.4 (-3.6)

    My weight is still at 188.... I guess its good I did not gain but I wish I would have lost some:(
  • hi there im now at 234just wondering will we srsrt a new thread on jan 01
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    Hope that it is not too late to join. I'm Raeschel I'm 30 and was recently told that I was fat, by a coward behind a fake profile on facebook. Needless to say this pissed me off. So I decided to channel this into me losing they weight I have needed to get off for a while! My SW 173 Id like to be down to 160 by St. Patricks day! I recently just quit my job (long story) So I am a stay at home girlfriend. I look forward to my runs everyday so that I get out of the house! My challenge is not to eat everything in my house while I am at home.
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    158.5 this morning! I'm so excited to be below 160. It's been awhile! This is the time in the past when I have slipped because my weight's been down a little. I have to remind myself that this is a journey, and that "slow and steady" is the way to make this permanent. So. Off to the gym today to get in an hour of cardio, and watch the calories!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    209 for the end of the month. See ya'll next year! :)
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    I am a 223 today.

    My abs are killing me I have been doing Jillian Michaels six week six pack. It is free on my tv right now. My knee is bothering me other wise I would be sticking with my new dance wii games. Which are a lot of fun.

    Have a happy new year all!
  • Checking in at 224.6 - and so excited to do so! This is the first time I can remember being under 225 in the past EIGHT YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve!!!

    And great job with the weigh ins so far today!

    Mrmarler - I've got you added to the board, welcome!

    Blackchick38, we will start a new thread for the new month - I'll post the link here today!
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you! I'm 173lb (I know I said that yesterday but feel like I should say it anyway) Anyone have any good power song suggestion for your IPOD's Updating the run track for the new year!
  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    hi all i am 270 today
    hope everyone excited to start the new year as leaner healthy people!!!!
  • 184.4 for me today.... i thought I had gained more over Christmas, so I'll take it!
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