Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thanks everyone for the vote of confidence. It means a lot to me as I really needed it.

    Yesterday all I felt like doing is curling up on the couch under a blanket and crying out of frustration. I was also tempted to call in sick to work but I didn't. I couldn't bring myself to do that to my students. I sucked it up, put on my happy face and dragged myself in. I actually had a pretty good day with the kids. They are so stinking adorable and put a smile on my face! One of my boys, my eloper with sever impulsive issues, ran away from his aide. She caught him and prompted him to use his words. He pointed and said "I want Mrs. F." then walked over to me and sat next to me with a huge smile on his face. It made my day!

    My boss comes in today to over see the program. My plan is to chat with her about it, see if she has knowledge of the situation, any pull and can help steer me in the right direction. My staff and I were talking about it yesterday and I expressed how upset I was over the entire situation and worried. (They are all worried about interviews too.) They filled me in that last year the teacher that I replaced had the same exact thing happened to her. She didn't get her call for the position until a week before the program started and up until then they strung her along. I also heard from my boss that she was not a very good teacher and didn't do anything with the kids. So while that info made me feel a bit better at the same time it's not comforting as I begin to doubt myself. I can't help thinking "What if they really don't like me and are just keeping me until they find someone better?" At the same time though I have heard that "they" still have not called everyone for the interviews yet, the process is very disorganized and often people are left in limbo until last minute.

    Just to clarify, one of the positions I applied for was to keep my job for the summer and to continue into next year. To do so I have to go through the interview process again along with a writing sample. (Same thing I did for my initial interview.) :ohwell: So I really need to get that call for the interview in order to maintain my job for summer and next year. :sad: :grumble: I will be so upset if I find out they misplaced my paper work or never received it when I interofficed it. That's a good idea to follow up to make sure they received it and know I am interested. Thanks.

    I was searching for jobs again this morning and found 4 positions that I am going to send out my resume for. If things don't workout in my current district maybe something will come along in another. Trying to stay hopeful but I really hate this entire process. It's so frustrating.

    RobinB - Your times on your pace are great. You are improving. That must be a fantastic feeling. LOL to the DD syncing. That has happened to me before when I was towards the top of the list then 1-2 friends sync and I move down on the list. :grumble: I have not been getting in my walks the past few days so my steps are not up there this week. But I have been getting in strength training. The workout I am currently doing is appropriately challenging. It uses a combination of resistance tubes and weights. The triceps exercises are really rough towards the end but I push through.

    Skinny - Thanks for sharing your experience and wisdom. It really made me feel better. :flowerforyou:

    This weekend at Easter my father decided to say to me out of the blue "So what are you doing about getting a REAL job?" It is really hurtful that even though I am teaching (just not your typical "teacher" jobs) and have 2 jobs (which pay me very well) that he doesn't consider my work to be "real" work. I mentioned to him that what he said was hurtful to me and that I do have a real job. His response was "Yeah, so? AND what are you doing about it?!!!" :ohwell: I explained that I have been sending out my resume then excused myself from the conversation and walked back inside. Sadly, my family is not very pro-teacher which makes everything I do regarding my career in the line of fire all the time. :grumble: The next day was when I found out about the interviews. It definitely was a huge blow to my confidence level.

    Susan - I am so glad to hear you and Cyrus had a great time on your cruise! I cannot wait to hear all about it.

    Kah - Thanks so much. I appreciate the kinds words.
    I went through my clothes last Friday. I was amazed at how many items were too big for me. I filled 4 huge garbage bags. It was a good feeling to donate all my old clothing. I found a lot of really pretty light weight shirts stashed in my closet that I have not worn in years because they were too snug. They now fit beautifully. I have been wearing them all week to work and have received a lot of compliments on them. I still have 2 under the bed bins that I have to sort through. I have not done them yet because they are stuffed with shorts, bathing suits and summer clothes. I plan on hitting those within the next few weeks.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    This week has been crazy so far. Job is very stressful right now and making it hard to get in my exercise. Missed class today due to a conference call, but will try and make up for it with a walk this afternoon.

    Hope everyone is having a good day. Will try and get personals done later!

    At or under Calorie goal: 22/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 5 miles walking NOT DONE
    Sunday - 3 miles walking DONE
    Monday- Rest Day DONE
    Tuesday - Pilates DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Thursday - Pilates NOT DONE (stupid conference call)
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch NOT DONE (Dentist)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Hello all, I have been out of commission this week. On Sunday I sprained my ankle pretty bad and have been on crutches and ice for the week. I have been trying to log but just distracted. Monday I was up 0.8 lbs, I guess eating out and not having a good count for thoes dinners did me in. This week I am only eating out 2-3 times.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Wow! I got busy couldn't keep up and lost almost a whole month!!!!
    There is so much going on in here!!!

    I'll just say Happy Easter to everyone. Everyone's treats sounded and looked delicious. I went a little crazy before Easter.. baked cookies, 6 loafs of banana bread and for the first time ... made key lime pie. I made it celiac friendly for my niece who came over for easter with a hazelnut shell. It was very good. :laugh: But so high in calorie that I could only have half a piece. Easter was fun... the bunny made the kids follow clues to find their goodies. Then the nieces came over for an egg hunt in the yard. It was so cute. We had a lovely day... lucky because it was snowing 2 days before and melted, and then it was pouring rain the next day. I PLAYED SOCCER with the kids. They wanted to play so much but couldn't get organized and the other adults were zoning. I think I impressed them that I could actually play. :happy: I impressed myself by running and playing for over an hour. A big difference from a year ago.

    So between Dr app'ts at the bariatric clinic, kids and their actitivities, work and trying to exercise in... my screen time has definitely gone down. My dr app'ts are a bit of a disappointment so far. They mainly say that I'm doing great, I'm making the right changes, and keep doing what I'm doing. When I stop losing then we will discuss changes. :tongue: This is what happen when you can't get into a clinic for 8 months after you've decided made a lifestyle change. I've started doing dance routines off youtube by Lauren fitz. They're like a hiphop/ zumba/ sometimes burlesque mix. Highly fun and HARD. I needed to mix it up a bit. I haven't started the running because my sneakers are not good for it and I need to save up for it. On my Polar Loop... I hated it. It fit fine and was kind cool. but it measures activity by arm movement . It measured 16000 steps on my prep shift while I was portioning cheese. :grumble: Not very useful for me.
    I'm highly stressed right now... my middle is getting psychological testing and behavioural analysis. He is very smart, imaginative and clever but he can't stay focused and it's hard to get his REAL attention. One son in speech therapy and now the other with this. What did we do wrong? :frown:
    Just wanted to say Kah the vacation sounded amazing!!!
    Susan it must've been great meeting up with Laurie and Tom! I love the pic Tom posted. :)
    Tom I love those deviled eggs Amy made... so cute!!!
    L2T I love the idea of April renaissance.... though I've managed to miss most of it. One of the hardest things is to fight our own complacency. Maybe I'll focus on that in May. :wink:
    Nettie... Your reno sounds amazing!!! Do we get to see pics or did I somehow miss them? Maybe your allergies will calm down now. Don't get down about the jobs. The interviews aren't over, but I'd do a follow up like the others suggested to make sure they got your resume. Maybe they're keeping the best till last since you already hold the current position and they KNOW what you can do. Sounds like a unorganized process though.

    Have a great day everyone... I know there was more but I gotta go!! Hugz to all!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday Truth: I don’t think I’m making my 2 minute plank by the end the month. :grumble: Today I did 84 seconds (straight arm) and I should be at 100 to be on track. That’s okay…I’m 71 seconds better than I was 6 weeks ago. :flowerforyou:

    @Nettie..others have already suggested it, but I would definitely call and check up on it. That shows that you are interested (they actually recommend that people call a few days after a resume/application is submitted). And if your app did get lost, it could mean the difference in getting a shot at it. I will also echo Karen…sometimes missed job opportunities are a blessing in disguise for something even better. I had applied for 3 different positions within my company and missed out. Then on the 4th attempt – BINGO! It was perfect for me…started a new team, developed a new system, became the leader at a reorganization of the entire customer service department. I know the perfect job for you will pop up (and I can’t believe you have to interview for the job you already have – I’m angry for you :angry: )

    @Robin B…I hate when I forget my Fitbit!

    @Kaye…Good job on the pies…and I’m sure you’ll get everything prepared in time for the luncheon on Saturday. I did not get my walk in yesterday. The wind was terrible and about 10 minutes in, the rain began. I couldn’t get back to my dry apartment fast enough.

    @Kelley…Good job on cleaning out your spaces! I have a garage that needs attacking – boxes from our move that never had a place in our apartment. Michael will be off on medical leave for about 3-4 weeks in May so I’m hoping to take some time off and maybe the two of us can hit it while the kids are in school. If we haven’t needed it yet, can it go???? :happy:

    @p1xy…I think its wonderful that your doctors are saying you are doing great on your own. You’ve lost 63 pounds doing what you’re doing. Be proud of that! :flowerforyou:

    AFM… I get shin splints so badly when I walk. I don’t have a problem when I’m on the elliptical or treadmill or just casually walking for hours (vacation was no problem walking around Vegas) but outside is terrible. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Maybe I’m going to have to save up money to be fitted for new tennis shoes.

    Today I am meeting my sister for our workout. While I have found all of the workouts so far tough, this is the first one that I felt like I wanted to skip going to. This is where I’m glad I have a training partner so I can’t just not go. Today I will:

    *Eat within my calorie goal
    *Drink my water
    *Workout with my sister
    *Attend a Jazz concert
    *Go to bed by 11:00

    Fitness for the week:
    Monday - nothing (got class and I have to get my cake frosted before I go) DONE
    Tuesday - Gym with Trainer DONE
    Wednesday - Start up C25K again...hopefully outside (I heard it's better that way - I get so dang bored on the treadmill or gym track) - JUST A SHORT WALK
    Thursday - Gym with Sister
    Friday - C25K
    Saturday - Gym with Sister
    Sunday - Rest

    Have a great Thursday!!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @tlh... Great job on the planks! That's amazing progress.
    @RobinB... LOL at syncing your fitbit from your daughter. I see you passed me in steps at one point, I'm ramping it up now! :tongue:
    @Nettie... I have always been a bit envious of teachers for all the time off they get ( like all summer!), but your hiring process... That's crazy! I'd be a mess if I had to interview every year to keep my job. Keep the faith, I know something great will happen for you.
    @Brandy... Welcome. come back often and participate. This is a great place if you're looking for motivation. I enjoy challenges too, one is in the works here for May, details will be posted soon.

    AFM, I'm chugging along on maintenance week... And it's been awesome! Work has been very tiring and I'm lacking sleep still, but my workouts have been amazing. Everything is easier this week, I'm getting my sustained HR higher on the bike, knees higher on my knee raises, kettle bell higher on the swing etc. I think the extra calories are doing their thing. I even went for 2 hikes with huge hills to get my steps and mileage in and felt like I could do a ton more (even with severe leg muscle soreness from physio). And today... I jogged almost a half kilometre back to the car without stopping. I had no idea I could go that long. Makes me really want to start the C25K now.

    This week's Fitbit goals:

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. 8km distance
    3. 45 active minutes
    4. 2500 calories burned.

    Tues: 14,737 steps, , 9.9 km, 68AM, 3687 cals
    Wed: 19,060 steps, 12.81km, 56 AM, 3230 cals
    Thurs: (so far) 14780 steps, 10.08km, 94 AM, 3243 cals
    (Dang, if I could keep this up every week, I could eat 2600 cals a day and still lose weight :laugh: )
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi-This has been a busy week for me and now I can finally enjoy the night. Everything is going well but I have been so busy with no time to think and some very late nights. At least the weekend will be here soon and I get to enjoy Special Olympics.

    Nettie-I agree with everyone else, call about the application. You are great at your job so don't give up.

    tlh- That is a great time for the planks, you have really improved. You can make 90 seconds by the end of the month and that is a wonderful goal.

    Ushkil- Sorry that you sprained your ankle. I hope you heal quickly.

    I am very annoyed with the administration at my school today. One of my students was causing all types of problems yesterday from the minute he walked into the room. He was unfocused, laying across the seats, talking to everyone who was near him and just disrupting. I finally had to send him out of the room with a minor incident referral so he would have some consquence. He told the administrator that I did not like him. The administrator has given into his desire so he now being removed from my class because "He thinks I don't like him". This is not the case, I like him just fine, what I don't like is his behavior and the fact that he believes he should be able to leave my class because "he is having a bad day." Not kidding this is what he said. The fact that he is leaving my class is great because I believe it will be beneficial for the other students who are distracted my him and those he tends to provoke. I am just annoyed at the administrator, who said it was because I did not like. Nothing about his behavior and how it was unacceptable. The other problem is that he needs more academic help than I can provide and he tends to cheat his way through class if he is allowed. Neither of these problems has been address. I did warn my counter part who got another one of my students that they were going to be moving this student out of my class and to say NO to allowing him to join her class that period. It would not be a good situation since she is having problems with the one that was sent to her.

    Sorry I had to vent. However, I can celebrate next week when he is truly gone from my room.
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm not quite caught up, but I wanted to come and say hi! (I miss checking in every day).

    Things have been going well enough. I just calculated that in the 97 days I've been on MFP since starting this semester I've lost 28 pounds, which is exactly 2 pounds a week. It looks like my weight loss is slowing down though, and I've got an appointment next week to do some bloodwork to see if everything is okay (I've had some hair thinning recently) but I'm keeping up with exercise and carrying on as usual.
    Thursday truth is that I miss running, and I keep trying for 5 minutes only to give up because I know it's a bad idea.. I went to the health center on campus Monday and they didn't provide any conclusive answers about my leg. My knee seems to have stopped hurting but the tingly/stinging pain in my mid calf area won't go away, so I'm going back on the 7th of May for a follow up and referral to an orthopedist if it doesn't get better.

    I've been doing well with exercise regardless. The doctor seemed fine with me doing elliptical and walking, but said it might be best to avoid the high impact stuff. Not enough time to swim, but I've taken to doing elliptical and walking on the treadmill.

    Eating has been okay. I've stopped trying to limit my sweets during finals, and now I just pre-plan and work them in, and compensate with a lot of steamed vegetables.

    I've only got 3 weeks left in the semester, including finals, so I'm a little overwhelmed, but my goal for this semester is to not use finals as an excuse to disregard my health. So far, so good!

    I hope you are well. I'm slowly catching up.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: I'm exhausted. I started the day helping with the meat for Saturday. Then I found out that a friend had just heard that her 28 year old daughter had been critically injured in a car accident. She is in Iowa, along way from Western Idaho. She is on life support and they will keep her alive until her parents can get there. I hurried over there to offer a bit of comfort. I told them I would take dinner in. When I don't know what else to do in a stressful situation I cook so I spent the day making soup, baking bread, and baking cookies. I was on my feet all day. My walk was only 3.6 miles tonight.
    Glad to have reports from those of you who have been missing. Can hardly wait for a report on Susan's trip.
    Goodnight. I'm really hoping for a better night's rest than I usually get.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Finally the woosh!!! I weighed in at 204.4 this morning! Thats 100.6 pounds lost :) Goal number 3 met! :):) 4.5 pounds til oneder land :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member

    @Tanya~Incredible steps/mileage on your Fitbit this week!

    @Tracy~I still have boxes in my garage that I haven’t gone through, when I bought my house 5 years ago! :embarassed: I probably should just toss without even looking in them, but what if I find something I didn’t know I was missing?! :wink: :laugh: Your plank time has really improved, awesome!

    @Laurie~I’m sorry for your problem student and that administration didn’t take your word over the students, that doesn’t make sense – sounds like the student needs some one-on-one tutoring time. I hope some calmness can return to your classroom – the good news is that the week (and school year) is almost over! Enjoy climbing tonight.

    @Laura~Glad you kept your doctor’s appointment, you’re doing all of the right things – I hope your knee/leg improves so you don’t need to see the orthopedist. Thinning hair can be the result of cortisol levels, which is the result of the stress you’ve been under this semester. Good idea to have your thyroid and adrenals checked to be on the safe side. Your semester is almost over, hang in there!

    @Kaye~I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s daughter. Its hard to know what they need at such a tough time, but I know she appreciates your friendship and providing dinner.

    @Aimee~Hooray!!! :flowerforyou: You definitely need to celebrate that achievement.

    @Laurie/Karen/Susan~When is the T2T again? My cruise may fall thru since the friend I’m going with won’t be able to take vacation time in Sep/Oct – still need to verify but if she can’t go I want to do that with you all.

    AFM~Met my trainer for running drills last night, he’s really testing my endurance and pushing me (need to shave off some time) – it was warm, but not humid and there was a nice breeze. All-in-all, good session. Not much happening this weekend – quiet night tonight I think, gym and meeting my mom at Ikea tomorrow, then session with trainer on Sunday.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Cardio/Agility DONE! (3 mile run/agility drills)
    Tuesday~Cardio DONE! (4.4 mile walk)
    Wednesday~Cardio or Trainer NOT DONE!
    Thursday~Cardio or Trainer DONE! (Running drills w trainer)
    Friday~Rest Day

    Have a great Friday!
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    I'm here! Lots of catching up to do!

    Jenn :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    bumpity bump bump!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Just a quick post, very busy morning.

    I got called for an interview for Monday at 1pm! I am crying happy tears. I didn't see my boss yesterday. However I texted her to let her know about the upcoming interview. She said one of the higher ups contacted her and asked what she thought about me having a summer position!!!! She gave a glowing recommendation!

    I am so excited!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Friday fitness – Boy was I heated! :mad: :explode: :mad: I walked to the gym yesterday only to get to the front door and see a sign that read, “Gym closed today and will reopen at 8PM”. There were drop cloths everywhere and a handful of painters were inside painting away. Now, I appreciate that they are maintaining the gym and keeping it looking nice, but they COULD have and SHOULD have had a sign posted all week with their plans to close the gym on Thursday. I mean, it’s the courteous thing to do, right??

    Waiting until 8PM to hit the treadmill just isn’t in the cards for me. I need to work out as soon as I get home from work because once I sit; it’s over, I am done for the night. Beside, working out in a freshly painted gym doesn’t sound very appealing. Sucking those fumes… :noway: :sick:

    I opted to walk outside in the fresh, hot and humid air! I walked for 60 mins and met my Fitbit step goal, but it wasn’t consecutive mins (necessary bathroom break!) and was at a slower pace than what I would have done on the treadmill. I still got my sweat on, so I guess it’s all good.

    @Laurie – Great time on your run on Monday! Unless I misunderstood something you said; this young man will be removed from your class and will be going to a class where there is a boy that was previously removed from your class? Are these two boys friends? If so, this latest boy surely played the administrator like a fiddle to get into the other class with his buddy! If that is the case, I really feel sorry for the other teacher!

    @Robin – Now that the weekend is here, I hope you are able to relax before your surgery on Monday.

    @Kaye – I'm so sorry to hear about your friend’s daughter. A parent just isn’t supposed to bury a child! :cry:

    @Nettie – SO, SO, SO glad to hear the good news about the interview on Monday. :drinker: Woop Woop!! :drinker: I’m with p1xy, did I miss pics of your new floors? Or have you not posted yet?

    @Brandy – Welcome to the thread, come on in, take a seat and get comfortable. This is a great thread! It has sure helped me stay motivated. The guys and gals in here are awesome!

    @ushkii – I was wondering where you had been. Sorry to hear about your ankle. Don’t let it derail your efforts, you’ve been doing so well!

    @p1xy – Welcome back! I can relate to falling behind on the thread and it taking so long to catch up. That happened to me a few weeks ago. I think it took me 4 days to catch up on 3 days missed!

    @Tracey – great job on the planks! I haven’t even attempted those or the wall sits yet. Maybe the next time they come up as a challenge. Have you seen the story floating around Facebook about the teenager who set a world record for doing a forearm plank for EIGHTY MINUTES?? Yes, I said MINUTES! And I surely DO NOT mean to tarnish your accomplishment because it is AWESOME and more than I could do! But, I’m just saying… 80 minutes??? Ah, to be a teenager!

    @Tanya – I am happy if I can come even close to you and Heidi on my Fitbit friend’s rankings so I was ready to scream about all the steps I would have missed if I didn’t think of a way to manually log my efforts when I forgot my Fitbit. The pedometer on my HRM watch just really sucks. The whole gadget just really sucks. It’s basically a watch and timer at this point. So, using it wasn’t an option. Logging time and distance from my daughter’s Fitbit seemed to do the trick as close as possible. It was funny, I made her walk step for step with me, even when I went to the Ladies room I made her follow me to the stall door! :blushing:

    @Rain – Like Kelley, I am glad you are doing the right thing with your Dr appts. I know you miss your running and are concerned about losing everything you’ve worked toward, but just think how bad it would be if you injured yourself even worse. You could potentially put yourself out of commission for a much longer period of time. Your body is telling you to slow down so make sure you listen to it!

    @Aimee – Congrats on your latest goal! You have to be so incredibly proud of yourself and with such great reason! Keep it up and you will be at your goal weight in no time!

    Treadmill times:
    Tuesday, 3/25 - 2.53 miles in 60 mins
    Thursday, 3/27 - 2.70 miles in 60 mins
    Tuesday, 4/1 - 2.88 miles in 60 mins
    Thursday, 4/3 - 2.35 miles in 60 mins
    Tuesday, 4/8 – rested the shin splints
    Thursday, 4/10 – 2.62 miles in 60 mins
    Tuesday, 4/15 – 2.54 miles in 60 mins
    Thursday, 4/17 - skipped the gym.
    Tuesday, 4/22 - 2.98 miles in 60 mins.
    Thursday, 4/24 – GYM CLOSED!! :mad: :explode: :mad:

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
    Don’t sweat the small stuff, just SWEAT!!
  • BRANDY12291
    BRANDY12291 Posts: 7 Member
    @tanya949 and @robinB012: Thanks for the welcoming. I really need a group to keep me motivated and I'm very excited about a challenge starting for May! Exciting!

    Fitness Friday: I started the "Ease into Couch 2 5K" program yesterday. I've downloaded the app previously and gave it a half hearten attempt. But my goal has been to start running more. So day one is completed! I know alternating between running and walking for 45 sec increments doesn't sound like much to most people but for this girl it is a huge deal. About this time last year I could barely walk for 15 mins straight much less run. I had severe knee issues. So to have an average pace of 15:19 of run/walking a mile is a major accomplishment for me. Even last year when I was walking a few times a week, my best time was usually 17 mins a mile. I am determined to to this! I don't really care if I'm ever the fastest runner I just want to say I CAN run!

    I feel like I've been doing pretty good at getting my cardo in, but I really think I should probably try to do more strength training. I can pretty easily motivate myself to go walking/ running/ biking etc. But right now I can't afford to go to the gym, so my only strength training comes from DVD workouts, my hand weights and resistance bands. And I have a huge problem motivating myself to really put more effort into that. :( So that is where I need a lot of improvement.

    To stay on track this weekend is not going be easy, but I am determined! Tonight my mom wants to cook for my family- steak and potatoes. Sounds yummy but I may love baked potatoes just a little too much. So portion control will be what I have to focus on. Tomorrow will be an even harder day to stay on track. My son has an early morning soccer game then we are leaving to go to my in-law's house- in the "country." Which should be fun, but I think I heard BBQ ribs is on the menu. OMG really people? j/k I plan on bringing some healthy snacks for everyone to share and hopefully since we will be outdoors most of the day I can get plenty of activity in. Also I hope to get up bright and early in the morning and go for a walk/run. Saturday's focus will be on not snacking and getting in lots of activity! Sunday is a pretty routine day for us, so I shouldn't have too many troubles staying on track! (as long as no one invites us to go out to eat after church on

    TGIF everyone!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Today is a slow kinda day here. I went to go get the kiddos off to school and found out my nephew is nice and sick so no school for him. I bundled him over to my house after we dropped off sissy and he is in my sons room watching cartoons. The doggies are NOT pleased since this means no walk today. I am going to get out the WII in just a bit so i can get in a little something today. I made a yummy roast yesterday so with the leftover meat and broth I am attempting a beef pot pie today. We will have to wait and see how it turns out:smile: I invited my sil to just come here after work since their daughter has a sleepover and my brother is working a 12 today. Her and Austin can try the pot pie with me and my son. Other then that not a whole lot going on in Tammy land. I have been having some issues with feeling wozzy off and on for a little while. I think my blood sugar levels are dipping down. For some reason when the women in my family get older this starts to become an issue. Well I asked my daughter to grab me a soda for a quick sugar kick yesterday and she brings home this monster huge code red Mt Dew which is my favorite. Yes I drank it all:blushing: Thank goodness for exercise calories:laugh: Well everyone have a great day and remember to go grab some water:drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • lickityspit
    What a great group! I'd love to join! I started off my day on the elliptical for 25 minutes, which is only a third of the workout I'm scheduled to do today. I have a hard time motivating myself with exercise and really let myself off the hook so I made a vision board of inspirational sayings and motivation to help me stick to it!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    I stumbled across this post in another thread and thought it was worth posting here:
    This is from fitness blogger Vic Margay.

    “Motivated, motivated, hell yeah I’m motivated. Ooo Ah, I wanna kill somebody. Killlllll!!!”

    As part of the Army’s brainwashing process (better known as Basic Training), mantras like the one above shouted in unison by a platoon of young men with shaved heads often made Basic Training feel like some sort of twisted psycho cheerleading camp instead of preparation to become Infantry soldiers.

    But we were motivated.


    Or were we? If you include fear of punishment and peer pressure as motivation, then the environment at Ft. Benning was certainly motivating.

    But were we self-motivated? No, most of us standing in heel-to-toe lines and referring to our new Army buddies by last name only at Ft. Benning, Georgia in the autumn of 1998 were not self- motivated. And it is acquiring and maintaining this self-motivation that I am often asked about in the realm of diet and fitness. But here’s the thing…

    Lack of motivation to follow a healthy diet and commit to consistent exercise is a myth.

    You are going to die. And neglecting your health and fitness is more likely to hasten your departure. Furthermore, the days you do have will be spent with less energy and more pain if you choose to eat crap and be sedentary. The motivation, the “why”, to exercise and eat nutritious foods in appropriate quantity is present and strong. The bigger mystery is why we choose to ignore the need for proper diet and exercise in the face of obvious requirement.

    We do not need motivation. We need decision.


    We need unwavering non-negotiable decision. And yes, I know that the pic above was not taken during Hurricane Sandy (although I thought it was when I posted it to my Facebook page). But it was taken during a torrential down pour at some point in recent history. It absolutely captures the fortitude and decision of those soldiers to stand by their post no matter what hardship may be encountered.

    If those soldiers can decide to endure the elements, then we can decide to put down the damned pizza and beer.

    Or forgo the free bagels at the office. Or wake up a half hour early to exercise. Or keep a food journal everyday. Or what ever else we know we need to do but keep failing to commit to because it is “hard”.

    Enduring chemotherapy is hard.

    Hitting a fast ball in the major leagues in hard.

    Negotiating nuclear disarmament from a hostile nation is hard.

    Saying goodbye to a loved one in the hospital or the veterinarian’s office for the last time is hard.

    But putting down the cookies and picking up the spinach?
    That’s only as hard as the story we tell ourselves.

    What is often called lack of motivation is actually lack of discipline and lack of habit. I’ve posted about discipline and habit before – those entries lack the sexy headlines such as “1 weird trick to lose belly fat” and often do not get more than the cursory glance. And that’s unfortunate because it is discipline and habit that hold the keys to not only losing weight or getting strong, but to anything that we want in life.

    You already know what to do to lose weight and get in shape. The smaller details will vary but the big picture is always to eat real food in appropriate quantity and move in a manner that is continually challenging. The problem is not lack of knowledge or lack of motivation. The problem is lack of decision.

    Decide. Now.

    Share your thoughts on motivation, decision, and the mental/emotional hurdles we face when it comes to diet, fitness, and weight loss in the comments below.

    Stay strong
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Finally the woosh!!! I weighed in at 204.4 this morning! Thats 100.6 pounds lost :) Goal number 3 met! :):) 4.5 pounds til oneder land :)

    Congrats! That is so cool, glad you are part of our group.

    I am logging again but can't go for my walk, I am walking around again on my own, no crutches.
    Today went to wendys and had a grilled chicken and side salad with diet coke, nice, good choice. But then one person we were with got the wrong burger and offer the othe to me, I split it and then ate some fries, oh man it is so easy to mess up.

    Well keep on keeping on. Half my water is done and going to refell now so that should be good.