America is doomed



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,084 Member
    BillBrytan, I don't think anyone is disputing your horse vs man race exists so not sure what your copy and paste proves - or how that is relevant to the topic at all.
  • sathor
    sathor Posts: 202 Member
    No, the pepperoni and bacon are not the problem, it's the crust.

    Seriously, some thin crust pizzas are not that high for an entire pizza, but a thick pan style crust will destroy calorie counts for the day. Now, in full cycling season, that isn't a problem, in winter though....
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    BillBrytan, I don't think anyone is disputing your horse vs man race exists so not sure what your copy and paste proves - or how that is relevant to the topic at all.
    It proves that he has no idea how to interpret data? It shows the human winning twice, and both times it was because the horse ran a much slower time than the average horse times. Meanwhile the human runners are basically running at a winning marathon pace, although far off a record setting pace. The humans weren't getting faster, they were just selecting slower horses. Then again, the "study" he posted was a newspaper article instead of a study, so draw your own conclusions.
    NOMORECARS Posts: 156
    BillBrytan, I don't think anyone is disputing your horse vs man race exists so not sure what your copy and paste proves - or how that is relevant to the topic at all.

    MrM27 called me a troll and challenged me to back up my post with facts and research.
  • wishflower
    What's poutine? I thought Canada had beer, maple syrup, cheese (IDK why), and hockey.

    Don't forget Tim Hortons too! Which if course, does have its US locations as well. Like every other block where I'm at.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    Please tell me this thread is a joke. There is no possible way the OP can really be this uneducated, is there?

    So pepperoni and bacon on a pizza? And? What's the problem? It has meat? What's wrong with fat? What if I'm a marathon runner and need 8000 calories a day? Why are calories bad?

    In the UK there is (or was, not sure if it's still a thing,) a pizza with cheeseburgers in the crust.

    Will Italy be doomed because of a pepperoni and bacon pizza? Because they eat them all the time...

    This may be the most uneducated, ignorant thread I've ever read.

    Ha! I was thinking the same exact thing when I read the original post! :laugh:
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    Please tell me this thread is a joke. There is no possible way the OP can really be this uneducated, is there?

    So pepperoni and bacon on a pizza? And? What's the problem? It has meat? What's wrong with fat? What if I'm a marathon runner and need 8000 calories a day? Why are calories bad?

    In the UK there is (or was, not sure if it's still a thing,) a pizza with cheeseburgers in the crust.

    Will Italy be doomed because of a pepperoni and bacon pizza? Because they eat them all the time...

    This may be the most uneducated, ignorant thread I've ever read.

    You are misinformed about Italy. They don't eat pepperoni & bacon pizza all the time. Pepperoni maybe every once in a while.....and bacon never, because it's an American thing. Also, Italians on average are not overweight, because practicing moderation is actually done there by most people....all the time.
    And this : " This may be the most uneducated, ignorant thread I've ever read " makes me laugh because it's the pot calling the kettle black, but I agree with you.....:o).

    I've had plenty of salami and prosciutto pizza in Italy. But yeah they don't eat them all the time. For one, eating unhealthy is a lot more expensive in Italy.

    I visit Japan often and a small dominoes pizza there is equivalent to $30 so even if I wanted to, I probably couldn't overdo pizza there for cost reasons. :laugh:
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    I haven't read all the replies so I'm probably repeating a point already made, but as a European who has had the pleasure of visiting the US on a number of occasions, I think one of the biggest problems is portion sizes. Not just eating out, but I also noticed it when I shopped in the supermarkets, e.g. the largest 'family' box of cornflakes that we get over here pales in comparison to the US version. A friend of mine worked in an office in NY and every morning 36 doughnuts were delivered to an office of 10 people. When I did office work here, croissants were delivered, but only for very early morning meetings and there was one ordered for each person. Only a few were ever eaten.

    From what I saw, nobody seems to walk anywhere either. Perhaps it's because fuel is so much cheaper, but I was very surprised at that.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Then we'd have black market pizza. :) But we'd be flagged if one person bought all the ingredients so we'd have to split the shopping list and then meet somewhere underground with an oven.
    Being Frank, you sound like a zealot who would want the government to come in and regulate it because you think people are too stupid to make choices for themselves.

    "M'am, we're gonna need to see some ID for that Italian seasoning. Please sign the electronic signature pad and be aware you can only legally purchase this product once per month."

    PS I live in Oklahoma where this is actually what you have to do to buy sinus meds.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    two slices of pizza, which may not even make me full in one meal, can spoil my whole day's effort in diet. Tons of sugar and carbohydrate means my other meals should be almost sugar free, which is impossible. For this, pizza is my most hateful food ever, ever, ever.

    this is sarcasm, I hope..?

    one slice of pizza is like 300 calories..I can make a homemade one for 200 cals a slice….So 400 cals is going to ruin your day??

    you can easily eat pizza and fit it into your deficit for the day, and your macros…

    there is nothing wrong with carbs and sugar...


    That quote reminds me of an old Monty Python sketch where John Cleese plays Hitler. :laugh: (6:25)
  • chloematilds
    chloematilds Posts: 111 Member
    america is fat because food is.oversized, including those that serve healthier options

    take for example the burgers here. did you know that the kiddie size is the regular size burger in asia? the smallest soda in the us is actually the biggest in asia.

    it.also does not help that people no longer eat family style so kids will learn portion size!
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    america is fat because food is.oversized, including those that serve healthier options

    take for example the burgers here. did you know that the kiddie size is the regular size burger in asia? the smallest soda in the us is actually the biggest in asia.

    it.also does not help that people no longer eat family style so kids will learn portion size!

    I ate a burger last week and still lost weight. I can eat a whole meal at a restaurant and still lose in a week. Think for yourself, that's why we're here isn't it? To take responsibility for ourselves? You can't blame the food industry for making Americans fat. No one is forcing you to go to McDonalds and eat everything in front of you. You totally have the option to ignore the restaurants and eat at home. The vast majority of the time, I do.

    And I don't know what you mean by not eating family style? How does eating family style teach portion sizes when you could dish out as much as you want?
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    america is fat because food is.oversized, including those that serve healthier options

    take for example the burgers here. did you know that the kiddie size is the regular size burger in asia? the smallest soda in the us is actually the biggest in asia.

    it.also does not help that people no longer eat family style so kids will learn portion size!

    I ate a burger last week and still lost weight. I can eat a whole meal at a restaurant and still lose in a week. Think for yourself, that's why we're here isn't it? To take responsibility for ourselves? You can't blame the food industry for making Americans fat. No one is forcing you to go to McDonalds and eat everything in front of you. You totally have the option to ignore the restaurants and eat at home. The vast majority of the time, I do.

    And I don't know what you mean by not eating family style? How does eating family style teach portion sizes when you could dish out as much as you want?
    Exactly. But as you said, that's why you're here. Prior to joining MFP, how was your relationship with food/portion sizes/eating out? There really is no need for such large portions. If it's put in front of you, you are more likely to eat it and people often have the mentality that "if I've paid for it, then I'm going to eat it all".
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    if it fits them macros - eat that s*^t!!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member

    Homemade pizza topped with: mozzerella, chedder, bell peppers, chillis, onion, garlic, and chicken.

    Blame the portions, don't blame the food.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member

    No one is obligated to be healthy.

    No one else's habits or diet or anything are really any of your business if they didn't ask you for commentary on their life choices. If you wouldn't approve of people judging you for your sexuality, your race, your nationality, your hair color, or any other trivializing comments to pick apart your identity, then you shouldn't be doing this to other people and their diets/weights.

    I beg to differ. Mothers and fathers are obligated to do the best they can to be able to care for their children. Obese parents with limited mobility and potential health risks who simply eat too much are not putting their children's well-being as a priority. Comparing people who are obese because they eat too much to homosexuals and people of other ethnicity is not really right because the later two are not problems to fix.

    On another note. I live near New Haven, CT. We have some of the best pizza in the world.
    The conversation heading towards the topic of homosexuality and HIV is just absurd. It really has no place here.

    Now on you "another note" statement, I know when you say some of the best pizza in the world you didn't say "the best" because you are close enough to NYC where you have been here and know we have that one in the bag.

    I beg to differ---Italy has the best pizza in the world! :wink:

    Strangely enough genuine italian pizza is pretty boring

    Are you sure??? Ever been here? You do know pizza was born in Naples? Maybe you have strange tastes. :laugh:
    Have you ever been here?

    Oh yes.......I was born "here" and moved to Italy when I was 30. So I've tasted both--what say the others, who've tasted both?
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    There shouldn't be confusion over why so many Americans are overweight when a popular pizza chain advertises on the radio a new "double pepperoni and bacon" pizza. I'm sure most people who eat something like that don't know or care how much fat and calories they are getting. The restaurant would say they are just giving people what they want.

    I didn't think there was any confusion as to why Americans are overweight.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    There shouldn't be confusion over why so many Americans are overweight when a popular pizza chain advertises on the radio a new "double pepperoni and bacon" pizza. I'm sure most people who eat something like that don't know or care how much fat and calories they are getting. The restaurant would say they are just giving people what they want.

    In the UK, there are plenty of programmes and press releases on problems in America. I believe around 10 years ago some Americans tried to sue McDonalds for their obesity. Supposedly, they ate huge meals their every day after McDonalds allegedly gave them the impression that they served healthy food. Confusion ain't the problem. Ignorance and denial is.

    Then there are American TV programmes glorifying the eating challenges at restaurants, whereas at the same time, there are other programmes showing record levels of people wanting gastric bands.

    Confusion is not the problem. Severe ignorance is, especially if schools are providing chocolate milk as a 'healthy source of protein'.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Actually, I tend to agree.

    I've been quite disappointed by the pizza I've found in Italy.
    All too often it's just, say, cheese or tomato. No, that's not cheese AND tomato, but OR!

    As it goes, also a bit disappointed by both the pasta I had when I was last there AND the caeser salad - and one of the big reasons I went that way was to have some nice Italian food!

    HOWEVER, the cheese I got in the Swiss alps was THE. BEST. THING. EVER. - a mature Gruyère or similar (picked at random due to 'communication' issues. Seriously; I was gutted when my £400 motorcycle sat nav was stolen from my van mostly because it had the tracks stored showing where I stopped to get the cheese!

    Also, the very expensive chocolatey *thingy* I got in Martingy (bottom of the St Bernard pass) was exquisite.

    Sorry for your disappointment. If you think Italy has "Ceasar Salad" I can see why you were left wanting--it isn't real Itallian. Any place that has it caters to tourists not Italians. Strange about your pizza, we go to pizzarias all over here and many have 50 varieties of pizza. Next time you plan on coming down to visit ask me and I'll give you some advice. :smile:
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