Physical Attraction



  • Schmiznurf
    Anyone who says that about another person is a person not worth knowing. Ditch him and ignore the negative things people say, they do it because they have no sense of respect for others or themselves.
  • marleyskye05
    "Fix" your weight for yourself and nobody else. He sounds like a douche.

  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Why on earth are you "fixing" yourself to make someone else happy?

    I love it when guys think they are entitled to have an opinion on what a woman does with her looks.

    Is he your keeper? Your father? Your husband? Someone of worldly importance?

    If not, he's nothing and has no say so in your life.
  • ginalovefire
    If he looks down on you, he's not your "friend". Friendship should build us up, not tear us down.

    Your "friend" is, as was mentioned before, a douche.

    Learn your worth, pretty girl!
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    If you look at the research on attraction, people actually prefer no perfumes on potential mates. Their natural scent has pheromones, which either attract or repel a potential mate, depending on whether they are a good genetic match or not. A poor match (less likely to have healthy offspring) will smell bad, or at least not good to you. A good, healthy match will smell awesome.....Perfumes mask all that, which is not good. Don't get me wrong, I wear perfume some days, but I already have my husband, and he knows what I smell like au natural. I LOVE the way he smells when he skips a day of showering and the soap residue wears off. His natural scent drives me crazy in a good way.
  • brando79az
    brando79az Posts: 224 Member
    Here is a perspective from another man. Ditch that fool and find someone who appreciates you for who you are.

    Wear perfume if you like it. Lose weight if you like it. Don't do either of these because a particular person likes it.

    Besides, the next guy may not like a super skinny woman or someone that smells of chemicals.

    I don't like perfumes, for example and prever a more athletic woman with meat on her bones.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I noticed the physical attraction thread on here about would You still be attracted to someone if they changed their weight and it got me thinking about my own situation.

    In my case, a guy friend of mine told me that I was sloppy with my appearance. I asked him what he meant and he said that I wasn't as thin as I should be and that I don't wear perfume (something I have since fixed).

    I'm trying to fix the weight thing as well since I am now feeling self conscious.

    First of all NO ONE has a right to dictate who you are.

    If you are happy with yourself, and you are healthy that is what matters!!!!!

    What someone perceives as physically attractive is subjective, and is different for EVERYONE!! There is no such thing as an ideal beauty.

    I have several friends who do not wear perfume b/c of allergies reasons, and I avoid wearing it if I am around them.

    So why perfume = sloppy is beyond me.

    DO NOT ever let someone make you self conscious over your weight or your appearance. If someone in your life does that then, they ARE THE WEIGHT you need DROP FIRST!!!

    It is their loss..... NOT YOURS!!!!!!!!! You will be better off without their judgments, and they WILL BE less in the world for losing a good person.

    You find what makes YOU happy........everything else falls into place. Your inner happiness is the most important part of you not your outer appearance!

    I hope you begin to see yourself more clearly, and do not let one SHALLOW person cause you ANY unhappiness in your life..........EVER!!
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Perfume? really? Is this something he does to mask his really bad BO?

    As for your weight loss, don't listen to your turd of a "friend." He sounds like an *kitten* hat. I think you should make some new friends. Don't let this clown define you.

    As for me, I use deodorant. So I can smell like the man your man can smell like:

    Have a nice day.
  • Catfriend25
    Wow, thank You guys so much for the positive and uplifting comments, makes me feel better to read them.
    Yeah I probably shouldn't try to lose weight for another person but my friend means a lot to me. I can see that it was unkind of him to avoid me due to my looks but he was a good friend to me for a long time.

    It sucks that Your coworkers some of them don't take a bath. Yucky!
  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    Stay away from this guy. Also don't lose weight thinking are going to love you more because you are small. People are people.