Can you LOSE 50+ pounds by July 1st? CHALLENGE!!!



  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Screen Name: Elf618
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 200.0
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 50 pounds should put me right about goal weight...I'll
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: 45 pounds would put me into a healthy weight zone, so I'd be happy with that but 50 would be amazing! That seems like a monumental amount, but I know tons of you here have done it already and that I can too. The timeline may be a bit ambitious, but this will be a great way to see that others are doing it and that I can too. Great job to everyone for making the commitment!
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: Eat in moderation, healthy, and within my calorie limit. Exercise at least 5 times a week--lots of running, walking and swimming
  • I would definitely love to join this group. This is just what I need for that extra nudge of motivation.

    Screen Name: shanellereena
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011):210
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 60 lbs
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I want to get back healthy and not follow my family's footsteps of being overweight into my adult years
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: eating 1200 calories/ day and continuing to exercise daily for 30 min.- an hour.
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    Screen Name: MericoX
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 274
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 70lbs
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: Be able to do what I want with my 4 fur-kids without restrictions
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: Eating below calories, getting in AT LEAST 30 minutes a day
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    I would love to join this challenge!! I have been looking for a group challenge like this!!! Thank you so much for posting it! I need to be accoutable to more than just myself. I am scared to death to start this goal but I know that I have to do it for my health and myself, as well as my family. Looking forward to the challenge!!

    Screen Name: sgtlordswife

    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): :( 313 lbs as of this morning!!! I was floored!

    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): to lose 60+ lbs (250 lbs)

    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I don't only want to, I need to! I have hypothroidism and am having a very hard time with it. I am unable to function, like I used to, because of all the weight that I have put on. I need to lose this weight for myself and my family. I want to be around to watch my little boy grow into a wonderful man and darn it, I want to be around to play with my grandchildren when the time comes.

    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: I live on an Army post in Southern Germany and once the snow abates a bit, i will be walking, A LOT! As a matter a fact I have to walk to my bank tomorrow and that is over a mile up and back. Also, I am working on cutting out most of my carbs and refined sugars. I eat oatmeal almost everyday and plan on eating high protein, low carb foods from now on. No more sodas for me!!!!
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    Ok Stephanie I'm ready! Like I said before thanks for keeping me accountable! Your a great inspiration!

    Screen Name: Christin09
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 205 (I kinda enjoyed my time before starting...)
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 154... (OMG I am scared)
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I want to have a healthy BMI, still will be overweight by 9lbs so I need to get there!
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: 1400 cals a day and exercise 5 times a week :) I may try the abs diet or something but I want to start out the old fashioned way.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    This is going to be a great challenge!! :)
  • stephensgirl
    stephensgirl Posts: 22 Member
    Screen Name: StephensgirL
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 300.0
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): to weigh 250.0
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: To look and feel better... to say I have accomplished something I have needed to do my whole life...
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: the month of January I willl get my eating under the wii fit and walk when I can. In Feb I should be recovered enough from Christmas to go purchase me a gym membership..
    The to drink my water and eat my calories...

    I look forward to you all helping me, and me helping you...
  • Kayla2284
    Kayla2284 Posts: 46 Member
    All right, here we go!

    Screen Name: Kayla2284
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 191
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 140
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: So I can be a healthier me for myself and my family
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: I am going to log my food every day and keep a regular exercising schedule.

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • Screen Name: fluffy21
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 233
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 180(lose53 lbs)
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I want to be a more confident, happier version of myself. I just turned 21 and I want to feel like I look my best when I go out with my friends.
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds? I plan to workout at least five days a weak. I will log my intake, and stick to 1200-1300 cals every day.

    goodluck everyone!!!!!
  • Chirron
    Chirron Posts: 18
    Screen Name: Chirron
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 193.4
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 143.4
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I'm tired of gaining and losing 5-15lbs. I want to get to my ideal weight and maintain.
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: I will have to start slow for exercise because I am pretty weak and I am still being treated for a neck injury but I plan to do as much as I can. I plan to count calories and stay within 1300 calories. I think I have some food allergies/intolerances so I will be going to get tested soon and then I will avoid those foods.
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    Screen Name: knapowell

    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 257

    Goal by July 1st, 2011: 200

    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I don't just want to lose this weight, I HAVE to lose this weight.

    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds? I plan on working out at least 5 days per week. I will be faithful in keeping my food diary (1200-1300 calories per day).
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    I would love to join in! I have a hard time remembering to log in, but, I am going to TRY. I set MFP as my homepage and am ready to get serious!

    Screen Name: dmmarie21
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 226
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): I want to be around 165
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: We have been TTC for a few years with no luck. I've gone to doctor's and the only thing they can come up with is that I need to lose weight in order to get pregnant. So, I HAVE to get motivated to lose this weight, because it isn't going to come off by just sitting around!
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: Currently, I am eating well. I don't feel like I am overeating. I eat whole grains, hardly any fried food, plenty of veggies..etc. But, I just cant manage to lose the weight! I am going to get back into my Zumba dvd routine 3-4 times a week and try to cut down on calories a bit more.
  • kyleefreeman
    kyleefreeman Posts: 70 Member
    Count me in!

    Screen Name:kyleefreeman

    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 217lbs :o(

    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 167

    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I am tired of being tired. I want to be happy again! losing 50lbs is just a fraction of what I NEED to lose but I WILL DO IT. My husband and I would like to start ttc our 2nd child

    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: my eating plan consists of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole wheats/grains, and lean meats. My exercise routine will be started off by Jillian Michael's 30 day shred Mon, Wed, Fri and brisk walking/jogging Tues, Thurs, Sun. I will start p90x when I feel I am ready.
  • lilfarm
    lilfarm Posts: 30 Member
    Screen Name: lilfarm
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 204
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 149
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: to have a baby
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: stay under my calorie limit. slowly cut out my bad habits (this months habit is coffee). Stretch and exercise daily for 30 min on bike. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday do wii program with weights.
  • jmolaw
    jmolaw Posts: 1
    Screen Name: JMOLAW
    Starting Weight 255
    Goal by July 1st, 2011: 200
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I want to look and feel good, for me AND my family.
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: I plan to track my food intake and try to be active at least 3-4 times a week.
  • KLJ456
    KLJ456 Posts: 25 Member
    I am very excited for this!!!! I started my weight loss journey 2 weeks ago and found MFP a few days has already helped a ton and I have lost 4.1 lbs - a good start! Thanks for doing this challenge!

    Screen Name: KLJ456
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 197.5 lbs
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 149
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I want to be a good role model for my kids (especially my daughter) by showing them healthy living. I want to feel good about myself and not hide in pictures. I want to wear the dress I wore on my first date with my husband on our 8th anniversary in July!
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds: I will stay within my 1200 daily calories and complete the C25K. After completing C25K I will work on improving my time (I've done the C25K before but ran VERY slow).
  • eulila
    eulila Posts: 27 Member
    May I join too? I need to lose just over 50 lbs, I think. I'll see when I get there. Thanks for the added motivation.

    Screen Name: eulila

    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 192.4

    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 140

    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: health and vanity

    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: I am removing processed sugar from my diet. I will row 3000m 4-6 times per week, do a barre workout or other strength workout 3X per week, and do 2 or more classical stretch and /or ballet body workouts per week.
  • I for sure want in on this challenge! Will post my updated weight tomorrow (Saturday) which is my normal weigh in day anyway!

    Screen Name: mysticdawnie
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 203 as of 12/31 - Will update on 1/1/11
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 50lbs minimum!
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: Because after years of carrying around all of this extra weight I am finally ready to shed it for good. I want to be more healthy and feel confident and feel good about myself for a change . A new year for a new me!
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: Lots of walks and runs with my two dogs, utilizing my wii fit, ea active 2 , BIggest Loser and Just Dance for the Wii and also counting calories.

    Okay it is now 1/1/2011 and I did my weigh in and my starting weight is 201 :)
  • Please count me in. I need to lose alot more than 50 but this will surely get me in the right habits.
    Starting 260
    Goal 210
    Eating plan and exercise may sound lame but it's a start. Beginning 5 min a day 3 times a week working toward 30 min a day 6 days per week. Eating plan is to keep sodium under 1700 and eat 5 veg fruit per day. By end of challenge I hope im on more structured plan.

    Main reason is to improve health and reduce bp medicine if possible.
  • Hi,
    I am new to this website so I will have questions. Sorry, for my lack of experience.

    Here are my stats for the 50lb challenge

    SW 359 on Jan. 1, 2011
    goal: 50 lbs (or more) gone by July 1
    Why; I want to feel better about myself. I will begin to exercise on a regular basis. I spoke to a personal trainer and will begin training with her Monday Jan. 3.

    How do I check the progress of the group? Also, is there a special way I can save this thread so I do not have to do a search to update my weight loss information?
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