What if I don't really care?



  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Then don't bother......
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I can totally relate... during my weightloss journey I lost 20 kgs, started exercising, and gained a lot of strenght I never had. I can't lift heavy, I can't run lots of miles without stopping... but I've still improved a lot. I can walk, I feel less tired, I can easily find my clothing size in shops, and I am overall not disappointed in how I look. I started losing weight because I couldn't stand it anymore and I didn't like myself. Losing weight improved my health but also had the side effect of improving my confidence. I am not perfect now, I'm not at the ideal weight for my height... but I don't care! I've been in manteinance recently and I'm now back on track to get rid of a few kgs gained during the holidays. It's a life-long process so I know I'll always be changing and improving, but I have reached my own "goals" and even if they're different from other people's goals, I'm happy. I'm quite healthy and still working on it. No need to get thinner just for the sake of it, I love being a chubby girl.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    Then don't bother......

  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    I felt a little deja vu reading your post! For many many many years I was in the healthy BMI range - right at the top, but still in the range - and I was a liitle bit annoyed about my weight, but not enough to motivate me to do anything.

    It was only when I put on another stone and realised that I was technically "overweight" that I suddenly thought: FFS, you need to sort this out now.

    I started MFP and it worked, and it was easy. So when I got back into the "normal" BMI I kept going and now I'm in the middle of that healthy range.

    (before anyone says "Rahh RAHH BMI" - I know it's a tool used for judging the weight of populations etc, but paying attention to it was the thing that woke me up in the first place AND gave me the motivation to keep going).

    Now I'm just so pleased I did it - finally - and wish I'd done it before it got that far (as someone else said).

    I can't remember where I read this, but it rings out in my mind whenever I feel like giving up: "You are never again going to be as fat as you are today". Downwards and onwards!
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    I noticed on your profile that your Mom lost 100 pounds. Don't take this the wrong way, but that is where you will eventually end up if you don't develop a sustainable discipline. Right now, you are only 15 pounds over your ideal weight. As years pass and life happens, the pounds slowly add up and before you know it you're avoiding pictures with the family etc. etc. Read some of the stories on MFP, you don't want all that loose skin and health issues to deal with later.
  • stevefisher4274
    stevefisher4274 Posts: 12 Member
    For one year, I challenge you to get in the best shape of your life. Exercise, get a lower BF%, stop any vices (like binge drinking), and surround yourself with like minded people.

    Dollars to donuts, you will NEVER go back to what you are now. It's THAT good being above average...and being the best you can be.

    Try it, it may change your entire life

    Best Post Ever! Words to live by. Challenge accepted!
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    do you really not care? if so why did you join mfp?

    if it's because of the pressure to loose weight around you then you may be interested in #bebodyconfident http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/asciiqwerty/view/taking-on-the-bebodyconfident-challenge-from-girlguiding-640971
    it's a challenge being run by girlguiding uk to help inform and support teenage girls

    if it's becasue you do care really then you may like these:

    either way i find peace of mind in the following though - it's commonly used by AA and other 12-step programs:
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    For one year, I challenge you to get in the best shape of your life. Exercise, get a lower BF%, stop any vices (like binge drinking), and surround yourself with like minded people.

    Dollars to donuts, you will NEVER go back to what you are now. It's THAT good being above average...and being the best you can be.

    Try it, it may change your entire life

    I agree with this. I've always been mostly normal, sometimes ever so slightly overweight. Last year I buckled down and got really fit and absolutely love it. More strength, energy, stamina, less back problems, better immune system, and especially, less depression.

    There are still days I'm done with work, it's raining and I'm tired and would rather go home and chill out, or days when I'd love to graze on sweets -- but it's about forming habits and doing the right things even if on a particular day you don't "feel" like it. Overall I find being in shape well worth it.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    ...Then one fateful day, not only did I want to lose the weight, I was READY to make changes and put in the work...


    It's one thing to 'use' MFP to lose a few pounds here and there, but until you're ready to make the commitment to CHANGE (your habits, your relationship with food, etc.), your results will be temporary.

    True change is the only thing that will bring true and lasting results.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    For one year, I challenge you to get in the best shape of your life. Exercise, get a lower BF%, stop any vices (like binge drinking), and surround yourself with like minded people.

    Dollars to donuts, you will NEVER go back to what you are now. It's THAT good being above average...and being the best you can be.

    Try it, it may change your entire life

    i like this
    because when i put those old trousers on that i used to love and see them swimming on me now. I say i dont ever want them to fit again. That for me keeps me going. My goal was to get down to a uk size 14 and then stop, but when I passed it I realised that I can do better so still here. Exercising and not eating 4 packets of crisps everyday has now become part of me and I would like to continue. good luck
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    So I'm about 15 lbs overweight.... Here's the thing, I'm starting to wonder, what if, deep down, I don't really care that i'm not my "ideal" weight? ... Or has anyone come to the realization that they're happy just the way they are?

    This was me about 5 years ago - 'only' 15 pounds over a healthy BMI and I had convinced myself I didn't care. I got plenty of exercise and could walk all day, wasn't unhealthy... But sometimes I could tell I secretly did care. For example, I'd vet photos of myself before posting them on FB to make sure they were flattering. And finally decided to lose weight when I noticed this: I would get short of breath walking up a steep hill. But it wasn't being out of breath that made me want to change, it was the fact that if I was with someone having a conversation, I would work really hard to make sure that that person didn't notice I was short of breath, i.e. try to keep talking normally. So I had to admit to myself that I did care - I was trying to persuade everyone including myself that I wasn't unhealthy or unhappy with my weight, but once I admitted to myself that I did care, it was much easier to find the discipline to change it.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Sounds like you love the body your in. Enjoy.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    As long as you have a healthy bmi, I say good for you. It's really Madison Avenue that says you should be a size 2 and look a certain way. All that matters is that you are healthy and happy with yourself. You don't need to live up to anyone's preconceived notion of who you should be on any level. Be your own person and have no regrets.

    For the record: BMI = Worst. Metric. Ever.

    Healthy BMI does not = Healthy... especially in people below 'average' height.

    But that's another thread...
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member

    For the record: BMI = Worst. Metric. Ever.

    Healthy BMI does not = Healthy... especially in people below 'average' height.

    But that's another thread...

    definetly for another thread

    BMI is useful for assessing levels of obesity
    once in "healthy range" BF%, hip-to-waist ratio and fitness goals are a lot more useful

    [but for many people (like me) who start overweight and obese, just getting into the "healthy" range is a big milestone - I know BMI is not a "good" measure but it was still an achievement, my achievement, now my target has moved to macro, BF, and pool speed]
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    15lbs overweight isn't enough to make you unhealthy. If you're truly happy with your body, don't worry about it.

    I don't think a size 2 is healthy or attractive!!

    I'm a size 2, and quite healthy, thank you very much.
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    And finally decided to lose weight when I noticed this: I would get short of breath walking up a steep hill. But it wasn't being out of breath that made me want to change, it was the fact that if I was with someone having a conversation, I would work really hard to make sure that that person didn't notice I was short of breath, i.e. try to keep talking normally.

    Oh my God, I do that!

    Or DID that, I guess. I'm fitter now! :drinker:
  • ginalovefire
    Hey all!
    So I'm about 15 lbs overweight. I've lost a few pounds here and there and then gained them right back. Here's the thing, I'm starting to wonder, what if, deep down, I don't really care that i'm not my "ideal" weight? I mean sure I'm always like "oh I'd love to be a size 2 and look perfect in bikinis, yada yada" and i'll eat well and exercise for a couple days, but then i'm right back to the unhealthy habits. Its like I know what I should be doing but when the junk food is in front of me I just dig in. Does anyone else struggle with this? what have you done to stay motivated? Or has anyone come to the realization that they're happy just the way they are?

    I went through it, and it was 15 lbs...then 15 became 25, which became 50, which became 75. It happened in the blink of an eye. I saw a picture of myself and almost died. The sick thing is the picture was of me shoving a giant hunk of cantaloupe in my mouth.

    Don't get there. Fight and care.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Why are you here, then? :huh:

    She's trying to figure it out. :tongue: Sometimes getting it out and rereading it makes it easier to do that. That's what this forum is for, support.

    Someone can have all the support in the world, but if they "don't really care", then they are wasting their time entirely, because nothing will stick long term if your heart isn't in it.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Hey all!
    So I'm about 15 lbs overweight. I've lost a few pounds here and there and then gained them right back. Here's the thing, I'm starting to wonder, what if, deep down, I don't really care that i'm not my "ideal" weight? I mean sure I'm always like "oh I'd love to be a size 2 and look perfect in bikinis, yada yada" and i'll eat well and exercise for a couple days, but then i'm right back to the unhealthy habits. Its like I know what I should be doing but when the junk food is in front of me I just dig in. Does anyone else struggle with this? what have you done to stay motivated? Or has anyone come to the realization that they're happy just the way they are?
    I don't think a size 2 is healthy or attractive!!

    I'm so unhealthy and unattractive, guys!! HELP! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I'd say that if you really are happy--and you really are just 15 pounds over your ideal--then just be happy. But as others have said, you're here, so there's a part of you that does care. You might not care enough today to work on it. Maybe just make sure you maintain your current point and consider actively losing later.