

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy May Day:flowerforyou: ,


    Milagros00 I am so sorry for your loss. It is difficult to find a way to fill the hole left behind. It sounds like you are determined to find healthy ways to do it in memory of your son. A loving tribute indeed.:flowerforyou:

    Liz love the quote in the lavender with roses frame.

    In April setting a healthy goal a day worked for me. I worked on logging when my weight nudged up a pound to keep me at my goal weight, my posture, and my issues around grief.

    For May I plan to continue set a healthy daily goal that I will do that day.

    Worked seven school days straight. Some were half days. Still that is too many for me especially when we have had non-stop rain and the students did not get out for recess.

    Monday I did get to a chamber concert that was held in a mansion. It was at the Hill House. James J. Hill was the Bill Gates of his day and his house shows it. My DH commented that is the first concert I have been to where I could read the music while they were playing it. We got front row seats. What a delight to be surrounded by luscious music.

    For May Day I am going to our Art Institute. They have something called Art in Bloom. Floral artist are given a work of art in which to design a complimentary floral arrangement. I have gone many years now. I find it very soothing to my soul and nonfattening. It will definitely brighten up this gray weather we are having.

    Today I will enjoy art and flowers, so I wake up to a healthier tomorrow.

    2014 word: contentment
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning.
    Feeling lousy,got the bug the kids had.
    Was suppose to go out to celebrate my b/day today as hubby is off and not off tomorrow on my b/day.
    Looks like I`ll spend my day in the bathroom and bed.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. Today will be a stressful one. I have lots to do to get ready for a weekend show that I do with my other potter friends. It's a lot of work but I have fun spending the weekend with friends. We set up tonight, then the show runs Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I had a lot of angina yesterday, so I'm a little worried about that because carrying tubs of pottery and tables is physically hard work. Packing it all up is no fun either.

    Last night we took our grandson to play soccer. He made it through the whole game without crying, so it was a good day. It's really funny to watch him SKIPPING down the field. I don't watch soccer on tv, but I'm pretty sure they don't skip. He actually kicked the ball a few times, so he was happy.

    Gotta go get busy. Have a fantastic day!

  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    Not enough coffee in the world today! Walked the dogs at least got that over with. Super duper humid. Rain has ended. Off to class for second to last time. This semester will not die. Stick a fork in me, I am DONE!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,784 Member
    morning ladies~
    goals for May~
    get off the crazy wheel and get back on track, off most sugar if I can, more exercise and less self sabatoge...
    off to pick up my aunts and take them over to see there brother my DFIL, we are going to try and face time with there brother down in florida, so should be interesting,,,, then out to lunch then back home
    DH having a lovely time in florida, it is cool and chilly and rainy here in Ct. and my poor baby Homer has a belly ache gave him his pills and hopefully he will sleep it off.
  • mmparsley
    mmparsley Posts: 1
    I wanna join! Encouraged by all of your posts! My BF is doing the Atkins diet. He already lost 7 pounds in 4 days! Yes I am hating on him. For me I have a goal of losing about 50 pounds realistically. But would really like to lose 70 pounds.

    May Goals
    Log in food items daily
    Exercise 2x a week
    Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    Weigh in once a week
    Be happy!
    Love who I am!

    About me...I'm from Ohio. Single mom to 25 year old daughter who is getting married March 2015; 17 year old daughter; and 9 year old son. I love my job. Recently meet up with BF who is the brother of a girlfriend and I've actually known him for over 25 years!! Looking forward to being part of an amazing group of woman!
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Happy May everyone!

    Glad to starting seeing more green and some blossom buds in the yard. Looks like some hedges didn't survive the extreme winter.

    Hard to believe my mom's been gone almost 2 months. The anniversary will be Mother's Day weekend:frown: :brokenheart:

    As far as my April goals, wish I would have written them down. As I recall them, I did pretty well. I've been diligent with my T25 and work outs. I've been very good, but not quite perfect with my food logging. Stayed around and/or under calories most days. Haven't lost any weight. What a shock. Where's the sarcastic smiley?

    I think one of my goals for May is going to be staying less focused on tracking every little bite and counting calories and more focused on WHAT I'm eating....or more so NOT eating. More veggies, less chocolate.

    As hard and as much as I'm working, I need to more MORE. Going to start riding my bike now that the weather is getting better. I can put it on the back of the car and head to the trail after dropping off Aaron at school on weather permitting mornings. That's in ADDITION to my T25, that I will be done with (the alpha and beta 10 weeks) at the end of this month. Also adding more walking and getting back to Zumba.

    I guess for my body to lose a pound I need to burn an excess 500 or so calories per day. :ohwell:

    Just finished my T25 for today and have a Zumba fundraiser tonight.

    Happy Day!
    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Thanks Barbie for the May thread.
    It's been awhile since I checked in. I have been keeping up with all the
    posts though.
    I did well in April, my goals were
    Get rid of 5lbs- 8 lbs gone
    Body Pump 2x's a wk- yes
    Cardio- 3-4 x's a wks- yes
    Log in daily- yes
    8+ glasses daily- yes
    Keep up with thread- I read it but didn't post
    Planks- from 30 sec to 3 min- up to 1min 30 sec

    Goal' s for May
    Get rid of 6 lbs
    CW- 175.5
    GW- 169.5
    Body Pump- 2x's weekly
    Cardio/strength 2x's weekly
    Walk/run- 3-4x's weekly
    Log in daily
    8+ glasses water daily
    Post on thread at least once a week

    Brenda from Md
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather and Joyce: Thanks so much for the “How we Met” stories! Here is mine:

    DH and I met in college during a record-breaking snowfall. He was friends with Mike, who was part of a group that I did things with. Mike brought him to my apartment and I had a friend staying with me for a weekend visit. He paired up with my friend, and Mike and I went off for a walk in the snow. As time went on, DH became a regular visitor to my home, and we became friends. The friendship grew into something more, and we married over a year later. The marriage has lasted 44 years and counting.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Yoga today! I can hardly wait to get all stretched out. The sun is shining through my dirty, dirty windows and something needs to be done about it! I guess I have my work cut out for me.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    Happy May Day! Welcome to the new women joining us. This is a wonderful, uplifting group!
    Update on April goals: Release 5 pounds--didn't happen :ohwell:
    Curves 3x/wk with some other exercise at least 1 other day--Met this one!
    Record foods on MFP--purposely vague goal, did record, but not all, missed out on a couple days.
    Planks and core exercises for at least 10 min daily--not happening
    Spent 5-10 minutes daily enjoying sights and sounds of nature--done!

    May goals:
    Release at least 5 pounds
    Continue exercising at least 4x/wk for 1/2 hr minimum
    Log in and complete MFP food log daily
    Core exercises at least 1x/wk
    Find some fun in each day!

    in Chilly, Windy NW Illinois where spring is coming v e r y slowly!
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 456 Member
    Happy May Everyone,

    Popping in to save my place.

    Thanks Barbie for the new thread. Love the graphic! :heart:

    Goals for May are to stay consistent, I am down 1/2 pound from Aprill, reminding myself that slow wins this race

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Cindy in OK :flowerforyou:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: As always I so appreciate you keeping this thread going:flowerforyou:

    Running way behind with MFP today:sad: ! Was talking to my deck builder at 6am though, and I`ve been running ever since:grumble: . I`ve been falling asleep about as soon as my head hits the pillow at night:yawn: .

    Gotta go, people in the house and the dog is barking and I`m ready to pull my hair out:frown: .

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    Crazy DeeDee:tongue: in very nice NC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,934 Member
    Happy May Day everyone! I am enjoying finding the different flowers that had been planted at my house. Since I moved in November 1, I did not know what I would find. So far, daffodils, hyacynths, blue-grape hyacynths, roses, something tough is coming up along the driveway. Those look like the start of peonis but not sure. Also something that looks like a bleeding heart, but the flowers aren't open yet so have to wait for the sun to come back out. I also see a couple of Azaleas, and mountain laurels.

    My deciding to go to a chiropractor that does accupuncture is the best thing I did in a long time! Helping my back pain and with that my mood tremendously!

    My April goals were not so good my fault, along with the pain I was in really contributed. Here are the results for April and my new my goals:
    My SMART goals for April:
    I will lose 3 pounds by April 30 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year. Start weight 187.7

    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

    Week1: steps average: 6009 (sick this week) -Curves 3 times (sick)- weight up 2 pounds
    Week 2: steps average: 6735 Curves 4 times ( Friday off due to pain and lack of sleep) – weight the same – back problems
    Week 3: steps average: 8,000 – Curves 4 times (back problems, went to doctor) – Weight stayed the same
    Week 4: steps average:7430 – Curves 3 times (back problems – chiropractor) – Weight 189.0
    Monthly recap: Not a good month. In pain and sick this month put a damper on my goals. Averaged 7044 steps for this month.

    My SMART goals for May:
    I will lose 3 pounds by May 31 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week, logging my food consistently, and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year. Start weight 189.0
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Thank you, Barbie for always being there to keep us (the thread) going! You are an awesome lady. :smile:

    Lin, good to see that you keep up with the ladies in this thread; I know I enjoy your friendship and encouragement. :smile:

    Michele, your name exermom says it al! you do :heart: to exercise; too bad some of that hasn't rubbed off on me.

    Thanks, DeeDee! I did sleep well; one of my better nights this week and I feel refreshed or could it be because it's May! Yay!

    I didn't really have any goals set to meet for April and I don't really have any for May. I have started a second job but at least it's working from home and I hope to be busy in both roles. Keeping active helps me in more ways than one. Okay, I just thought of a goal I have been wanting to do and that is get me another pedometer. So here's May goal -

    For May, average 52,500 steps for the week. Since my 2nd job requires me to be at the computer I know I will struggle to get back in the swing of getting 10K steps a day. But I do need to get back in the swing...

    Make it a great start to May!
    Plano, Teral :flowerforyou:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,877 Member
    Happy May Day to all: I see the doctor next week for checkup on the sarcoidosis. Down to 10 mg of prednisone per day now but still dealing with side effects. No weight loss but I was not expecting any, however no gain either and I know some people have huge gains while on prednisone.

    My April goals were to average 8,000 steps per day. I accomplished that the first week but not the last three because of a back problem. That seems to be better now so I will keep this goal for May.

    I wanted to up the repetitions on my weights but instead I joined a strength and balance water class and have been using weights in that. I have upped the repetitions in there. My May goal will be to continue with the class 2X per week.

    My other goal was to ride my horse 3X in April weather permitting. I made it twice before the weather became to cold, wet and windy to ride for the last week and one-half. I am going to repeat this goal too.

    I am not really setting any food goals except to keep drinking water and keep the carb cravings caused by the prednisone under control as much as possible.

    Thank Barbie for keeping us going!:happy:

    Vicki - When do you come to SD? The Black Hills is a beautiful place to ride although I usually do it horseback and not on a motorcycle.:laugh:

    Allison - Cut yourself some slack. You have been under a lot of stress this entire year so far. Stop, breathe and start over. The only failure is giving up.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome to the new folks and welcome to May!! Thanks, Barbie, for getting it started!

    I don't completely remember my April goals. :ohwell: I certainly didn't lose any weight (I'm beginning to think that I have very little control over that right now--my body will shift when it's ready.) but I didn't gain either. I logged every day except when I was at my parents--they don't have internet and I can't gauge my mother's cooking. I did increase my step goal to 11,000 per day and I had just a day or two that I didn't make that. Most days I was over. :bigsmile: I did not get my strength training restarted. It seems that there just aren't enough hours in the day! I also did not get my house on the market.

    For May, I want to keep up with the step increase and, although I won't officially raise it, try to get closer to 12,000 every day. I will get strength training in one way or the other since I have folks coming in at the end of the month to help do a deep clean of the house and I have to have it cleared out before then! I will also try harder to be careful of WHAT I put into my body as much as I am about how many calories it contains. I won't set a weight loss goal because I seem to be stuck at the moment.

    Well, my son is officially an UNC-Charlotte 49er! He sent in his acceptance yesterday. We still don't have financial aid info from them, but we feel certain that it won't be less than he was offered from Western Carolina University. I've spent today faxing forms to various doctors to have them justify his special dietary needs and to help in his request to have a private room. A kid with that many digestive issues can NOT be put somewhere he does not readily have access to a bathroom and his depression and anxiety issues would be much better if he doesn't have to deal with a roommate who is not understanding of his medically required lifestyle. I felt very sad when he called me to tell me that it was done. I was extremely taken aback by the emotion. I can't wait to live by myself so I still don't really understand. I don't feel so sad today. I guess I'm working at trading in the sadness for excitement. :tongue:

    I found out what happened to my breakfast yesterday. The same lady who is teaching piano lessons here decided that my eggs looked and smelled funny so she threw them out. She was mortified to learn that they had just been placed in the fridge earlier on the day she tossed them (I promise that I was VERY nice about it). Now I feel horrible because she just brought me a $20 gift card to the restaurant where I bought them. Yikes!

    I need to take a run up and down the stairs since I've been sitting for a while. Get well wishes to those feeling under the weather, hugs to those struggling, and kudos to those who have achieved successes!

    Carol in NC
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    It's official! I just ordered a new Omron pedometer - it will be here May 7th; let the stepping begin :smile:

    Hello Sue and Carol; good to see so many eager to embrace May :happy:

    Plano, Teral :flowerforyou:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Oh my, gals, I missed checking in yesterday, the day was crazy busy and my company came at 5pm and left about 11pm so by the time I cleaned up it was today (after midnight) So I sat down with my coffee to catch up and what a lot of reading you all have been so busy :smile:

    Cynthia – hope your tummy is better!

    Amanda – have a great time in Germany.

    DeeDee – hang in there! The unexpected repairs never come at the right time. :glasses:

    Katla – interesting thought on “delayed” stress… might be true:ohwell:

    YannieJannie – such a dilemma between labeling and having access to tools to help – it would be nice to see “us” get to a place that labeling is not an issue. :smile:

    Heather – hope you feel better!!! Great story on meeting your hubby…

    Annaluna & Biengardo – welcome

    Sylvia – great jokes, soccer sounds like a kick! :bigsmile:

    Rori – congrats on the size smaller! – I am sorry to hear about your friend. Having a friend pass is so hard but glad to hear he got to do it on his terms.
    Joyce – glad you are not in the storms’ path – Great meeting hubby story – love the “line”
    Barbie – Love the saying….
    Alison – I was seeing a trend in my eating with a bit of self sabotage – did some soul searching and realized what was going on and am working on the underlying issues, that is helping ….
    All in storm paths – sending good thoughts for safety.
    Carol – the new to you place at the beach sounds great – you defiantly should get the balcony!
    Michele – I love the deals at Big Lots too, but you have to go a lot and be ok with not finding anything you want. $3.36 a gallon for gas is a great price!
    Joyce – Love the dandelions! That is so sweet!! What a drag on falling… glad you were not seriously hurt.

    Cynthia – congrats!!!

    Barbie – thanks for taking care of us!

    Liz – Sorry to hear about your MIL.

    Milagros00 – So sorry to hear about your son, my sympathies… There are a number of gals here dealing with grief issues, give yourself permission to grieve at your schedule. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie – have a great time –

    Moondoggz – you make me laugh!:laugh:

    Mmparsley – welcome!

    Brenda – great job on losing 8 lbs! :wink:

    Katla –great meet hubby story

    Last night's dinner was a success but a lot more work than I expected - I had never made a roulade before; and it came out really nice - but I I am not sure if it was worth the amount of work. The one I made was filled with wild mushrooms and spinach, I felt like there was more filling then there should have been... anyone else have experience doing a roulade? I made an asparagus recipe that was super good and easy - any only 69 cal. I'll put it on my blog later today.

    I have a friend that lives near Santa Cruz - a beach city about an 1 hour from me - and I have always gone to her place to visit and usually spend the night it is so nice to be at the beach - but we have been friends for 10+ years and she has never been here, well she is coming next week - and this is where I get all worried - that my place is not that fancy -- it is comfortable but relaxed and I feel like it doesn't measure up...no designer here, and much is homemade and/or older. So next week is Karen (the santa cruz friend) Thursday night, then my Mom on Saturday and Sunday - Mothers Day is Sunday here - so plenty of company meals. I love crepes and having Heather mention them I may do them; I could make a batch up and use them for each set of company.

    It is so warm here; yesterday we ate outside and sat and chatted out there; and I am in shorts --- I noticed something a bit weird; so many of my pants/shorts are getting longer -- at first I was worried that I was shrinking; my mom has been shrinking; but I measured and that is not the issue, I think it is because my lower tummy and bum are not taking up as much space - not one of the things I expected.

    Happy Thursday,
    Kim in N. California