are looks important to you?



  • Zelizzy
    Zelizzy Posts: 3 Member
    I agree that attraction to someone is important, and of course looks are a big part of attraction. With that being said, size and weight don't have to be the determining factor of attraction. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and ultimately comes down to the individuals perception. I've always been a "big girl" and in some aspects, that just won't change. Intelligence and conversations can be way more attractive than how someone looks.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    I guess I'm weird. I'm attracted to good conversation -shrug- LOL

    Me too! It is the most attractive aspect to me. The conversations I have with my husband, I just fall deeper and deeper in love with him (for these past 18 years). He also has a fit body (just athletic), and a sweet face and eyes. And he is so insightful and kind. He's intelligent. And so funny. Good in bed, too. Adventurous.
    Lol oh mama, that was descriptive! Sounds like you two were defo meant for each other!! I'm so happy you found someone that arouses your intellects as well as your loins! (Bahaha, see if you can figure out what movie that's from).


    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Coming to America w Eddie Murphy!!! :drinker:
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    1. Face
    2. Booty
    3. Personality
    4. Boobs
    My personality sucks, but I have awesome boobs!!!! :sad: Your ranking system sucks. :grumble:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    1. Face
    2. Booty
    3. Personality
    4. Boobs

    Ha! I like this rating system.
  • How I feel about the way they look is important to me. How others feel about the way they look is not. If I think they are sexy I don't give a crap what the rest of the world says.
  • rockky83
    rockky83 Posts: 59
    1. Face
    2. Booty
    3. Personality
    4. Boobs

    Ha! I like this rating system.

    ty ty
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Yes, looks are important to me. Here is my favorite look.


    How YOU doin?

    Well if we go by this picture, I'm either doing really well, or things are about to go very badly.
  • shannabanana11
    shannabanana11 Posts: 10 Member
    For me, it's not really that important. Yes, I want to be physically attracted to a guy, but often I get way more attracted to a personality and character than I do anything else. If I thought a guy was plain before I got to know him and then as I got to know him I discovered his personality was just great, then I'll just naturally sort of start to be physically attracted to him as well.

    Pictures of "hot" men with their shirts off and things like that have never really attracted me. I need to know a lot about a person.
  • BillyJan1992
    BillyJan1992 Posts: 171 Member
    it depends sometimes but not really. all that matters to me is that they love me forever no matter what and stick with me through good and rough times together and their personality is what I like about them and that they have time for me
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    No. If i love someone i love them. I could careless what they look like or what gender they are. I love them for who they are and if they love me back. And i know God loves me for who i am also.
  • 43mmmgoody21
    43mmmgoody21 Posts: 146 Member

    Physical attraction is the the thing that draws me in . . . but it's gonna take more then that to keep me interested and wanting to stick around.

  • ashesmf
    ashesmf Posts: 100 Member
    Are looks important to you? I'll be honest they are to me I wouldn't want to be with someone that I was not physically attracted to you and nor would I want to be with someone that was not physically attracted to me. I want to be desired and seen as hot. If I wasn't seen that way it be upsetting and rather hurtful. Personality is important just the same. But I like the combination of the two.

    I don't think you have to worry about someone not being attracted to you. That beard tho...
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Yes looks are important to me to a point

    my own appearance is important to me

    and in order for me to initially be attracted to someone I have to be attracted to their appearance & then their personality has to go along with it
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Of course looks are important. But while looks like be the initial attraction, if there's nothing else, it doesn't really matter.
  • oboeadam
    oboeadam Posts: 124 Member
    Are they important? Yes.
    Are they the most important? No.

    Well said. I agree with this. Of course you need to be physically attracted to someone in order to have a romantic relationship with them, but there are far greater things that can squander this from happening outside of physical characteristics.
  • reneemosley
    reneemosley Posts: 95 Member
    A personality or trait can make someone beautiful or unattractive.

    That being said a hottie is even hotter if he has a great personality and humor.
  • 8lackie
    8lackie Posts: 39 Member
    Looks fade, stupid is forever.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member

    I want the "full package"!!!

    Yup! Never settle for less than you want.

    Haha, many forever single women have this motto.
    Exactly what happened to my mother.
  • Catfriend25
    Catfriend25 Posts: 95
    Looks don't matter to me at all. I was friends with my ex boyfriend and I fell for him because of his personality, but I thought he was ugly. However, after my feelings for him changed from like to love, when I looked at his face, he looked like the most handsome person I had ever seen, despite the fact that I thought he was very homely previously. I did not have feelings for him due to physical lust; rather, I had physical lust for him because of my feelings. At the moment, I'm planning to stay single, but that's my 2 cents.
  • mralmayes
    mralmayes Posts: 325 Member
    Looks or physical attraction are what first leads two people together. But, I think that after you get to know someone, regardless that means so much more.