1200 cals is just fine. 1100 is just fine too. If....



  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    Thanks OP! This calculator is much closer to what I experience. I'm 4'11, 97.5 lbs, and about 24% body fat. I'm also pretty sedentary, unless I actually go to the gym, in which case, it is accounted for that day. I usually net around 1100 (avg) and I've been losing slowIy and steadily. I've lost two pounds in the past two months.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    THANK YOU OP!!!! I am 5 feet tall and YES, I eat between 1000 and 1200 daily and workout. I am NOT starving and my weight loss numbers prove I know what I am doing! I eat when I am hungry NOT when the clock says its time! What I do works for me...it does not work for everybody. Some people are very judgmental if you don't do it their way. Well, I tried their way and I gained! My way works for me. This is an individual process. I have gone from wearing a 20wp to a 4/6p.

    Yup you lost weight......fat and muscle good for you....you punished yourself for being overweight by eating so little food that your body didn't have a choice but to use muscle for fuel...great job... /sarcasm

    You don't gain if you are in a deficet period...if you gained you were eating more than you thought...and the fact you have lost over 100lbs proves to me you could have lost weight eating a whole lot more because the BMR of an obese person is always higher than a slim person because of the weight they have to move around.

    I NEVER PUNISHED MYSELF FOR BEING FAT BY NOT EATING!!! YOU ARE SO JUDGMENTAL!! You do not know me so therefore DO NOT judge me!!! I did this my way and IT WORKS! I eat when I am hungry NOT because a clock says its time for OH, MY I have calories available!!! I do cardio and lifting and these muscles that YOU say I have lost...well they look damn good.....CARRY ON being Judgmental....

    oh I touched a nerve I see...

    not being judgemental just calling it like I see it...

    Your way works yes for weight loss not muscle retention, good nutrition or keeping yourself healthy.

    Hunger is not the best indicator of what the body needs...did you not read the part where if you are at too low calories your body releases hormones to stifle the hunger signals so you aren't always feeling hungry...by it doing that it's telling you "hey woman your damaging me...so I have to adapt".

    You have lost muscle...just because you have gotten to a low weight and you can see muscle doesn't mean you didn't lose a lot...

    How do I know that because when you feed yourself so llittle there isn't enough fuel to adequately feed your body so it wow starts feeding on fat and muscle stores esp if you are at too low of a deficet and not getting in enough protien...

    Those are not judgments those are the facts and if you don't like it...not my problem.

    Oh and stop yelling at me..I am a stranger on the internet and that is rude...would you yell at a complete stranger in a bar because they said something you didn't like??? me thinks not...

    And yes I do say this irl to anyone who tells me they are on a VLCD...
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    MapleFlavouredMaiden Posts: 595 Member
    That's great and all but the problem is that if you ever have a change in activity or if your metabolism goes down with age, you will gain the weight back unless you lower cals even further. No one will argue that you can lose more weight faster eating a lot less but that doesn't mean it's sustainable in the long run or that the weight you lost was even mostly fat. I'd prefer to lose slower, at the highest caloric level that I can and preserve my muscle and make it sustainable while leaving my metabolism in tact.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks OP! This calculator is much closer to what I experience. I'm 4'11, 97.5 lbs, and about 24% body fat. I'm also pretty sedentary, unless I actually go to the gym, in which case, it is accounted for that day. I usually net around 1100 (avg) and I've been losing slowIy and steadily. I've lost two pounds in the past two months.

    Maybe a bit of a detour from the thread...but you sound quite tiny (weight-wise). you are still trying to lose weight? what is your goal? just curious--absolutely no judgment.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member

    In for all the hangry people eating 1200 calories..
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I'm 5'3.5". I tried that 1200 calories, I mean really did. Weighed and measured my food, only ate back half exercise calories. I lost 3 lbs a week (not healthy, not sustainable but I didn't know any better, as I just took the default MFP "lose 2 lbs a week calculator). Thankfully, I only did it for two months and was in the obese range. Otherwise, I would have probably lose significant muscle along with that fat. I wanted to beat people up. I was very hangry. It was NOT sustainable.

    I lost the remainder netting 1650. So, I had days where I was eating 1900 plus. Still lost 1-1.5 lbs a week. I now can maintain my weight of 116 lbs at around 2250 ish just walking, taking care of my kids and weightlifting 3x a week. Just because your short does NOT mean you have to eat like a bird.

    I'm willing to bet all the people thinking they can't lose weight at 1200 or need to are probably not as accurate with their logging as they think they are (or those that know but won't admit).
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    I am curious. For those of you that do or advocate VLCD are you eating or netting 1200?
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    okay well then...at 30lbs a TDEE-20% deficet is too high...sorry...

    1/2lb a week is a good healthy rate of loss for 30lbs...so that is TDEE-10%

    And when I input your starting stats into scooby...144lbs, 61 inches, 37 and sedentary..wow imagine it gave 1333, TDEE-10% was 1499, and I could snip the screen and go to photobucket and post here but eh...I have DC'd it...maybe you should have.

    And if your profile pic is you and your son you are not sedentary...so imagine lightly active goes to 1718.

    Not sure why you felt the need to post this...it is common knowledge that the AMA says that in order to get in all your macro/micros you need at least 1200...and the fact you mention starvation mode...really?

    After a few months no you wouldn't be hungry, when the body isn't getting enough food it creates a hormone to alter your hunger signals to lower so you aren't in constant agongy...see even your body knows something is wrong

    So...1200 is the limit for women regardless of their height...
    When someone new writes a post about "is 1200 o.k." don't just jump in and say "you'll die." Say "what are your stats?" Please. Can we stop the misinformation?
    Weight loss doesn't last forever... unless YOU ARE SHORT AND EATING OVER 1200 CALORIES!

    Ironic statement is ironic

    Oh and stop spreading mis-information....


  • DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh
    DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh Posts: 363 Member
    That's great and all but the problem is that if you ever have a change in activity or if your metabolism goes down with age, you will gain the weight back unless you lower cals even further. No one will argue that you can lose more weight faster eating a lot less but that doesn't mean it's sustainable in the long run or that the weight you lost was even mostly fat. I'd prefer to lose slower, at the highest caloric level that I can and preserve my muscle and make it sustainable while leaving my metabolism in tact.

  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    You do not know me or my body, but my Dr. does and no I am not losing any vitamins or nutrients, in fact I am very healthy (I would love to see your medical degree since you seem to know it all).....I am not starving! I am just stunned that you act like a know it all about me! Carry on with your judgmental self......carry on......
    THANK YOU OP!!!! I am 5 feet tall and YES, I eat between 1000 and 1200 daily and workout. I am NOT starving and my weight loss numbers prove I know what I am doing! I eat when I am hungry NOT when the clock says its time! What I do works for me...it does not work for everybody. Some people are very judgmental if you don't do it their way. Well, I tried their way and I gained! My way works for me. This is an individual process. I have gone from wearing a 20wp to a 4/6p.

    Yup you lost weight......fat and muscle good for you....you punished yourself for being overweight by eating so little food that your body didn't have a choice but to use muscle for fuel...great job... /sarcasm

    You don't gain if you are in a deficet period...if you gained you were eating more than you thought...and the fact you have lost over 100lbs proves to me you could have lost weight eating a whole lot more because the BMR of an obese person is always higher than a slim person because of the weight they have to move around.

    I NEVER PUNISHED MYSELF FOR BEING FAT BY NOT EATING!!! YOU ARE SO JUDGMENTAL!! You do not know me so therefore DO NOT judge me!!! I did this my way and IT WORKS! I eat when I am hungry NOT because a clock says its time for OH, MY I have calories available!!! I do cardio and lifting and these muscles that YOU say I have lost...well they look damn good.....CARRY ON being Judgmental....

    oh I touched a nerve I see...

    not being judgemental just calling it like I see it...

    Your way works yes for weight loss not muscle retention, good nutrition or keeping yourself healthy.

    Hunger is not the best indicator of what the body needs...did you not read the part where if you are at too low calories your body releases hormones to stifle the hunger signals so you aren't always feeling hungry...by it doing that it's telling you "hey woman your damaging me...so I have to adapt".

    You have lost muscle...just because you have gotten to a low weight and you can see muscle doesn't mean you didn't lose a lot...

    How do I know that because when you feed yourself so llittle there isn't enough fuel to adequately feed your body so it wow starts feeding on fat and muscle stores esp if you are at too low of a deficet and not getting in enough protien...

    Those are not judgments those are the facts and if you don't like it...not my problem.

    Oh and stop yelling at me..I am a stranger on the internet and that is rude...would you yell at a complete stranger in a bar because they said something you didn't like??? me thinks not...

    And yes I do say this irl to anyone who tells me they are on a VLCD...
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Under 5'1 here.

    Ate 1200 calories for 8 months. Started off obese. Developed anorexia, heart failure, osteoporosis etc. Weight loss was very efficient @3lb/week average. Nobody on MFP suggested I was under-eating on 1200 cals bc I was short and fat, so clearly I 'needed' it.

    Now eat 2500-3500/day. Can squat twice my bodyweight and have lower body fat %. Have gained 40lb @0.5lb/week average.

    So FWIW, stats don't tell the whole story either. Using your brain and understanding your body's individual needs tends to work out pretty well in the long run.

    Here's a shortie we all can look up to!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I am curious. For those of you that do or advocate VLCD are you eating or netting 1200?
    When I was eating 1000 I was netting 700-800, even less some days so I don't see how they can net 1200 if they work out at all.

    BTW, 1000 calories is a low calorie diet, not a very low calorie diet, they start at less than 700 calories/day.

    After I started doing T-Tapp and was netting in the 600's, I knew I needed to stop, so I told myself, get out of obese range and eat more, and now I am out and I do eat more. Now my net is at least over 1000, but I still think I need to eat more, raising as I go, about 100 calories per week, not doing it all in one shot. With lifting weights now, I really need to eat more.

    My gross is between 1300 - 1500 and some change depending what I do, If I don't work out that day, then I might only eat 1200 or 1300 and some change, just for that day.

    I can't say I advocate the low calorie diet I did, I never thought it was the healthiest thing, but I was really uncomfortable and not feeling well at alll, so I did it to lose weight in a hurry. I am lucky I didn't lose more muscle than I did, but I also did have a history of exercising (all my life) before that, I was not sedentary, at least not the majority of the time.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    You are short. And there are a lot of short gals on MFP, if you hadn't noticed us!

    The most accurate calorie calculator, http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ puts a person of my height 5 foot, 1.5 inches, my age, 37 years, and my weight, told me that if I am sedentary and want to lose at a 20% reduction, I should be eating 1104 cals a day. I did that for 7 months and lost 30 lbs and am in better shape now than I was when I was 17.

    YES, 1104 cals a day! I did not die, no I was not tired, no I did not go into starvation mode, and after a few months getting used to it, no I was not hungry! I have more energy and muscle definition now than I have ever had in my life (as with any calorie goal, I made sure I was eating plenty of protein and veggies, not just chocolate and potato chips!)

    Telling EVERYONE that 1200 is too low becauuse 1200 or below is the EVIL UNSPEAKABLE NUMBER on MFP, you are going to get a lot of short fat people on MFP who give up because they are eating what their taller fellow MFP'ers are eating.

    When someone new writes a post about "is 1200 o.k." don't just jump in and say "you'll die." Say "what are your stats?" Please. Can we stop the misinformation? Why is it so notoriously hard for short people to lose weight? Because they are following diet plans and calorie goals designed for average sized people - i.e. taller/bigger than us shorties. It need not be hard with the right information.

    1200 is a 100% completely arbitrary number. Get the facts and go to the free website for an accurate calorie calculation: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/

    Hungry? That is what exercise is for. If you exercise for an hour a day, you can add a few hundred extra calories and have an extra meal! Also, the weight loss part of your new lifestyle doesn't last forever: when you get to maintenance and/or increase your activity level, you can eat more. Weight loss doesn't last forever... unless YOU ARE SHORT AND EATING OVER 1200 CALORIES!

    hate to break it to you but i eat way more than that and i'm 4' 11-3/4" oh yeah and i'm 42. i went to scooby and reentered my information but put myself at sedentary and said i wanted to loose 25%. it gave me 1325 for my tdee. not sure where you got your information but it's not even close to being accurate. you might want to reenter it.

    side note: i am NOT set at 25% loss i'm set at 20% with light activity.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    You do not know me or my body, but my Dr. does and no I am not losing any vitamins or nutrients, in fact I am very healthy (I would love to see your medical degree since you seem to know it all).....I am not starving! I am just stunned that you act like a know it all about me!

    After losing 100 lbs (oh, and my doctor was happy with me at the time, too) then 4 orthopedic surgeries, 3 metal plates, 2 bone grafts of experience here, URGING you take better care of your health and body.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    Thanks OP! This calculator is much closer to what I experience. I'm 4'11, 97.5 lbs, and about 24% body fat. I'm also pretty sedentary, unless I actually go to the gym, in which case, it is accounted for that day. I usually net around 1100 (avg) and I've been losing slowIy and steadily. I've lost two pounds in the past two months.

    Maybe a bit of a detour from the thread...but you sound quite tiny (weight-wise). you are still trying to lose weight? what is your goal? just curious--absolutely no judgment.

    I'm slowing cutting body fat and waiting for my weight to settle. I'm fine where I am, but I do still have some flab on my thighs that I could do without. Not sure it matters, but I'm 33, so maybe my metabolism is a little slower. That's fine with me though. I eat whenever I'm hungry, but I strive to be a nutritrarian, so I try to get the bulk of my calories from fruit, veggies, and beans. I do regularly go to dinner with my husband and have high days, and wine almost daily.

    I recently had a complete physical and my doctor said I was very healthy. She says that as long as I don't lose weight quickly, then under 1200 calories is fine. Like the OP said, very small short women may need fewer calories. Also, I never really did eat more. I mostly cut back on alcohol and added fats. I have only lost 6 lbs since Jan 1.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    If you are eating under 1200 calories on a regular basis and plan to continue for any length of time, why not see a doctor (or better yet a nutritionist who works with dieters) just to be safe? And make extra sure you are getting all your necessary nutrients every day.

    Why can't people just suggest what I've typed above in threads like these without getting into attack mode? We all know doctor supervised VLCDs save some people's lives, does anyone advocate not doing them ever, even under doctor's supervision? No? Then perhaps this is the only suggestion needed. The snark just makes people less likely to listen to advice.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    thread backfire.
This discussion has been closed.