Pregnancy 2011 - January



  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Baby has been kicking in weird spots since yesteray. I think his head is in my right side rib cage. It is not comfortable. But glad to feel him moving just the same.

    Have any previous moms suffered from post partum depression? I'm curious to hear your thoughts. I did. So many people don't understand it and think it is a made up thing, but it was like someone flipped a switch one night. Just curious on any plans to deal with it again, or if you had it once and didn't have it with your next births?
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hello everyone!!! Hope everyone is doing well. I am getting so excited. I am so anxious to see what my lil one looks like has anyone gotten 4d ultrasounds done i am thinking about doing it so any advice etc would be great.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi everyone..happy new yr!!! Anyone out of breath when they try to work out or go up stairs? Im only 4 months, and it's so hard for me to get up 3 flights of stairs now!!!! I read that it's normal, but what causes it?
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Baby has been kicking in weird spots since yesteray. I think his head is in my right side rib cage. It is not comfortable. But glad to feel him moving just the same.

    Have any previous moms suffered from post partum depression? I'm curious to hear your thoughts. I did. So many people don't understand it and think it is a made up thing, but it was like someone flipped a switch one night. Just curious on any plans to deal with it again, or if you had it once and didn't have it with your next births?

    I think I had a little PPD after my 2nd was born. I was at my parents house for Christmas when she was a week old and my (now ex) husband had left me there and went and did... whatever he used to do when he left me, which was very normal, but I couldn't stop crying. I cried for 2 days straight over that situation. After that I was very BLAH for a couple weeks. I wasn't sure if it was the bad marriage or PPD, but I just started walking with my kids in a stroller and staying active. I think that was enough for me to get through my depression I was experiencing.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Hi everyone..happy new yr!!! Anyone out of breath when they try to work out or go up stairs? Im only 4 months, and it's so hard for me to get up 3 flights of stairs now!!!! I read that it's normal, but what causes it?

    ALWAYS! I have been low on oxygen since about 2 months along. I find that working out, I'm ok, I just have to take it a little easier. But, walking up stairs for some reason, makes me SOOO out of breath. But a while ago I read that the reason is because you need more oxygen during pregnancy, and your body adapts to this with an increase in hormones, which directly affects your lungs and stimulates the respiratory center in your brain. And while the number of breaths you take per minute actually changes very little during pregnancy, the amount of air you take in with each breath increases significantly.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Baby has been kicking in weird spots since yesteray. I think his head is in my right side rib cage. It is not comfortable. But glad to feel him moving just the same.

    Have any previous moms suffered from post partum depression? I'm curious to hear your thoughts. I did. So many people don't understand it and think it is a made up thing, but it was like someone flipped a switch one night. Just curious on any plans to deal with it again, or if you had it once and didn't have it with your next births?

    I have had postpartum depression in the past with my second child. I am worried about it this time around. I am always a little down (which I know is normal due to hormones and all) after the baby is born because I enjoy pregnancy (and this is definitely our last). I even cry every time I have to pass the doctor's office after my little ones are born.

    I was on Lexapro for postpartum depression to help after my second child (not soon enough though). It was almost as if I had become a completely different person and wanted out of my current life. It lasted awhile and I put my family through a lot. Took me some time to admit I needed some help and needed to make some changes. Fortunately I had no true depression after my third was born and never went back on Lexapro. I know there is a major difference between feeling a little blue and post partum depression.

    I am fortunate that my doctor takes it so seriously. He is always asking how I am feeling. He is especially concerned after my births and understandably so. Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor and are you using the same doctor as you did previously? Hopefully all will work out.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Who else plans to stay home full time with their little one?

    I am a SAHM and have been since my first was born 8 years ago. I was able to secure my job for a year though just in case I had needed to go back.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Baby has been kicking in weird spots since yesteray. I think his head is in my right side rib cage. It is not comfortable. But glad to feel him moving just the same.

    Funny, I have a head in the right side of my rib cage too. I am sure I am correct because when the doctor checked my uterus at Labor & Delivery I saw her booty on the screen when she kicked the probe away! Feels like I can't breath most of the time.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I would love love love to be a SAHM & go back to school to get my Master's (the MLIS degree program at the University of SC can be completed online so no problems there). But dh is self-employed so the only way I'll be able to stay home is if his business takes off (which it very well could) & we can get some group/small business owner rates on health insurance. Otherwise, I'll be taking the max amount of maternity leave allowed & then I'll have to go back to work. It's only 12 weeks. :frown: I'm bummed about the thought of having to go back to my job because I don't care for it at all (I work in Human Resources) & I want to go back to school.

    I had my first appointment today, yay! I was surprised to have a vaginal ultrasound instead of an abdominal one, but whatever. We got to see baby wiggling around like a crazy person. :love: It was really wonderful & they gave us several pictures. Heartbeat was 164bpm & we saw arms & legs & fingers & toes. Really neat.
    My 2nd appointment is Thursday! :laugh: Today's appointment was the normal 9 week appt so Thursday's is the normal 12 week.

    I knew I should either be 12+2 or 12+3 today & baby was measuring spot on at 12+2 so my due date is July 16 which happens to be MIL's birthday.

    My OB's office will do private sexing scans as early as 15 weeks so I'm going to make an appointment for one of those ASAP. We just have to know!
  • Hi everyone..happy new yr!!! Anyone out of breath when they try to work out or go up stairs? Im only 4 months, and it's so hard for me to get up 3 flights of stairs now!!!! I read that it's normal, but what causes it?

    I went dancing last night and was out of breath after each dance, not normal for me, but we had a break since November. I have been working out so it isn't me just slacking off. Anyway, it is from increased blood volume and normal.
  • We are back to HSing today! Week, 17 we will be done the end of April for a nice break before baby arrives. I am reworking my work out schedule, trying for early afternoon.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hi to all of the newcomers! Congrats to those who found out they are expecting, and good luck to those who are trying to conceive!

    I've been feeling pretty good lately, still a little queasy here and there, but nothing a few crackers won't take care of. I've been feeling a little pressure, or growth, or something like that in my lower belly lol I don't really know how to explain it. I'm guessing it is from my uterus expanding, the best way to describe it is feeling really full.

    Is it possible for me to be feeling movement yet? I swear I've been feeling the same type of movement for about a week now. It feels like tickling, or real soft gracefull types of movements. Or is it gas? :laugh:

    Thursday couldn't possibly come soon enough!!!!!
  • Hi to all of the newcomers! Congrats to those who found out they are expecting, and good luck to those who are trying to conceive!

    I've been feeling pretty good lately, still a little queasy here and there, but nothing a few crackers won't take care of. I've been feeling a little pressure, or growth, or something like that in my lower belly lol I don't really know how to explain it. I'm guessing it is from my uterus expanding, the best way to describe it is feeling really full.

    Is it possible for me to be feeling movement yet? I swear I've been feeling the same type of movement for about a week now. It feels like tickling, or real soft gracefull types of movements. Or is it gas? :laugh:

    Thursday couldn't possibly come soon enough!!!!!

    A feeling of fullness is what I would describe it as well. You decide if you feel movement, if you do, you do!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I had my first appointment today, yay! I was surprised to have a vaginal ultrasound instead of an abdominal one, but whatever. We got to see baby wiggling around like a crazy person. :love: It was really wonderful & they gave us several pictures. Heartbeat was 164bpm & we saw arms & legs & fingers & toes. Really neat.
    My 2nd appointment is Thursday! :laugh: Today's appointment was the normal 9 week appt so Thursday's is the normal 12 week.

    Aw, that is soooo awesome!! Post some of your pics, I'd love to see them!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Aw, that is soooo awesome!! Post some of your pics, I'd love to see them!

    Our scanner isn't cooperating so I took pictures of them with my phone. :laugh:
  • Awesome littlespy!

    I had transvag instead of trans abdominal us with my son at first, too, and honestly, I think I prefer it that way. Can't stand the pain of them pushing down on me so hard!

    (ps, i worked in human resources too, although i was just the office specialist...i hated it! there were two of us there that were pregnant, and the director of Hr started treating me VERY different because I was still on probation...basically my performance went from being perfect to not passing probation..i was so stressed out and depressed! i called the employee assistance hotline and went to a psychiatrist who advised me just to quit because the stress wasn't worth it. i thought i had my dream job, but it turned out that having to leave was the best thing EVER because I was able to return to school and finish my degree (well, i'll finish soon.) okay, that was long and off topic. sorry! but i love your pics!)
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hi to all of the newcomers! Congrats to those who found out they are expecting, and good luck to those who are trying to conceive!

    I've been feeling pretty good lately, still a little queasy here and there, but nothing a few crackers won't take care of. I've been feeling a little pressure, or growth, or something like that in my lower belly lol I don't really know how to explain it. I'm guessing it is from my uterus expanding, the best way to describe it is feeling really full.

    Is it possible for me to be feeling movement yet? I swear I've been feeling the same type of movement for about a week now. It feels like tickling, or real soft gracefull types of movements. Or is it gas? :laugh:

    Thursday couldn't possibly come soon enough!!!!!

    Definitely not too early to feel movement. I cannot wait to hear about your Thursday appointment! My mom is a twin and one of my aunts on my dad's side has twins (my cousins of course :wink: ) But no twins for us.

    On the topic of exercise, I was able to walk my 6 miles in 100 minutes today and burned 740 calories. I struggled so much the last time that I walked and was a little nervous I would have to slow down a bit. Fortunately today I had no issues.

    Hope everyone's week is off to a great start.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Aw, that is soooo awesome!! Post some of your pics, I'd love to see them!

    Our scanner isn't cooperating so I took pictures of them with my phone. :laugh:

    Sooo cool! Thanks for sharing!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    HAPPY NEW YEAR Ladies!!!
    I'm glad to hear most of you
    enjoyed your holidays.

    Welcome Newcomers!!

    I've been MIA for the past week
    mostly because I didn't want to
    do much during my vacay. I did
    start walking which i hope i can
    keep up. Lately, i've been having
    quick, sharp pains in my lower
    abdomen usually if I move to fast.
    My next appt is tomorrow so I'll ask
    but I'm thinking according to my
    book, Pregnancy Day by Day (which
    i highly recommend) it may be caused
    by round ligament pains. My nausea
    seems to have worsen the last few
    days but i'm trying my best to control it
    with snacks.
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