I went from morbidly obese to 6 pack abs! Ask me Anything



  • icydish
    icydish Posts: 4 Member
    Hey m a girl
    I want to loose 40 lbs... I m beginner with this app. I am 19 yrs old n currently I weigh 170lbs. I can't go to gym
    But usually.for my exercise I either play 1 hour badminton or 1 hour walk
    With 1200 calories a day and this much exercise can I achieve my goal?
    If no then plz suggest something
  • MellMo1971
    MellMo1971 Posts: 22 Member
    I've changed my workout focus recently from weightlifting and cardio, to mostly weightlifting and body weight exercises, but have trouble accurately adding calories expended into MFP for the weightlifting exercises/reps. How did you track this? I was thinking maybe I shouldn't be so concerned about tracking calories expended during workouts, but instead alter the MFP profile to something like moderately active. Right now I'm just kind of doing a guessing game. I seem to be losing inches still, and am satisfied/full with calories consumed, but I'm wanting a more organized, consistent way to track this. Thanks for all the great advice, and all the time you're taking answering our questions. Much appreciated.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Love this thread!
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Thanks for accepting my friend request. I've cruised your diary and got a few ideas - especially salmon patties and babybel cheese. I've been cooking salmon the hard way - cedar plank on the grill. It's tasty that way, but I'm not always up for that sort of cook. Salmon patties will be a great alternative, especially if I can cook them sous vide.

    I started dieting 3 weeks ago. Low carb for about a week and a half, then switched to a balanced diet after consulting with a nutritionist and having a resting metabolic assessment done. The goal is to eat at a 500 calorie deficit (30% carbs, 30% fats, 40% proteins) but am typically at a deficit of 500-900 calories on a given day. Still working on balancing the macros. I'm very overweight (~40% BMI), so my trainer feels I'm better off doing body weight exercises for now. My regiment is squats, bridge on floor, squat with rotation, cobra, two-arm row with squat, plank, lateral lunge to balance, supine lowering, step-up to balance, and side-lying iso abs. Right now, my goal is 3 sets of 15 reps per exercise except the plank and side-lying abs which are 15 seconds each. A couple of these exercises (supine lowering, step-up to balance) I cannot do to completion due to weakness or lack of coordination. Others, like squats and 2 arm rows with squats, I can do with capacity for more reps. When I'm done with 2-3 sets, I'm drenched with sweat so I feel I'm getting a good workout.

    In your opinion, should I press my trainer to add lifting to this regiment?

    I appreciate your sharing your experiences.

    I would say if your BMI is that high, what you are doing is okay to start. I would eventually transition in to more traditional lifting once you build a little bit of conditioning. As far as the diet, the nutritionist only has you at a 500 calorie deficit? That surprises me. I would think they would be comfortable with you losing weight a bit faster since you have so much weight to lose. They are the experts though, my degree is in healthcare but not in nutrition so I defer to them. It might be something I mention to them though.
    Hey m a girl
    I want to loose 40 lbs... I m beginner with this app. I am 19 yrs old n currently I weigh 170lbs. I can't go to gym
    But usually.for my exercise I either play 1 hour badminton or 1 hour walk
    With 1200 calories a day and this much exercise can I achieve my goal?
    If no then plz suggest something
    You can do anything you put your mind too. Your current regime is certainly a good starting place. Whether or not you will have to make alterations, time will tell. I would try and find some way to incorporate some lifting. Does your school have a workout room? If not I would at least do some body weight exercises 3 times a week (squats, pushups, sit ups, planks, etc).
  • Sonicz90x
    Sonicz90x Posts: 40 Member
    You're an awesome member in the LF forum at BB.com. Everyone here could learn a thing or two from you for sure. Cheers brah.
  • bestlife42
    bestlife42 Posts: 36 Member
    Awesome...congrats on your success! I enjoyed reading your responses to the many questions on this thread. I checked out the youtube video on your profile page and the transformation is amazing!

    I will definitely try the healthy brown paper bag popcorn idea. I'm only starting week 2 so I have a long way to go but I motivated and optimistic. Thanks
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Awesome...congrats on your success! I enjoyed reading your responses to the many questions on this thread. I checked out the youtube video on your profile page and the transformation is amazing!

    I will definitely try the healthy brown paper bag popcorn idea. I'm only starting week 2 so I have a long way to go but I motivated and optimistic. Thanks
    Keep that motivation going! I always say getting motivated is easy, keeping your motivation is the trick! Keep your eyes on the prize and you'll be fine!
  • Beautiful_Pain
    Beautiful_Pain Posts: 102 Member
    Your a guy boo!!! lol you look awesome and happy!!! :wink:
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Your a guy boo!!! lol you look awesome and happy!!! :wink:
    Weight loss is very similar for men in women. The mechanics behind it are very similar. I will concede that due to their smaller size and accompanying smaller TDEE women has a rougher time as they have to really reduce calories to see weight loss. I can lose weight eating 2700 calories a day, most women need far less the that to lose weight.
  • jdwhitson73
    jdwhitson73 Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations, that's an amazing transformation. What do you think are the top 5 things that led to your success?
    1. Myfitnesspal of course. It wasn't until I began tracking my intake that my success really started to take off
    2. Understanding that "eating clean" is meaningless and that in order to have true life long success I had to eat foods I enjoyed (ice cream, cookies, etc) on a regular basis but in moderation
    3. Lifting heavy weights
    4. Not listening when people say "you lost enough already" or "you are getting too skinny"
    5. Learning as much about the science behind nutrition and dieting as possible. There is more pseudoscience and myths in this field then any other on earth! So much BS to cut through to find the truth.

    Items 3, 4, and 5 have piqued my interest.

    I am a 40-year old man, 5 foot 9 inches tall, that currently weighs around 240 lbs. My goal weight is to be around 180 lbs, so I have roughly 60 pounds to lose and convert to lean muscle.

    I am currently doing a 4x Cardio (35-50 minutes) and 2x Strength training (with light dumbbells) six days each week.

    I've only actively started doing this for the past couple of weeks, but have not seen any kind of weight loss yet.

    Item 3: "lifting heavy weights" -- more details about this please. I find that my overall strength in my upper body is on the weaker side and need to get the muscles growing without injury.

    Item 4: "Not listening when people say "you lost enough already" or "you are getting too skinny" -- /ignore others, but ignoring your own thoughts are another matter entirely. "I'm not seeing any progress." "what does it matter if no matter what I do, the weight doesn't come off?" The self-talk is harder than what others have to say.

    Item 5: "Learning as much about the science behind nutrition and dieting as possible. There is more pseudoscience and myths in this field then any other on earth! So much BS to cut through to find the truth."

    So... what IS the TRUTH about the science behind nutrition and dieting for weight loss? No BS please. :)

    You are an inspiration.
  • D0II
    D0II Posts: 4
  • nrheasley
    nrheasley Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you for helping us fellow MFP users!

    My current workout routine includes running, the elliptical, interval running, stairs, squats, burpees, and a weight machine circuit. Obviously, I don't do ALL of these everyday--my typical workout is an hour to an hour fifteen, and I do 2 or 3 activities per session. I'm good with cardio, but not so much with strength training. Right now, I'm trying to do 30 mins of cardio and 30 of strength (either the machine circuit or squats/burpees, but I definitely can't do a half hour of squats/burpees yet!) Am I doing enough of both? Can you recommend other strength training activities? Should I switch to something like Insanity?

    Thank you!
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    Wow! Much respect to you for your dedication for a better lifestyle. Congrats!
  • kellymill2
    kellymill2 Posts: 21
    you look amazing. I respect your dedication.
  • spider06c
    spider06c Posts: 67 Member
  • srmchan
    srmchan Posts: 206 Member
    As far as the diet, the nutritionist only has you at a 500 calorie deficit? That surprises me. I would think they would be comfortable with you losing weight a bit faster since you have so much weight to lose. They are the experts though, my degree is in healthcare but not in nutrition so I defer to them. It might be something I mention to them though.

    It surprised me too. I asked if I could eat back exercise calories and he said "not yet", ergo my actual deficit would be greater than 500 per day since I exercise almost daily.

    Thanks again for the great thread.

  • Beautiful_Pain
    Beautiful_Pain Posts: 102 Member
    Your a guy boo!!! lol you look awesome and happy!!! :wink:
    Weight loss is very similar for men in women. The mechanics behind it are very similar. I will concede that due to their smaller size and accompanying smaller TDEE women has a rougher time as they have to really reduce calories to see weight loss. I can lose weight eating 2700 calories a day, most women need far less the that to lose weight.
    Aha yes far less, thats where my "boo" comes in...but i did say you look Great!
  • pJohanna
    pJohanna Posts: 6
    I'm 5'1 163 and began walking two weeks ago. I joined a gym last week. I've been wondering if pre-workout and post-workout supplements are needed?
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